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Chapter 514

Chapter: 514

Arthur knew that Lucy Alrn was the type of young lady who felt compelled to add a touch of rudeness to any conversation.

She would go out of her way to twist even perfectly ordinary statements into something to irritate the other person.

It didn’t matter if it was a servant, friend, superior, or even a deity. Even Arthur, who had spent a long time with Lucy, could only recall one instance where she spoke normally.

That was the time she was crying and apologizing in front of him.

Perhaps that’s why, seeing Lucy with her hands clasped together in a composed manner, praying to the deity, shocked Arthur to the core.

Her skin was so white it seemed like even darkness couldn’t weigh it down; her appearance was so pristine that one might wonder if such beauty could exist in a human. The fatigue on her body somehow added to her noble appearance. Unlike usual, her voice sank low to the ground.

If anything, the atmosphere had shifted, and in Arthur’s eyes, Lucy appeared heavenly, dignified, pious, and desperate in a way that was beyond compare to her usual self.

It made him realize how much her arrogance had clouded her appearance.

Perhaps the forced humility bestowed upon her was a kind of shackles from the deity, jealous of her looks.

As Arthur involuntarily smiled at the warm divinity radiating from Lucy, one of her twin ponytails snapped, sending her red hair cascading into the air.

At that moment, the divinity flowing from her formed a silhouette, illuminating the dark underground surroundings, leading Arthur to recall tales of mythological armored angels fighting on behalf of the gods.

Ha ha. Never thought I’d say this, but I kind of get why the Apostle of the Art Guild was so eager to praise Lucy.

With Lucy’s beauty overshadowing everything—how could one not be awed from an artistic perspective?

…If I mention this to the Apostle later, will she create a trinket that captures this moment of Lucy?

As Arthur was lost in reverence, Lucy Alrn, shining brightly in the sanctity of the deity, opened her eyes.

Her jewel-like red eyes scanned the world, and upon meeting Arthur’s dazed gaze, she wore her usual smile.

“Could you clear your eyes a bit? It’s pretty creepy when you look at me with those eyes full of lust.”

“W-Who was looking at you with lust?!”

“Who else but you? The incapable prince who stands there drooling without doing his job.”

As Lucy’s gaze dropped slightly, Arthur turned beet red and stumbled backward in a panic.

“Is what Lucy says true, Prince?”

Ignoring Frey’s innocent gaze from the side, Arthur cleared his throat and turned away.

The statue of the founding ancestor, also staring blankly at Lucy, regained its composure and coughed.

“Wait a minute. There’s no need to confirm… The traces of the Evil God have completely vanished.”

“Are you saying that just happened all at once?”

“Kid, didn’t you just hear what happened? What that girl did can’t simply be described as ‘once.’ It’s a miracle!”

Surprised by the word miracle, Arthur turned his gaze to Lucy, who was yawning.

“What’s the imaginary friend of the loner prince saying? Did the wimp get beaten and cry to go home?”

“Well, that’s the gist of it.”

“Really? Then I’ll take a nap, so you handle the rest. The incapable, stupid prince should be able to manage that much on his own.”

“…Napping? What do you mean all of a sudden?”

Before Arthur could fully process his confusion, Lucy’s eyelids drooped, and her body slumped.

Like a marionette with its string cut, as Arthur reached out in a panic, Frey caught Lucy first.

Frey, not notably larger, effortlessly hugged Lucy in her arms.

“I can’t hand Lucy over to a prince full of lust.”

“…Do you even know what lust means?”

“No? I have no clue.”

Arthur let out a sigh at Frey’s shameless reaction, but it didn’t matter; Frey tilted her head, continuing to talk.

“Do you know, Prince?”

“Do I look like a fool?”

“Then explain it to me. What is lust?”


Is Frey really asking because she doesn’t know? Or is she just trying to poke fun at me?

Maybe not? I can’t picture Frey Kent having that kind of intelligence.

No, well, it doesn’t matter. How do I even explain lust anyway?

How can I explain the words Lucy Alrn used to mock me?

“Why can’t you explain?”

“…You know what, I think I don’t even know myself.”

“I see. So, you’re just as clueless as me, huh?”

With Frey flashing a bright smile, Arthur bit his lips. The playful laughter from the statue beside him only added to his frustration.


Soon after, the head of the Magic Department mentioned he would head to speak to Lucy, and not long after, divine light burst forth from the academy’s underground.

The warmth of that divine presence, surpassing even a winter’s campfire, instantly made Joy realize it belonged to Lucy.

Has the young lady solved yet another problem?

This might indeed be part of her grand plan. With a light-hearted smile, Joy reactivated the magic circle the head had just recently drawn.

“Phoebe, let’s go check this out…”

“Uh huh.”


“Uh huh.”

Hearing the sobbing, Joy turned to see Phoebe crouched on the ground, weeping openly.

“Why?! What’s wrong?! Phoebe?! What happened?!”

“Just now… just now, a miracle… sob… the young lady…!”

Phoebe’s words were cut short by her sobbing, but the meaning was clear.

Lucy had just performed something close to a miracle, and Phoebe, feeling that, was shedding tears of joy.

Joy thought it was a bit overdramatic, but knowing how much Phoebe cherished Lucy, she didn’t say anything.

If Phoebe described it as a miracle, then it likely meant the Evil God’s presence wouldn’t be creeping back into the magic circle.

Thinking this, Joy connected the magic circle’s power and immediately saw it shine a pure white light.

Good. The magic circle is functioning normally. Now I just need to verify whether the academy’s barrier is back to normal.

Hoping everything would go smoothly, Joy leaned out the window and confirmed that, from a distance, the barrier was slowly rising. With a sigh of relief, she murmured.

Phew. Thank goodness. If another problem had cropped up this time, I would’ve truly been out of luck.

“Indeed. Just as one who carries the blood of the Partran family.”

At the familiar voice from behind her, Joy flinched and took a deep breath, quickly composing her expression.

“Seeing the magic circle left behind by Lord Erginius interpreted so effectively, I must say.”

Just as Joy expected, standing behind her was the current kingdom’s first queen, Kabati Soladin.

“I merely added a little touch to the miracle accomplished by the saint.”

She had arrived with the head of the Magic Department and glanced between Joy and Phoebe, eventually nodding her head.


“The young lady of the Alrn family? What would you like to know about her?”

“You should know about her.”

The blacksmith Inuki had come upon a clothing store on one side of the academy.

The elderly woman tailoring clothes there made it evident she didn’t want to talk to Inuki by doubling her wrinkles up.

“Do you seriously think I’d back down? Hurry up and answer.”

“Fine. But why are you looking for her? Surely, with your picky temperament, a not-so-mature warrior wouldn’t catch your eye?”

The old woman had known Inuki for a long time. Thus, she was acutely aware of his grumpy nature.

If the warrior hadn’t impressed her, even a king’s visit wouldn’t faze this cranky old hag.

“I thought I might need to consider exceptions.”

“…You have that kind of taste? The young lady is indeed beautiful.”

“What kind of crazy talk is that, you old hag?!”

Seeing Inuki explode, the old woman raised an eyebrow.

Is he really saying this? Has he acknowledged that the young lady possesses some talent?

No matter how great the young lady’s father, Sir Benedict, was, and no matter how proclaimed her talents may be, she still wouldn’t meet the approval of this irritable old woman.

“Anyway, just tell me! Do you know the Alrn young lady or not?!”

“I do. I even tailored a dress for her last time.”

“Ooh! So that means you two have some connection!”

“Yes, indeed.”

Despite the old hag’s crankiness, her hammering skills were unmatched.

Now, stuck in some alleyway, swinging a hammer as she pleased, she used to be quite the remarkable character, filling an entire city with her customers.

If she said she’d create armor for the young lady, there was no reason for me to stop her.

“Alright. Don’t act all high and mighty, and help me out. Our connection isn’t light, after all so you should be able to do at least this much.”

“Very well. But I have one condition.”

“Spill it.”

“When you make the armor, may I join you and create a dress? There’s something I’d love for the young lady to wear.”

“Heh heh heh. That’s nothing. Alright, let’s go. We need to chat about this connection.”

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