Switch Mode

Chapter 459

Chapter: 459

The skill called [Historical Verification] informs you about events that have occurred in that location.

In the game, it was mainly used to uncover information that couldn’t be easily discerned by ordinary means.

I desperately wanted to acquire this skill, as it was incredibly useful; however, not every event gets recorded here.

Only events significant enough to impact history end up stored in [Historical Verification].

A day where someone wakes up, has breakfast, chats with friends, and goes back to sleep isn’t recorded.

Back when this was still a game, I assumed it was just a resource issue leading to such omissions, but the fact that this remains unchanged in reality suggests there’s a certain standard in place.

[Kidnapping of Lady Klebb]

[Friday evening.
While Lady Klebb was out, a follower of the Void slipped in.
Utilizing the powers of the Evil God, the assailant waited until the moment the lady fell asleep before binding her.
Having extracted useless information from Lady Klebb using the Evil God’s power, the follower pondered what to do next.
The problem was that the Academy’s staff frequented her room to clean daily.
If they acted recklessly, they risked getting caught before achieving their objective.
Staring at the trembling Lady Klebb, the follower recalled the information received from the Apostle and heaved her over their shoulder.

The book abruptly stopped there.

After this, the events would unfold outside the room.

It didn’t really matter. I just needed to follow the narrative as it continued…


Just as I almost tripped, Joy rushed in to catch me.

I regained my muddled focus while leaning against her arm and stepped back with a long sigh.

“Are you okay?”

“…Cough. Look at you panicking. Joy, you’re so clueless. You’re scared because I pretended to be weak. If I actually fell, you’d probably break down in tears, huh?”

“Stop joking around! You gave me a scare!”

“Cough. Hah.”

To soothe Joy’s worries, I forced a smile while also reflecting inwardly.

More than half of the divinity I possessed had vanished.

It wasn’t a small amount of divinity I was harboring, yet half of it disappeared in a single use of [Historical Verification].

So of course, dizziness crept in.

How strange.

[Historical Verification] wasn’t supposed to be like this.

Back in the game, it was a skill that could always be passively used.

That Ganshu bastard, did he do something out of spite again?

It’s totally possible, especially if he’s that temperamental little brat stuck in the library.

Ah, darn it. I should have knocked him in the head back then.

I would have loved to see him throw a tantrum.

While I vented my resentment towards Ganshu internally, I explained to my grandfather what I had just seen.

[If what you witnessed is true, the owner of this room is likely somewhere in the Academy.]

I nodded at Grandfather’s reasoning that it was more realistic to hide the lady somewhere inside the Academy rather than attempting to escape through its defenses at night.

Though the Void’s powers had penetrated the place, the current security at the Academy was tighter than usual.

It had to be that way after a series of incidents. It made more sense to hide the lady inside than to force my way through all those obstacles.

[Do you have any speculation?]

“Well… I do have some, but it’s a bit too much to narrow down.”

Is there a place inside the Academy that would be suitable for hiding someone?

There are certainly way too many options.

Right off the top of my head, I could think of dozens.

And if I added spots that would be hard for basic students to access, that number would only increase.

After pondering for a moment, I appealed to the area for help.

I want to find where the lady is hiding.

[Go find the Ghost.]

Does the ghost refer to Adri?

…That’s correct.

In that physical form, she could search the Academy at a speed incomparable to regular individuals.

Considering Adri has the ability to sense ominous energies, it would make things even more efficient.

Filled with pride for choosing such a skill in my past, I exited the room alongside Joy.


The moment we returned to the Academy streets, I thought that Visi should just go back to the dorm and get some sleep.

So much had happened over the weekend that no matter how much I rested, I still felt drained.

Traveling with individuals who could jeopardize her house with a single word.

Battling black mages who were genuinely trying to kill her.

Countless deaths faced in that chaos.

– Visi.

“It’s fine.”

In most cases, Visi was merely a stepping stone for Adri’s actions, but not all of it was like that.

In the midst of battle, Visi certainly hurt others through her own will.

And using those deaths, she harmed even more.

As a necromancer, she had interfered in the realm of death.

– I’ll cast a spell to strengthen your spirit.

“It really is fine.”

– But…

“I’ve told you I’m fine.”

The rumbling voice coming from Visi abruptly shifted as she turned to Adri, forcing a smile.


– Visi…

“Don’t worry. After resting, it will all be nothing.”

Declining Adri’s suggestion, she aimlessly walked back to the Academy when she suddenly caught a glimpse of her reflection in a window.

With dark circles under her eyes, she resembled a wreck.

Wow. Maybe I’m really not cut out to be a necromancer. Learning a magic that always keeps death close, and here I am, falling apart after just a day of trouble.

“Miss Visi.”

While lamenting her own incompetence, Visi cautiously turned her head at the soft voice coming from beside her.

Standing before her was the one person she dreaded most at that moment.

“Are you okay?”

The saint of the Lord’s Church, Phoebe, looked at her with concern in her eyes.

Visi couldn’t deem Phoebe’s kindness to be insincere.

Her actions were far too pious to portray it as a façade.

If such a kind and pure person learned that she was a necromancer, she would likely exhibit disgust.

If she knew that Visi had killed others, she’d condemn her for sure.

If she was going to be rejected anyway, it was better to reject her first.

“Um… I don’t think I’m in a state to talk.”


“I’m going to have to be a bit harsh. Please understand.”

Visi blinked at Phoebe’s words, which suited a saint, just as Phoebe’s hand touched her forehead.

Visi felt the saint’s divine power flow into her, but by then, her limbs had already lost all strength.

Phoebe carefully cradled Visi, who was about to collapse like a puppet with its strings cut.

– You! What are you doing?!

“Don’t worry. Ghost-chan. I have no intention of harming her.”

Phoebe smiled softly, but Adri was utterly taken aback.

– …You knew?

“Of course. As a saint of the Lord’s Church, I’ve done all sorts of things. There’s no way I wouldn’t be aware of the existence of a necromancer.”

– But why up till now…

“If Lady Alrn is leaving things be, then I figured it wouldn’t be so bad. I thought that if I overstepped, it would make Miss Visi uncomfortable.”

Just from that day alone, if Visi’s condition had been fine, she would have simply left her be, making Adri scowl.

– Isn’t it a breach of the Church’s rules for a saint to do this?

“It’s fine. I’m a fake. Even if I do something bad, it’s all good.”

Phoebe laid a couple spells on Visi.

– Wait! If you use holy magic on Visi!

“I understand your concerns, but it’ll be okay. There won’t be any issues.”

Phoebe’s declaration was not a lie. Under normal circumstances, holy magic would be extremely toxic to someone like Visi, the necromancer, yet oddly enough, it only seemed to relax Visi’s expression.

– …What have you done?

“Simply put, I’m just playing a little trick.”

As she explained in her gentle tone while taking further actions, Adri stepped back, keeping her mouth shut.

To Adri, those known as priests were typically extreme in such encounters.

The moment they faced an individual who crossed the line, they’d leap at them to wipe them out.

That wasn’t necessarily wrong.

Being aware of everything, those who stepped across the line were the necromancers.

As noted in the journal left by Adri’s mother, the one who chose persecution was the necromancer.

The priests merely performed the tasks expected of them.


The special case was this priest in front of her.

“Hey, Ghost-chan?”

– Adri.

“Guess it’s Adri, huh? What a pretty name.”

– Saving formalities for later. So what’s up?

“I wanted to take Miss Visi back to the dorm. Would you guide me?”

– …Follow me.

Adri sighed and accepted to lead, but her role would soon be over.

As soon as Phoebe took a few steps forward with Visi in her arms, others rushed in offering to help Phoebe.

Amid the multitude of offers, they reached Visi’s accommodation, where Phoebe gently placed Visi on the bed and performed several additional spells.

With that, Visi’s expression relaxed further. The Visi who had trembled and awoken every few moments in nightmare now wore a foolish grin, startling Adri inwardly.

“Once you wake up, please keep conversing with me. There’s nothing better than dialogue for maintaining inner peace. Oh, and keep the fact that I noticed a secret from Visi. It might cause unnecessary anxiety.”

Instead of discussing rewards, Phoebe only voiced her concerns for Visi.

As she listened to Phoebe’s words, Adri rested her chin in her hand, seated cross-legged in the air.

– Hey, you just called yourself a fake earlier.


– I kind of get the intent behind that statement. But don’t let that bother you. If others call you a saint, then you’re a genuine saint.

“…Ahaha. I never expected to hear that from a necromancer. Thank you.”

As Phoebe maintained her humility, Adri pouted slightly.

– Haah. That bratty kid over there should have been your apostle instead.

“Please don’t say such irreverent things.”

At the abrupt declaration, Adri was startled, glancing cautiously at Phoebe.

The chill in Finn’s gaze was unimaginable compared to what it had been moments ago.

“That’s solely the role of that being.”

Under the weight of that gaze, Adri stood frozen when Phoebe turned her head towards the door.

The tension that was grasped within Phoebe’s lips loosened surprisingly.


– …Uh. What?

“Please don’t say such things again.”

– A-Ah, I understand. I’ll be careful.

“Yeah, that’s all I need.”

Before long, Lucy barged in, and Phoebe greeted her cheerfully, prompting Adri to completely revise her opinion of Phoebe.

That girl had a dangerously unpredictable side.

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not work with dark mode