Switch Mode

Chapter 42

The smoke dispersed.

Lin Yuan’s figure slowly appeared.

After returning to the same intersection three times in a row, he was too lazy to play any more maze games with the ghosts here. He directly broke through two holes.

Following a subtle perception, he found Zhang Baoyi and Jia Xinyue.

Looking at the deformed monster embedded in the stone wall that he kicked, Lin Yuan frowned, “Master Xuanku? How did this guy turn into this character?”

Although his appearance didn’t quite resemble the previous Lingsheng Sect Master.

But it should be definitely the “Summon Deity” without a doubt.

At this moment, Zhang Baoyi finally reacted, both surprised and happy:

“Brother Lin! I knew it, you must be fine. Hahaha, what a bullshit life evolution, it’s just bluffing in front of me!”

Not far away.

‘Jia Xinyue’ trembled and slowly turned around, her eyes showing waves of emotion, staring at Lin Yuan:

“How… did you find your way here?”

The mine cave was complicated.

And Lin Yuan was at least three different pathways away from them, with the grey mist disrupting their senses, how could he accurately find their exact location without any error?

“Oh, you mean this.”

Lin Yuan revealed a faintly kind smile, “I have to thank Miss Jia for providing me with the location.”


‘Jia Xinyue’ seemed somewhat puzzled, “You sensed my aura?”


A fist smashed into Master Xuanku’s body, who was roaring trying to struggle out of the wall, instantly shattering his internal organs with fiery and irritable Gang Qi.

Master Xuanku’s eyes widened suddenly, his pupils quickly dilating.

A trace of regret suddenly rose in his heart before he died.

If he hadn’t been misled, perhaps he wouldn’t have….

“That’s not it.”

Lin Yuan slowly withdrew his arm, with Gang Qi as a barrier, preventing any filth from touching him, “To be precise, it was the ‘Willow branch’ that Miss Jia clandestinely took away.”

【One class demon killed in a blood exchange, with a total lifespan of one hundred and fifty years, and sixteen years remaining, conversion completed】

【Current simulated lifespan: sixteen years】

A demon, after being contaminated by a certain strange force following the summoning ceremony, giving birth to a deformed being.

It can only be said that he was easily fooled due to his shallow knowledge.

Master Xuanku probably had no idea that in the state of summoning, his own essence and vitality would be continuously consumed, or he wouldn’t have thought it was some kind of so-called life evolution.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan seemed to remember something, reaching out and fumbling in Master Xuanku’s clothes.

“Found it.”

Lin Yuan smiled, took out a Bodhi Seed from the deceased Master Xuanku.

It was about the size of a fingernail, looking plain and dull, without any glitter or magnificence, appearing like an ordinary stone at first glance.

Upon closer inspection, the Bodhi Seed faintly revealed a golden Buddha image, constructed naturally by hidden patterns and not by carving.

‘No wonder, previously in the Jia Family Villa, Master Xuanku was unharmed by the attacks of the Willow Demon.’

Lin Yuan understood.

This item could almost be said to be a natural nemesis to demons and spirits.

Although Master Xuanku didn’t seem to know how to use the Bodhi Seed, just its inherent qualities were enough to make the Willow Demon fear it.

But he was only in the Blood Exchange Realm, facing beings of a higher level, this item’s effectiveness was limited.

What really concerned Lin Yuan was…

It is ……

[A large amount of divine Bodhi seeds have been lost and can be used as simulated material.]

“The second one.”

The “Ancient Flying Sword” that was picked up last time has not been used yet, and this time he got a Bodhi seed. This trip was not in vain!

Not far away, Jia Xinyue fell silent for a moment and took out a slightly trembling, emerald green willow branch. “You found out early on and pretended not to realize it to let me stay by your side as your beacon… But, I seem to have not found any mark left by you.”

“It’s none of my business!!”

The willow branch made a dull, old voice, Jia Xinyue full of fear, “Master, I have always followed your orders, never betraying!”

“Speaking of…” Lin Yuan put away the Bodhi seed, looked up at the indifferent ‘Jia Xinyue’, and curiously asked, “What exactly are you? Is Jia Xinyue still alive?”

In fact. In the moment when Lin Yuan completely destroyed the massive body of the willow demon, he realized something was wrong.

The reason was simple… he did not receive the simulation lifespan prompt. Due to the title effect of “Demon Hunter”, Lin Yuan immediately noticed the willow branch containing the true spirit of the willow demon.

Since the willow demon did not truly die, it was not considered slain. This was reasonable. And what happened next was quite interesting. Before Lin Yuan could take further action to completely finish it off, Jia Xinyue quickly rushed up the hillside, had a conversation with him, then while he turned around, secretly picked up the willow branch.
Under quick thinking, Lin Yuan did not expose it, but went along with it. And the willow branch, containing the true spirit of the willow demon.

With the blessing of “Demon Hunter”, it stood out like a firefly in the night, so outstanding, so bright……..

Lin Yuan could not help but look. “I am Jia Xinyue, Jia Xinyue is me.”

‘Jia Xinyue’ calmly opened her mouth.


Lin Yuan shook his head, rubbed his chin and said, “Let me guess… Hmm, Jia Xinyue should have two personalities, one of which is the normal side we see of her, and you…. are her other side, or an outsider.”

“She said that the handwriting in the letter belongs to her, obviously not lying, because you control her body to write it.”

“Due to the symbiotic relationship, you cannot kill her, or even dominate her at all times, you can only modify her distress signal, so as not to attract overly powerful warriors. Unfortunately…”

He did not continue, and Zhang Baoyi took over the conversation, sneering continuously: “Unfortunately, you never expected that an ordinary ghost hunt would involve such a big shot!”

He changed the address nonchalantly. “Yes.”

Jia Xinyue sighed and adjusted her hair: “I planned carefully, didn’t expect to encounter a weirdo like you, disrupting my descent plan. Since you have figured it out, why did you still follow in? Don’t you know…”

Her voice suddenly became majestic and heavy. As if some terrifying monster had awakened inside her, a violent breath spread out, roaring deafeningly. “This realm is my altar!!!”

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