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Chapter 48

Chapter 48: The Clever Stratagem

Prince Zhuang was currently in a predicament over the batch of goods from Chen Xiyi. The continuous summons of such a large amount of resources by Emperor Li had led to opposition from the civil and military officials in the court, and now this batch of resources was stuck. It was difficult for him to move it, let alone for Emperor Li.

While Emperor Li indeed held power in the court, he certainly did not have the ability to dominate everything, especially in the current situation.

Those greedy for benefits were unwilling to let go, while others seized the opportunity to criticize him; those who valued the state wanted to put an end to such behavior.

“Your Highness, I have important matters to report.” A steward from the prince’s residence knocked on the door.

“Come in and speak.” Wang Li frowned, finding it strange that important matters were being discussed at this time.

The steward entered the study and respectfully said, “Your Highness, that gentleman has fished a girl out of the small pond in the courtyard and told me to bring her to you for handling.”

“???” Upon hearing this, Wang Li looked perplexed. Fished out a person?

Fishing out tables and chairs was already ridiculous enough, and now it was a person.

But thinking that this immortal had asked him to handle it, perhaps there was something special about it.

“Where is the girl now?” Wang Li asked in a deep voice. Since it was his responsibility, he should meet her.

“She is currently being attended to by a maid, bathing and changing clothes. After being fished up, she was soaking wet, and from her appearance, she seems to be a noble young lady,” the steward replied.

“Alright, instruct the kitchen to prepare some ginger soup to warm her up. After she finishes, bring her to see me.”

After about half an hour, the steward brought Lü Xian over.

Entering the study, Lü Xian acted with composure and etiquette, greeting, “I am Lü Xian, greetings to Prince Zhuang.”

“Please rise. Since you are related to the esteemed gentleman, you are considered one of our own. Take a seat,” Wang Li responded.

“Thank you, Prince Zhuang.” As a noble young lady, Lü Xian was indeed very polite in her manner of dealing.

The two began to converse. Wang Li noticed that Lü Xian spoke quite exceedingly, possessing considerable insight into various topics despite her long seclusion.

During the conversation, he learned of Lü Xian’s background and situation. Regarding her being fished up by Chen Xiyi, Wang Li appeared calm, which Lü Xian naturally perceived, sensing something unusual about him.

“The Lü family from Baiyuan, is that the family skilled in metallurgy?” Upon hearing that Lü Xian was from Sunan Baiyuan City, Wang Li immediately thought of this noble family due to her surname and demeanor.

“It’s more like a branch family, not part of the main family,” Lü Xian explained.

“I see. Then, may I ask what your plans are, Miss?” Wang Li inquired.

Although the immortal had asked him to handle this, he had no clear idea of how to proceed, which was why he asked.

If she intended to return, he would arrange for someone to escort her back; if she wanted to stay, he could provide her with a private courtyard for her comfort. His grand Prince Zhuang’s residence could afford to take care of a noble young lady.

“Um…” Lü Xian found it difficult to answer.

Returning was certainly not an option; she had eloped. Even with Prince Zhuang’s support, the best she could hope for was to escape with her life, but her reputation would be tarnished, and those rumors could cost her dearly. No one would marry her; the best outcome would be a lifetime of loneliness.

Wang Li also noticed her hesitation. He understood social norms well; truth be told, if Lü Xian hadn’t been fished up by Chen Xiyi, he wouldn’t have even bothered to look at her.
To be honest, if it weren’t for the fact that Lü Xian was caught by Chen Xiyi, he wouldn’t even take a second look at her.

“If there’s nothing else, you can stay in my Prince Zhuang’s residence for a while,” Wang Li proactively offered.

With a way out presented, it was easy to accept, and Lü Xian quickly said, “Then thank you, Your Highness. I’m quite at a loss myself.”

Though staying might affect her reputation, at least she wouldn’t have to worry about the gossip.

When she returned home, the clan might gossip, but in Prince Zhuang’s residence, there weren’t many servants who would dare to spread rumors.

If someone were to dare speak carelessly, ten heads wouldn’t be enough for them; did they really think the strict royal family was the same as those aristocratic families? “No worries. If you need anything, let the steward assist you,” Wang Li continued.

“I thank you, Your Highness,” Lü Xian naturally expressed her gratitude; basic etiquette must be observed.

But she suddenly shifted the topic: “I noticed you were furrowing your brow when I arrived. Do you have something weighing on your mind?”

“It’s not anything serious, just some minor issues,” Wang Li initially hesitated to speak, but thinking that Lü Xian was connected to Chen Xiyi, maybe it could be of some help, he continued: “It’s about the people at court…”

Wang Li recounted the situation about resources being held up by the civil and military officials of the court, and he briefly skimmed over the matter of Chen Xiyi.

Lü Xian listened with narrowed eyes, seemingly contemplating something.

After Wang Li finished speaking, Lü Xian said, “This matter can be easily resolved. Your Highness just needs to do this…”

Hearing Lü Xian’s solution, Wang Li was somewhat surprised; he hadn’t expected there could be such a way to fix it.

“Miss Lü, you are very talented. If this works out, I will certainly appeal to His Majesty for a reward for you,” Wang Li hadn’t anticipated the solution would be this straightforward.

Lü Xian covered her face with a smile: “It’s just a minor plan; no need for Your Highness to request a reward for me. If I can help you solve this troublesome matter, consider that my rental fee.”

As they conversed, the atmosphere grew increasingly warm, and Wang Li couldn’t help but feel it was a shame.

If only Lü Xian were a man, then the Great Li would have another great talent.

Before they knew it, the sun had already begun to set, and Wang Li came back to his senses, realizing that the entire afternoon had passed.

He then invited her to have a meal together, and Lü Xian seemed to accept without refusal, instead agreeing cheerfully.

Lü Xian was also a clever person; even when discussing topics of romance, state affairs, or family matters, she avoided talking about Chen Xiyi. She could tell that the one who caught her was no ordinary person; if she pressed too much, it might arouse Wang Li’s wariness and distance.

Though she couldn’t ask directly, once the time was right, Wang Li would naturally share.

Once the moon hung over the willow branches, the two finally parted ways.

However, Wang Li didn’t rest; he returned to the study to prepare for the implementation of plans and to fill in the gaps.

By the next morning during the court assembly, he aimed to strike decisively, resolving the obstruction posed by the court officials permanently.

Lü Xian’s plan was excellent, but ultimately, she was just a sheltered young lady who rarely stepped beyond her doors. Although she was clever, there remained a significant difference between theory and practice, which was why Wang Li needed to further refine and make good use of the key points of the plan.

(End of Chapter)

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Status: Ongoing Author:
As a peace-loving, farming-enthusiast sandbox game player, Chen Xiyi claims he is not the kind to bring chaos to the world as the Fourth Calamity. He excels in converting enemies with truth and justice.“Let’s talk this out. Put away your weapons of mass destruction, and we can discuss anything.” — The dying words of a certain red-named NPC.


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