Switch Mode

Chapter 506

Chapter: 506

Even after the dragon fell, the followers of the Void struggled, but their resistance was meaningless in front of the Sword Saint.

Yuden smirked as he watched Joy and Phoebe reconstruct Erginius’s magic circle.

“Phoebe, this is right, isn’t it? I didn’t make any mistakes, did I?”

“Do you really need to check with me every time you draw a line?”

“W-Well, but…”

“Why destroy the magic circle completely if you have no faith in yourself?”

“I thought that was the best option back then!”

Joy looked so hapless it could test even the limits of the saintess’s mercy.

However, the way she delicately crafted the magic circle was different.

Despite still being a student, Joy’s control of magical power easily surpassed many active wizards, making Yuden’s heart swell in admiration.

“Could she really be someone of the Partran bloodline? If left alone, she’d probably handle things by herself.”

“Karia, just hand these trash over to either the Church or the Kingdom.”

“Can’t you do it yourself? You’ve earned all the credit here.”

“Haha, what have I really done? I just spent the whole day playing with Young Lady Alrn.”

The events that took place at Soul Academy today happened under the palm of Young Lady Alrn.

The followers of the Void, and everyone else, were merely puppets playing on the stage set by Young Lady Alrn. How could he claim that as his own achievement?

Yuden didn’t need such spoon-fed credit. If she was one to obsess over honor, she wouldn’t be roaming around like this.

“It’s interesting how Young Lady seems to just throw me breadcrumbs. She doesn’t even seem to like me much. So why give me credit?”

“Well, I don’t really know either.”

Hearing Karia’s chuckle, Yuden frowned but then let out a deep sigh.

“I have no idea what she wants, but please tell her that I worked hard as an actor, so I hope she keeps her promise.”

“Wouldn’t saying it directly hold more weight?”

“…Talking with her just gets me heated.”

“Hahaha, I can relate. Our employer does have a knack for getting under people’s skin.”

While Yuden wore a complex expression at Karia’s laughter, he noticed the sleepy students starting to wake up one by one and sheathed his sword.

“Sword Saint, just one thing before you go.”

“What is it?”

“Your friend is waiting at the clock tower.”

If it’s a friend, could it be Luka?

That guy. Will he still be alive? Despite everything, he’s strong enough that the followers of the Void wouldn’t have let him off easily.

“Don’t worry. He’s not dead.”

“…Please don’t read my thoughts.”

“How can I not?”

“Sigh… Anyway, thanks for the info.”

Yuden, after expressing his gratitude, jumped down without a moment’s hesitation.

The height of the place where the magic circle had been wasn’t much for a monster referred to as the Sword Saint.

“…Sword Saint?”

“Is it real?”

“Am I still dreaming?”

“What kind of nonsense is that?”

Receiving a soundless landing, Yuden was greeted by the gazes of numerous students present. Oops, did I pick a bad spot to jump down?

“Sword Saint! Thank you for saving us!”

At that moment, while Yuden was chastising himself, one of the students voiced their gratitude.

“Me too! Thank you!”

“Really, thank you!”

“If it weren’t for you, we would be…!”

“How can we ever repay you?!”

As thanks poured from all sides, Yuden’s smile turned stiff.

After all, I’m still human, I don’t dislike being praised.

But now, the situation is different. All I did was dance hard on this stage, and getting all this gratitude is just weird!

But even if I tell them the truth, no one would believe me! Who would believe that the irresponsible brat Young Lady Alrn is the mastermind behind all this?!

Argh. I should just run away. That’s probably for the best.

“Sword Saint.”

At the sound of a deep, mature voice, Yuden flinched and turned his head.

There stood the current head of the Academy’s Combat Studies Department, someone who Yuden once owed a favor to when he was brimming with youthful energy.

“On behalf of the Academy, I express my gratitude to you. If it weren’t for you, countless sacrifices would have occurred.”

“No, um, I didn’t really do anything specific—”

“No need to be humble. Everyone saw you take down a dragon. Who could deny your contribution?”

“That’s right, Sword Saint.”

As Yuden struggled to navigate through the awkwardness in front of a few rare people he found difficult, another elderly voice quickly prompted him to turn his head.

“On behalf of the Soul Academy, I wish to express my gratitude. Though I can only offer my thanks now, once the situation calms down, I’ll show my appreciation properly.”

“No, no, really, you don’t need to do that! This was truly not my doing.”

“Sword Saint, you know? Excessive humility can also be a poison?”

At the sound of an unfamiliar female voice from a distance, Yuden’s body momentarily froze. Soon after, he heard others hurriedly kneeling around him.

Facing his stiff movements like a wooden puppet was one of the most prominent names in the kingdom.

“…First Queen?”

Kavadi Soladin. The current First Queen of the kingdom.

She was, in essence, the highest power in the kingdom, managing the affairs in place of the ailing king.

“Yes. It’s been a while, Sword Saint. I’m not sure how to express my gratitude to you for protecting the kingdom’s future.”

Hearing the First Queen’s gratitude made Yuden give up on making a clean getaway.

Even someone like him, who had no interest in etiquette or decorum, couldn’t help but feel the pressure before someone leading a country.

“If it’s not too much trouble, may we have a moment to talk?”

“Oh. Um, uh.”

Yuden, feeling suffocated by discomfort, was saved by the bold leader of a religion that could stand firmly in front of a national ruler.

“I apologize for interrupting, First Queen. But I have something important to say.”

“What is it, Apostle of the Art Guild?”

Frete chuckled, even in front of the cold gaze of the Queen.

“Just now, the Sword Saint fought against an evil god’s follower. We don’t know what influence it might have had on her.”

“That’s true. I lacked foresight there. Please forgive me.”

“No, it’s merely a procedural matter. In fact, I’m more sorry about it.”

Using his unique persuasion, Frete extracted Yuden from the tense discussion, moving towards a predetermined location, leaving behind many curious gazes.

“Thank you. Apostle. Your insight is remarkable as always.”

“You needn’t thank me. It’s not so much consideration as it is fulfilling another’s wishes.”


Frete led Yuden to the clock tower located at one corner of the Academy.

With the hidden passage opened as if it were a matter of course, Frete strode up the dusty staircase.

Following him, Yuden soon understood the meaning behind Frete’s words.

Atop the clock tower was Lucy, the one who planned all this.

And there was Luka, whom she considered a friend and benefactor.

Startled by her friend’s horrific appearance, Yuden rushed over, extending her hand but hesitated at the strange aura emanating from Luka.


A dark energy flowed from Luka.


Luka had never doubted he’d become a star since the day he was born.

He had always lived under the title of genius.

Even when he was born into a rather unremarkable commoner’s family.

When he proved his abilities and learned from a famous adventurer.

Even when he overtook numerous competitors at a young age to become a high-ranking adventurer.

And even when he set foot in the Academy where all the kingdom’s talents gathered, he was still called a genius.

How could such talent come from the blood of commoners?

Even in such situations, Luka didn’t get lost in self-indulgence.

He knew his journey was far from over.

And he believed that if he kept pushing forward, he would reach the highest point.

He brushed aside nobles’ proposals suggesting he join their ranks because he perceived them as complacent offers.

He believed that his star would shine brighter, so he threw himself back into hardship to hone himself.

And then he met someone.

A talent that made Luka, who considered himself a genius, feel small.

A light that shone brilliantly from above, climbing higher and higher every day.

An overwhelming ability that wouldn’t even grant Luka a chance to catch up.

Ever since he met Yuden, Luka nurtured darkness in his heart each day.

Yet, the reason why Luka couldn’t leave Yuden’s side was that he retained a glimmer of hope.

He believed that what many had called his genius wouldn’t prove false.

He thought that if he could just bring down the star before him, he could shine as the brightest star.

Luka struggled to pull down the star from the muck.

“Thank you! Luka! Because of you, I gained another insight! I’m so glad you’re my friend!”

But Luka ultimately came to accept defeat when he saw every strategy he devised become a trial, making that star shine even brighter.

Not knowing that Luka was doing all this to destroy himself, he expressed his gratitude to Yuden, who smiled brightly.

He gave up on becoming that star.

He acknowledged he could not shine as brightly as she could.

Instead, Luka decided to carve another jewel.

To create another star.

To create a star that would shine even brighter than Yuden.

To hold that star in front of her.

To watch Yuden crumble beneath its blinding light.

To make her feel the emotions Luka felt for her.

However, everything he planned failed thanks to one person.

The actions he took to create a star brighter than Yuden resulted in Yuden’s renown soaring even higher.

The hero who single-handedly defeated the evil god’s followers that had occupied Soul Academy.


Damn it.

I’ve just been helping that brat from the beginning.


Hearing the voice of astonishment, Luka bit his lip, lowering his gaze.

What emotion would be reflected in the eyes looking down at him from above?

Contempt? Pity? Disbelief?

Ha. Well, anything is fine.

It’s better than that stupid girl smiling thoughtlessly, unaware of anything.

“Are you okay?”

When Luka finally raised his head, the gaze he met was far off from what he anticipated.

Yuden was worried about him.


Despite going through countless trials, she still considered him a friend.

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not work with dark mode