Switch Mode

Chapter 53

Chapter: 53

The monster emerging from the ground was, just like in the game, a Torok Dragon along with other minions it commanded.

At the Soul Academy, this served as a substitute for the tutorial, so I couldn’t fight the Torok Dragon.

It wasn’t a matter of being unable to fight with a level 1 character; the system was set up to make it impossible to intervene from the start.

Instead, I had to learn the mechanics of the game by tackling other miscellaneous monsters.

In the meantime, various key characters from the game banded together and defeated the Torok Dragon.

I had often wished to get a shot at that Torok Dragon while repeating the tutorial, and now here I was, given the chance to do just that.

Also, with specs that far surpassed those of the tutorial.

If I weren’t a character from the game, I would’ve been pure bliss instead.

As I worked my way through the panicking crowd, I spotted a student who had fallen and was helplessly trying to escape from a dirt golem that was attacking him.

He wouldn’t get hurt if left alone.

All the monsters moving right now were under the academy’s control.

But hey, the reason I’m armed here is for my reputation.

It’s better to showcase some good moves here.

If I can’t improve my reputation, I’ll be treated like a cockroach throughout my time at school, and with my glass psyche, I’d probably just die!

I quickened my pace and stood in front of the student, blocking the elemental fist coming his way with a shield made of divine magic.

It was light.

Compared to Karl’s strikes during our sparring, this felt like a kitten’s playful swat.

After deflecting the punch, I brought my mace crashing down on the golem’s head.

Once the golem’s head shattered and it lost its power source, I turned my gaze toward the student.

“Run away!”

“Pathetic. If you can’t run on your own two legs, then crawl away!”

He hurriedly stood up, mumbled a hasty thanks, and dashed off with the other students.

Seriously? Not even a simple thank you for saving him?

Was my tone really that harsh?

Still, if he isn’t that shameless, he should at least express some gratitude later, right?

Thinking that, I charged back toward the Torok Dragon.

There were already a few students around the monster.

These brave souls were buying time for the others to escape, but sadly, their skills weren’t keeping pace with their courage.

Even though this Torok Dragon isn’t a full adult, it’s still a dragon.

Its base stats far exceeds that of typical monsters.

These freshly minted academy students really couldn’t handle it.

If the Torok Dragon had given its all from the start, those kids would have been wiped out ages ago.

I braced myself and stood in front of one student who was ready to get crushed by the dragon’s raised foreleg.

As the monster brought its foot down, I cast a solid defense.

Go ahead and try to break through.

I answered by moving my shield into position.

BAM! The moment the Torok Dragon’s foreleg collided with the shield, I felt a slight push back.

Well, this has some kick to it.

It felt on par with Possell’s casual jabs.

But let’s be real here.

How many times do you think I’ve sparred with Possell by now?

Do you know how many times I’ve rolled on the ground dealing with that guy who doesn’t do mercy either?!

This is nothing.

[Girl. Don’t even think about attacking. The Torok is…]

“Seriously, Grandpa. Do you think I don’t know that?”

Do you really think I’m so clueless not to understand this creature’s traits?

Talk about underestimating me!

I pushed back its foreleg and steadied myself again.

The Torok was famous for its high defense among various dragon breeds.

If I were to focus on attacking, I could deal some damage, but then I’d be neglecting my defense.

If I were the only fighter here, I would’ve swung my mace knowing the risks, but there are plenty of damage-dealers around, so no need for that!

Just as the dragon was about to lift its foreleg again, a fireball struck its head.

Whoa. That seemed even stronger than the last time I saw it!

“Lady Alrn, hold on!”

Has Joy really improved since the entrance exam?

The Torok, now singed from the fireball, redirected its ire at Joy, giving a chance for the newcomer who had just sprinted in from afar to go for the dragon’s tail.

The next Swordmaster, Frey, swung his sword and managed to slice into the dragon’s scales, but he couldn’t slice through completely.

Roaring in pain, the Torok began swishing its tail, forcing Frey to retreat with a click of his tongue.

“It’s tougher than it looks.”

The excited Torok started swinging wildly.

Uh-oh. This could be problematic.

What’s it planning? It’s got enemies right in front of it—why the distraction?

Guess I have to step in, since it looks like that kid has the attention span of a goldfish.

I’ll help it focus on the real opponent.

“Hey, little lizard!♡”

The moment I shouted, the Torok turned its gaze towards me.

“Living underground must’ve rotted your brain like a bug, huh?♡ I know you’re dumb, but get a clue, will you?♡ How dare you take your eyes off me! That’s just rude!♡”

Look at me, you pathetic lizard.

Looks like my taunting worked.

With a sense of pride swelling in me, the Torok let out a roar and whipped its tail in my direction.

Even as the massive mass descended like a whip, I held my ground.

I was confident I wouldn’t buckle under that pressure.

‘The servant of God shall never falter in the face of evil!’

Holy steadfastness.

A buff spell that increases physical ability when in defense; a knight’s exclusive technique.

As the prayer ended and the blessing enveloped me, the dragon’s tail came crashing down.


As soon as the tail connected with my shield, I couldn’t help but grit my teeth.

It’s one thing to be angry, but isn’t this just overkill?

If I were normal, I’d probably become a pancake in the 3D world, turning into a 2D flat character!

As I pushed back against the weight pressing on me, I suddenly felt a surge of power.

It was different from the buff effects of the Mesugaki skill.

Currently, there’s only one person among the students of Soul Academy capable of bestowing a real buff like this.

Perfect timing. Saintess.

With the strength gained from the blessing, I pushed back the Torok’s tail, causing it to stagger.

“Are you okay, Lady Alrn?”

As Pebbi came near, I declined the healing she tried to cast.

‘I’m good. Please focus on others instead.’

“Hey, useless Saintess, how about you recover your own eyesight first? I don’t need help, so why don’t you go tend to someone else?”

I could see her smile turn just a little stiff.

Looks like even the saintess can’t do much against the Mesugaki taunt?!

“Lady Alrn…”


“Saintess, please focus on your buffs from the back!”

“Useless saintess, just stick to assisting from behind!”

If we kept talking, I was bound to witness the saintess crumble with laughter, so I rushed toward the Torok.

Am I really about to be the first person to make Pebbi dislike me!?


Joy sighed in relief and marveled as she watched Lucy push back the Torok’s tail and topple it.

How could such strength come from that small frame?

Even though she received Pebbi’s blessing, that blessing was merely amplifying her original strength.

If her innate strength wasn’t incredible, there’s no way she could achieve such results.

Recalling how Lucy managed to fight with all her might in that hellish dungeon, Joy wondered how she had grown so powerful.

Just a year ago, she could barely climb stairs.

Is this the noble daughter of the Alrn family, which has produced countless heroes?

As soon as the Torok lost its balance and fell over, the heir of the Burrow family, Yul, charged at the Torok.

Wielding a spear, he stuck to the dragon’s head, showing his determination to make a name for himself.

Regardless of Yul’s intentions, his charge was more of a hinderance to Joy.

She had to hurriedly pull back her magic so that Yul wouldn’t get caught up in it.

Usually, she wouldn’t have to worry about such things while fighting alongside Lady Alrn.

While Joy was thinking about that and redesigning her magic, Arthur Soladin, the third prince of the kingdom, made his leisurely appearance beside her.

“Your magic skills have improved a lot, Joy.”

“Prince, is now really the time for a casual appraisal?”

As Joy chastised him, Arthur chuckled.

They had known each other since childhood.

Arthur knew that Joy’s “serious” demeanor was merely her way of venting.

“Rather, I’d like to ask you, Joy. Is there a reason to be this rushed?”

“The Torok and its minions are attacking the students!”

“Joy. That’s why they call you an ‘airheaded noble.’”

At Arthur’s joke, Joy narrowed her eyes.

“What did you say?”

The look on her face was full of vengeance, but Arthur wasn’t fazed in the slightest.

“Just take a look around, Airheaded Young Lady. Despite the sudden incident, there aren’t any injuries.”

“Why is even the prince calling me an airheaded young lady… huh?”

When Joy finally noticed that no one was groaning in pain from injuries, she realized something strange.

This was definitely odd.

Even though the academy’s new students were decent, they were up against a Torok.

There should have been plenty of injuries, and the place should have turned into chaos, but everything felt too calm.

“Not only that, but look around. The Torok’s minions are just standing there, watching the fight.”

Indeed, when they first appeared, the minions seemed ready to attack the students, but now they were just idly watching the battle unfold.

Why are they just watching their boss fight?

“Besides, none of the professors are jumping into the fray.”

Joy, now aware of the situation, cast her eyes toward the professors.

In the case of an emergency during the academy entrance ceremony, the professors should have been the first ones to step in.

Yet they were merely maintaining order while helping the escaping students.

Even though they stood close enough to intervene, none of them chose to enter the fight.


“The answer is pretty obvious, even for you, Airheaded Young Lady.”

As Arthur said, taking a moment to think about it revealed the insight clearly.

“This ambush is orchestrated by the academy.”

“What could be the academy’s intention?”

“To test the abilities of the new students.”

“Exactly. Joy, you’re incredible when you’re calm.”

“…Does that mean I sound weird when I’m not calm?”

“Correct. That’s when you truly are the airheaded noble.”

With Joy openly offended, Arthur couldn’t help but laugh.

The more irritated she got, the more pleased Arthur appeared, but he showed no sign of concern.

After all, this timid noble wouldn’t do anything rash.

Arthur brushed past the sulking Joy and observed Lucy, who was handling the Torok’s attacks.

Is it the noble blood of the Alrn family? She truly displayed exceptional skill.

There’s no need to mention her fluid movements; her judgment was also impressively sharp.

It was impossible to criticize her; the young lady was essentially flawless.

“True. With such skill, it’s no wonder she took first place in the entrance exam.”


At Arthur’s murmured comment, Joy reacted in disbelief typical of a noble.

“Prince, did you just say that?”

With a quivering voice, Joy looked at him with wide eyes as if wanting confirmation.

Arthur nodded, “It’s true that Lady Alrn took first place in the entrance exam.”

“Impossible! That’s a lie! It has to be a lie, right? Prince, please tell me it’s all just a lie.”

“I wish it were a lie.”

Had it been, there wouldn’t have been such an embarrassing situation.

As Arthur replied firmly, Joy stared blankly at his face.

Seeing her expression, Arthur couldn’t help but chuckle.

He didn’t know much about Lady Alrn yet, but he could definitely tell she has a skill for nicknaming.

“Airheaded Young Lady. It fits her too well, doesn’t it?”

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not work with dark mode