Switch Mode

Chapter 478

Chapter: 478

“Hey there, pathetic junior. How’s life treating you these days?”

“Oh, you know, just the usual struggles.”

Luca wasn’t overly surprised by the sudden visit from Karl. He had kind of been expecting it since Lucy had left that morning muttering about how boring things were.

It was likely that Young Lady Alrn had a rough idea of what I was up to.

So, Luca seriously debated whether he needed to improvise something on the spot when he talked to Lucy, especially if she was there to declare war.

However, contrary to Luca’s worries, Lucy merely scratched at his nerves and left without saying more.

Based on that, he guessed she was at least skeptical but not entirely convinced about the whole situation.

If Lucy truly knew everything, she wouldn’t just leave him be when he was connected to the evil god, right?

After all, a girl blessed by the god wouldn’t just let it slide.

Thus, Luca decided to hold off for a while. There was only a week left until the planned event would unfold anyway.

No matter how capable Young Lady Alrn was, handling everything perfectly in just one week would be impossible.

So, he was more than happy to give her time to prepare.

The more effort the Young Lady put in, the more beautiful this plan’s conclusion would be.

“What’s a veteran like you going to do if a pathetic junior like me struggles?”

“With the Alrn family backing you, what can a commoner like me do? I just have to follow orders.”

“Haha. I have ears too, junior. Your backing isn’t anything to sniff at.”

“Oh, dear. Was I overdoing the sob story?”

The plan was already in motion. Even if Professor Karl was watching me from the side, it wouldn’t be a problem.

What did annoy him was figuring out how to shake off Karl on the day of the plan’s execution.

“But I’m not really lying.”

After watching Karl over the past year, Luca knew his skills were far beyond that of an ordinary knight.

In the Alrn Knight Order, he was regarded as a promising prospect, and he had shown why time and time again.

From Luca’s perspective, if Karl had joined another knight order instead of Alrn’s, he would have already been tasked with significant duties.

While there was a way to take him down using various tactics, that would come at too great a cost.

That couldn’t happen.

Everything I do should leave a mark among the stars.

I can’t afford to reach for anything as dull as a mediocre glowstone.

“What could a commoner even do in the esteemed Queen’s circle?”

I need to think this through.

I must find a way to hand off my ambiguous talent to some average joe.


The apostle of the Art Guild, Frete, sat in her chair, tapping her fingers against her arm.

There was no time to waste.

She had to rush and prepare to bring the Young Lady back.

She was gearing up to create the optimal environment to paint a masterpiece of the Young Lady—a work that would earn the goddess’s praises.

“Frete, are you really showing how bored you are? I don’t think I deserve this kind of treatment.”

“Huh? Did I do something? I was just listening to Sword Saint talking.”

“You’re not trying to play dumb, are you?”

“…Sorry, Sword Saint. I’ve been somewhat preoccupied lately.”

Current Sword Saint, a veteran adventurer—Yuden—chuckled softly, flipping his bangs.

“Are you talking about the jewelry being made in the Art Guild?”

“You know about that?!”

“Of course. That jewelry is pretty infamous. Every rich merchant is desperate to get their hands on it. How could I not know?”

Despite being honored with the title of Sword Saint, Yuden chose to live as an adventurer rather than becoming some honored noble. He traveled the world, broadened his horizons, and was known for disguising himself while roaming about.

Now, it wasn’t strange for him to know a great deal about the jewelry, having to talk to various merchants along the way.

“I heard there’s quite a demand for it, but is it really that much?”

“Well, you know how traders are. They’re crazy for anything related to luck.”

“Yeah, that’s true.”

“It’s not just a trend. If they thought it would bring them good fortune, they’d eat an orc’s dung to get it.”

The Art Guild’s jewelry brings good luck just by existing and is so beautifully crafted it makes you smile just looking at it.

How could that not be popular?

“…Sword Saint, please.”

Frete couldn’t help but voice her annoyance when she saw Yuden laughing while chatting.

This is precisely why writing poetry about current Sword Saints is so difficult. His words and actions are so rough that it’s hard to convey the truth.

“Oh, please, no more lecturing. What do you expect from someone who turned down a title for that very reason?”


Frete let out a sigh at Yuden’s rather unrefined demeanor, wiped her face, and decided it was best to get out of here as soon as possible.

“So, why did you come here knowing you’d have to listen to a lecture?”

“I’m here because of that jewelry you mentioned.”

“…You came here to get that jewelry? Why?”

Frete involuntarily perked up, surprised by Yuden’s answer.

She knew who Yuden was—he wasn’t the kind to care about something as trivial as jewelry.

He was someone who felt no need to adorn himself.

He was a man who wouldn’t care one bit about beauty.

Even if someone crafted a decent piece of jewelry for him, he’d likely toss it into the dirt, claiming it was bothersome.

And yet, he was asking for jewelry!

“Young Lady Alrn’s beauty must have left an impression, even on your dull eyes. That’s truly touching.”

“…What? What is this lunacy?”

“You don’t have to deny it. Being awed by Young Lady Alrn’s beauty is perfectly normal. Even my goddess would agree.”

“No, no! I really don’t care about jewelry or beauty! If I was so interested in jewelry, I’d just grab some loser by the collar and take it! Why bother coming all the way here?”

“…You mean to say you saw the Young Lady through the jewelry and felt nothing?”

“Well, yes?”

“How can someone like that even exist?”

“No, hey! Frete! Your true feelings are practically spilling out here! Your expression is a total mess!”

Usually, Frete would maintain a smile, but Yuden’s serious demeanor caught her off guard.

Realizing her own rudeness, Frete cleared her throat and calmed herself before speaking again.

“So how does your purpose relate to the jewelry?”

“The person depicted in the jewelry is Young Lady Alrn, after all.”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“That means you’re close with Frete.”


As their conversation unfolded, the door suddenly swung open, and a priest from the guild burst in.

He was panting heavily, clearly having rushed in.

Upon noticing the Sword Saint’s presence, he hastily bowed his head.

“I’m sorry! Sword Saint! Excuse my intrusion!”

“Relax. I’m not that important.”


“More importantly, you wouldn’t burst in here without a good reason, right? Spit it out.”

“…I thank you for your consideration, but I mustn’t hold back. Frete! Young Lady Alrn has come looking for you!”

“Young Lady Alrn is here!?”

“The Young Lady of the Alrn family is here!?”


Feeling it was time to meet the Sword Saint, I immediately sought out Karia to ask about the Young Lady’s whereabouts.

Even if he wandered about, a figure of his stature would naturally have information about her.

Just as I expected, Karia immediately provided me with the information I sought.

“That person is at the Art Guild right now.”


However, that answer was far from what I expected. Why would someone who only sought dangerous places as an adventurer be at the Art Guild? It wasn’t exactly a hangout for Sword Saints!

While my confusion wouldn’t change the reality, Karia was adamant that he was at the Art Guild and was even chatting with Frete.

Crazy. Do I really have to go back to where those perverts are?

I’m supposed to go to a place filled with lunatics who are essentially praying on their knees while crying!?

[Isn’t it a good thing, though? If you have a connection with the Art Guild’s apostle, convincing them might get easier.]

‘…I see that. But put yourself in my shoes. Grandma. I’d have to go to a place where people are overjoyed when they receive blessings after being trampled! Would you really handle that, Grandma?!’

[What’s it to you? I went through similar stuff myself back then.]

‘Seriously, similar? Like, luddite-style? Did they smash their heads on the ground while begging for it?!’


‘Did they swallow spit and beg to be inspired?!’


‘Right? Didn’t think so!’


‘So, please don’t try to empathize. I seriously don’t want to go there.’

[Sorry about that!]

While bickering with Grandma and preparing mentally, I summoned the spell that would take me to the Art Guild.

The moment I stepped into the guild, it was pretty much what I expected.

People beaming with joy shouting about the goddess’s manifestation, others bowing down on the floor praying, and those crying just after making eye contact.

Amidst my genuine contempt for the hellish scenery, I blinked at the sight of someone running excitedly toward me from a distance.

Worn-out robes, leather armor typical of adventurers, and an overly noticeable sword that stood out amongst the other equipment.

There’s no doubt this person was a Sword Saint, but what on earth would make them run toward me?

…Could that person also be a pervert?

One with strange tastes like the Clumsy Fox or the perverted Apostle!?

Why did a perfectly fine person suddenly turn weird!?

As the Sword Saint finally reached me, their black eyes like obsidian bore down on me as they dropped to their knees, veins popping in their neck.

“Young Lady Alrn! Please grant me the opportunity to meet… No! Allow me to meet Lord Alrn! Pleaaaase!”

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not work with dark mode