Switch Mode

Chapter 511

Chapter: 511

As people began to stir awake, the entire Academy descended into chaos. The head of the Department of Magic urgently dashed towards the location of the magic circle, having seen the collapsed barrier.

According to those who stayed awake until the end, it all started when the Academy’s barrier began to stain black.

This implied that the followers of the Void had seized control of the Academy’s barrier!

The magic circle left behind by the Grand Mage Erginius was known only to a select few within the Academy.

The disclosure of such a location meant that an insider was collaborating with the minions of the Evil God.

Chances were high that they had also figured out the current magic circle’s weaknesses.

It was a problem born from Erginius’ incredible talent.

He had not left behind any proper records on the magic circle, which meant that, even after a long time, nobody could perfectly interpret it.

As a result, the magic circle, left untouched, had slowly aged, creating several vulnerabilities.

If the followers of the Evil God had caught wind of this and exploited it, the magic circle might have been significantly damaged by now.

It might even be in a state of no return!

Rushing to assess the situation, the head of the Department of Magic discovered two female students clutching their heads at the magic circle’s location.

Neither of them was an ordinary student.

One was a young lady of the Partran Duke Family.

A descendant of the Partran bloodline, she boasted remarkable magical talent. If she weren’t the first daughter, the head of the Department of Magic would have certainly gone to great lengths to keep her safe.

The other was a Saintess from the Church of the Lord, one of the most revered individuals on the continent.

Even the head showed her respect, admiring her passion for seeking better ways to wield the sacred magic she mastered.

Standing in front of those two of the best talents that Soul Academy boasted, the head gave a polite greeting.

“Hello, Saintess. Young Lady Partran. This is…”

“Headmaster! You arrived at just the right time! We need your help!”


“We’re currently working on restoring the magic circle, but we’ve run into a few problems.”

“Wait a minute, Young Lady Partran. You’re saying you’re restoring the magic circle? How?”

The magic circle left behind by Grand Mage Erginius was still an object of study for many mages.

While some interpretation had been achieved over time, no one had fully figured it out yet.

Yet, claiming they were not only aware of a part of this magic circle but restoring it was bewildering!

In a state of confusion, the head of the Department of Magic was taken aback upon seeing the magic circle in the center of the room.

That magic circle was distinctly different from the one originally placed there.

Of course, he’d spent years studying that magic circle, how could he not recognize it?

However, the changes in this magic circle were occurring without causing even slight dissonance with its original form.

“How… how could you, a young lady still learning, manage this?”

“I’ll explain later! Right now, focus on this first!”

The problem with the magic circle that Joy mentioned was that it wasn’t activating.

“At first, I thought I made a mistake. However, after checking multiple times, there didn’t seem to be an issue with the magic circle.”

“I also went over it with Joy and couldn’t find a problem. Headmaster, your insight is needed.”

“…One moment.”

The head rubbed his face and turned his attention to the magic circle.

According to the Young Lady Partran, there was no anomaly with the magic circle.

Thinking theoretically, it should’ve activated normally.

So why wasn’t the magic circle working? Why wasn’t this flawless magic circle activating? Where was the issue?

“Power. There’s no power.”


“Yes. The magic circle left by Lord Erginius operated based on the massive magical energy present in the Academy. Because of this, it not only maintained the barrier but also generated several beneficial effects within the Academy. In other words, Lord Erginius’ magic cannot be enacted without that immense magical power.”

The reason why a flawless magic circle wasn’t activating lay right here.

The magic circle was designed based on the assumption that it would be connected to substantial magical energy. Thus, it couldn’t even activate with the power of a few mages.

“So, what can we do?”

“Don’t worry. I can handle this.”

The reason the head of the Department of Magic had remained in Soul Academy until now was precisely to interpret this magic circle.

From the time spent under a professor, being treated like a servant, to this moment, she had gathered insights into the origin of Lord Erginius’ magic circle, and how to connect to that origin.

To be exact, she had come to understand it. After making a massive blunder in the past, she had severed the connection between the magic circle and the energy source, putting herself in a predicament where she could physically lose her life if she couldn’t restore it.

“Please wait a moment.”

As old memories flooded back, the head added another stroke to the magic circle, connecting it to the energy below. Instantly, magical power seeped into the magic circle.

“What on earth…”

However, the color of that power was stained black, unlike the original color of the magic circle. Seeing this chilling black, Phoebe immediately spread her divinity around the magic circle.

“Headmaster! Disconnect it!”

“I’ll cut it off right now!”

As the head erased the stroke, the magic circle lost its color.

“Saintess, this is…”

“It’s the energy of the Evil God. I suspect it’s something that exists opposing the Lord.”

“Why is the energy of the Evil God here?”

“It means the power has been tainted.”


The miracle of purification? As that phrase drifted to my mind, I blinked and crossed my arms, reflecting on old memories.

In the world of the Soul Academy game, the word “miracle” isn’t thrown around lightly.

It’s something far removed from human perception.

It can only be perceived as the intention of an extraordinary being.

It’s an event close to genius that occurs by piercing through an incredibly slim probability.

To explain it in gamer terms, it’s the ultimate technique a character can learn when they reach their limit.

That’s what a miracle is.

For instance, there’s the shield my grandfather uses that I’m trying to emulate.

This shield, which repelled an attack by the Evil God Agra using only human ability, is a miracle passed down among humans. It has a performance so overwhelming that it’s even called a miracle in reality.

The miracle of pushing back the horde of Evil Gods by oneself is just the same.

Even if said to be imperfect, the holy magic that exhibited the power to defeat the resurrected Evil God illustrates how wondrous it must be to be called a miracle.

So, if such miracles existed in the game, there’s no way I wouldn’t know about them.

After all, I’m the one going through information ripped straight from the client. If the miracle of purification existed, how could I not know?

So, this is the first real miracle I’ve encountered since coming to this world. It’s completely a brand new skill!

Excited at the prospect of unknown content, I immediately attempted to analyze what the miracle of purification was using my skills.

[Your proficiency is insufficient to analyze.]

…Insufficient proficiency?

Long time no see.

I haven’t had a case like that in quite a while.

Does it signify that miracles are considered miracles for a reason?

Then that would imply I must use it at least once to accurately grasp what the miracle of purification entails.

Hmm. Let’s put this aside and check the next reward.

After all the trouble I went through, do you really think Armadi would end it with just this?

[You have received a new quest!]


Wait, what?

What’s this?!

This is the end?!

Is it really over like this!?


This is odd!

Sure, it’s not like I gained nothing!

I received advice from the God of Martial Arts, my intelligence went up, and I even got a miracle!

However, compared to usual, isn’t this a bit too stingy? Come on, Pathetic God!

What on earth could be so great about this miracle of purification that it only gives this as a reward and calls it a day?

Is it possible that after fighting that loser Agra, you were so exhausted that you couldn’t give any more rewards?

If that’s true, I’m really going to be pissed off.

I’ll degrade your title to nothing, for sure!

So there. I’m going straight to my room to test it out.

If it turns out to be a dud, I swear you’ll be living a life of disgrace!

Just then, while I was marching towards my room with my mind set on checking out the quest, the head of the Department of Magic suddenly appeared in front of me.

“Lady Alrn. Excuse me for a moment.”

Having seemingly appeared using spatial magic, she cast a glance at Karia disguised as a servant, signaling her to leave.

“Lady, I must take my leave now.”

Karia instantly changed her tone and politely exited.

“What’s the matter? If you’re stealing my precious time, it’d be problematic. Old hag headmaster.”

“The Saintess said you would be able to resolve the issue.”

The headmaster explained that the source of the magic circle’s power had likely become tainted. The moment it connected, the energy of the Evil God was leaking out.

After listening to her explanation, I raised an eyebrow, followed by a smug smile.

Hmm. Still not accepting defeat, are we?

How pathetic.

If pushed back once, you should remain down.

Trying to claim a mental victory will only make you look more disgusting!

Or is it that being shameful and petty fits the Evil God’s character? Guess that makes your concept well established.

Or maybe you find joy in being humiliated?

Well, whatever.

Please, go ahead and torment me as you wish.

After all, I’ve got the purification miracle now.

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not work with dark mode