Switch Mode

Chapter 471

Chapter: 471

After wrapping up my deal, the skeleton truly began to flaunt his prowess as a great mage while diving into Joy’s magic.

“You plan to have the academy wizards use this? That’s inefficient. It’d be better to directly imbue this quality into the barrier at the academy.”

“You don’t know about the magic circle of the barrier? No matter. I laid the foundation, so we can just infuse it with magic. Ah, but in this case, compatibility might be a concern. I’ll have to think about it.”

“Maybe we should just modify the basis of the barrier altogether? Yeah, that’s probably the way to go. It’s been here for a while, so there must be all sorts of issues cropping up.”

“While updating the barrier, we can imbue it with this quality.”

“And who’s going to make those modifications, you ask? Obviously, it has to be you, the mage. I’m stuck here and can’t get out.”

As he fidgeted and adjusted the magic circle based on his ideas, the skeleton suddenly turned to Joy, who was firing off practical questions.

“W-What? Me?”

“Don’t worry. It’s not that difficult. You have pretty decent talent, so you’ll learn quickly.”


Hearing praise from a great mage, Joy beamed with a smile that melted like butter.

And the skeleton wasn’t completely wrong. Joy’s talent was top-tier among the characters at Soul Academy.

However, I was a bit uneasy about leaving things solely to her.

“Prince of Partran! Don’t just stand there, come over here and lend an ear to my words.”

“…Me too?”

“Are you really going to entrust everything to this eccentric mage? I can’t do that. Regardless of the skill level, I can’t say this kid is trustworthy.”

“I can’t deny that.”

“Revered one, could you please come over as well? The more safety devices, the better!”

“Yes, understood.”

Ooh, as expected of a great mage! He quickly grasped what kind of person Joy was.

If he hadn’t seen her begging for her life in front of the Clumsy Fox, I might’ve genuinely been impressed. Such a shame!

While I was lost in thought, Joy’s face turned red, and she raised her voice.

“I’m not that bad! I might make mistakes now and then, but not to the extent of hearing such an insult!”

“Now and then? Joy, do you really think it’s just now and then? Why don’t you list out all the mistakes I’ve seen you make?”

“I’m sorry! I’ve gone too far!”

“Poor prince, do you remember all the foolish things the Clumsy Fox has done? It gives me chills, but kid’s antics aside, I’m curious.”

“I’m curious too. Third Prince! The mistakes of Joy that I don’t know about.”

“I can’t remember everything; I’m human after all. But there are a few things that stick out.”

“Prince?! P-prince?! Can you not hear me?!”

“Wasn’t it when you were just starting to learn magic? You tried to show off fire magic and burned down the royal garden while creating a magic circle…”

“If you keep that up, this time I’ll burn the prince!”

Joy had the ability to turn a few people into crispy critters, so we quickly dropped that conversation.

I’ll have to casually ask about those horrible failures of the Clumsy Fox when we get back to the academy. That sounds like it’ll be a riot!

While Arthur, Joy, and Phoebe were learning about the barrier from Ermginus, I focused on doing my utmost to solidify the blurry image of the fairy dance.


There was one critical issue.

It had been way too long since I’d seen the fairy dance.

The last time I caught a glimpse of that dance was back when I was only just starting the game.

You know how game cutscenes are. They’re awe-inspiring the first time you see them, but after the second or third time, you just hit skip!

Honestly, I think it’s a big deal that I still have even a blurred memory of it!


Was it like this? Or maybe not? Was it something like this?

As I anxiously racked my brain to remember, I felt my frustration mounting.

I thought I was going down the easy slope after climbing the mountain! But here I was, facing yet another uphill battle!

Who on earth designed this ridiculous course!?

Aren’t you scared of me throwing a tantrum, you little jerk?!

[At least you’re on the right path compared to before when you didn’t even know what a proper path was.]

‘You’re awfully positive, old man.’

[It’s not positivity, it’s just the natural response.]

‘Is it really natural?’

[You may not have noticed because of your rapid growth, but the path of nothingness is inherently about wandering around until you find your way. However, you’ve now seen a glimmer in the distance, so it’s only natural to be happy. Now, you just have to move towards that!]

‘That doesn’t rid me of this feeling of uncertainty.’

[So what? I can guide you with plenty of advice. The blessings bestowed by the Goddess of Beauty and Art, and the gifts from the God of History, and of course, there’s me.]

The old man’s belief that I’d eventually reach my destination was quite reassuring. If I hadn’t heard similar words before, I might actually have believed it.

‘Remember when you said something similar when I was first developing my new tool to store eggs?’


‘But here we are. You led me to a cliff! What do you have to say about that?’

[A cliff? That’s not your path; it’s just a clear answer for others!]

‘But for me, it was an incorrect answer, old man. Do you really want to excuse your incompetence like that?’

[*Cough, cough.]

The old man seemed at a loss for words, clearing his throat a few times before shutting his mouth.

Though I couldn’t see his expression, I could feel him squirming.

I tried to hold back my laughter, but my lips were too light.

A chuckle slipped out.

[Haah! So you were just teasing me? ]

‘Now do you understand why I said to lay off the truth bombs?’

[What is it? I’ll be more careful next time.]

‘As long as you get it!’

What could I do about my fading memory? There was no way to see that scene again.

All I could do was work my fingers to the bone, trying to get as close to the original as possible.

As I thought this, the drowsy Fairy, who had been dozing off till now, opened her eyes and watched me move.

Then she got up, stretched, and walked over to me.

“Lucy! Lucy!”

She didn’t say much, but her sparkling eyes conveyed exactly what she meant.

“Are you looking to get thrashed? Masochist?”

“I think it could be fun!”

Watching Fairy deftly deflect my jibe, I couldn’t help but laugh.

Sure, there were still plenty of aspects where I felt lacking for real combat.

I’d only just awoken from the fairy dance not even a few hours ago.

But I didn’t have any intention of rejecting Fairy’s suggestion. I was feeling eager too!

Ah, how did I end up with this brain muscle?

Before falling into this world, I was a weakling crying out that the outside world was dangerous!

“If you want to come at me, get on with it. I’ll roll you on the ground until you’re bored!”

“Is that a promise?”


My spar with Fairy went as usual.

My taunts made her charged with the intention of breaking through my shield, while I blocked her attacks and looked for openings to strike back.

My shield skills could even withstand Rasha’s attacks to an extent; no matter how sharp Fairy’s sword became, it wouldn’t break through.

Considering how her sword was getting sharper day by day, I might find a moment where it could shatter, but for now, it was all good.

“Was there really nothing different from usual?” you ask? Well, no. There was definitely something different.

“…Lucy, your movements are so annoying.”

Though she was face down, seemingly out of stamina, her voice dripped with frustration, making it evident my movements, imitating the fairy dance, were skilled at poking at her emotions.

I didn’t really get it, but it sounded like watching me made her blood boil.

It was also noted by grandfather that my movements had a captivating charm that made it hard for anyone to look away.

If you watched me too long, you’d get so mad you’d feel compelled to charge in, but at the same time, you couldn’t look away, either!

Such perfectly tailored movements for me!

If this was the level before completion, just how destructive would it be once I finished it!?

Hehe, it’s just exciting to think about.

If I ever get the chance to talk with the God of Martial Arts, I should definitely ask for some tips.

I bet he’d give me some solid advice.

…But then again, when’s that risk detection skill he promised coming in?

Ganshu! Are you not working?!

As I sulked inwardly while soothing my tired body, the skeleton approached me, leaving the three half-awake folks behind.

I didn’t even collapse after staying up several nights to prepare for academy exams before, so how hard has he been pushing them?

“How to respond to the powers of the void has been completed. Now, we just need to apply it when we get to the academy.”

“Are you confident? If that magic ends up like that pathetic ‘virgin’ wizard, even the chicken coop lady will spend her life in dreams.”

“I don’t know who this chicken coop lady is, but don’t worry. As long as that wizard doesn’t make any outrageous mistakes, we’ll be fine.”

“Then the Clumsy Fox will definitely mess something up!”

“I know. That’s why I’ve got two safety precautions set aside.”

Confidently asserting his prospects, Ermginus looked at me and chuckled.

“Well, I’ll be waiting.”

“I’ll be back soon. We can’t have the ‘virgin’ wizard collapsing in ruins.”

“Ha! That’s quite the tale! Oh, right! You were going to tell me how you broke the ceiling. Keep your promise!”

“I don’t know the full details myself! I’ll show you how to smash it, and the virgin wizard can analyze it on his own.”

As I spoke to Ermginus, I grabbed Joy’s shoulder, who had stars spinning in her eyes, dragging her over to attach explosives to the ceiling using her magic.

After that, I had Phoebe create a barrier, and boom! Just like when we entered!

Ermginus, having analyzed Joy’s magic in an instant, would surely piece together the principle behind it, right?

As I secretly turned my head to gauge his confident explanation, I found the skeleton with his mouth agape and tilted my head in confusion.

“Virgin Wizard? Why on earth are you making that dumbfounded face?”

“…What the heck is that?”


“No, huh? What is going on there?”

Uh, um, I can’t give you an answer to that, buddy.

“Wait, just a moment. Can you imitate that just once more? I’d like to engrave it in my eyes, please!”

Sorry, but we’re out of materials, and there’s no time! We have to get going, okay?

“I only need a moment! Please, just a little more!”

“Clumsy Fox! Attack again!”

“Lucy, you seem to be using me a bit too generously.”

“So, you don’t like it?”

“No, I would say I do! But if you used me more like a tool… Gah! Hah!”

While the Clumsy Fox neutralized the skeleton, we escaped past the ceiling into the outside dungeon.

Now it’s time to head back to the academy! We’re going to hunt down those void cultists!

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not work with dark mode