Switch Mode

Chapter 509

Chapter: 509

As I raised my gaze defiantly, the first queen wiped the smile off her face.

“The Soul Academy is one of the kingdom’s main facilities. It wouldn’t be strange for the palace to handle the reprimand for the disturbance caused there, would it?”

“Oh, Delusional Queen. Just because you believe something’s right in that head of yours doesn’t make it true, you know? If we’re playing the blame game, the Crappy Church should be the first on the list. This pervert is linked to the Evil God, after all.”

When I spoke as if I’d rather pass Luka onto Phoebe than someone like her, the smile vanished from the queen’s face completely.

Yikes. This is really intense. At this rate, she might pull out a sword any moment now!

[Is there a reason you can’t hand over Luka?]

It seemed my unusually firm stance was bothering the old man as he asked me.

‘Yeah. This person is going to use Luka as a tool for their objectives.’

Kavadi Soladin is the type to sacrifice everything for her desires. What that means to her doesn’t matter at all.

Neither her feelings about it nor anyone else’s feelings matter.

What’s important for Kavadi Soladin is whether what’s in front of her can benefit the kingdom.

Understanding her insanity, I couldn’t possibly agree with her intention to punish Luka.

Sure, Luka betrayed her expectations; that’s true. It’s also clear that her anger stems from that betrayal.

But does that mean Luka has outlived his usefulness? I don’t think so.

Many who claim to be his disciples still roam the kingdom.

Those who overcame the trials he set. Those who, unaware of his dark side, see him as a benefactor. Those who’ve built networks under him as their master.

Could those who’ve spent a lifetime showing gratitude to their mentor so easily believe that he’s acted foolishly?

No way. Some might be angry over feeling betrayed, but the majority will think Luka was trapped in a bad situation.

And they’d gladly leverage what they’ve built to clear their master’s name.

Beyond those, Luka has built many under-the-radar connections he can still exploit.

If the information he possesses flows out and merges with the first queen’s power, it would surely create an opportunity to pressure the nobility without breaking a sweat.

But right now, the real problem is Yuden by my side.

This guy, having witnessed the entire incident, is still worried about Luka.

Though he’s putting on a calm front, he’s subtly concerned even now.

If Luka fell into the first queen’s clutches, she would undoubtedly use him to upheave Yuden.

There are countless gains she can reap from having Luka in her possession.

But she wants to punish him? To set an example for others?

Nonsense. She’s not the type for that. I’ve seen her mess around with Luka many times; how can I trust what she says?

‘I’d rather hand him over to the Church of the Gods than you. Not happening.’

[Then tell them to reach out via the Alrn house later.]

Reach out through the Alrn family? What kind of sense does that make?

Though I hardly understood my grandfather’s words, the first queen spoke before I could ask.

“Lady Alrn.”

Ugh. Damn it. I don’t know. If my grandfather is shrewd in politics, then maybe he’s on to something.

“Delusional Queen, I’m sorry but I’m too tired to entertain your nonsense right now. If you’re going to chatter away, please do so through the Alrn house?”

As I followed my grandfather’s advice, the first queen paused, thinking for a moment before flashing a smile.

“Are you thinking of securing Professor Luka’s whereabouts through the Alrn family?”

“Well, maybe? Maybe not?”

I can’t just leave this creepy dude hanging around the family, so it’s highly likely I’ll dump him on the Perverted Apostle, but there’s no need to say that right now.

Now, how will she press me for her desires?

“Hmm. Understood for now.”


“I’ll send a messenger to the Alrn family after things settle down. Then we can talk again then.”

With a polite nod, the queen addressed me, Yuden, and Frete before walking back down to the clock tower.

As the uninvited guest left and silence settled in, I couldn’t hide my confusion.

What? Why did she give up so easily?

The first queen isn’t someone who gives up her will so easily!

As I blinked in unexpected shock, Yuden expressed amazement at the turn of events.

“I had no idea Lady Alrn was this adept. Truly unexpected.”

Huh? What? What did I do? I just followed my grandfather’s directions!

“That ‘unexpected’ phrase is quite offensive, don’t you think? This entire situation is the result of Lady Alrn’s planning, after all.”

…My planning?

What kind of nonsense is this? Frete?

The one thing that went according to my plan today was Luka’s pathetic expression.

Aside from that, everything else was a total mess. How could anyone think it all went according to my grand scheme?

“The Apostle is right. Our lady isn’t unaware; it’s just that she doesn’t want to do certain things!”

Hey, Karl. That’s not a compliment; that sounds more like an insult, doesn’t it?

Knowing something but refusing to act… that’s way worse.

Glaring at Karl, I noticed him tilt his head in confusion.

Does he not even realize what the problem is? Does he genuinely think that was a compliment?

…Ah damn. I’m tired. I feel like my brain is frying after running around all day.

I need to take care of what I have to handle and get some rest.

I can afford to put off the complicated stuff for a little while longer.

“Perverted Apostle, keep hold of this pathetic trash.”


“Hey, you freaky uncle. Stick close. We don’t know what will happen.”

“Even if you didn’t say so, I was planning to do just that.”

After tossing Luka to the side, I stepped onto the stairs of the clock tower.

“Clumsy Fox, did you set up the barrier correctly?”

“Despite how tired I am today, the barrier is just fine. Even after she came, it stayed firmly in place.”

“If you’re lying, I’ll use you as a shabby foot mat.”

“…It’s true! Aside from her, there weren’t any intruders allowed inside!”

Now that I think about it, it’s true. The first queen got in, but no one else could take a spot in the clock tower. Even with such a ruckus going on above.

Is there something I don’t know about regarding the first queen?

Ugh. My head hurts more. What’s the variable with the first queen?


Just as I stepped outside the clock tower, Karia rushed towards me.

“Are you okay? That crazy lady was just here!”

“Delusional Queen? She said to contact through the Alrn family, and she left like that?”

“…I really can’t tell if you’re the lady or if you’re just messing with me on purpose.”

After hearing my words, Karia let out a sigh of relief and bowed deeply. I don’t know what I did, but if Karia is reacting this way, I must have done something right.

Kudos to Grandpa! He’s such a legend, surviving in that murky church and filthy noble society! Amazing!

[…I hope that instead of praising that, you’ll consider what that action implies.]

‘If you’re coming at me like that, don’t expect any gratitude next time.’

[Then I won’t help you either.]

‘Sorry about that.’

Accepting my quiet defeat against my grandfather, I turned my head to blink at Karia, who had transformed into a strangely dressed academy servant.

How was she not in her original form just now but turned into an academy servant in the blink of an eye!?

Is she really Karia?

Did Karia leave and an academy servant arrive?

“Let me explain the situation while I walk. Just listen without interrupting, since you already know your boss’ thoughts.”

Looks like it’s really Karia. Fascinating. It’s like real magic.

“The general situation is quite good. Thanks to the Sword Saint brilliantly taking out the dragon’s head at the last moment, everyone’s attention was focused there.”

After the barrier broke, the moment everyone sprung up, Yuden handled the situation, so most of the credit for resolving this incident goes to her.

“Having the Saintess near the Sword Saint helped too. If it had been just the Sword Saint acting alone, there would have been doubts, but with the Saintess’ assistance, it all made sense.”

Aside from a few who know the truth, no one doubts Phoebe is acting on the will of the God.

As the saintess of the Church of the Gods, who has built numerous accomplishments, she surely measures up to her title.

So if it’s said that Phoebe fought alongside Yuden against the followers of the Void, everyone would be nodding their heads in agreement.

If anyone casts suspicion? You’re a heretic! That’s what happens.

Regardless of what went down, the outcome aligns with what I wanted. Because of this, few would suspect I’m truly one of the God’s apostles.

“Right now, the Saintess is with the Church of the Gods handling the aftermath. Young Lady Partran is checking the safety of other young ladies. The Third Prince went to the Second Prince’s side.”

“And the Foolish Knight?”

“The Third Prince dragged him off against his will. He’s probably just waiting for an opportunity to escape.”

Hearing that friends are all doing their part, I scan my surroundings.

The academy students seem unfazed by nearly dying a moment ago.

Some look dazed, like they just woke from a dream.

Some are casually asking about how the exam will go.

Some hope it’s postponed, and others are buzzing around trying to catch the queen’s favor.

While others lamented about how they wanted to see the Sword Saint.

Clearly, they’re all heeding the goodness of the Saintess!

In their conversations, there’s no sign of fear, horror, or nightmare. Everyone’s carrying on with their usual daily lives.

Hmm. Well, that’s good.

Better than mourning someone’s sacrifice.

Stuck in a nightmare they can’t escape from.

Cowering in a corner, clutching their heads.

Ignorance might just be bliss.

Thinking that way, I nod and stretch, opening the blue portal.

So, what did the great and illustrious Armadi grant me this time?

Now that I’ve taken a big step toward thrashing that pathetic pervert Agra, I believe I’ll be rewarded significantly.

After all, Armadi, the mighty God, is quite generous in these regards, right?

As I prepared to instantly demote that pathetic God of cowardice, I blinked at the message displayed at the forefront.

[Arthur Soladin’s favorability has surpassed 70!]

[Arthur Soladin feels a deep, profound gratitude toward you!]


What did I do?

I haven’t done anything!

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not work with dark mode