Switch Mode

Chapter 524

Chapter: 524

The First Queen, as I know her, always starts her thoughts with the interests of the kingdom.

To put it another way, she can’t stand anything that would harm the kingdom’s benefits.

Of course, she’s aware of the greater good, so if a loss is unavoidable, she’ll bear that burden. But before she reaches that point, she’ll deploy everything to minimize the damage.

Knowing this, I decided to organize my thoughts on the Fairy Forest one more time before meeting the First Queen.

While the memories of the enemy lingering beyond the monitor are fuzzy, it’s a bit sketchy.

The Fairy Forest was a place that only existed as background in the game.

There were various settings scattered throughout the game, but none of them had any real impact, so over time, it was naturally forgotten.

The only reason I remember anything at all is that there was a time when I was buzzing with excitement, hoping for a DLC.

If I hadn’t made a fuss on the forums back then, I wouldn’t have any hazy memories to rely on.

Going to meet the First Queen in this state might lead to me getting shredded despite having a valid reason.

So, let’s reorganize the information.

Combining the materials available in the academy with the memories in my head, and finally seeking advice from my grandfather to prepare for negotiation.

With this in mind, I told the fallen perverted Apostle to contact me once he got up and then returned to the academy.

But to think I would have a chance to talk with someone who had actually gone to investigate the Fairy Forest.

I really didn’t expect this.

It’s one thing to check the contents of the books in the game, but checking the author is almost unheard of.

Especially if it’s a setting unrelated to the main story.

“I can’t believe I’m alive and actually getting to talk with Lord Alrn!”

Following Joy’s guidance, the professor rushed over the moment he spotted Benedict, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

He admired him for ages, felt chills watching him slay a dragon, and wanted to write a book starring him if allowed.

In front of this professor displaying admiration in every way possible, Benedict remained remarkably calm.

“Oh, that’s all in the past. I’m just an ordinary guy now.”

“No way! There are so many people who still consider you the strongest on the continent!”

“Maybe back in my prime, but now it’s tough to say. There are many formidable folks around.”

Benedict handled the professor’s admiration with a smile, exuding a sense of experience. He must have been through this kind of thing more than a couple of times.

“Let’s head inside! Oh. I feel like I should offer you something.”

“Shall I prepare some snacks, Professor?”

“Of course! No, I’ll go myself! I’ve got some reserved for a rainy day…”

Watching the excited professor made me think that bringing Benedict was a good move. In that state, he’d probably spill everything.

To be honest, I didn’t bring him out of my own desire, but because he had those puppy eyes, so I had no choice but to bring him along.

Regardless, the outcome is great, so I’ll take it.

“Ahem. Ahem.”

Once the professor left with the research team, Benedict cleared his throat and straightened his shoulders. He didn’t say anything, but it was clear he wanted to communicate something.

Like how he was this great person. Probably asking for praise.

“When you weren’t a pathetic adult, you must’ve been amazing, huh? Silly, silly papa?”

“It’s nothing special. Just remnants of my youthful exuberance.”

Benedict tried hard to feign humility, but he couldn’t hide that melting smile. Such a genuinely honest person.

Not long after, the professor returned, presenting us with an array of expensive snacks and tea.

When Benedict tried it and exclaimed how delicious it was, a genuinely honest smile escaped the professor, much like Benedict’s.

“Now that I think about it, I didn’t ask the most important thing. What brings you here?”

“My daughter has something she’d like to ask you.”

“Your daughter?”

The moment the professor’s gaze shifted from Benedict to me, his eyes twitched.

Did I do something to him before? I don’t think so?

Why is this guy scared of me? Did he hear some rumors and get spooked?

Whatever it is, it’s not my concern.

“I find it quite unpleasant sharing the same air as a coward like you, so answer my questions promptly. If you start sweating and stuttering, I might stomp on you.”


“Ha ha! Look at you, all tense. Is it really okay for an adult to be this pathetic?”

The professor looking helpless while staring at his thighs looked like a terrific toy. If it’s like this, extracting information should be a breeze.

“I want to ask about the Henhouse Queen’s Forest.”

“Um… I’ve never heard of the Henhouse Queen.”

“I’m talking about the Fairy Forest. Professor.”

As the words “Fairy Forest” came out, the professor finally nodded.

“If we’re talking about the Fairy Forest, I can speak with confidence! What are you curious about?”


“Can I tell you everything I know?”

The professor, excited, jumped up, then sat back down, glancing around nervously.

“Uh-uh! I apologize. I realize that what I can say has its limits.”

“It’s fine. Coward professor. I didn’t expect a pathetic person like you to say much in the first place.”

Honestly, I didn’t think I’d get to hear all about the Fairy Forest’s research.

If that were possible, I wouldn’t have even thought to ask the First Queen about it.

“…B-but! I will answer to the best of my ability!”

Did my tone bother him? The professor trembled but quickly stood up, gathering various documents and popping back up.

“First, about the history of the Fairy Forest!…”

“Oh, that’s okay. It sounds as dull as your pathetic face.”

If we’re talking about the past, I could just ask Grandpa.

“…Then what kind of explanation are you looking for?”

“Isn’t it obvious? If it’s not about the past, it has to be the present.”

The professor looked astonished but mumbled as if he couldn’t comprehend.

“I apologize, but for the sake of my daughter’s whims, could you oblige?”

“If the lady desires it, gladly!”

As soon as Benedict spoke, the professor’s expression transformed into a beaming smile.

“The Fairy Forest is currently declared off-limits by the church. The reason is clear; for about twenty years, the evil god’s energy has been leaking beyond the barrier.”

Taking out a simplified map that Karia had given me, the professor explained that a portion of the Fairy Forest was practically wasteland.

“When this was confirmed, the kingdom reached out to the church, immediately organizing a team to check the barrier. A malfunction could lead to a catastrophic issue.”

The professor, who was along for the survey, checked the barrier with several notable wizards, concluding that it was functioning fine.

“I see? But the barrier is as ancient as the one at our academy, right? How could it be without issues?”

As Joy asked this seemingly suspicious question, the professor nodded, understanding her query.

“Like Lady Partran said, an ordinary barrier would have deteriorated ages ago. But this barrier was crafted by the greatest genius in history, combined with the blessing of a holy knight, said to have reached the divine level.”

The Great Mage Erginius poured everything he had into creating that magic circle, and it hadn’t decayed over the ages.

“So, why is the evil god’s energy leaking?”

Exactly. If the professor is right, the barrier should be impeccable. Erginius wouldn’t allow things to get messy.

“…I’m sorry. I can’t disclose that.”

The professor lowered his head, asking for understanding due to the classified nature of the information.

Seeing this, even after using Mesugaki skills to pry, it’s clear there’s some sort of contract in place.

While the professor avoided mentioning the most crucial point, he was red-faced and eager to share trivial bits of knowledge as proof of his expertise.

Thanks to that, I could reaffirm my memories, but I gained little else beyond that.

Everything else he mentioned was about the negative effects of the evil god’s leaking energy and countermeasures. Just a bunch of useless small talk.

Getting tired of listening, I decided I wasted enough time expecting something useful and slipped out of the professor’s office.

“Thanks to my daughter’s inquiries, this turned out to be very helpful!”

“Ah! It’s an honor to be of assistance!”

Seeing the professor grasping Benedict’s hand while shedding tears, I rolled my eyes, thinking, “What a scene,” and walked down the hallway with Joy, who seemed deep in thought.

“Grandpa, do you have any ideas?”
[About how the evil god’s energy came to leak out?]

[I have a few thoughts in mind, but I’ll explain when I meet Erginius later. It’s too premature to draw conclusions given the lack of info.]

Hmm, ultimately, I guess I’ll have to meet that skull again.

[And Lucy. From now on, just listen to what I say without reacting.]

‘…Huh? What do you mean?’
[There are individuals watching you. Quite capable ones, at that.]

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not work with dark mode