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Chapter 447

Chapter: 447

The more I think about it, choosing the God of History and Records seems to offer a lot more benefits.

While the blessings he holds are great, the additional perks are even more plentiful.

The God of History and Records literally acts like a historian.

His role is to etch the various events happening on Earth into memory and record them to guide people toward a better future.

Back when the God of History and Records held tremendous power, he could write down countless happenings in the world, no matter what others said.

From the grand feats of the divine beings to the trivial chit-chat among the gods.

If I were to describe it in today’s terms, he could record all the pervy antics of the Pathetic God against me.

But after the war between the Good and Evil Gods ended, and both sides lost some power, the God of History and Records faced limitations too.

To record those who had amassed a certain level of power, he now needed their permission.

If the God of History and Records had an ordinary disposition, he’d probably have bowed his head and sought consent from others to document their stories.

But that god was anything but normal.

So, he chose another route.

He started blackmailing those he needed to record by grabbing onto their weaknesses.

If they didn’t want this fact to be recorded, they should collaborate quietly with me.

If you don’t want your dark history exposed to the world, pass me the right to record it.

If a regular human was to do this, it would definitely be deemed a crime, but he was a transcendent being above the law.

And the Pathetic God, who should have intervened, just kept silent.

Naturally, the irregularities in the God of History and Records became more severe over time.

Soon, the Pathetic God made some noise again, bringing the chaos to a halt, but by then, the things the God of History and Records had accumulated were far from trivial.

How dire was the situation that some apostles of the gods at the Soul Academy had sworn vengeance against him?

Knowing all this, the God of History and Records is a pretty appealing choice for me.

Just think about it.

I’m going to continue attracting the attention of various gods.

Those idiots will be clamoring to grant me blessings like there’s no tomorrow. If I find out their weaknesses in this situation…

And if I can chatter away about those weaknesses down on Earth?

Even if I let slip some harsh words, those gods would end up groveling and begging me to keep quiet!

Yeah! For a brain with a score of 58, this plan is surprisingly compact!

I’m really living up to my title as the stagnant water of the Soul Academy!

Feeling quite impressed with myself, I took a stand before the blue spear.

“Okay, it’s a bit creepy, but I’ll see what that history nerd god has to say.”

And then I bit my lip.

Ah, but calling a god a history nerd might be pushing it a bit, right?

That petty, bad-tempered character might just jot this down in their version of a grudge book.

Why’s he acting out now after all that fuss I’ve caused?

Because I was only causing a ruckus because of that pathetic pervert who couldn’t get enough of my insults!

The Pathetic God! The Perverted Crow! They just squirmed with glee when I blasted them!

But this one isn’t like that!

This god is someone who’s reputed to be unpleasant even among the gods!

I sat there nervously fiddling with my lips, waiting for the next blue spear to appear.

I may have blurted things out awkwardly, but I must’ve still gotten my point across, right? The answer should come back soon.

And if the response is negative?

Well, what can I do? I’ll just have to barrel right into it.

After all, I can’t keep sweating every time I need to address him in the future, right?

So, I need to be the one in charge.

Using everything I currently have at my disposal.

As I settled into these thoughts, a message popped up in front of me.

[The God of History and Records answers your call.]


The moment the message appeared, the notebook I was holding began to vibrate in my lap.

Realizing what that meant, I started sweating bullets but cautiously opened the notebook.

What used to be crammed full of knowledge was now inexplicably filled with blank white pages.

“Grandpa, please don’t be surprised no matter what happens.”

[With all we’ve been through together, what could possibly astonish me now? Don’t worry about it.]

“Uh… This could get pretty unexpected, though.”

[Got it. I understand. Do as you see fit.]

“Hmm, then I’m off.”

[Off where?]

“To meet the God of History and Records. Ganshu.”

[Hmm? Huh?!]

Ignoring Grandpa’s surprise, I placed my hand on the white page, feeling like I was being sucked into it and lost my consciousness again.

And when I regained my senses, the scenery around me had completely changed.

Instead of a neat lord’s mansion, I found myself in a somewhat chaotic, gigantic library.

Breathing in the comforting smell of old books as I scanned my surroundings, I spotted Grandpa standing stiffly beside me.

Dressed in armor befitting a holy knight, his face was filled with bewilderment.

“Hah! You said you wouldn’t be surprised, yet look at that face! Such a pathetic old man who can’t keep his own promises!”

“…Could you have possibly imagined that I was going to meet one of the great gods?”

“And that’s exactly why you are pathetic! Maybe you’ve gotten so old that your brain has solidified?”

“Is that how you really feel?”

“Does it sting? Does it sting? That’s why you’re not popular!”

As I giggled watching Grandpa frown, footsteps echoed from deep within the library.

Something in those footsteps exuded a natural intimidation.

So, this is the majesty of a god.

Remembering my earlier careless words, I bit my lip as Grandpa dropped to one knee.

“Great God, the one who remembers all, the God of History and Records, Ganshu! I present myself before you!”

“It’s been a while, Ruel.”

Following the voice replying in the distance, I turned and blinked, forgetting the weight on my shoulders.

Emerging from between the piles of books was a child similar to my own age but with a rather peculiar look.

His pale, sunlight-deprived skin was white as a sheet.

The long robe he wore brushed the ground, and his messy hair seemed to visit the realm of chaos.

Strange shades lingered under his fierce eyes, not quite matching his appearance.

Wait? What’s going on here?

Is the God of History and Records really looking like this?

I had thought he’d be some sickly handsome dude with a bad temper, yet here he is as a moody brat!

But judging from the way Grandpa is acting all polite, he probably isn’t a fake.

While I was trying to wrap my head around the situation, Grandpa and the kid exchanged relaxed smiles.

“I didn’t expect to meet you like this.”

“Same here. Since the end of that war, I thought we wouldn’t reunite.”

“In a way, it turned out to be fortunate. I had a few questions for recording your heroic tale.”

“…Is it really a heroic tale and not just a record?”

“That depends on how willing you are to cooperate.”

Watching the kid grin, I couldn’t help but itch to say something back.

Just a few words and I could probably make that face flush red, but…

Since I’m dealing with a god, I should hold back.

“Hey, you arrogant little brat that’s loved by the God! What did you just call me?”


“You should know you’re just a mortal. Fetch me some sensible words instead of all that nonsensical babble.”


“Ruel, you also share some blame here. How could you not teach him some manners?”

“I’m sorry, Ganshu. He’s just like a granddaughter to me.”

“Tsk. You’ve aged, haven’t you?”


This brat just crossed the line.

Touching me is one thing, but bringing Grandpa into it?

Is he trying to take a jab at my failures?

That’s a dangerous game.

I meant to let some divine dignity shine through, but forget that. This kid needs a reminder of who’s boss here.

“Had you been in your past self, none of this would have happened.”

“You’re just a blabbering little perv! I’ll scold you for your pathetic nonsense!”

As my voice echoed, both Grandpa and the brat turned to stare at me in astonishment.

Grandpa was filled with disbelief.

So, I shot him a cheeky grin.

Don’t worry. I know I’m safe to have this outburst.

Since this history nerd just mentioned wanting to write my heroic tale, he can’t really go hard on me now.

This brat’s authority is nothing compared to Grandpa’s.

Besides, every time I talk to this brat moving forward, I’m just gonna have to call him a history nerd anyhow, and I can’t keep dodging this every time!

Let’s just define our relationship first.

Because it’ll be easier for both of us.

Perhaps he sensed my resolve. Grandpa sighed and shook his head.

Alright then. With Grandpa ready to give in, I can do as I please.


The brat froze up for a moment before slamming back into reality.

“Did your ears deceive you?♡ Don’t worry, kind me will repeat it for you♡ Your lousy master is making your lips suffer!♡”

“Are you out of your mind?”

“Awww! Poor thing♡ I guess your eyes are bad too?♡ Spending all your days holed up will do that!♡ Get outside a little!”

Each word I threw at him visibly turned the brat’s face a deeper shade of red, a color reminiscent of flames licking at the hearth.

“You’re overstepping your bounds! Even if you were to capture the attention of the god, you’re still just a mere mortal. How dare you insult me!”

“Hey♡ Silly brat♡ It’s likely you have a thesis on how clueless you are?♡”

“What the hell are you babbling about?”

“Surprisingly oblivious?♡ Who was begging just a moment ago to let him write my heroic tale?♡”

As I mentioned the heroic tale, the brat closed his lips tightly.

Haha, thought so!

How could someone obsessed with recording history get assertive with me?

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not work with dark mode