Switch Mode

Chapter 472

Chapter: 472

After the ruckus subsided below the desert, the skeleton, gazing at the bright night sky, couldn’t help but smile at the scene he had encountered after eons.

“Isn’t it fascinating? Was the night sky always this beautiful?”

In his memories left by the original, the night sky was merely a dreadful symbol of misfortune, yet here it was, sparkling and dazzling.

“Perhaps the original hoped I wouldn’t be curious about the world beyond.”

If he grew curious about the outside scenery, he might want to leave this place and venture out.

The skeleton thought Ermginus’ worries weren’t unfounded. If he had etched that view into his mind and remained here for ages, he would surely have sought a way out.

“But Ermginus, why didn’t you take away the fairy’s memories from me? If you wished for me to guard this place forever, you should have taken those happy memories too.”

If that had been the case, he wouldn’t feel such a desperate longing now. With a smirk, the skeleton tore his gaze from the night sky to focus on the ceiling.

“That scenery from just a moment ago makes no sense no matter how many times I replay it.”

He understood they had connected several bombs and scrolls to boost the explosive power. He could guess the shockwave from the explosion had affected the scroll in some way.

“But why did that result in breaking Ermginus’ magic and causing a ceiling that shouldn’t yield under normal circumstances to crumble?”

“Oh, great God, what on earth did you teach that kid?”

Stirred by a throbbing head, the skeleton muttered as he conjured an illusion in mid-air.

It was a painting containing the devastation captured in his memory.

With a few months still left, he figured he could spend this time analyzing it.

He couldn’t simply allow an unknown phenomenon to exist unchecked.

Revived by a long-buried competitive spirit, the skeleton was just about to immerse himself in his world when news reached him: someone had entered the dungeon entrance.

“Ha! It’s been years since anyone came here, and now two groups show up in a single day?”

It couldn’t just be a coincidence, could it? Did that arrogant brat bring company?

Ruel. That guy. With his nose buried next to the brat, how did he fail to detect such a thing?

Though some aspects had aged over time, this obstinacy remained unchanged.

Thinking he’d tell him just how pathetic he was next time, the skeleton grabbed his staff.

The aura emanating from the intruders suggested they were lowly beings serving the Evil God of Void. Convenient!

After all, a modern-day magician had recently taught him some fresh tricks. If he used that, he could easily toy with them.

“Should I take out my irritation with that brat on these guys?”

With a mischievous smile, the skeleton moved forward.


“…Is it alright for us to receive this reward when we haven’t done anything?”

The mercenary captain displayed a cautious demeanor upon seeing the gold coins I offered.

He insisted they hadn’t come expecting money to begin with. Receiving such a heap for not having done a thing was honestly more trouble than it was worth.

Watching his flustered gestures, I nodded and dug into my pocket to pull out a few more gold coins.

“Y-You’re giving me more?!”

“What? Is it not enough?”

“N-No! It really is fine! We’re just—”

“Hmm. Fine, I shall generously be a fool for the greedy uncle. Go ahead, take as much as you like.”

“Please, Young Lady Alrn. If you keep this up, I won’t be able to face Sir Benedict.”

In a peculiar situation where one side was eager to give more while the other earnestly begged not to, it was ultimately the mercenary captain who raised the white flag.

Realizing that arguing further would only worsen the situation, he helplessly accepted the coins I offered with his pale hand.

“Look at you! Saying you didn’t need money, yet when you see a sum you like, you’re quick to accept! Extorting money from a frail little girl? Absolutely disgraceful!”

“…No. I did say I didn’t need it, but the Young Lady insisted.”

“Right! I gave it voluntarily! So don’t get mad. I’m really scared right now. Are you running low on funds? If so—”

“I’m not sure what wrong I’ve done, but please spare me, Young Lady Alrn. I might very well be torn apart by Sir Benedict!”

Witnessing a man who managed countless mercenaries kneeling and begging was beyond amusing; it tugged at my heartstrings.

Is this what it meant to use money to boss people around? Only those with such a temperament could do it.

“If you understand, then just take what I give. Don’t pretend to act nice with all this gratitude nonsense! It’s laughable for a mercenary to try and present himself as a knight over his money addiction.”

“…Even so, this is too much.”

“What’s wrong?”

“N-No. Thank you for the advice. I’ll engrave it in my ears.”

Once I casually slipped into honorifics, the mercenary captain flinched and shook his head in horror. If only he’d acted like this sooner.

“Next time I call for you, get here pronto! Otherwise, I’ll be sure to tell Papa you threatened me.”

“I will rush over even if it costs me my life!”

After parting ways with the mercenary captain, I returned to my friends to find Arthur and Joy giving me peculiar looks.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I was just thinking that the Alrn family isn’t particularly wealthy, so where did all that money come from?”

“I’m curious about that too. You said it was fine not to give money, yet you handed out a stack of gold coins.”

Hmm. I suppose the money I just handed over was a bit too much for a noble’s daughter to be bestowing casually.

Anyone unaware of the circumstances might suspect I had been caught up in something strange.

Just a few months ago, I wasn’t exactly thriving enough to toss around that kind of cash.

Not until that perverted apostle had shoved a ridiculous amount of money into my hands, that is.

“I’m sure you’ve heard, but the jewelry adorned with the painting of Young Lady Alrn has been selling like hotcakes, to the point where we’re struggling to keep up with production. Thanks to that, our followers are delightfully dying in happiness.”

“If Young Lady Alrn hadn’t willingly permitted this, such miracles would have been impossible. It’s only natural we give a portion of our profits back to you.”

“Don’t worry about the smaller details. It’s merely a leftover from what we use after all.”

The currency the perverted apostle had handed me wasn’t regular gold coins.

Nope, it was platinum coins. Ten gold coins clumped together to form one colossal unit of currency. There were FIVE gleaming platinum coins nestled in my pocket.

As I caught sight of the gleaming coins gleaming against my fingertips, I inadvertently blurted out ideas to create even more jewelry.

Wait! Think! An immense sum capable of operating a grand territory for an entire year landed in my hands in a flash! Wouldn’t it bring in sooo much if I could just endure a moment of embarrassment?

The perverted apostle had not only accepted my proposal wholeheartedly, but he also assured me he’d call me once he had fully prepared everything.

At that moment, I couldn’t shake the feeling I had probably blurted that out a little too hastily, but it was already too late to take it back.

…What on earth was that perverted apostle preparing that kept him silent all this time?

As time passed, my anxiety grew. Is this what it feels like to wait as a death row inmate?

Anyway, when I explained about the profits earned from the sale of jewelry, my friends seemed to accept it without a hitch.

They must have recognized how quickly the word of my jewelry was spreading.

“If you made so much money, why not spend a little for us?”

“Are you suggesting I spend the money earned by selling my own body on the pitiful prince? Unfortunately, it must happen. A powerless noble must kneel before royalty…”

“Powerless my foot! I could erase your kind from existence if I so desired!”

Bantering back and forth with my friends, I headed straight to the headmaster’s office once we returned to the academy.

To meddle with the barrier as the skeleton had told us, I’d need the headmaster’s approval.

I didn’t think it’d be too hard to obtain his consent.

Considering the headmaster was already under a collar, how could he possibly refuse my request?

“I’m sorry, Young Lady Alrn. It may take a bit longer.”

However, the headmaster’s reply was unlike what I had expected. He broke into a panicked sweat, expressing his predicament.

“Have you gotten so old you’re starting to forget things? Do you want me to remind you what collar is around your neck?”

“If it were up to me, I’d grant permission immediately. But as you know, there’s quite a lot going on at the academy currently.”

Had the academy’s situation remained as it had been before, the headmaster would have happily allowed me to intervene in the barrier.

Yet now, the academy’s internal affairs had shifted significantly, effectively stripping the headmaster of much of his authority amid the power struggle between the First and Second Queens.

“Please give me some time. By the end of the midterms, I’ll show you to the location of the barrier.”

The headmaster’s earnest plea didn’t sound entirely like a mere excuse.

Could it really be a physically impossible situation? If needed, I could pull off a heinous plan to break into the barrier, but doing something insane when there was a proper route available felt wrong.

And there wouldn’t be that much time until midterms either.



Just a second.

How long do we have until midterms, anyway?

Two weeks?

Wait, has it been just two weeks already!?

Realizing this shocking fact, I suddenly jumped up from my seat and bolted out of the headmaster’s office.

This was bad!

This time, I intended to actually study to raise my intelligence!

At this rate, I’d have to live with a measly intelligence of 58 again!

No way!

This was a matter of my pride!

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not work with dark mode