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Chapter 420

Chapter: 420

The news of Lucy Alrn’s escapade spread rapidly throughout the academy.

With her recent series of exploits capturing everyone’s attention, it was particularly sensational to hear that she had stomped on the head of a professor who was once a powerful figure in the palace.

Some were delighted that the troublemaker finally showed her true colors, while others, who had hoped she had changed, expressed their disappointment. Then there were those who argued that the current Lucy Alrn was not the type to cause trouble without reason, suggesting that there must be a story behind her actions.

Among them, Arthur belonged to the third group.

This was partly because he knew that Lucy wouldn’t pick a fight with someone without cause, but more importantly, he understood why she had acted.

Arthur recalled the moment Lucy stepped forward, the anger bubbling inside him as he bit down on his lips at the disrespect aimed not just at him, but even at his mother.

In that instant, when he was about to lose his cool and react rashly, a voice seeped into his ears, and he remembered the quiet footsteps that crossed the ground. He could feel the rising heat in his breath.

When Lucy treated Valian like a mere janitor, Arthur sensed that she was doing it knowingly, not out of ignorance.

After the winter break, her expression had become more honest, filled with unfiltered concern for Arthur.

The moment their eyes met, Arthur found himself unconsciously tightening his lips.

It was a strange feeling.

Arthur had never been fond of sympathy. He believed that most people who cast sympathetic eyes did so to showcase their own self-pity, rather than really caring for others.

However, Lucy’s gaze was uniquely different.

Her worried eyes easily stirred Arthur’s feelings.

If Lucy hadn’t turned to Valian right then, Arthur would have likely revealed his own emotions.

After Lucy turned her head, Arthur finally noticed how much she had changed from her usual self.

It wasn’t surprising that she appeared prettier, given that a maid was helping her with her appearance.

Lucy Alrn didn’t obsess over her looks, after all.

For someone who didn’t know how to dress up, it was natural to change under another’s touch.

Yet, until now, Arthur had tried hard not to notice that change.

He didn’t want to end up as the laughingstock like the last semester when his face turned beet red.

But today, as he faced her transformation from up close, he found himself just staring at Lucy’s appearance.

Her eyes sparkled brighter than jewels.

Her skin was as flawless as white porcelain.

Her petite lips were like those molded by a goddess of beauty and art.

The reason he had unintentionally burst out laughing at Valian’s expense stemmed from being completely out of control.

Even now, Arthur regretted that moment.

If only he had kept his lips sealed then, and let Valian and Lucy’s conflict play out as a matter solely created by himself, Valian would never have insulted Lucy’s mother.

During the last winter break, Arthur learned just how significant Lucy’s mother was to her.

The person who had always supported Lucy, even when she had to say harsh words against her will.

Even decades later, after her passing, Lucy still cried and yearned for her.

Though he had never met her, she must have been the warmest person.

That’s why Arthur didn’t stop Lucy.

Even when he could have placed a hand on her shoulder, he let her leap at Valian, passively watching the girl who stepped up for him to stir chaos.

“Prince, why didn’t you stop her while you were right there!”

Arthur could offer no retort to Joy’s complaints. Everything that had happened was entirely his fault.

“Sorry about that,” he mumbled.

“If that’s how you apologize, I have no words left,” she replied.

“It’s fine if you say nothing. I’ll take care of the situation.”

There was no need to worry about the rumors spreading within the academy.

After all, they couldn’t be stopped even if he tried.

He didn’t need to stress over any inner punishments from the academy either.

What contribution Lucy Alrn had made to the academy meant they wouldn’t really want to punish her severely.

Particularly since there were countless mitigating factors in this situation, and Valian, the victim, was merely a discarded relic, far removed from power; any potential punishment towards Lucy Alrn would likely amount to nothing more severe than a few days of confinement.

The conflict with the Cloch family was similarly inconsequential.

If they weren’t completely out of their minds, they’d never pick a fight with the Alrn family.

In Arthur’s personal opinion, it seemed far more likely that the Cloch family might send an apology letter, attempting to distance themselves from Valian.

After all, it was easy to predict what would happen if one attracted the wrath of the disaster that was Benedict Alrn.

Ultimately, in the current situation, there was only one faction he needed to be concerned about.

That would be the Second Queen’s forces, who, at least nominally, still supported Valian.

“Brother, I didn’t expect you to come find me first,” said the Second Prince, Cecil Soladin, warmly welcoming Arthur’s visit.

Starting last semester, Cecil had begun to change, and whatever had occurred during the winter break had evidently succeeded in softening most of his previously violent disposition. He was now able to genuinely smile at Arthur.

Arthur had sensed this change and welcomed Cecil’s greetings.

“I’m sorry for not visiting often.”

“That’s enough. I did some things in the past, so it’s only natural.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

“Enough chit-chat. I think I have some idea why you’re here.”

“Uh, really?”

“You’re here because of the incident involving Lucy Alrn, right?

At Cecil’s light chuckle, Arthur took a breath and then let out a helpless laugh, sitting in the chair offered by Cecil.

It was obvious. Anyone with half a brain would have guessed he was here looking for his brother.

As Arthur berated himself for his own stupidity, Cecil prepared refreshments to place in front of him.

“To answer your question, you could say it’s unnecessary for you to have come here. We have no intention to deal with Lucy Alrn at all.”

“…What? But…”

“Frankly, we viewed Valian as nothing more than a nuisance. Moreover, Lucy Alrn has accumulated considerable debts to our mother. Do you really think we would want to touch Lucy Alrn?”

…Lucy Alrn owes some debts to the Second Queen?

Arthur’s face showed the slightest shock at this unexpected news, prompting Cecil to chuckle lightly as he settled himself across from Arthur.

“So, just drink your tea and go home. Tell Lucy Alrn that someone from our side will send an apology later. And just so you know, Valian won’t be bothering you anymore.”

Finishing his words as if they were nothing to fret over, Cecil took a sip from his tea, making a face of displeasure.

“Damn it. Did I fail again? With this, I’ll never hear the end of it from mother.”

The way he grumbled revealed the absence of any worries or turmoil that had once plagued him in the past.

Arthur found this astonishing. The Cecil he knew would always tremble at the mention of stories related to the Second Queen.

“What exactly happened to you?”

Arthur asked before he could restrain himself, realizing his mistake but seeing the calm expression on Cecil’s face.

“It’s hard to explain in detail, but I suppose I should mention that I too owe Lucy Alrn a favor. Thanks to her, for the first time, I was able to apologize to mother.”

Cecil, lost in thought as he stared at his teacup, soon realized he had given Arthur more information than intended and leaned forward, needing to ask a few questions himself.

“Brother, have you heard any ridiculous rumors revolving around Lucy Alrn recently?”

“Since there are quite a few rumors related to her, I’m not sure which one you mean.”

“No, I’ve heard that in the Tercha Empire’s arena, she faced off against Rasha of the Strong Beast Hunt and won!”

Arthur blinked, surprised to hear the name of the Tercha Empire.

“Most gossipers dismiss this as nonsense, saying it was actually Benedict Alrn who defeated him or that Rasha threw the match.”

“…Well, that would seem normal.”

“Yes, indeed. That’s what I think too. But isn’t there always a ‘what if’? If Lucy Alrn possesses that shining talent, who knows?”

Seeing the shine in Cecil’s eyes made Arthur recall the stories he’d heard while staying with the Alrn family during winter break.

Could it be the tale where she almost died because of some crazy girl?

“Have you heard anything!? Is it real!?”

“I’ve heard it’s not just a simple win; she managed to hold her own for about a minute.”

“That’s correct! Haha! The rumors were true! Just how much stronger has that monster Lucy Alrn become during this winter break!”

Arthur, drinking his tea as he listened to Cecil’s boisterous voice, grimaced.

“…What kind of leaves are you using?”

“The best ones from the Frmon territory.”

“Aren’t those the highest quality tea leaves?”

“That’s right, but…”

“And it tastes like this?!!”

At Arthur’s astonishment, Cecil averted his gaze.

“…I guess I’ll just make another batch.”

“Hmm. Do that.”

The taste and aroma of the tea he brewed again were incomparable to the previous attempt.


Surprisingly, my act of slapping a professor had not caused any real issues.

No reprimands from the academy came my way.

The Second Queen’s faction expressed deep apologies, assuring me they wouldn’t bother Valian again, even going so far as to compensate me.

Moreover, my reputation remained relatively untouched; those who originally disliked me just clicked their tongues in acknowledgment, while those who thought better of me figured there must have been a good reason behind my actions.

The only thing left behind was the professors now looking at me with a cautious gaze.

…Well, there’s one more thing.

Joy’s nagging.

“Lady Alrn, do you know how much it hurts my heart every time I hear bad stories about a friend?”

“Joy, I’ve heard this more than dozens of times now. Why are you just repeating yourself like a drunk?”

“I’m telling you to be more alert! Be! Aware!”

As I subtly averted my gaze from Joy’s outburst about the limits of her ability to control rumors, I felt I couldn’t simply allow my actions to be brushed aside.

Those jerks deserved their proper punishment, after all.

“Joy, hold up a second.”

Hearing Phoebe’s gentle voice, I finally felt a glimmer of hope that I might escape Joy’s reprimands.

“Emotions have no place in a lecture. A lecture should inform, not reprimand.”

But that was my mistake. Phoebe was known for her pathetically long-winded lectures that could even shock Joy.

After being trapped by both Joy and Phoebe in their nagging for hours, I slipped away, noticing the crowd in the plaza had gathered and that the time was near.

The period for the academy’s dungeon opening was upon us.

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