Switch Mode

Chapter 52

Chapter: 52

“Young Lady, you need to do it more slowly and gently.”

‘I’m doing just that!’

“You incompetent maid, I am doing it right now!”

“No, it should be like this.”

‘I don’t know how!’

“Is that the only way you can explain it, you fool? Try to do it properly.”

“Wait a moment. Hmm. So…”

As my personal maid taught me how to tidy my hair while looking in the mirror, my hands still fumbled awkwardly.

It was a real struggle trying to do something I always left to someone else.

Why on earth is it a rule in the academy that we have to be equal and can’t have attendants? Isn’t that a bit ridiculous?

If you think about it, there’s no way that rule holds up in real life!

Once I graduate from the academy, I’ll be back under the class system anyway. Who in their right mind would insist on equality?

If that stupid rule didn’t exist, I wouldn’t even have to bother fixing my own hair.

Damn it.

Even though I mumbled inwardly, that didn’t change reality.

Grumbling as I moved my hands according to the maid’s instructions, I eventually managed to make my hair look somewhat decent.

I thought it looked perfectly fine, but judging by the maid’s not-so-pleased expression, I must’ve missed the mark.

Was there something more I was supposed to do? It looked just like my usual appearance to me.

As I waited for the maid to say something, she slowly nodded her head.

“I think this is enough.”


“How is it? Much better than what the incompetent maid would do, right?”

“Of course, Young Lady.”

The maid had certainly changed a lot over the past few months.

When we first met, she trembled whenever I moved my hands, but now she didn’t flinch at the slightest disturbance.

I wonder what Lucy did to her to get her to break down this much?

“Are you finished, Young Lady?”

After I finished grooming, Karl was waiting for us at the entrance of the lodging.

I told him to stop guarding the door like that; it just looks creepy, but here he was, watching over the lodge entrance.

Does he really think that an ideal knight is someone who stalks their master?

I almost scolded him, but as I realized he would probably just laugh it off no matter what I said, I let out an exasperated sigh.

“Let’s go. Everyone is moving.”

‘Yes, of course.’

“I know, you incompetent knight. Don’t rush me.”

As Karl and I moved, the maid stood still in her place.

Wondering what she was doing, I turned my head to see her holding the edges of her dress and bowing her head.

“Have a good trip, Miss Lucy. I’ll be waiting for your return at the mansion.”

Is this where we say our goodbyes?

I’ll see her again in a few months anyway, so why all the fuss?

I turned completely around and stood in front of the maid.

‘I’ll be back, Erin.’

“I’ll be back, you incompetent Erin. Wait for me.”

“…Yes, Young Lady.”


The entrance of the academy was buzzing with people.

Last time it was just students and attendants, but this time, there were parents too, making it feel packed to the brim.

However, that worry turned out to be unnecessary.

As I walked towards the academy entrance, people automatically moved aside for me.

Seeing them part like I was some giant cockroach, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

That’s right. I had forgotten after being cooped up in the mansion, but this was originally how I was treated, wasn’t it?

Feeling the mix of fear and discomfort in their gazes, a sigh escaped me.

No matter how I think about it, Lucy has made quite a mess!

If she had only acted up in the mansion, things wouldn’t be this bad.

Is it even possible to turn this reputation around?

Maybe it would just be easier to accept it as it is.

[Think positively. At least you can get in easily now, right?]

‘If you were in my shoes, would you really think positively about this situation?’

[Isn’t it better than being mobbed?]

The old man followed up with stories about his days as a hero.

He recounted how people would flock to see him when he and his companions moved, to the point where they could hardly advance due to the crowd.

After an incident because of the rush, he had to keep a low profile.

There must be some struggles to having a good reputation too.

Moderation really is key.

Thinking that way, I walked down the center of the open path.

Yeah, it’s better this way than getting trampled.

As I was about to enter the academy with Karl, the gatekeeper stopped us.

“I’m sorry, Lady Alrn, but you can’t bring your attendant inside.”

‘Karl is…’

“This incompetent one isn’t entering as an attendant.”

“Yes? Then?”

‘He’s here for work at the academy.’

“He’s here for work. What kind of clueless gatekeeper doesn’t know this?”

It was just for show, really.

His being a knight of the Alrn family and getting hired at the Soul Academy had a lot to do with the incident from before.

When the accident happened during the entrance exam, Benedict sent a serious complaint to the academy.

They expressed their apologies and said they would offer compensation, but Benedict outright rejected their proposals.

And then he said, “I don’t need any compensation; just send one of your knights to work at the academy.”

It was a blatant display of distrust, as if to say, “I don’t trust you clowns to keep my daughter safe!”

The academy had nothing to say in response.

The incident during the entrance exam was entirely their fault, and considering Benedict’s position, it was a cheap price to pay.

However, the academy’s rule about attendants meant Karl couldn’t just enter without a fuss.

So the offered solution was employment.

That was the maximum concession the academy could show, and Benedict accepted it without complaints.

And that’s how Karl parachuted in as a professor at the academy.

This was a situation I welcomed from my side, too.

Having an absolute ally within the academy was a major win for me.

Though it was a bit scary to think he might still be standing guard outside my lodging… But surely, he wouldn’t go that far?

When Karl pulled out the letter from his inside pocket and showed it to the gatekeeper, the gatekeeper got flustered and immediately saluted him.

“You’re here in an official capacity! Please come in!”

Thus, stepping into the Soul Academy, I parted ways with Karl and headed towards the venue of the entrance ceremony.

Karl, now the newly appointed professor, had a lot more on his plate than I did as a student.

The path to the entrance ceremony was surprisingly pleasant.

Even when with parents, the crowd parted effortlessly, so what would it be like with just students around?

“Lady Alrn!”

At this rate, making friends seems completely out of the question!

As I was inwardly tearing up, certain that I’d be lone-wolfing it at the academy, someone called my name.


“Dumb Young Lady, it’s been a while.”

It was Joy.

Dressed in the Soul Academy uniform, she looked less intimidating than when she usually wore her black dress.

Of course, that’s only a comparison to before; she still looked like the villainess she was.

Hearing the name “Dumb Young Lady” really hit a nerve.

I felt like I was going to die from the glare in her eyes.

“Can’t you just call me by my name instead of that title?”

“Why should I, Dumb Young Lady?”

“…Hah. Do as you please. It won’t be long until I can.”

Looks like Joy doesn’t know that I almost ended up as the new student representative.

I wonder what her face will look like when my name is up there in first place.

Seeing the comically flustered expressions of Joy in the game was a spectacle; I can’t believe I might witness it in real life?!

That’s something I’m looking forward to.

“Anyway, Lady Alrn.”


“What’s wrong with you?”

“Thanks for the last time. You saved my life. I’ll repay that debt someday.”

As Joy said that and bowed her head slightly, she turned towards her group.

Oh. I didn’t expect to get another thank you in front of everyone.

[Well, at least my efforts weren’t in vain.]


I felt a weird sensation from receiving thanks for something I organized myself.

Still, maybe…

If she’s that grateful, could I become friends with Lucy if I play my cards right?

Maybe my academy life isn’t going to be all gray!

As I thought about that while heading to the entrance ceremony, reality hit hard again.

As soon as the seats around me were assigned, everyone around looked at me like they’d seen a ghost.

They looked more shocked than if they had stumbled upon a corpse three times!

Watching the students cower in fear, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt.

I’m sorry, unfortunate souls.

Contrary to your worries, I’m as harmless as they come, and the chaos you fear won’t happen.

Just think of it as one of those random events in life, and bear with me a little.

After all, if I just keep my mouth shut, I’m just a cute noble lady, right? Just enjoy the view!

As time passed, more and more people gathered at the venue for the entrance ceremony.

Among them were many familiar faces.

The next Sword Master, Frey Kent.

Toby, who entered the academy solely based on his talent despite being a commoner.

Phoebe, with the highest abilities among all the saints in history.

She noticed me from afar and nodded in greeting.

As expected, she’s a saint! Even after being called incompetent, she still greets me first!

If it weren’t for that incompetent god incident messing with my head last time, we would have had a better conversation.

What a shame.

And then there’s the third prince, Arthur Soladin, commonly dubbed the pitiful prince…

Huh? Why is he here?

Shouldn’t he be the representative since I turned down that position?

“Now then, let’s begin the academy entrance ceremony. Students, please…”

As I pondered that, the vice principal Molly stepped onto the podium, and the entrance ceremony began.

The representative chosen for this year’s new students was the inferior noble, Jack Burrow.

I wonder if he’s happy about officially being the representative?

With a triumphant expression, he read aloud his prepared speech.

Even though he had some talent, he was overshadowed by the pitiful prince in brains and by Frey and Toby in raw talent, so he could never be the best.

What on earth is he doing up there? That dude has the fate of never being number one.

How odd. There’s no way he can beat that pitiful prince, right?

In the game, he was always the one getting wiped out and looking pathetic.

That’s probably why they call him the inferior noble!

What in the world’s going on here at this Soul Academy?

Watching him gloat while the rest of the world was on fire made me feel really weird.

Right. He deserves to be happy for once.

Once his speech ended, Judy Albert stepped onto the podium.

Her appearance meant it was showtime.

I clenched the mace I kept shrunk in my pocket.

[Why are you suddenly gripping a weapon?]

‘Because it’s about time for something to happen.’

[What’s going to happen? Do you expect something? ]


As soon as the old man asked, screams erupted from behind us.

The ground was shaking.

Turning my gaze towards that direction, I saw a monster emerging from a hole in the ground.

Here it comes, the cliché of the academy!

Of course, the entrance ceremony cannot end quietly.

I pushed through the crowd, enlarging my mace while conjuring a shield with sacred magic.

Alright, let’s do this!

It’s time to improve my reputation with a classic tank arrival!

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not work with dark mode