Switch Mode

Chapter 504

Chapter: 504

Luca strikes with his attack, and I block it. With the power of the Evil God Agra infused in his strike, I deflect it with my shield blessed by the deity.

I meet his crimson eyes with my own red ones.

You probably won’t understand it. You won’t be able to comprehend it.

Why am I not crumbling under this?

Luca, tainted by the energy of the Evil God, overwhelms me in every way.

His strength is at a level where comparison is meaningless.

His speed is such that my eyes can barely keep up.

Each of his attacks carries enough power that I am certain I wouldn’t be able to catch up even if I sacrificed my arm.

So, logically, it makes no sense for me to be standing against Luca.

It’s just not possible.


“If you’re going to play with me, at least try to do it right?♡ This is too monotonous to be any fun♡ Is your brain too small to think?♡”

Reality is what it is.


Luca’s attack is once again intercepted by my shield.

Ugh, it really feels like my lifespan is being drained away in real-time.

Just thinking about making a mistake and getting squashed by that axe blade is truly terrifying.

A boss whose every pattern can kill you instantly!

Isn’t this game totally broken!?

And while I can’t really complain given I’m the one responding to everything, some balance must be restored!

Pathetic deity! This is directed at you!


I felt a slight shock transmit through my shield.

Did I misjudge the timing just a bit?

Damn it. It seems like his power is intensifying.

Objectively, what I’m doing right now is a form of acrobatics.

Performing stunts on a tightrope without any safety line.

A reckless act that could lead to death the moment I sway.

And to make matters worse, the rope at my feet is gradually becoming thinner over time.

…How long can I hold on? How long can this acrobatics continue? When will I reach the unseen opposite side?

Suppressing the growing anxiety, I look at the spearhead flying towards me.

An energy gathering there, waiting for the moment to explode.

And then it happened.

A sudden change arrived.

The energy at the spear’s tip began to tremble.

As a result, the sharpness of Luca’s attack diminished.

I used that shock from his attack to leap backward and turned my gaze around.

Adri, shouting in triumph that control has returned to the spirit.

Void followers caught in bewilderment.

The surrounding darkness gradually fading.

Without needing to exert additional strength, my divinity naturally spreads out.

Has the Sleeping Prince of the Forest finally awoken?

Seems like he realized no one would come and kiss his smelly lips after pretending to sleep so hard.

Chuckling to myself, I tore my gaze away from the surroundings and directed it back to Luca.

The darkness lingering around him is slowly dissipating.

As the magic circle that maintained the power of the Void disappears, the energy granted to Luca also fades.

Agra’s rage hasn’t extinguished, so the power of the Evil God still clings to him, but that’s about it.

Luca is not as overwhelming as before.

Thank you, Lord Armadi, for the quick balance patch. It’s much more fun to play with now.

“Why are you just standing there?♡ You said this would be a trial for me, right?♡”

I subtly lower my shield and showcase a bold smile.

“Did the pathetic coward Agra run away and get scared?♡ A worthless loser who can’t do anything alone?♡”

As the barrier crumbles, the void followers begin to topple. The remaining focal point is no longer them, but Luca.

If I can bring him down, powered by the Evil God Agra, they will be completely shattered.

“Or what?♡ Is the trial supposed to be some kind of pathetic, whining, incompetently premature, perverted, idiot excuse that I’m not allowed to mock?♡”

So, I provoke him. I nibble at his sanity again. I make sure he can’t think by nudging him. I voice things without going through a brain.

What’s the point of pondering how to tease him? It seems like any touch will make him boil.

“Puhahaha!♡ If it’s like that, there’s no way I could pass!♡”

As the darkness blurs, Luca’s eyes are marked with angry veins.

“I’m sorry~♡ Pedo pervert professor~♡ I lost!♡ Your trial is way too hard, and I can’t do anything~♡”

With his muscles tensing visibly, Luca grips the halberd’s shaft.

“What will you do now?♡ Are you going to force your perverted tastes onto me?♡ Huh♡ Seeing you scan my body with those red eyes makes me soooo scared that I can’t do anything!♡”

Luca adopts a stance. The same as his first attack. A stance unchanged from my memories.

“Whoa!♡ To see you get all excited just because I adjusted a bit to your taste is totally gross!♡ Get lost and die already!♡”

As I watch his attacking move, I raise my shield. I chase after the memories of the past. I recall the me who used to be on the other side of the monitor.

I remember the efforts I put in back then.

Then soon after, a refreshing sound resonates in my ears.

As I succeed in the parry, I plunge into the exposed inside of Luca’s body.

Seeing the bewilderment in his eyes, I lift my mace high.

Alright, Luca. I’m going to use you as the first test subject for this newly acquired skill of mine.

Consider it an honor.

Given your masochistic tendencies, you should be able to withstand the bear-like strength and still smile.


The moment I decide to use the skill, a strength that far surpasses any human ignites in my arm.

I swing, channeling all that strength into the mace without dulling it even a bit.

Even amidst all that, Luca tries to block my attack with his frail human arm, but no human limb can endure the might of a beast.

As the blow shreds flesh and crushes bone, Luca’s body momentarily defies gravity.

For a brief moment free from gravity, he falls to the ground, rolling several times before sprawling out.

…He’s not dead, right? That would be problematic!?

While that guy certainly deserves to die, there’s still stuff he needs to witness!

Hastily rushing toward Luca, I confirm that he’s still breathing, letting out a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness. I almost left him to meet his end while he basked in false victory.


The first person to feel the change was Joy.

As she tirelessly dived into interpreting and enhancing Erginius’s magic circle, she immediately perceived the transformation happening with it.

The immense power that had been flowing into the magic circle has suddenly ceased.

What? Why? What change has happened? Did I mess something up?

Wondering if she had done something foolish again, Joy hesitated for a moment, wanting to infuse power into the magic circle again as she saw it losing strength.

But she quickly realized there’s no need to protect the magic circle.

Right now, this magic circle was providing energy to the void followers.

If this collapses, the massive force maintaining the void followers would disappear as well.

Realizing this, Joy actively aided in dismantling the magic circle.

Breaking down the structure of the circle, however she could, she dismantled the emergency energy source, removing the core parts that sustained the magic circle.

Had it been a normal magic circle, it would have been difficult for someone with Joy’s abilities to disassemble it, and even if she succeeded, it would have quickly restored.

But not now.

The magic circle, having lost its power, could not respond to its collapse, and the speed of its ruin accelerated.

Numerous changes ensued, but the most noticeable one was the barrier.

The barrier that surrounded the entire Soul Academy.

The barrier, colored black by the powers of the Void.

The barrier that failed to protect the students and had been granting strength to the Evil God.

Cracks began to form from the top.

Slowly. Gradually. It crumbled, dropping fragments of magical power.

Before long, the warm light from the sun above entered the Academy, driving back the darkness.


Seeing this, the Apostle of the Void desperately tried to hold onto the barrier, but the cracks only continued to widen.


The all-powerful appearance of the Apostle when within the barriers was merely due to Erginius’s magic granting him infinite power.

Now that that omnipotence has vanished, all that the Apostle of the Void could do is watch everything collapse around him.

“Thank you for your hard work, Young Lady Partran.”

As Yuden, bathed in the sunlight, spoke in a relaxed voice, the Apostle of the Void’s veins bulged in his neck.

“No! It’s not over yet! The judge left behind by the Void still remains! We have not been defeated!”

Ignoring the Apostle’s words, Yuden lifted her head. What the Apostle said was true.

There was still a black-scaled dragon lingering in the air.

However, the force emanating from that black-scaled dragon was not as strong as before.

The dragon, stripped of everything maintained by the Evil God’s power, was merely a creature.

“That thing, huh?”

And if it was simply a creature, if it was just a lizard that had lost most of its strength, then that existence could not pose a trial for Yuden.

Amidst the gradually brightening landscape of the Academy, Yuden unsheathed her sword. And she poured everything she had into that blade.

The swordsmanship of the Sword Saint Yuden—her ultimate strike, created to clash with the strongest man in her mind.

The slash, infused with her life force, severed the dragon’s neck along with the clouds above.

“Well then, I suppose that means we’ve lost?”

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not work with dark mode