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Chapter 45

Chapter 45: The Trouble with Revival Points

“I actually got crushed to death.”

Chen Xiyi looked at the black-and-white world and the constantly falling countdown, unable to help but complain.

“This is a legacy site created by cultivators; the quality is really poor. Fortunately, I scavenged everything clean before I died.”

He had taken all the facilities from the inheritance site of the Mountain River Sect, and after inspecting several times without finding anything new, he planned to head back.

Going back meant he had to climb up. Just as he reached the hole he had come down from using a wooden ladder, the ground collapsed, likely due to the loss of support and Chen Xiyi’s movement, causing the entire underground area to cave in.

Chen Xiyi couldn’t escape in time and was buried underground.

Now, he was just waiting for the revival countdown.

“Time didn’t pause? It seems that the death time pause is only effective in the home world and has no effect in other places.”

As he watched the countdown reach zero, Chen Xiyi found himself on the bed in a stone house on the outskirts of Lingqu City.

“A bit of dirt and rocks fell; no big deal. Thankfully, the wooden storage box didn’t fall; otherwise, I’d have to make another trip to retrieve it.” Chen Xiyi glanced at the log and sighed in relief.

【You suffered a cave-in underground, taking 100% of your maximum health damage.】

【You have died. Dropped: 6 units of dirt, 12 units of stone.】

“So, what’s the use of this equipment? Falling from a height can’t be defended against, and a cave-in can’t be endured either.”

Chen Xiyi looked at his full set of alloy gear, especially the armor series, and felt that it was a complete scam.

He had never fought in an actual battle, so he wasn’t sure about the quality of this armor, but he estimated it might be of little use.

After all, this was a sandbox and farming type of game; the level of the combat system could be seen from the attack methods of the previous alloy firearm.

With “home” as the name, it’s definitely not advocating fighting and killing.

“Perhaps only actions deemed as attacks allow my armor to take effect. If I fall from a height or fail in a task, that’s my fault, not classified as an attack, which means the armor cannot function?”

Chen Xiyi pondered this matter, but he had never been attacked, so it was merely speculation.

In this world, no one dared to attack him, but wait, “Where did Jianghu go?”

Chen Xiyi suddenly realized he had died, but surely Jianghu wouldn’t still be in the Mountain River Sect’s underground.

He quickly checked his home and found that Jianghu was climbing out of his box garden, looking just as confused.

【Jianghu seemed somewhat at a loss; he was just underground, and now how did he come back?】

【So, the perplexed Jianghu took out a jelly ice cream and licked it, trying to calm himself down.】

【After finishing, Jianghu realized one ice cream wasn’t enough to calm him, so he needed another one.】

“Okay, it seems that my death caused the fairy to be returned to the home world.”

Jianghu surely wouldn’t die; with his body, he could only splat into a puddle of water. If it were death or self-harm, he definitely wouldn’t be at a loss.

“It seems my death causes the fairy to return to the box garden too.”

“I just wonder if the fairy can stay alone in the world while I return to the home world?”

This could indeed be tested, but upon further thought, it seemed there wasn’t much point to the experiment. At most, it would just clarify some loopholes in the rules.
Trying it out, but when I think about it carefully, it doesn’t seem to be of much use; at most, it just helps understand the loopholes in the rules.

“Based on time, the latest batch of resources should also be arriving in the capital soon. I might as well go and receive them, and let Wang Li and the others help me look for the inheritance maps of other sects.”

Chen Xiyi left the stone house and took out the alloy cart, heading towards the capital.

It’s probably going to take him a whole day; this time, no one is driving for him. Fortunately, he has an upgraded map; otherwise, the return trip would likely be quite difficult.

He’s not the kind of protagonist who knows where to go without asking anyone; if he didn’t have the map that came with his home, he probably wouldn’t even know how to tell north from south.

Being unfamiliar with the place, he could easily get lost just stepping out.

“This home map is great, but it would be even better if it included buildings.”

Chen Xiyi looked at the differences between the map and reality. He felt that making a round trip to the capital in one day would likely be quite challenging.

There’s nothing wrong with having a map, but it’s a half-finished product; following the map could lead him off track.

The map doesn’t show roads, buildings, trees, or any other surface objects; it only displays rivers and terrain. So while it seems fine on the map, implementing it in reality might lead him straight into the forest and not find a way out.

His alloy cart is quite bulky; if it really got into the forest, it might not be able to come back out.

For example, right now, he was stuck between two trees.

“I just fell behind a bit; how did this even happen?”

The alloy cart didn’t tip over, but it was stuck and couldn’t move, losing 1 point of durability due to the strong impact.

“Ugh, this is such a hassle.” Chen Xiyi had no choice but to get off the cart and take out the alloy axe, starting to chop at the trees to rescue his cart.

At this moment, he also discovered a flaw of this vehicle, which was its speed.

If it were slower, it wouldn’t be a problem; he could manage it. But with a fast vehicle like the alloy cart, if he gets distracted for even a second, there’s a high chance of an accident.

Of course, there’s a way to solve this.

He could find a fairy to drive for him.

But that’s even more difficult; certainly no one is available right now, and he’ll have to wait for the next world.

【You used the alloy axe to fell a tree: You gained 5 units of wood, 1 unit of resin, and 1 unit of leaves.】

After chopping down the tree, Chen Xiyi looked at the map and replanned his route. It was clear that he couldn’t go this way anymore; one could tell at a glance that the area of this forest was considerable, and his alloy cart couldn’t fit through.

“I can only return the way I came. It’s a pity the Jianghu is still small; otherwise, I could have let it carry me over the forest.”

The growth of the Jianghu is insufficient, and so is its strength.

From the previous incident of his high fall and the collapse underground, the Jianghu didn’t have time to intervene, showing just how far behind they were.

The reason for the lack of timely response is likely due to slow reflexes and insufficient strength.

Every time the Jianghu takes action, it requires a large amount of water from Chen Xiyi to assist. Without water, relying solely on the Jianghu’s own water manipulation and spells, it simply cannot create such a significant impact; at most, it could only manage a small water gun instead of summoning large flows of water at will.

So even with the Jianghu’s cooperation, Chen Xiyi could only act like a ghost.

To forge iron, one must also be strong themselves.

(This chapter ends)

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Status: Ongoing Author:
As a peace-loving, farming-enthusiast sandbox game player, Chen Xiyi claims he is not the kind to bring chaos to the world as the Fourth Calamity. He excels in converting enemies with truth and justice.“Let’s talk this out. Put away your weapons of mass destruction, and we can discuss anything.” — The dying words of a certain red-named NPC.


not work with dark mode