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Chapter 475

Chapter: 475

When Karia asked if something was strange, I reflected on my recent daily life.

‘Lucy, this part…’

‘Think of it like this.’

‘Alright, next—’

Lately, my life at the Academy had resembled my high school days in my previous life.

In other words, it was filled with books, texts, and studying.

Even when attending classes with Joy, she would cling to me, monitoring whether I was actually studying, leaving me drained as the days went by.

Given the situation, it was tough for me to notice anything odd happening at the Academy.

“You seem completely oblivious.”

“What can I do? I—”

“Please don’t say that. Just don’t?”

Tch. What’s the big deal about being called ‘auntie’? A little teasing could relieve my stress, right?

“Anyway, a lot of stuff is flowing into the Academy from the outside. It’s too much to just be for midterm exam prep.”

Recently returned from the Academy streets, Karia was doing her best to spread her information network within and outside the Academy.

Though she had prepared to some extent before, that wasn’t enough. She devoted not just her own life but even that of her subordinates to keep enhancing her information network.

Why do I know this? Because I overheard Jackal and Chester lamenting about it not long ago.

With the Academy studies already killing them, they had no time to spare because Karia’s work assignments were piling up, making it impossible to train personally.

It seemed like they were sighing on purpose so I’d overhear and step in to help Karia, but I ignored them.

How could I care about others when I was struggling to survive?

Do they think they’re the only ones having a hard time?! I’m suffering too! Who do they think they are, planning to rest at a time like this?!

Ahem. Anyway, Karia had detected something suspicious based on the information network she set up.

While she didn’t know the exact details, she firmly believed something was happening at the Academy.

“While the lead comes from Queen Number One’s connections, I doubt the people under her will start stirring the pot.”

“So, what you want to say is that the crazy queen looks like she’s up to something, right?”

“…Yup. That’s right.”

The forces beneath Queen Number One relied heavily on her leadership.

Thus, if the Queen hadn’t commanded them to act, they wouldn’t budge on their own.

To put it another way, if they were moving, it likely meant Queen Number One was doing something.

Karia’s conjecture was somewhat persuasive but still felt a bit far-fetched.

“Why would that crazy queen do such a thing?”


“Does the deranged queen have any reason to harm future talents for the nation?”

While it’s true that Queen Number One’s faction initially targeted me, they hadn’t interfered with me since a certain point.

They watched from a distance, but that’s all. They weren’t actively putting me to the test.

They even tried to avoid provoking me—something must’ve been discussed up top.

Why the sudden interest in me from a faction that had been so conservative?

“I’m not doubting the information you brought; I’m just worried that your hard work could end up meaningless. Still, this seems a bit hasty, even for you.”

Karia’s information was likely true.

Something was undeniably happening within the Academy.

However, jumping to conclusions that it was related to the Queen felt premature.

Karia wasn’t any fool, and it’s not like she’d come up with this without solid evidence.

“…Sorry. Maybe I can’t think logically when it comes to the Queen.”

Karia didn’t argue further and calmly admitted her mistake.

I was relieved that she wasn’t some kind of impostor pretending to be Karia.

“Regardless, something is indeed being prepared, and it clearly involves the Queen’s faction. So please be careful regarding anything related to that, Employer.”

“Instead of worrying about others, shouldn’t you be focused on your own marriage prospects? You’re just aging day by day, so of course, you’re in a rush. Should I ask dear ol’ dad to set up some blind dates for you?”

“I’ll handle that myself! Don’t worry about it!”

“You’re not handling it too well, are you?”

“I said I’ll handle it! Whatever! I’m leaving!”

As Karia shrieked and turned her back, she swiftly went about her business.

How does she switch gears so quickly? Accusation without any power—it’s impressive.

[Lucy, why are you acting differently today?]

‘…What? Acting differently?’

[Why are you talking like a smart person?! That’s not how you usually are!]

‘No, right?’

You mean I just talked like a smart person? Did I really just do that?

[Damn it! You little rascal! Give me back our Lucy!]

‘Grandpa, did I actually look fine just now?’

[Do I look like I’m joking right now?!]

‘Stop messing around. Be serious.’

[…Ahem. Well, I guess I could say it was pretty clever of you to notice Karia’s unease and even offer advice.]


What! Has Grandpa ever talked to me like this before!?

I don’t think so!? Something must be different today!?

Is my intelligence actually boosting thanks to all those training sessions with Joy!? Is that it!?

Just moments ago, I’d thought I was heading straight to Hell, but this conversation turned everything around.

Hours of mind-numbing hardship are just that. But proper training that yields real results? Now that’s what counts!

Alright! Let’s work hard again today! Let’s boost that intelligence!

[Well. Sheesh…]

‘What did you say, Grandpa?’

[Oh, nothing. Weren’t you worried about what Karia just said? Shouldn’t you be?]

‘That? Yeah, I should be. If Karia is feeling something unusual, then something’s definitely up.’

[So, are you planning to investigate firsthand?]

‘No way—too eye-catching.’

I don’t know what their motives are behind bringing resources into the Academy, but if those intentions are foul, they’re definitely watching me closely.

Even if I stripped everything I’ve done before, the power my circle and I have shouldn’t be underestimated.

So, me moving around to figure things out is not a good idea.

[Then what’ll you do? ]

‘I’ll give my grandma something to keep her busy while she’s at it. With her suspicions, I’ll send her to check it out secretly.’

Given the limitations while sneakily gathering resources at Soul Academy…


The night at Soul Academy isn’t just bleak.

When someone who yelled they’d pull an all-nighter was dozing off with their head against their desk, the lab on one side of the Academy was shining brightly.

Adri, who had been watching this place referred to as the lighthouse of Soul Academy, felt pity for those trying to shake off their drowsiness with all sorts of magical potions and brews.

Even dark mages wouldn’t go to such lengths when cultivating necromancers.

As she observed those bringing out their keen senses, she recalled what Lucy had instructed, and subtly changed her location.

Adri had been establishing herself at Soul Academy for nearly a month now.

Every night, when Visi fell asleep, Adri would explore the Academy to figure out where everything was located.

Lucy had told her to check on the professor named Luca…

Oh no.

While she’d been sneaking around through the walls, Adri had to stop her movement abruptly.

There’s some kind of barrier right in front of me.

If I cross this, my presence would be detected.

Unsure if it was something she could sort out herself, Adri hesitantly examined the barrier, but realizing she had no clue about its structure, she gave up.

What on earth could they be hiding that would warrant such effort?

Curiosity peaked, but she didn’t want to take risks.

Pulling back from Professor Luca’s office, she wandered to other places Lucy had mentioned.

Yet sadly, the areas she could investigate were quite limited.

Every place Lucy had pointed out was protected by barriers similar to the one in Professor Luca’s office.

Moreover, various security measures put up by the Academy’s professors were abundant, leaving Adri with little to discover.

Ugh. If I come back empty-handed, that cocky brat will call me useless and pointless!

Just the thought sent shivers down her spine, but there was nothing Adri could do about it.

Instead of throwing herself into danger while leaving Visi behind, she opted to abandon her pride.


The next morning, when Adri relayed what she found, I became certain that this was related to Luca.

From the moment I heard about items being delivered through networks tied to Queen Number One, I had my suspicions. Luca wouldn’t lack awareness about what’s happening through those connections.

However, his silence about it meant he was likely involved in some trickery.

In a situation where I’d asked him to keep an eye out, why are there strange barriers everywhere?

This is a one hundred percent certainty.


Luca is up to some nonsense for his own agenda.

[Luca’s Trial]

After not long since the Academy began, I checked the quest given to me and stretched my arms to prepare to head out.

[You planning to storm in there?]

‘Well, it’s probably the fastest way to find out what’s going on.’

Can’t avoid confronting a traitorous pup.

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not work with dark mode