Switch Mode

Chapter 501

Chapter: 501

“Sure, Agra’s an obnoxious loser who’s cowardly and pathetic, but the power and authority he wields are as real as it gets.”

Look at the moment he raised a rebellion; a bunch of deities joined him. If those divine beings thought they had no shot at winning, would they have flocked to Agra?

Even now, pinned in fragments, his authority remains unshaken.

He’s still the center of all evil deities and the embodiment of wickedness.

Just look at how he ignored the will of the Evil God of Void to bestow power onto Luka. Agra’s strength is so towering it could squash the thoughts of other deities.

If you twist that thought a bit, it gets interesting.

If that loser Agra genuinely wants to mess with someone, couldn’t he pull the darkness lurking outside into this place?

With that thought in mind, I asked Grandpa, a guy who’s fought the Evil God Agra before, about it.

“What kind of insane idea are you having?!”

The moment Grandpa heard my question, he freaked out.

‘Is that a no?’

“It’s not just a matter of it being a no! Lucy! What you just said is like declaring you’ll handle the darkness lurking in the barrier by yourself! Isn’t it?!”

‘It’s not that extreme…’

What I was trying to say wasn’t some noble nonsense about facing the Evil God alone.

That kind of valor suits someone like Phoebe.

“Then what’s the point? Why ask that kind of question?!”

‘Because it’s happening because of me! I should at least take some responsibility!’

Right now, what I’m trying to do is just a silly statement of not running away.

If I let that heavy word ‘sacrifice’ get involved, it’ll become super burdensome.

It’s like I’m forced to die or something.

But I don’t have the slightest intention of dying!

“You really…”

“Ah! Seriously! Just stop and give me an answer! This is urgent!”

This isn’t a situation where I can afford to persuade one step at a time! I can’t even tell what’s happening up there, so how long do I have to keep whining?!


“Do you not trust me?!”

“…It’ll probably work. Though it’s still just speculation.”

“That’s all I need!”

Taking that answer, I swiftly stepped back, leveraging the impact of Luka’s swinging weapon.

“Are you already tired?”

“What are you saying?♡ I’m not some premature failure like you!♡”

I figured out I could provoke Agra and gather energy. But I can’t just gather energy blindly.

If I do, I’d probably get everyone around me, including the foolish knight and that old hag, killed.

So let’s get to work.

I need to make sure the massive energy within this barrier can hold its ground.

Not just barely scraping by, but creating the best possible outcome.

“Dumb knight. Go help that old hag over there. If we keep at it like this, she won’t even get a last word in before she kicks the bucket.”

“Eh? Lucy. But…”

Frey tilted his head, about to reply, but seeing my face, he nodded and hurried off.

I’m glad he’s following orders, but… Nah, I’ll ask later. For now, getting rid of the variables is enough.

“Hey, perverted professor♡ you know that jealous uncle admirer of yours? What do you think of him?♡”

“Are you wasting time with nonsense? I welcome it, of course.”

“Even though you’re weird, at least you’re not a total jerk!♡ Can you believe it?♡ A scumbag like you is not what a guy who sells his soul to be a pathetic loser should be!♡”

The goal here is to blow Luka’s rationality into the void. I can’t afford to let him keep a logical head.

If his tiny brain works too well, my plan’s foundation might crumble.

“Oh right♡ And that idiot sees you as some kind of savior?♡ He said it was thanks to you he became a Sword Saint?♡ Hah!♡”

“Oh really? Ha. That’s quite an honor, becoming a Sword Saint’s savior.”

“So, it turns out you just wanted to kill him out of jealousy over his talent, but he thinks you’re his savior!♡ Good thing your skills are so trash!♡ If you were just a bit better, the Sword Saint wouldn’t exist now!♡”

Luka giggled nonchalantly, but it was clear he was starting to twist inside.

How do I know? The thrill of having someone squirm because of you is bubbling up. That Mesugaki skill is showing proof that your opponent is breaking down because of you!

“Why not stick close to that lustful lady?♡ That dumb girl is your greatest achievement in life, right?♡”

“I’m way too far from her now. If you had told me that months ago…”

“Right?♡ If you were as pathetic as you are, you’d have dashed right in and butted heads with her!♡ That perverted uncle wouldn’t have liked it if you went and licked his toes, right?♡”

“…That’s true.”

“Ah~♡ That was a lost cause♡ Guys like you look so thin and weak compared to that uncle… A beta male like you can only sit in the corner and jerk off, huh?♡”

When I pointed out that the person he’s obsessing over has zero interest in him, Luka’s expression momentarily vanished.

Hmph. If it were the normal Luka, he wouldn’t have entertained such blatant provocations. That disgusting human, who wore a mask his whole life, wouldn’t let his true nature out so easily.

But now, things are different. The Luka in front of me is trapped in the powers of the Evil God. Does he have the mental fortitude to endure such taunts?

“Why such a face?♡ That’s all someone like you can do, right?♡”


“Do you think you can pull off anything against that lustful lady?♡ Haha!♡ You can’t even objectify yourself, can you?♡ A rock-headed idiot like you couldn’t possibly influence the stars, right?♡”

Luka charged forth, his emotions resonating with the energy swirling around him. The weapon in his hand didn’t change from before.

Alright. Seems like I’ve knocked out a good chunk of his rationale. Now, for the next part.


I grin, enduring the impact that reverberates through my shield.

“In a hurry, are we?♡ You think your pathetic attacks could work twice?♡”

There’s significant bravado behind those words. I may not be strong enough to comfortably handle Luka’s attacks empowered by the Evil God’s power.

Under normal circumstances, Luka would catch onto my bluster, but…

What about now?

“How about this!”

Suddenly, Luka’s body gets engulfed in darkness, and his weapon transforms.

The moment I saw him clutching daggers with both hands, I couldn’t help but smile from the depths of my heart.

Having confirmed my bluster worked, it’s time to make this a simple task.

I’m going to lure him.

Into weapons I find convenient.

Turning Luka, who often stands on the higher spectrum of Soul Academy’s hierarchy, into a massive fool.

Luka’s logic is ultimately about how to educate me properly.

If I deliberately show my weaknesses, he has no choice but to be baited.

“You look like you’re struggling a bit!”

I pretend to be exhausted, swaying as if I can barely hold off his attacks.

“How long do you think you can keep this up?!”

I twist my shield to produce a creepy sound. It’s acting like my shield is about to break even though it never will.

“Is the light your star emits really just that little?!”

I minimize movement, pretending to be sluggish, becoming the target of his aim.

“Lady Alrn!”

At the end of this act, the weapon in Luka’s hands is an axe he needs to grab with both hands.

A hybrid weapon that serves the functionality of both spear and axe. Commonly known as a halberd. The worst possible weapon that would turn the boss Luka into a total joke.

The moment the tip empowered by the Evil God’s influence collided with my shield, I gritted my teeth, bearing that shock.

“Someone like you, a pathetic loser who only gets beaten by the pathetic god, is really dumb!♡”

“What kind of nonsense are you spouting?!”

Hearing my voice, Luka’s veins started to bulge, but I didn’t respond to him. I wasn’t directing this provocation at him.

“This lousy trash as a proxy can’t possibly take me down!♡”

No, it’s the being lurking behind him. The one even lower than that. A grotesque pervert who will continuously stare at me. A petty, filthy creature.

Even as he struggles desperately to win, he’ll forever crawl at the bottom in defeat.

“Honestly~ if you knew that, you wouldn’t be getting trampled by a pathetic god!♡”

I embed divine presence within my voice. My shield and mace begin to shine with the divine essence.

“Or maybe not?♡ There’s no way a so-called god would be that dumb, right?♡”

Illuminating this room is the one Agra hates the most.

“Then why?♡ Why do you keep swinging and helplessly clinging on?♡ Why can’t you think at all?!♡”

As I speak, I notice Luka’s eyes have turned black.

Wait. I can no longer call him Luka.

Referring to that fool who has completely lost himself as Luka would be a disservice to the real Luka.

“Masochist, huh?♡ Is that it?♡ You derive pleasure from getting trampled, don’t you?♡ Don’t deny it!♡ Otherwise, your idiocy doesn’t make sense at all!♡”

The fully blackened Luka grips the halberd’s handle with both hands.

“Mmmm♡ If you’re a masochist, then was your reason for desperately clinging to that pathetic god because you actually like him?♡ Poor pathetic god~♡ To be tormented by someone as pitiful as you!♡ For the first time, I feel bad for that perverted loser!♡”

As the darkness swirls around the weapon Luka holds, the powers of the Void are beginning to escape its control.

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not work with dark mode