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Chapter 50

Chapter: 50

Theater: Eyes Closed.

This is probably the most talked-about play lately.

On the day of its first performance, it was rare to see anyone strolling through Daehangno without mentioning Eyes Closed.

“Did you catch that variety show? With Park Jung-woo and Princess Yeonhwa.”

“Yeah, I saw it. That’s why I booked tickets.”

A couple was walking and chatting like that.

The Sun Hidden by the Moon, a drama that hit big 10 years ago.

“By the way, who is Joo Su-yeon?”

“She’s so pretty. Apparently, she’s still a high school student.”

“I heard she was the actress who played the young Princess Yeonhwa.”

Not many younger people remembered that.

But as the saying goes, when the older generation makes a racket, the younger folks tend to take notice.

“Wow, so she met Park Jung-woo by chance on that variety show?”

“I heard the young actress was so good that she got backlash for Episode 8. They’re reenacting that now, and that’s causing all the buzz.”

“Got it.”

It’s all about storytelling.

There’s nothing better than this for making a name for an actor.

The “genius child actor” returning after ten years.

The response from the hotshot actor, Park Jung-woo, towards her.

All of this combined sparked curiosity about Joo Su-yeon.

Moreover, it raised interest in the play Eyes Closed.

“Sounds like everyone still calls her Princess Yeonhwa rather than Joo Su-yeon.”

“Hmm, definitely.”

Two middle-aged men sat at an outdoor café, eavesdropping on the young people’s chatter.

There were still about two hours left before the performance, but a considerable crowd had already gathered.

“You can really feel the impact an actor has; it’s been ages since I’ve sensed this.”

“Whether this interest remains or becomes a stepping stone depends on the individual, doesn’t it?”

Looking Back on the Past.

Originally, it had just around a 6% viewer rating.

But after the episode featuring Yeonhwa High School, the ratings skyrocketed to over 14%.

The dying show made a miraculous comeback.

It caught so much attention, and there were already several videos on YouTube discussing Joo Su-yeon, The Sun Hidden by the Moon, and Park Jung-woo.

Perhaps this play got so much hype because people like that were involved.

Out of them, who really came to see the theater and Joo Su-yeon? Who knew?

Bae Jin-hwan,

As he got lost in thought, Chae Dong-jin, the producer, chimed in.

“Well, thanks to you, I get to see it, too.”

“Isn’t it meaningless if we don’t come together in the first place?”

Bae Jin-hwan and Chae Dong-jin were here to scout actors.

They were searching for one of the most important roles in some ambitious movie being prepared by GH Group.

This play, Eyes Closed, was part of that endeavor.

Jo Do-yul PD saved us by getting us VIP tickets. Otherwise, we probably wouldn’t even be able to get in.”

A limited number of tickets are available for actors and the production team.

They were lucky enough to snag two.

For Bae Jin-hwan and Chae Dong-jin, it was a huge relief.

“What do you think, director?”

“You mean Joo Su-yeon, right?”

“Yes. Since she’s playing Hong Jeong-hee.”

They had no intention of watching this play based on the current issue alone.

They came to see the performance of the actress playing Hong Jeong-hee.

That the actress was Su-yeon was merely a coincidence.

“Young, impactful villain roles. It’s rare to find an actress who can deliver that well.”

“That’s true. There hasn’t been a suitable actress yet.”

They had already attended several plays before.

Primarily those featuring significant villain roles.

In dramas and films.

There hadn’t been any recent video media that left a lasting impression with villain performances.

“Maybe we need to consider auditions.”

A thought crossed their minds, but they were also told to cast well-known actors as per GH Group’s request.

“Sure, Joo Su-yeon‘s performance in the variety show was certainly impressive.”

“But acting a villain is a whole different ball game.”

It’s often said that all flash and no substance leads to disappointment.

Princess Yeonhwa and Hong Jeong-hee are way too different roles.

Whether or not she could handle that role was still up in the air.

“Let’s head in. Looks like they’ve begun letting people inside,”

“Ah, right.”

Watching the people queue up, they both slowly stood up, not harboring too much expectation.


“Is everyone ready?”

Shim Cheong-seok spoke as he observed the visibly nervous actors.

Things had escalated quickly.

So much so that he could feel the audience’s heightened anticipation.

Eyes Closed was originally a well-known play, but ultimately, it was a romantic comedy.

Naturally, it was far from being a “blockbuster.”

“Um, is it going to be okay?”

This was Lee Hye-jin, who played Song Min-seo, speaking up.

Originally, she was only scheduled for performances three times, but the sequence had changed.

The first performance for Eyes Closed.

The reason was obvious.

“Well, what if it’s not okay?”

Shim Cheong-seok chuckled, a bit sarcastically.

Was this something an actor should say?

Usual practice would entail some effort to bolster their spirits, but Shim Cheong-seok had none of that.

“You practiced and prepared well, didn’t you? So have some confidence.”

“Yes, yes.”

The somewhat deflated response from Hye-jin made Shim Cheong-seok’s head ache.

‘She’s been like this since practice.’

Maybe they should have changed up the performance order for Song Min-seo.

He pondered that.

On the other hand…

‘What’s going through her head, I wonder?’

Seoyeon, with her eyes quietly closed, was visible.

She had been remarkable in rehearsal, but how she would perform live was another matter.

Seoyeon was still a high school student.

At that age, one can be especially vulnerable to pressure.


He recalled the moments from Looking Back on the Past.

The number of students watching her back then exceeded what they faced now.

They had even aired on TV and YouTube.

So she should be fine.

Shim Cheong-seok twisted his lips into a faint smile as he looked at Seoyeon.

It had been a while since he had an engaging acting partner.

He wondered how things might have gone if she had ended up playing Song Min-seo instead.

‘That would have been a disaster.’

Not because of Seoyeon, but Hye-jin would have had to take on the role of Hong Jeong-hee.

He was certain of it; she had no knack for villain roles.

Shim Cheong-seok had no doubt about that.

“Let’s go.”

Feeling a bit anxious, the curtain rose.



The sharp shout of Bae Seong-hak echoed.

A voice laced with irritation.

He strode over and grabbed the arm of a woman who was ignoring him.

“Why don’t you answer? I called you multiple times! You dropped something!”

With Bae Seong-hak’s words, the woman looked at him with a blank expression.

“I can’t hear you.”

Bae Seong-hak’s eyes widened in surprise.

He was taken aback, never expecting she might be hearing impaired.

Thus, the first encounter between Bae Seong-hak and Song Min-seo began.

A popular idol and a hearing-impaired woman.

The intertwining stories of these two, who seemingly had no business interacting, began to flow.

Song Min-seo wanted to hear Bae Seong-hak’s songs, while Bae Seong-hak yearned to share his voice with her, tugging at the audience’s emotions.

‘It’s my first time at a play, and it’s pretty good!’

‘Who’s that actor? Seriously handsome.’

Audience reactions were positive.

But not everyone felt that way.

‘Compared to Bae Seong-hak, the female lead’s presence is a bit weak.’

‘This isn’t just a casting issue; it seems… miscast.’

Those with some knowledge would think so.

Bae Jin-hwan was one of them.

First performances tend to have moments like this.

They can be awkward and rife with errors.

Thus, there are quite a few audience members who avoid the first show.


While Bae Jin-hwan watched with a somewhat glum expression,

“Ah! Is that Hong Jeong-hee?”

Bae Seong-hak’s tone shifted.

“Nice to meet you! You come to every performance, don’t you? You look familiar.”

A completely ordinary statement.

But it felt entirely different.

Bae Seong-hak‘s performance, which had been good from the start, sharpened like a razor.

The emotion.

His movements and gestures.

“Ah, hello. I’m, um, Hong Jeong-hee.”

The shy woman who received that performance shrank back.

With her entrance, the atmosphere of the play pivoted.

Hong Jeong-hee.

The main villain of Eyes Closed.

Joo Su-yeon.

Bae Jin-hwan recognized her at a glance.

‘She’s nothing like Princess Yeonhwa.’

He exchanged glances with Chae Dong-jin, who sat beside him.

Now the real show began.

This play was all about seeing her.

Would she live up to expectations?

Or would she fall short?

As such, the third act commenced.

The act where Hong Jeong-hee had the most screen time.


“Love? Oh, were you still worried about that?”

As the play’s start drew nearer, Seoyeon asked Shim Cheong-seok.

“Yeah, I thought I shouldn’t show any lacking acting now.”

“Hmm, fair enough.”

With that, he chuckled softly.

“Love, huh. Hong Jeong-hee definitely has feelings for Bae Seong-hak. The downside is that those feelings aren’t very apparent. It’s probably how they see it?”


This was a pretty critical issue.

What Seoyeon had portrayed about Hong Jeong-hee’s emotion up to now could change drastically.

It could hinder her immersion in the role or leave her without complete understanding.

“You’re too greedy, you know.”


“This is a tip.”

He pointed with his finger.

“Sometimes you need deception in acting.”


“Love, yes, it’s important. But Hong Jeong-hee’s ruckus is ultimately for Bae Seong-hak.”


“What’s Hong Jeong-hee’s actual role in the play? A villain.”

While it’s good to express love, it’s crucial to maintain distinctions.

Hong Jeong-hee’s role in the play.

Expressing love is sweet, but it’s irrelevant.

At least, that’s what Shim Cheong-seok believed.

“The author’s vision and the interpreter’s perspective don’t have to align.”


“You know what I mean, don’t you?”

She was just avoiding the truth.

“Perfection isn’t always the answer.”

Reflecting on the conversation with Shim Cheong-seok, Seoyeon slowly opened her eyes.

The third act was beginning.

She felt the gaze of numerous audience members upon her.

‘I am Hong Jeong-hee.’

She exhaled.

Releasing the tension from her previously hunched posture, she slightly slouched.

Now interpreting and embodying Pyo Ji-woo’s emotions as Hong Jeong-hee.

In this moment, Seoyeon perfectly became one with Hong Jeong-hee.

The villain.

Indeed, this was why she was cast for this role.

‘The inferiority, the malice, and the obsession that Hong Jeong-hee harbors.’

Those elements amplified.


“If I embody that to the fullest, the audience will inevitably discover the reason behind her actions.”

Why Hong Jeong-hee behaves that way.

Even without performing love, all her actions could lead one to mistakenly believe they stem from affection.


A laugh escaped from Seoyeon, Hong Jeong-hee‘s mouth.

At that moment, the audience froze.

Something felt off.

With Hong Jeong-hee shaking her shoulders gently while giggling.

As she raised her head, a pale face emerged from the dark lighting.

Joo Seoyeon.

Princess Yeonhwa.

It was so chilling she could barely conjure that name.

It didn’t even seem possible she was the same person.


The moment Hong Jeong-hee started her monologue, Bae Jin-hwan nearly jumped to his feet.


The actor he had been actively searching for.

The villain that would light up his film.

Perhaps he finally found what he was looking for right now.

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