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Chapter 495

Chapter: 495

A week ago, Lucy had used her History Confirmation skill to uncover the plans of the Followers of the Void.

At that time, Lucy couldn’t pinpoint exactly what was happening due to the interference of the Evil God.

However, she managed to figure out where things were happening.

The presence of bizarre symbols in the history confirmation indicated that the Evil God’s followers were rampaging in that location.

If it’s possible to find out where something is occurring, inferring what’s going on there isn’t too difficult.

Based on her deductions, Lucy devised several plans, most of which were delegated to others rather than herself.

Now, even Karl, Erin, and Rina, who were racing through the academy grounds, had been given a specific task.

That task was to destroy the golems prepared for the Soul Academy’s dungeon.

“This is strange. Why is there so little interference?”

Emerging from the building while holding Erin in his arms, Karl voiced his doubts about the oddly tranquil scene.

The Followers of the Void had deployed a flashy scheme capable of taking over the entire academy. Yet, how was it that they could run about openly without interruption?

Karl suspected that someone had laid traps somewhere to obstruct them.

“Don’t worry. They’re merely focused on countering outside interference,” Rina reassured him.

Having scattered her tiny fog foxes here and there, she was aware of the fierce battle unfolding between the Void’s followers and the priests of the God of the Lord over the enlarging gap in the barrier.

“As the power of the Void takes control of the barrier, the strength of the followers is increasing, but so is that of the external forces. For now, we won’t need to worry about their interference.”

The balance between the two groups was gradually tilting toward the Void’s followers.

Even if reinforcements from the outside joined in, they’d still be a minority. No dramatic change was expected.

In contrast, those relying on the power of the Void were growing stronger with time, making the shift in balance undeniably logical.

“We just need to do our part properly.”


The moment their group stepped into the dungeon department building, Rina frowned. The place was filled with the aura of the Void.

They could disperse the fog to discern truth from falsehood; however, it would take some time.

“Knight, please go right.”

“…To the right?”

“Yes. That way is less disgusting.”

Despite Karl hesitating at Erin’s confident words, Rina didn’t waver. Knowing whose protection she had, she smiled slyly and moved in the indicated direction.

“Did Lucy foresee this situation too?”

Wondering why she insisted on bringing her maid, he realized there was a reason.


“You fool of a knight. Follow the words of the child in your arms. That too is your master’s design.”

“…Understood. Lady Erin, please continue to guide us.”


Erin’s directions were spot on. In the space where distinguishing truth from falsehood was impossible, she consistently found the right answers.

Just like when Frete had broken through the forest, once filled with the Evil God’s power.

When they finally reached their destination, they were greeted by a few Followers of the Void and a horde of golems standing beyond them.

“Here to thwart our plans?”

The leader of the Followers of the Void stood at the forefront, grinning at the trio.

“If that’s the case, you should have come sooner. It’s already too late. You garbage.”

As he spoke, the power of the Void infused the golems. The lifeless metal that had just stood still began transforming, gaining human-like skin.

The power of the Void was bestowing them with human forms.

As Karl watched the despairing sight, he set Erin down on the ground and drew his sword from his waist.

His brilliant white aura dispelled the surrounding darkness.

“Rina, I entrust you with Erin.”

“Don’t worry. If anything happens to this child, Lucy won’t acknowledge me.”

“Haha. I think she’ll do much worse.”

Watching the easygoing conversation unfold, the Follower of the Void furrowed his brow.

“Are you out of your mind? Can’t you see the danger looming in front of you?”

“Don’t worry. I can see just fine. I have eyes, you know?”


“There was just no need to be tense.”

As Karl let out a light laugh, the Follower of the Void bared his teeth and commanded the golems to remove the obstacles in their path.

The golems, tainted by the power of the Evil God, followed the commands without a moment’s hesitation.

They charged forward with the intent of using their lives to eliminate the obstacles.

However, their assault didn’t yield any success.

Before they could reach their target, the sword wielded by the obstacle cleaved the golems in half.

“Really soft.”

As Karl’s laughter turned deeper, a chill ran down the spines of the Followers of the Void.

Karl had been evaluated as a promising candidate in the Alrn Knight Order. Despite his talent, he had diligently given his all to protect his young lady and now, as he stood beside her, the Knight’s prowess shone brightly.


Phew. Thank goodness. It seems Karl arrived just in time. I was anxious, thinking some kind of variable might have occurred, but it looks like he was just late.

“Hey, hey! Keep talking longer!”


“Didn’t you say the golems would kill people? Yet here they are, breaking apart like softies!”

I forced a smile to hide my nervousness and mocked the bewildered ones around me.

“You thought I wouldn’t catch on to your sloppy plan? Puahaha! Your grasp of reality is seriously lacking! What a bunch of idiots!”

Even though the sharp glares from Luca and the Followers of the Void were directed at me, I stood tall.

I wasn’t overwhelmed by confidence.

In fact, it was the opposite.

I purposely acted big because they thought I wouldn’t attack unless they showed signs of something waiting behind them.

“After watching those bugs scurry around for months, I was curious about what they were preparing, but it turns out they were just bugs! Dancing on a girl’s palm!”

While it was true that most of what I’d planned was coming to fruition, that didn’t mean the situation was entirely good.

The problem was Arthur. That perverted little brat turned prince sleeping underground was still snoozing, causing the foundation of my plans to knot up.

“Why the long face? Aren’t you excited to crawl around in the hands of a cute girl like me? Shouldn’t you be happy? ♡”

Damn it. Despite my best effort to stall for time, that guy was still fast asleep.

If he kept dozing around until the magic circle was completely taken over, the situation would collapse.

I’d have to step in personally!

“Ah~♡ Are you disappointed you can’t crawl up my arms? ♡ Pfft~♡ You pathetic perverts! ♡”

If that happened, I’d be forced to sort everything out eventually, playing right into Luca’s hands.

I must see that brat smile brightly while ascended!

This was already a somewhat beneficial case. In a truly worst-case scenario, there’d be streams of blood from the people. My delay could get them killed.

“Shall I show you with my eyes? Want to crawl up visually? ♡”

I had to buy more time. As long as Arthur didn’t wake up, I needed to stall.

“You’re trying to buy time, aren’t you? Lady Alrn.”

Luca interrupted my provocations with his voice.

“Looks like something isn’t going according to plan?”

“It’s you who isn’t going according to plan, you stupid waste! ♡ Your incompetence is shattering everything! ♡”

“Ah, I acknowledge that.”

As Luca’s brows, previously furrowed, relaxed with a hint of amusement.

“It’s true that the various things I’ve prepared aren’t going as smoothly as I’d hoped.”

His tone now carried a hint of nonchalance.

“Lady Alrn, you are far more capable than I expected.”

…What’s up with him all of a sudden?

Why is he suddenly giving me compliments?

Could it be?

“However, regardless, the foundation of this plan is progressing just fine.”

As Luca raised the corners of his mouth, darkness settled in the corridor.

Not the darkness produced by Adrigar’s creation, but rather the dark energy of the Evil God.


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