Switch Mode

Chapter 418

Chapter: 418

It’s been a while since I really got into it and swung my mace with genuine intention, but Frey, after getting smashed once, actually seemed to love it and charged at me. Honestly, it felt like she was just thrilled to finally be fighting seriously again.

Unable to contain her excitement, I realized I had to take drastic measures.

Otherwise, I might really end up smashing her head with the mace, and I can’t just turn my friend’s face into a jigsaw puzzle, can I?

“Why won’t you listen?♡ Your skills are pathetic♡ and you’re about as cute as a soggy potato!♡ I don’t need any of this nonsense!♡”


“Does your brain not work?♡ I’m saying just disappear because you’re annoying!♡”

“…Lucy? Are you mad?”

“Mad?♡ Not at all~♡ Why should I be mad at someone like you?♡ I won’t even be looking at you anymore!♡”

With my threat that I wouldn’t spar or even hang out with her if she didn’t listen, Frey lowered her head.

“I’m sorry.”

When she sent my apology to the professors and other students, everyone looked utterly dumbfounded. They had never seen Frey apologize like this before.

“Is this how it works now?”

She didn’t seem to feel any guilt at all, immediately checking to see how I would react after her apology, but instead of saying anything more, I just patted her head.

Hey, at least she was making some attempt at socialization. Compared to that crazy girl in the game, this was a massive improvement! The Frey through the monitor was a lunatic in a very different way than me.

Wait, hold up. Something feels off. Why do I have to lift my hand higher than usual? I used to only need to raise it a little, but now it feels like I have to reach a bit further up.

“Hey, dumb knight. Did you grow taller?”

“Huh? Yeah, a bit.”

“…I don’t like you.”


Okay, she might be a tad taller than me, but I thought we were both small! And now she’s grown by herself!

I simply couldn’t forgive this!

After the minor drama with Frey getting flustered by my whining passed,

I continued to wander through the academy’s observation classes, getting all the attention from the professors.

Just like during Combat Studies, everyone wanted to test my level.

I managed to dodge their questions with my old man’s tricks and finally decided I couldn’t take it anymore and went to find Luca.

I needed to check just how long this madness was going to go on.

No, questions related to Dungeon Studies, Combat, or Sacred topics were fine by me! I was confident I could answer any of those.

But please, don’t start firing questions at me about history like I’m some graduate student!

What do they think I am? Just a genius who can answer all this like it’s nothing? No way!

The most awkward situation was forced on me when Joy dragged me into a Magical Theory class.

Other subjects, I could manage with Grandpa’s knowledge, but this one? Nope! I had zero clue about any of it.

“Now, here’s the basic theory of the Flame School. Alrn Young Lady, you know this, right?”

That condescending attitude made me totally lose my words.

Why should I know it?!

I’m a Holy Knight!

It’s natural for me not to know magic stuff!

“Professor! Do you really have to waste time on something obvious? I’m here to learn!”

“Well, that’s true.”

Joy saved me from the professor’s questions, or I’d have been in deep trouble.

If she hadn’t, I would’ve probably resorted to causing chaos just to escape the situation.

Honestly, thinking about having to go through this kind of thing again was truly terrifying.

I want to attend classes, not just regurgitate my grandpa’s stories like a parrot!

[You should’ve just studied like I told you. If you had, you could’ve answered their questions…]

“Ahh! I can’t hear you! Nothing at all!”

I quickly shoved aside Grandpa’s advice as I found Luca and received the answer I dreaded the most.

“They’ll keep this up. Everyone enrolled in the academy is deeply loyal, so as your answers improve, they’ll be even more curious about what you can do.”

Some would be curious about my potential.

Others would be jealous of the attention I received.

And still, others would approach me out of pure curiosity.

This idea that they would pepper me with questions until I reached my limits made my head spin.

So I’m going to keep being the center of attention no matter what class I take?

…Wait a second. Thinking about it, it’s kind of ridiculous that I’m stressing over this.

Why the heck do I even have to sit in class and answer questions?

I could just skip the lecture and avoid all the hassle!

I really don’t need to prove anything with my low intelligence—just accepting that fact should be enough!

[Lucy, are you really okay with that?]

“…Of course not!”

I’m annoyed about my low IQ, and I planned to focus on my classes this time!

If I just concentrate, I could naturally raise my intelligence, and I was determined to give it my best!

But how could something like this happen?!

I mean, is it because I look so easy to mess with?!

Do people think Lucy Alrn the troublemaker is easy pickings now?!

How can they forget my mayhem from just a year of sitting still!?

It’s so infuriating! Should I just flip a table?! Create a scene where the professor kneels before me in front of students?!

[But if you do that, your reputation will plummet again.]


[Didn’t I tell you? They won’t give you an excuse.]

Following grandpa’s advice, those loyal to the First Queen’s faction only cast curious glances my way and didn’t cross any lines.

They threw questions my way as far as the professors’ discretion allowed.

There were plenty of new faces at the academy, so there were no total losers, but even they were cautious around me.

Even the Dungeon Studies professor I had provoked before reddened but didn’t dare charge at me.

There was surely some kind of warning among the factions.

If I acted out of line, it would trouble me more than anyone else.

Causing a scene would just give them a reason to pick a fight with me.

Ugh, politics. I absolutely hate it.

If this were a dungeon, I could just quiet the enemies with my mace.

[If that doesn’t sit well with you, there are ways for your opponent to overstep the line. That’s something you excel at, so it shouldn’t be too hard.]

“…No, Grandpa. I’m the apostle of the God, and asking me to harm innocents is just a no-go!”

What do they think I am, exactly?!

I might’ve crushed foes with Mesugaki skills when they crossed a line, but I’ve never gone after innocent people with my skill!

…Okay, maybe I wouldn’t confidently say that if you asked me for sure!

[Well, it’s not like there’s any other choice. For now, you can only endure.]

“…Is there really no other way?”

[What can I say? If you’re in trouble, I’ll help you, so let’s watch the situation unfold.]

When Grandpa put it that way, there really seemed to be no solution.

Argh! This is so frustrating!

Please, any clueless fool, give me an excuse!

Then, I’d pour all of my annoyance into dealing with that guy!


Recently, Arthur Soladin had been feeling a peculiar gaze from the academy professors.

Not everyone felt this way, but it was clear that those aligned with the First and Second Queens were wary of him.

The reason was obvious. It bothered them that he wasn’t supposed to be anything yet kept popping up.

Arthur found this entire situation incredibly uncomfortable.

Even though he kept saying he had no interest in power, why were they still so suspicious of him?

Even if there were plenty of notable figures around him, could an illegitimate child like him ever challenge the royal authority?

Despite his complaints, Arthur recognized that his situation was indeed unique.

Best friend of the Duke Partran’s daughter.

Friendly with the saintess, who practically symbolized the Church of the Lord.

Frequent conversations with Duke’s illegitimate son, Burrow, who just re-enrolled in his first year.

Regular sparring with Frey Kent, who was believed to be the next Sword Saint.

And now he was the only royal who had fostered a good relationship with Lucy Alrn, whose name had recently come up all over—enough to train in the Alrn family itself.

His personal capabilities weren’t lacking, either.

In simple terms, outside of his maternal shortcomings and youth, Arthur was a risk who could easily tip the balance if he chose.

Being well aware of this, Arthur tried his best to appear harmless.

But his composed demeanor didn’t help him much, as the environment around him continued to make him uncomfortable.

“Oh boy. At this rate, you’re bound to get dragged in, whether you want to or not.”

Recalling a piece of advice from Cecil, Arthur realized that the advice was spot on.

Wasn’t that exactly the situation he was in right now?

Thinking back on the overly passionate Second Prince Cecil, Arthur let out a faint chuckle and moved toward the next classroom.

Now, what’s this class I have to assess? Something related to court etiquette, I suppose?

As for the professor conducting the class?

[Valian Cloch]

The moment Arthur caught sight of the instructor’s name, his brow furrowed.

Valian Cloch was someone with whom he had a uniquely antagonistic history.

A man obsessed with noble status.

Someone who had once looked down on Arthur, scoffing at his “common blood.”

He was one of those who made Arthur sensitive to the prejudice of others.

Recalling the childhood memories, Arthur paused briefly, letting out a long sigh before stepping forward.

He could no longer afford to say no to Lucy Alrn.

If he did, he’d have to endure her ridicule in full.

Better to sit through this unbearable person’s class than face that humiliation.

There shouldn’t be any problem. He was someone relegated to a back room years ago, so his temper should have cooled down by now. He wouldn’t dare try to start a quarrel like before, right?

With those thoughts, as Arthur continued on his way, he unexpectedly came face-to-face with Valian Cloch in the hallway by the lecture room.

“Long time no see, Your Highness the Third Prince.”

“…I didn’t expect to see you here, Cloch.”

“I was aware I’d stuck out like a sore thumb. Yet, I seized the honorable opportunity to disseminate knowledge.”

Faced with that irritating, aristocratic smirk, Arthur felt a prickle of discomfort and forced a smile.

“You’ve certainly done a lot recently. I’m genuinely happy to hear that, coming from someone who once taught me in the distant past.”

To the untrained ear, it might sound like praise, but Arthur understood the underlying message clearly.

Mentioning how much he’d done while bringing up the past was a clear warning to know his place.

This was the same line Cloch always used.

“I’m still lacking, though.”

Arthur wanted to lash out, but he held back. Though he had been pushed aside, there were too many watching him now.

For the time being, he would need to endure. Suppressing his anger, Arthur bowed his head, prompting Cloch to respond with an air of satisfaction.

“Your virtues of humility still shine through. That brings me joy as a former teacher.”

Just ignore him.

What would it matter to expend emotions on an old man who couldn’t forget his past glories after his fall from grace?

He’d soon be gone anyway. It doesn’t matter.

“A little better blood would have been nice.”

As that mocking voice drew Arthur’s attention back, his fist tightened.


Next to him, laughter rang out.

Arthur was taken aback by how that clear sound of laughter resonated in his ears.

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not work with dark mode