Switch Mode

Chapter 515

Chapter: 515

Despite Lucy being fast asleep after taking charge of everything, time at the academy continued to flow normally.

First and foremost, the commotion that had erupted within the academy calmed down at a brisk pace.

The primary reason for this was, of course, the face of the saint from the God Church.

Since before, she had been leading the charge against the Evil God, and now she was regarded as the one who resolved the incident—this was Phoebe.

With her gradually restoring the barrier, most of the issues were resolved, and she declared that together with the Church’s people, all remaining problems would be taken care of. Who would dare to worry?

Those in the academy who witnessed the Sword Saint taking the head off a dragon were convinced by the saint’s declaration and the First Queen’s accompanying promise to support her, deciding to wait for the announcements to come.

Most of the students and faculty who had drifted into a deep sleep within the barrier played a significant role in calming everyone down.

To those who woke up without a clue, today’s incident felt like just a minor fuss that occurred in the middle of the night.

To those who barely opened their eyes amidst their nightmares, it would be difficult to feel the gravity of the fact that they almost met their end.

Thanks to this, the atmosphere among the students returning from multiple examinations and the professors working in the academy was drastically different.

The students mostly remained composed.

The immature ones celebrated, thinking the exams were postponed, or perhaps they might get an unexpected break.

Meanwhile, others fretted over the academy’s falling reputation.

Some filled with anxiety gathered around to peddle shabby jewelry.

Those who valued their grades formed study groups amid the chaos.

Some power-hungry individuals assisted the kingdom’s knights or clergy.

And among them were many who diligently scurried about, hoping to catch the eye of those in power.

The atmosphere among the students was this mellow. Despite feeling uneasy, they harbored a belief that everything would be alright.

However, the professors were different.

They regarded the current situation with utmost seriousness.

“We can’t operate the academy in this state.”

The headmaster, dripping with cold sweat, uttered this, prompting the department heads to nod in agreement.

“From ancient times until now, our academy has been a target of the Evil God’s followers. There’s a reason why our history is labeled as a history of education and struggle.”

The Soul Academy had faced assaults from the Evil God’s followers numerous times before. Time and again, it had managed to fend them off based on the barriers left by Erginius.

“Therefore, we usually continue to fight off any threats, but recent circumstances are concerning.”

First, the frequency of attacks from the Evil God’s followers had changed.

They used to come once or twice a year, but now they were causing incidents every semester.

Did that mean their scale had diminished? Not at all. In fact, the size of those attacking the academy had increased compared to before.

Just today, the followers of the Void had attempted to storm this place with everything they had.

“And what about us? Are we better prepared compared to last year? No. Not at all. If anything, it’s been more of a mess.”

When the headmaster openly pointed out the faction fights occurring within the academy, coughs were heard from everywhere.

Still, the headmaster didn’t hide his sharp tone.

“That no one fell victim in today’s academy incident is nothing short of a miracle. It’s because the God lent the saint’s flesh to protect us that there is no bloodshed! If the saint were absent! If the Sword Saint hadn’t been nearby! Do you think we would still have our heads attached to our necks?!”

Such a strong attitude from the usually weak headmaster was unimaginable, causing the coughs to naturally subside.

Each word he spoke carried weight, making it impossible to argue against him even if it was uncomfortable.

“To the magnificent First Queen of Soladin.”

“Yes. Headmaster, go ahead.”

“As the headmaster who has led the Soul Academy for several years, I would like to advise you. Please stop the faction fights occurring within the academy. I do not know what you hope to achieve, but if Soladin’s future is jeopardized because of it, then it would be meaningless.”

“I understand. I will apologize to both my faction and those who have left their professorships. Of course, I will also consult with the Second Queen.”

“There are several other things to discuss…”

While eavesdropping on the meeting outside the window, Karia silently shook her trembling hands under the desk, stifling a laugh at the headmaster’s desperate voice.

That old man sure knows how to make a scene in his twilight years. He used to say he would live quietly and vanish after all those years I’ve known him as an informant.

Why’d he have to get caught up by our demanding employer of all people?

Our employer is really tough on managing her subordinates.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve swallowed my complaints about her ridiculous requests, which seem impossible to meet.

If she hadn’t babbled about how I’m just an inept old hag, how old age limits my abilities, or how I’m losing my strength and can barely move, then I could’ve just refused!

Damn it!

Feeling a sense of kinship with the pathetic back of the headmaster, Karia moved her feet.

Still, he seems capable enough to handle matters on his end.

Thanks to what our employer just pulled off, the internal pollution of the academy seemed to have nearly cleared up.

No victims were reported, and the barrier was fully restored, so it seems like everything to do within the academy was wrapped up.

Now it was time to handle what lay outside the academy.

…Ay, really. This work just doesn’t end.

At this rate, I’ll drop dead from overwork before I get through our employer’s issues!

Tugging at her hair in frustration, Karia stepped outside the academy, letting out a long sigh as she headed toward the alleyway.

I hope our capable disciple resolved everything without a hitch. If he adds to the to-do list, I’m genuinely afraid my wrinkles will multiply!

“Uh, Master.”

Upon reaching the hideout she had painstakingly decorated since returning, Karia noticed her hesitantly mumbling disciple, Alsetin, and fixed her gaze.

“What kind of trouble did you cause?”


“What went wrong, that you’re so hesitant?! Were you caught interrupting the teleportation spell? Or did issues arise from intentionally delaying something?!”

“No! No! That can’t possibly be true! If there had been issues, I wouldn’t be here in one piece!”


“Yes. Everything Lady Alrn asked has been thoroughly handled.”

Karia gazed into her disciple’s pupils, finding no traces of deception. Alsetin was only stating the truth.

“Then why are you being so cautious?”

If that’s the case, there wouldn’t be a need to look nervous. As she frowned, Karia spotted two elderly men waiting at one side of the hideout and narrowed her brows.

One was the tailor from the academy. She remembered her as someone with quite the colorful past.

The other one was…

“…Blacksmith Inuki?”

“Oh! You know me? It’s been ages since I was buried in obscurity, so I doubt many would remember me!”

“Your masterpieces are so exceptional that many still seek you out. Your past creations are still being sought after.”

Inuki’s crafted weapons, even after all this time, still commanded high prices and didn’t show signs of rust. The sharpness of Inuki’s creations held substantial value.

Given this situation, it’s no surprise that many seeking quality weapons would look for Inuki.

Even in his youth, he forged remarkable weapons, and after decades of honing his skills, one can only imagine what he could produce now.

“Hmm. I guess I have to put extra effort into hiding my identity.”

“Why would someone who doesn’t want to be recognized come to this place?”

“I’m here because someone wanted me to make a weapon. I’ve come to bother this old hag to establish a connection.”

“I got dragged here by this old fart. I have so much to do, it’s infuriating.”

“Who are you talking about? Who walked all the way here with a fierce gaze upon seeing that young face?”

“Oh my, did I do that?”

Seeing the shameless smile of the tailor, Karia pieced together the situation.

So, our disciple got detained by these two during the process of finishing everything up.

The pressure from both storied figures proved too much for the disciple, making him feel like he had dragged an unwanted guest along, hence the caution.

What’s this? It’s no big deal. I thought I had more work on my hands.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Karia told her disciple to go on and handle his tasks before settling across from the two elders.

“Good day to you. I am Narin, who leads various informants.”

Naturally, she adopted one of her many aliases, checking the expressions of the two.

They both seemed extremely frantic. Whatever they were hunting for was evidently important.

Whoever caught their attention must be quite the lucky one.

“May I ask who you are looking for?”

“We’re searching for that man who just left. He should be close to you, Narin.”

“Now I’m even more curious. Who is this fortunate individual you’ve taken an interest in?”

“She is the young lady of the Alrn family.”


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