Switch Mode

Chapter 470

Chapter: 470

The skeleton’s eyes were clearly empty, but strangely enough, that darkness radiated warmth.

Overwhelmed by the atmosphere, which felt like dense emotions seeping from forgotten memories, I forgot about the excitement from earlier and faced the skeleton.

“Answer me! How do you know about the fairy dance?”

His tone was serious, starkly different from how he’d argued with Grandfather.

His voice was sharp, as if he wouldn’t allow even a small prank.

What was it about the fairy dance that made the skeleton so anxious?

I had no clue. The only thing I knew about the skeleton and the fairy forest was that he had plunged it into eternal sleep.

I had no idea what had transpired in between.

That was a story for the heroes; it wasn’t about the Soul Academy.

[Speak of what Lord Ganshu has shown.]

While I hesitated to speak in front of the menacing skeleton, Grandfather advised me.


Grandfather must know that the fairy dance I performed with Ganshu was unrelated. He had watched me endure my trials.

Yet he told me to lie without a trace of his previous enthusiasm.

I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but at this point, I could easily guess what was going on.

A story related to the fairy forest probably carried an unfathomable tragedy.

“Did that weird history geek show you something?”

“…You mean Ganshu showed you the fairy forest?”

The skeleton paused at my insult but quickly realized whom I was talking about.


“Do I need to understand the thoughts of that stinky little brat?”

The convenience of divine intent was remarkable.

Just as when decrees fell from the heavens to the earth, leaving room for countless interpretations, their oracles often lacked clarity. If I said I didn’t understand their intentions, my interlocutor would have nothing left to respond with.

What could I do? I didn’t know.

“Calm down, you pathetic virgin wizard. If you get that worked up about something you know, who would want to be your friend? Even if I thought about it, I’d definitely run away in fright.”

Trying to switch topics with a light jab, I found that the skeleton didn’t react even a bit to my cheeky retort.

As if it had lied about being played around by my antics all this time.

“Do you know what’s happened to the fairy forest now?”

“Isn’t it the place where the pathetic evil god is shivering and getting consumed? Why are you asking? You’re the one who sealed it, right? Did your empty skull also make your memory volatile?”

“Yes, I sealed that place. It’s the location where the pitiful wizard, unable to handle the dilapidated forest, chose the world over it. Ganshu showing it to you, a servant of the lord, must be for a clear purpose!”

“Is that so?”

It didn’t feel right.

That guy, lacking social skills, couldn’t possibly have such insight.

That petty brat probably just wanted to annoy me by picking an annoying location.

“Given that darkness lingers on this land, saving that place is impossible, right? Why? Why is that?”

“That loser got his ass kicked and ran away while whining?”


“Well, that cowardly evil god, like a true loser, tried to mess with me but ended up smashed. How is it that such a pathetic being can carry the title of god? Ah, even a complete idiot can be a god, I guess?”

I hadn’t completely defeated the evil god. To erase its existence, I needed to head beneath the dungeon, break its seal, and destroy it.

However, it was certainly true that I had blown away most of the dark god’s power.

The evil god had spent everything to eliminate just me, the servant of the lord, and in that situation, it proved how useless it was by getting wrecked by me.

By this point, it must be in the seal, basking in its falsely glorious victory.

“Can you tell me more about that story?”

Facing the skeleton, who was persistently digging into his own skull, made me uneasy, but there was something in his voice that carried a desperation no one could ignore, so I couldn’t push him away.

Hmm. How should I explain this?

I didn’t feel confident that I could describe it in a way that would be easy to comprehend, even if it came out a bit distorted due to my Mesugaki skill.

Plus, if I babbled on, it would likely turn into something only I could understand.

After thinking for a moment and deciding I couldn’t explain it myself, I resorted to bringing Fairy back after releasing the barrier.

“Are you talking about the day we fought the evil god? If so, Lady will do a better job explaining.”

“I’m too lazy.”

“In that case, I guess I’ll do my best to elaborate on Lady’s dedication.”

Fairy, who usually preached to others at the church during her spare time, was an excellent storyteller.

If there were a pretty sister on a video site doing something like this, she’d get a ridiculous amount of views.

But you know, Fairy, don’t you think your story might be a bit exaggerated?

In your tale, I’m not just a Mesugaki but a character worthy of myth!

I’m not that noble! Please, keep it moderate!

Overwhelmed by Fairy’s incessant praise, I covered my blushing face with my hands, but that didn’t stop her from elaborating her distorted tale until the end.

“Since Lady summoned the power of the Lord, a miracle was born, and the city, overwhelmed by darkness, regained its former state.”

“That can’t be.”

“It’s the truth. According to the people from that church, they say it became even holier.”


“I swear on the Lord.”

When Fairy nodded sweetly, Ermginus turned slowly to look at me.

I had no idea what he was expecting, but the version of me in that story and the real me were worlds apart. Any expectations would only be met with disappointment.

“Lucy Alrn, was it?”

“Are you calling me a brat while remembering my name? Why? Is it too embarrassing to say a girl’s name?”

“You mentioned a miracle in the city. Could you expand that on a larger scale?”

Was he referring to the time I had stripped the evil god’s power entirely?

That shouldn’t be impossible.

As long as I could snag a few sacred relics from Isabel Artea, it would be quite feasible.

Both Fairy and I had grown beyond what we could back then.

Nodding silently, the skeleton gritted his teeth and slowly lowered his head.

“You said you were a student at the academy.”


“When the break begins, could you come see me? I want to make a deal. If you grant my request, I’ll tell you about the things the real one has hidden. Though I started remembering, the real one continued to act, so there may be inaccuracies, but I can certainly assure you that everything will be valuable.”

The proposal the skeleton extended was of a type I hadn’t seen even once in the game.

While this guy retained memories of Ermginus, he had never offered any information about him.

So this skeleton’s proposal was a testament to how desperate he was.

However, despite that desperation, the offer didn’t sway me much.

I probably knew more about where Ermginus had hidden things than this skeleton.

I know way more than the skeleton stuck under the desert.

But still.

‘Grandfather, this skeleton’s proposal… it’s related to the fairy forest, isn’t it?’

[…It’s likely. Even in the moment everything ended, he longed for the memory of the forest.]

‘That’s dangerous, right?’

[I personally wish to advise you to just ignore it. It’s like poking a beehive for no good reason.]

Grandfather warned me against it, but I didn’t take his words to heart.

The fairy forest was a place I couldn’t even visit in the game.

The magic dungeon, a place I had never set foot in. No one knew what horrors lay unbeknownst.

Where would I find such enticing words in the world?

With a smirk on my face, I approached the waiting skeleton, eagerly anticipating my moment, and kicked his shins.

No matter how great a mage, he probably couldn’t do anything about such an unexpected attack, and he stumbled, leaving me and the skeleton at eye level.

“I really don’t care what the pathetic virgin wizard left behind. Digging up that bachelor stench isn’t something I’m really interested in. I don’t want to catch that stink!”

“Don’t belittle those things! They are!”

“Well, you’re a clueless virgin wizard who knows nothing about women. The pathetic wizard whose own power can’t stand up without burying his head in front of a girl. You really want to fulfill the wishes you let rot for ages?”


“In that case, stop babbling nonsense and help me out. That ridiculous idiot is sure to do something strange again.”

I trust Joy’s abilities.

And I believe she can’t escape the idiot act of hers.

If I left her alone, she’d undoubtedly end up white with failure like no one’s business.

I didn’t want to see my friend crying, apologizing for her failures, so I asked the skeleton to assist her.

The skeleton paused for a moment before softly questioning me.

“…Do you even know what I’m going to ask of you?”

“Sort of?”

“You know it’s going to be dangerous?”

“The danger? Well, dealing with the stench of chicken coop lady would be a bit tough. I’ll admit that.”

“Yet, you’re willing to help so lightly?”

“Hey, you pathetic wizard, you seem a bit mistaken. I have no interest in your cheesy desires. I’m just doing what I want. So don’t get delusional. Nothing feels worse than a loser chuckling behind my back.”

After giving the skeleton a light tap on the forehead, I stepped back and grabbed my mace again, gearing up to further refine the clues obtained from the fairy dance.

Just as I took the starting pose, a hearty laugh erupted from behind me.

After several moments of rattling skeletons, it finally stopped, and he looked at me with a chuckle.

“You should never doubt the eye of the great lord!”


What’s with that sudden line?

Is he awakening some creepy taste inside him after getting slapped around?

I’d be in quite a pickle if another pervert popped up!

“Clumsy Fox! Attack!”

“…Huh?! Why?! Why?! I was just giving a compliment, why are you freaking out!?”

“Lucy, you need to reward me properly later!”

“Gyaaaak! Don’t come near me! Stay away!”

Thank goodness. Considering how panicked he was, it didn’t look like his tastes had suddenly shifted.

“Please don’t come near meee!”

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not work with dark mode