Switch Mode

Chapter 430

Chapter: 430

Weird Forest? As I checked the quest handed to me by the pathetic god, I leaned forward and crossed my legs.

Not that I couldn’t guess anything.

In fact, it was the opposite.

So many thoughts popped into my head that it felt like my brain was getting tangled up.

In Soul Academy, the forest is a place filled with various events.

I mean, where I met that clumsy fox was also in the forest, right?

The forest, home to many beings including its owner, is the center of countless incidents and quests. So, just having the clue of “the forest” makes it nearly impossible to speculate about anything specific.

Knowing this, the pathetic god probably told the clumsy fox to ask me something.

The issue is, I really don’t want to talk to that clumsy fox who looks so deflated in front of me right now.

Just think about it. The moment I ask this weirdo anything, he’s going to wag his tail in excitement.

Who knows, he might even ask for something strange thinking I need him.

…But what can you do? I have to follow the quest details.

“Clumsy fox. What have you been doing up until now? You, who can’t stand the lack of me, can’t possibly be late over something minor.”

“…Well, um.”

Seeing the clumsy fox hesitate in speaking made me frown naturally.

Could this be the moment to break out of the current situation, and yet this guy is being all tight-lipped?

Then it could only be one of two things: something disgustingly terrible that he can’t tell me, or something genuinely important.

Considering the usual clumsy fox, it’s likely the former. But if the pathetic god is giving out a quest, then it must be something serious, right?

Hmm… In the end, I won’t know until I actually check.

“Hmm♡ Rebelling against your master? You don’t seem that desperate?♡ Bark bark?♡”

“Uh. Uh uh.”

“You thought you were a beast with some intelligence, but can’t even play the role of a beast properly?♡ Really pathetic♡ I almost feel like my time spent here is a waste♡ I’d rather have the perverted apostle at my side any day!♡”

“Why is that guy’s name coming up?!”

The clumsy fox, who had yelled out in frustration, curled its tail upon meeting my cold gaze.

“Oh, so now you’re fighting back?♡ Even a beast living in the forest should understand the meaning of obedience♡ How does it feel to be called trash, less than a beast?♡”


“Apologize♡ Apologize to the poor little ones beneath you!♡ Say you’re sorry for being such a pervert and bite your tongue off while you’re at it!♡”

With its face turning bright red, the clumsy fox started trembling, then collapsed onto the floor and covered its face with its hands.

So, provocations do have an effect on this idiot?

If I play my cards right, maybe I can toy with this pathetic pervert.

“Thank you sooooo much….”

Upon hearing that heavily flirtatious voice, my expression froze, but the clumsy fox was just panting under my chilling gaze.

Do I really have to keep talking to this thing? As I seriously considered kicking it out, the clumsy fox finally cleared its throat and composed itself.

“Uh… Don’t get me wrong. The reason I chose my words carefully is simply because it was really a lacking matter.”

“Lacking, you say?”

“Yeah. It wouldn’t carry much weight to say I was wandering around collecting accessories from the Art Guild.”

I felt my head spinning upon hearing that the reason was they’d been collecting items from the Art Guild, having even gone to their base and pressured the perverted apostle into helping.

Where do I even start with this?

You thought it would be more dignified to run around for some accessories?

The owner of the forest was so enchanted by trinkets that he neglected the forest?

Not to mention he even bullied the creators for them?

Haah… No wonder you have a ton of Art Guild accessories.

Holding onto what little sanity I had left, I tried to maintain my composure before speaking again.

“Is there nothing happening in your gloomy forest?”

“Forest? Why is the forest coming up all of a sudden?”

“Stop with the sass, beast.”

“Your eyes are lovely… ahem. There’s nothing going on where I guard. My true self is there, after all.”

Nothing going on, huh? Then why did the pathetic god hand out a quest like this? Even if he’s a useless pervert, he wouldn’t mess around about something like this, right?

“Oh, right. I heard there’s an issue in another forest. It seems two kids guarding a small forest fell victim to some wicked magic.”

“…Keep talking.”

“I don’t know the details. A wolf from the north came and told me the story.”

Hearing that they only knew two kids keeping the area around Mebida and Demogul had sacrificed themselves during vacation made me chew my lip.

That area is crawling with dark mages.

If left unchecked, they can trigger annoying events with a certain probability.

If those guys took out the forest owners.

This could turn into a significant problem.

– Ding!

[Quest updated!]
[They Who Seek to Devour the Forest]
[Dark Mages in league with the Evil God are scheming! Please stop them!][Reward: ???][Failure: GAME OVER]

Upon seeing those ominous words that signal a dead end, I sighed deeply and lowered my spear, giving the clumsy fox a serious look.

Noticing the change in my expression, the clumsy fox’s face turned serious as well.

“Thinking all of this would be resolved by the northern wolf, I thought there was no need to worry. Seems I was wrong.”

The same goes for my grandpa. Knowing all I had done and why, he murmured with a tone filled with regret.

[It’s a divine revelation, isn’t it.]
“It’s fine, Grandpa. It’s not going to be that dangerous.”

When it comes to events related to dark mages, the most dangerous moment is in the third year.

The events that unfold during this time are when those dark mages put everything on the line to prepare, making it quite the nightmare.

The events during second year are annoying, too, but they are still better than what happens in third year.

If I knew something was going to happen rather than realizing it after the fact, especially in this situation.

[Would it be better to turn it over to the church? Even a corrupt church would have to move if dark mage affairs are involved.]
“But that could take ages.”

The insidiousness of dark mages is incredibly hard to spot.

They hide themselves in darkness while evading the shining rays of sunlight, hiding their tracks better than anyone.

Even if the church folk get involved, things wouldn’t resolve quickly. It could end up granting them unnecessary opportunities.

However, if I go myself, things would be different.

As long as this rotten nation is under my control, I can definitely crush the dark mages’ plots.

I already know everything about them, so I can soar above their evil ways.

And above all else.

I can’t ignore the possibility of the forest owners being alive.

If it turns out I didn’t act and they got killed, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep properly for a while.

“It’s okay, Grandpa. I’ll prepare well before going.”

I’m not planning to move recklessly either.

The opponent doesn’t know me while I know everything about them. Why would I act foolishly?

Of course, I’ll prepare for the worst while moving accordingly.

If the northern wolf is personally taking action, I’ll ask for his cooperation through the clumsy fox.

I’ll summon the perverted apostle to bolster our strength.

And I plan to take Adriel along too, as a preparation against dark magic.

“I care about my life too, you know.”

I’d only put my life on the line if an unexpected crisis came up or if it was absolutely necessary.

I’m not going to risk my life to do something for the world. That’s a job for honorable people like Phoebe, not a commoner like me.

[Do your best to be prepared.]
“I’ll be doing that without needing your reminder.”

only after a considerable amount of persuading did Grandpa finally acquiesce to the situation.

Seriously… Such a worrywart. I’ve faced countless crises before. There’s no way I’d crumble now.

But thinking about it, it’s not all that bad.

I should move quickly since this event linked to dark mages is on the horizon, and coming out of the dungeon just got me the authority to move whenever I want.

Right now, I have quite the decent force I can deploy as well.

The only small hurdle is that we need four or more people to go outside together.

Oh! Now that I think of it, there’s a pretty good dungeon over there.

Maybe I can tell my friends to conquer it while I move separately.

This could work out well! I can easily make up some excuse to tag along. If it doesn’t, then I can use the wish ticket I just got.

Plus, in the worst-case scenario, I can even ask Phoebe for help, which is also comforting.

Satisfied with the plan I’d come up with, I turned my head upon hearing a knock on the door.

“Lucy Alrn! Are you in there?”

The moment I heard Arthur’s voice, a smile crept onto my face.

Finally out of the dungeon! They must have realized they lost and are all sulking now!

Hehe! I told you not to fall for the bait!

They should have been more patient even when their pride was being trampled!


As I chuckled to myself, I hopped down from Karl’s back, ready to open the door.

“…Hey, young lady.”

Just as I was about to move, I heard Erin’s voice, causing me to halt.

“What is it? Pathetic Erin.”

“Is it okay if I show your friends this situation?”

Huh? This situation?

I tilted my head in confusion and quickly realized what Erin was referring to.

Karl, who refused to get up even after I got down.

The clumsy fox bleeding from its nose while basking in my earlier antics.

The collection of accessories from the Art Guild haphazardly strewn across one side.

“Your Ladyship?”

“Lady? What are you doing?”

“…Just wait a moment, pathetic losers. Why do the miserable losers lack patience?”

That was a close call.

This is too embarrassing to show my friends!

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not work with dark mode