Switch Mode

Chapter 51

The contributions of the Whale Gang and the merits of the Demon Suppression Bureau have the same effect.

Promotion is one aspect.

To obtain martial arts or weapons, one must use contributions to exchange them, and different grades of martial arts require different levels and quantities of contributions.

For example,

Third-tier contributions can be accumulated to exchange for second-tier contributions.


They must be immediately consumed and cannot be saved to accumulate first-tier contributions!

Lin Yuan thinks this is very reasonable.

Otherwise, certain individuals will definitely “farm” low-level contributions.

Even without tasks, they will artificially create them, thereby breeding a large number of ugly incidents.

When Lin Yuan was working at the Demon Suppression Bureau,

He heard that a long time ago, someone used a large number of low-level merits to exchange for high-level merits, thus obtaining advanced martial arts.

This was originally within the rules.

However, in order to hoard merits, that person, for no reason, created many “haunting incidents”.

At first, it was relatively restrained and went unnoticed, but later became more and more outrageous. In remote towns, every household wore mourning clothes. Finally, it was discovered, causing Thunder’s anger!

As a result, the rules were changed.

And the Whale Gang basically copied the system of the Demon Suppression Bureau and naturally would not leave such a loophole.

It can only be said that.

In the face of any seemingly unreasonable rule, there has been bloody experience!

After chatting for a moment,

Sun Youwei decisively bid farewell.

He came here in person to apologize to Lin Yuan, in case this young genius harbored any discontent towards him.

Now that his goal has been achieved, lingering here will only invite dislike.

It’s better to quit when you’re ahead!

“Boss, about the branch hall…”

After seeing off Sun Youwei, Zhang Baoyi tentatively asked.

“You go handle it.”

Lin Yuan waved his hand indifferently.

What trouble could there be at a small branch hall in Black Mountain City? Tasks involving haunting incidents are rarely seen. Just trivial matters.


Zhang Baoyi responded respectfully and slowly withdrew.

Alone in the courtyard, Lin Yuan sat there, seemingly dozing off with his eyes half-closed, but actually gazing at the information panel in front of him.

【Name】: Lin Yuan

【Age】: Sixteen

【Cultivation】: True Gang Realm Tenfold Sky

【Martial Arts】: Red Line Fist, Capture Hand, Great Sun Demon Suppression Saber Technique, Tiger Demon Body Tempering True Technique, Indestructible Vajra Form

【Titles】: Ghost Scourge, Demon Hunter

【Simulated Material】: Damaged Ancient Flying Sword with spiritual defects, Divine Bodhi Seed with severe divine loss

【Simulated Lifespan】: One hundred sixty-six years

The martial arts, the same as before, are still five disciplines, but there has been a earth-shaking change.

Two True Gang disciplines, one Jade Liquid discipline!

As for the Red Line Fist and Capture Hand, they can be ignored.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan’s eyes lit up.

He noticed that the prefix of the Bodhi Seed had changed from “massive divine loss” to “severe divine loss.”

“It seems that when the divinity is completely lost, the Bodhi Seed will lose its effect.”

Lin Yuan pondered.

Unexpectedly, it seemed reasonable and logical.

With a slight movement of his thoughts, the text on the interface distorted and changed.

【Indestructible Vajra Form (Jade Liquid)】

【Realm: Proficient】

【Special Effect: Vajra Incarnation】

Looking at the simulated lifespan of one hundred sixty-six years, he now felt somewhat like a big shot.

With a wave of his hand.


“Start text simulation, detected simulated material: ancient flying sword with spiritual deficiency, Bodhi seed with severe loss of divinity, do you want to use?”

“Use the Bodhi seed.”

【You have used the “Bodhi seed with severe loss of divinity”, with a certain probability to trigger “adventure event”】

【Three years have passed, and you have made no progress】

【You feel helpless, it is said that jade liquid and true gang have undergone qualitative changes, but even the difficulty of martial arts cultivation has increased significantly】

【In the eighth year, you broke through to the realm of proficiency】

【”Indestructible Vajra Form” that you comprehended through the “Golden Body Technique,” you have a deep understanding of it. If it were a completely unfamiliar jade liquid realm martial art, the difficulty would probably be at a different level】

【In the tenth year, your progress stagnated】

【In the seventeenth year, you still haven’t made any progress, knowing what to practice but not moving forward. You find yourself feeling desperate about your martial arts aptitude, slowly blaming heaven and man, thinking of yourself as a complete waste】


Lin Yuan’s mouth twitched a bit.

Why does the simulated version of himself always start to feel pessimistic?

Where is such a big sense of despair coming from?

On the other hand.

This is a typical case of the mind understanding and following the correct path in cultivation, yet the body is not cooperative, leading to no visible progress no matter how much effort is put in.

It seems that Lin Yuan’s initial judgment of himself in the first simulation of life was correct.

If not cheating, his own limit is the realm of jade liquid.

【You hold the Bodhi seed, gradually regaining a stable state of mind. You realize that it has a calming effect, so you turn it into a pendant and wear it around your neck】

【In the twenty-second year, you break through to the realm of small achievement】

【Five more years pass, you maintain a good mindset, unperturbed by praise or blame, simply practicing the “Indestructible Vajra Form” day by day】

【In the twenty-ninth year, you walk the land, passing through a deep mountain canyon. Suddenly, the Bodhi seed on your body emits a light, and you are intrigued. Following the faint intuition, you delve deep into the valley】

【You unexpectedly come across an abandoned ancient monastery】

‘Another adventure?’

【Excited, you take a step in, but the monastery has been deserted for too long. The statues have crumbled, and after a few rounds, you find no treasures. Feeling tired, you sit down to rest, and only the base of a statue remains intact while you sit down to take a break】

【Suddenly, the Bodhi seed shines brightly】

【Your vision blurs, and you seem to see a ghostly image of the past, with a bustling ancient monastery, thriving incense, a congregation of monks, and devout worshippers bowing down to you, full of reverence】

【The sounds echo in your ears, surrounded by infinite incense】

【In the mysterious sensation, you seem to perceive a faint and elusive power entering your body】

【The scene fades in an instant, like an illusion】

【You sit immobile for a long time, carefully pondering the strange power, realizing that it seems to resonate perfectly with your “golden skin,” and you inexplicably recall Zhang Baoyi’s earlier remark about “Golden Nature is Divinity”】

【Lost: Indestructible Vajra Form (Jade Liquid)】

【Comprehended: Indestructible Vajra Luminous Body (Jade Liquid)】

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not work with dark mode