Switch Mode

Chapter 5

Episode 5: Fishing Rod! A Great Way to Have a Conversation! (3)

The swing wasn’t light by any means, but it was enough to surprise.

Looking at the rock split in two, I realized the talent embedded in this body.

It’s just that the original owner didn’t realize it. It was unfortunate to be set as a disposable villain.

The staff won’t give detailed settings to extras. They’re just destined to be sacrificial lambs for stimulating development.

Realizing one’s talent is a privilege reserved for main characters. If the status window hadn’t appeared, I would have never realized it in my lifetime.


As I swung the fishing rod again, the wind blew. Branches leaned as if hit by a typhoon, and countless leaves fell.

Fantasy swordsmanship, was this talent really just a coincidence?

“I thought I wouldn’t survive properly because of my poor stats. But now, there’s no need to worry.”

The practical exam of this month is approaching soon.

Like those who trampled me yesterday, many others will aim for me.

There’s no room for complacency just because my talent has bloomed.

One of my goals is to achieve suitable grades for a stable academy life. It shouldn’t be too high or too low.

If it’s too low, I’ll definitely be labeled as a failing student, and professors will keep me busy during breaks.

If I, a fraud, show too much progress, it’s obvious they’ll suspect I used tricks.

To avoid getting involved in such things, I just need to subtly show growth.

“Last month’s Radon’s practical exam score…”

That moment was the first practical exam after entering the academy. Radon’s score at that time was in the middle to upper ranks of Class C.

It might be a laughingstock for classes A or B, but it’s a respectable score within Class C.

“Just looking at it, Radon wasn’t just a mouthy guy.”

Class C upper-middle. It’s not too high or too low, just the right score.

There are cases where classes change based on practical exams. If my current score goes up a bit, I can comfortably join Class B, which isn’t bad either.

“I just need to not get into Class A.”

From Jenny to the protagonist Raimon, and even the one named ‘Travell Byrd’ who should never be involved at this point.

He’ll soon become the villain of Chapter 1, so I shouldn’t get close to him. If I become part of Class A and attract attention, it could disrupt the plot.

At least I won’t be expelled like in the main story, but as long as I don’t interfere, it should be safe.

“Being quiet still leads to trouble.”


As I ventured deep into the forest, I discovered a waterfall. I took off my top and stood in front of the waterfall, dipping my feet into the river.

It was a perfect subject to experiment on. I wanted to gauge my strength through a waterfall that was even harder to cut than the rock I had cut earlier.

Just raising one skill level is ridiculously expensive.

In the game, it’s known that raising skill levels with credits is inefficient.

Thanks to the false reports, my credits have been increasing little by little, but I’ve already spent too much. I have to start saving from now on.

Leaving that aside, it’s time to test it now.

Placing my hand on my right side, I made the tip of the fishing rod touch the waterfall. In that position, I swung the rod upwards towards the front of the waterfall.

As the moist ground was dug up, the fishing rod rose higher and reached the waterfall. The pressure of gravity seemed to easily snap the fragile fishing rod.


Suddenly, a much louder sound of rushing water spread.

The waterfall split apart.

The violent current was divided diagonally as if it were sliced by a blade.

I couldn’t contain my astonishment as I did when I cut the rock. It wasn’t until 10 seconds later that the waterfall returned to its original state.

With this level of power, it’s almost…

“It’s comparable to Class A!”

Of course, since I used a fishing rod, it’s no different from using a real sword. It’s uncertain if the same power would be generated with a wooden sword.

Whether I say it happily or not, the power I have now is something Radon could never have.

No one would think I have this much power. There are professors who view me favorably, but there are also those who doubt.

So, I’ll fight moderately and take moderate hits.

By doing so, I can intuitively showcase my growth while avoiding scrutiny.


Why is this suddenly appearing?

I haven’t even lied yet.

“Is someone continuously falling for my lies?”

For some reason, it even made my ears itch.


Trees were cut down, and the ground was heavily scratched. Solid objects around, including rocks, were all split like apples.

This scene, which would be difficult to achieve even with a real sword, astonishingly, everything was split by wooden swords.


In the heart of the forest, a girl wielded her wooden sword with fervor, shattering even the sturdiest branches.

“Huahp! Haaaat!”

With each swing, her azure locks rippled like ocean waves. Jenny Chainsilver was always impassioned, even in practice.

Yet, amidst the chaos she wrought, her expression betrayed more than just fervor; it simmered with an underlying anger.

“Radon! Crawler!!”

His visage flashed in her mind.

As fury surged, her swordplay transformed into something scarcely recognizable, driven by unchecked emotion.

“Huff… huff…”

Eventually, Jenny collapsed onto the forest floor, her shorts and t-shirt drenched in sweat.

Exhausted from relentless practice, she lacked the strength even to rise.

Why did she push herself so relentlessly? Was it to impress the professors with her performance in the practical exams? That was a distant concern.

For Jenny, the true joy lay in facing opponents who challenged her abilities. Raised in a family devoted to swordsmanship, there was no greater thrill than the clash of blades.

Defeat held no shame; each loss offered valuable lessons.

The issue lay with the one who bested her, the scoundrel who broke their pact.

“Radon Crawler…!”

Had it not been for him, had she not placed her trust in him… her mother’s pendant would remain unscathed.

And today, she suffered the indignity of falling to his blade.

The shattering of her sword was bad enough, but to add insult to injury, she had been struck in the ribs. It was a humiliation beyond measure.

“Me… defeated by that wretched wretch!”

It was inconceivable.

To be bested by a C-class when she herself was of A-class standing was preposterous, but worse still, her opponent had wielded not a true blade, but a mere fishing rod.

The embarrassment sent shivers down her spine.

Defeat itself was tolerable; in a world replete with skilled swordsmen, she was but one among many.

But to be vanquished so ignobly by such a contemptible foe…

“That wretch is no honorable adversary!”

He was a mere charlatan, an enemy who had deprived her of her cherished possession. Nothing more.

A target of scorn and loathing. Not a worthy rival, but a nuisance to be eradicated.

“I must… I must!!”

With the practical exam looming on the morrow, she vowed to break Radon’s nose without fail.

No time for self-pity over today’s defeat; retribution awaited, swift and sure.

“My body…”

She reached out to rise, but found herself immobilized, save for a feeble wave of her hand.

As her blood cooled, her hand grew colder still, as if turned to ice.

Thunk— A hand clasped hers. Startled, Jenny looked up to find herself met by the gaze of a boy with snowy hair, his back against a tree.

It was Raimon Vegilius, a fellow Class A first-year and her closest confidant.

Raimon helped Jenny to her feet and remarked, “That Radon… He’s quite something, isn’t he?”

“You saw?” she replied.

“If it’s an intrusion, I apologize.”

With Raimon’s support, Jenny settled on a rock, luckily finding a flat one among the horizontally split boulders, offering a comfortable seat.

“Did you run into Radon?” Raimon inquired.


“Then you must have shaved his head as promised, to prove his determination.”


Raimon raised an eyebrow at her vague response. “What’s wrong?”

Jenny was known for keeping her promises, a trait Raimon had noticed since their first meeting. Had such a determined individual failed to follow through?

“Did Radon manage to survive your encounter, or did you let him off just this once to avoid trouble with the school rules?”

“No, I definitely backed down to him. And…” Jenny hesitated before confessing, “I lost.”

“Wait, what?” Raimon’s disbelief was palpable, as if it were April Fools’ Day.

As the wind rustled and leaves drifted down around them, he finally regained his composure.

“Haha, involvement with Radon seems to breed lies. Deceit doesn’t sit well with me.”

“I’m not joking. Why would I lie? If you don’t believe me, ask Professor Stella. Radon… he even took me to the infirmary.”

Jenny’s mind churned with confusion.

Radon, her nemesis, was not only spreading falsehoods but also came to her rescue. Even if she had followed through with her threat to shave his head, the professors would likely have turned a blind eye.

Yet, there he was, pulling her from the lake.

Of course, he might have orchestrated the situation and only intervened to prevent further escalation.

Top students in Class A held considerable sway with the professors.

Then how had he managed to overpower top students’ swords?

“He was a different person altogether. Attitude, strength… everything.”

“Didn’t you both gain strength training together?”

“No. He claimed he was scared and ran off. Does it make sense for someone who could defeat me to flee?”


Raimon’s thoughts grew increasingly tangled. If Jenny’s account was accurate, then what motivated Radon’s behavior?

“If news spreads of your defeat, the school will erupt, especially the professors.”

“It won’t. Since there were no witnesses, it’ll be dismissed as rumor.”

Any rumors concerning Radon were likely to be dismissed outright.

He was the anomaly that benefited from being a fraud.

“I just want him out of my head. No matter how I swing my sword, he lingers. It’s like everything I’ve relied on is being undermined.”

A C-class student at midday with the strength to break her ribs? Such power, yet he concealed it deliberately?

It was a detail not easily dismissed.

“I wish I could forget… Is that possible?”

He not only injured her but also destroyed her possession. Forgetting was easier said than done.

“If it’s tough, I’ll help.”

Raimon picked up a fallen branch, testing its balance before nodding in satisfaction.

“Frankly, I’m perplexed too, Jenny. In your current state, passing this month’s practical exam seems unlikely.”


“So how about we set it aside for now? If you feel overwhelmed, I’ll spar with you.”

He extended the branch toward her.

In hindsight, Raimon was always honing his skills with makeshift weapons. Compared to him, what use was a fishing rod?

“Thank you.”

With his support, she could begin to let go, if only a little.

A blue aura enveloped her sword, prompting a smile from Raimon.

A distant rumble reverberated through the forest.

Jenny’s cold hand warmed once more.


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Surviving as a Con Artist at the Academy

Surviving as a Con Artist at the Academy

아카데미 사기꾼으로 살아남기
Score 7.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Possessing an extra? Let’s assume that’s manageable. If the body is fine, there should be a way to live quietly. Yes, if only the body were fine… “The Liar’s Curse” – you die if you don’t lie. “Damn it…” It’s a matter of life or death. Somehow, I must survive this curse! Thus begins the survival of a liar at the academy.


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not work with dark mode