Switch Mode

Chapter 488

Chapter: 488


The moment Yuden heard the dragon’s roar echoing from afar, he braced himself for the imminent tremors.

That was definitely Dragon’s Breath.

The strongest species that exists on this earth.

In the past, it was revered as a god; the mightiest beast.

Yuden, who had faced dragons while working as a mercenary, quickly predicted what was about to happen upon hearing that cry, and his prediction became reality.

The ground trembles. Vibrations originating deep within the earth torment the land, shaking the very feet of those standing above.

As everyone struggled to keep their footing during the sudden earthquake, Yuden spotted a few openings to dig in, but instead, he took a step back.

Those behind him had also lost their balance, after all.

Hmmm. Judging by the startled expressions over there, it seems the followers of the Evil God aren’t up to anything good.

Has something changed?

While contemplating what might have happened, Yuden recalled the cheeky little brat who had brought him here.

She had just dashed off somewhere, causing some kind of ruckus.

But if you’re gonna go sneaking around, at least do it quietly! What’s with this chaos?

“Lady Partran. Are we ready yet?”

I don’t know what she’s planning yet, but if she’s someone even Frete trusts, I should lend a hand.

Thinking he’d unsheathe his sword if more time was needed, Yuden was taken aback by Joy’s response.

She paused after hearing his question and then urgently said, “Sword Saint, could you possibly interrupt that imitation of the Magic Master?”

“Will that solve anything?”


At the very moment the earth shook, Joy sensed her magic reassembling within her.

The method by which the one imitating the Magic Master disrupted Joy wasn’t as refined as the original Archmage.

So as long as her concentration broke momentarily, she could definitely unleash her magic. Nodding in confirmation, Yuden shrugged.

“That sounds easy enough.”

“If you’re planning, you should whisper a bit more, shouldn’t you? We have ears too.”

The imposter imitating Luca interjected in a playful tone, but Yuden merely smiled.



“What can you do just because you know?”

Knowing what your opponent is up to might give you an advantage.

However, if the gap between you and your opponent is too vast, having information won’t yield any results.

Knowing that lightning strikes from the sky doesn’t mean you can stop it.

Even knowing a tidal wave is coming doesn’t mean a mere human can do anything about it.

If a human knows that death is approaching them, can they escape their fate?

“Does the title of Sword Saint seem like a joke to you?”

As Yuden chuckled lightly and raised his sword, the imitation of Luca sensed his impending doom.

He didn’t know why.

Even if he were questioned about his fear, he could provide no answer.

What exactly was the issue? No answer came even after he pondered it.

But one thing was certain. The moment that sword came crashing down from above…

A simple motion that even a first-timer picking up a wooden sword could perform was about to happen.

Just like when the executioner’s axe falls.

If he anticipated his end, he should have done something. But the Luca impersonator couldn’t muster a single action.

Even imagining swinging the sword felt impossible.

Even imagining running away felt pointless.

Even if he lay flat on the ground.

Even if he used his comrades as a shield.

The blade chased him down to the end, and it severed his head from his body.

In the end, all the Luca impersonator could do was witness the sword descending toward his neck.

I’m going to die.

I’m going to die.

So pitifully.

Without achieving anything.

Without even witnessing the Evil God reverting the world to nothing.

In hell, dreaming of a scene where only we reign…

He dies.

“Ow! Impressive. Is this what it means to be a scion of the Partran family?”

The one who had unconsciously squeezed his eyes shut slowly lifted his eyelids at Yuden’s calm voice.

At first, the man felt relieved that he had survived.

Next, he realized how far his thoughts had drifted from that lunatic Luca and anxiously looked around.

Finally, he was horrified to confirm that others had also broken free from the void’s grip.

“Thanks to the Sword Saint. If you hadn’t drawn attention, I would have done nothing.”

“Glad to hear that. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting anything.”


Hearing Joy’s bewildered voice, Yuden stepped forward.

In that moment, everything that had obstructed Yuden’s senses vanished.

She could now clearly see the followers of the Evil God and the children they’d ensnared.

Now, only one thing remained.

To swing her sword.

To show her believers a place worth defending.

One slash, and one head falls.

Another slash, and one body collapses.

Thus, only the man who had just been imitating Luca remained, waiting for death with his pitiful face.

“Now, my friend, I have a few questions for you.”

“Kill me! No matter what tricks you pull, I won’t answer!”

“Haha. You’re completely mistaken. The ability to die on your terms is a privilege belonging to those who deserve it. You don’t have that right, you filthy follower of the Evil God.”

With a murderous smile, Yuden approached the man, untied the child he was bound to, and kicked him down to the ground.

“Lady Partran. Saintess. Could you please turn your head for a moment? It might not be the prettiest sight.”

“Don’t worry about me. Sadly, I’m used to it.”

“…I’m not used to it like Frete, but it’s okay. I’m the daughter of the Partran family, after all.”

“Then I shall proceed.”

With a grip tightening around her sword, Yuden made her move, and soon the man’s screams echoed through the air.


“What’s this place?”

“It’s the trace left behind by that pathetic virgin magic user when he stayed here before. Smells like desperation all around, doesn’t it?”

“…What’s that smell of desperation?”

Well, your guess is as good as mine. Maybe it’s something like the scent of night blooming flowers caused by that Mesugaki skill going wild?

With that thought, I shrugged and walked through the collapsed wall.

[So, something is sealed here, huh.]

‘Do you sense something?’

[No. Nothing that I can detect. But I’m all too familiar with Erginius that punk’s work.]

Just looking at what’s engraved in the corridor leads me to a slight nostalgia toward my grandfather’s words.

[So what exactly is being hidden here? What’s it to the followers of the Evil God, attacking so eagerly?]

‘Doesn’t it seem like a rough guess from the way they’re plotting to attack?’

[…Could it be? The Evil God Agra? ]

‘Yep. That’s right. More specifically, a piece of him is sealed here.’

Agra, who had become the nucleus of the Evil Gods, possessed enough power to stand against the great god Armadi.

One of the many deities, he was a monstrous being overflowing with overwhelming might.

Sealing such an entity would be nothing like sealing other Evil Gods.

Even after a long, hard battle, the power he possessed wouldn’t just vanish.

‘My grandfather and the heroes chose to seal a portion of Agra’s power.’

The heroes had emerged victorious against the Evil Gods. Still, that victory couldn’t be eternal.

Seeing this, the heroes opted to delay the worst outcome instead of gambling immediately.

They chose to help seal many things that the Evil God possessed into different locations, with guidance from the Great God.

‘This place is one of those locations.’

In short, their choice had proven correct. Agra, whose power was torn apart, hadn’t regained his full strength despite everything.

And he wouldn’t gain it back anytime soon.

As long as the barrier called the Soul Academy exists, and with me stationed there, Agra would only be able to send me messages like a keyboard warrior, showcasing his ridiculousness.

[Wait a minute. If what you’re saying is true, then what Lucy is trying to do right now is incredibly dangerous, isn’t it!? You’ve basically revealed to them what they’re searching for! ]

‘Do you really think I wouldn’t have thought about that?’


‘If it comes down to it, I trust Erginius. He wouldn’t leave safety measures unattended, would he?’

I can confidently say this since I’ve openly tackled this place more times than I can count.

Getting to the sealed location here without a plan is virtually impossible.

Even if you brought Erginius’s skull, hidden somewhere in the desert, to this place, you wouldn’t make it to the seal.

Even if you did reach it, that would be as far as you’d get.

Things down there are just too dirty.

Ah, of course, there is a way to break through forcefully, but attempting that in reality is just not practical.

When facing this on a monitor, a single mistake could lead to a retry. But reality isn’t so forgiving.

Even I, who’s a bit rotten, would ponder my life while gambling it away; what about the others?

Without a doubt, if those followers of the Evil God headed down there, they’d be wiped out within ten seconds.

[…For you to say that, what has Erginius done?! ]

‘He did everything he could to keep intruders out. That’s all.’

Even while conversing with my grandfather, I moved my feet constantly, and before long, I reached my intended destination.

“Here it is.”

The place where the magic to channel mana to the academy’s barrier resides.

“The place where the weak pathetic Sword Saint and that virgin magic user made a pact long ago.”

This location, from which the power leaking from Agra’s seal is purified and sent into the academy’s barrier, is one that should traditionally require the royal seal to access.

If only that object signifying the authority of a king existed, one could visit here without any fuss like just now.

Why? Because Erginius entrusted the management of this place to the Soladin royal family.

Through a long contract passed down through blood.

“Now, pitiful prince. Your utterly pathetic role is…”

As I was about to say something, I took one look at Arthur’s face and suddenly lost my words.

His pupils were devoid of life.

Just like someone who had been engulfed by an illusion.

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not work with dark mode