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Chapter 411

Chapter: 411

Around the time the semester-end party was wrapping up, the Academy Chancellor started to really feel what it meant to have his lifespan chipped away.

Requests were pouring in from all corners.

It all kicked off with the First Queen of the Soladin Kingdom.

On the day of the semester-end party, she showed up in disguise, took a look around the Academy, and for some reason, decided she wanted her people to be inserted into the Academy.

It was more of an ultimatum than a negotiation.

Initially, the Chancellor resisted for the sake of the Academy’s independence, but he was powerless against the pressure from the nobility who funded the Academy.

Before he knew it, the First Queen’s admonition was half-heartedly accepted.

Then came the Second Queen, saying she wanted her people in too.

Having anticipated the Second Queen would step up the moment he accepted the First Queen’s request, the Chancellor let out a hollow laugh and agreed to her request.

He figured having people from the Second Queen as well would help keep things balanced rather than letting the Academy be overrun by the First Queen’s entourage.

The issue, however, was that these requests kept coming in like crazy for three straight months, and the existing professors at the Academy started to push back.

Those who loudly protested about the loss of the Academy’s independence began to leave, only for their spots to be filled by those who squeezed in through connections of power, leading to a re-arrangement of cliques among the professors.

The Chancellor, now aged dramatically in a few short months, resolved to step down as soon as the year ended.

He felt that spending more time in this insane situation might lead to his premature death from stress.

As he pondered how to resign gracefully, one of the professors, Karl, popped into his office.

Having juggled his duties as a professor and serving his master, Karl’s visits were so rare that the Chancellor broke out in a cold sweat at his appearance.

“What now? What’s happened that a knight from House Alrn is gracing us with his presence? Is it related to the incident that happened recently in the streets with the followers of the Evil God?”

“There were followers of the Evil God who infiltrated the Academy.”

What Karl said was more horrifying than any dire scenario the Chancellor had conjured.

Followers of the Evil God inside the Academy!?

That meant the safety measures they had established with the church hadn’t worked at all!

Luckily, though, the students of the Academy, including the Saintess, had already subdued these intruders.

If the Saintess hadn’t acted first, a major disaster might’ve unfolded during the entrance ceremony.

“What’s the situation now?”

“There were no injuries, and the followers of the Evil God have been personally escorted to the church by the Saintess.”

“…So you’re saying the aftermath was already dealt with? Thank goodness. I can’t express how relieved I am that the Saintess is here.”

“The one who resolved this issue was the Saintess…”

“…Hmm? What was that, Professor Karl?”

“Nothing. Now that the story is wrapped up, I’ll be on my way.”

“Right. Oh, and make sure to thank the Saintess and the nobles on my behalf. I’ll visit them separately later, but I should at least convey my gratitude in advance.”

However, the Chancellor’s relief didn’t even last a day.

Just when he thought it was all quiet within the Academy, a lackey of the Second Queen showed up with a crystal connected to her.

“Chancellor. What on earth happened here?”

The Second Queen’s henchman appeared with a crystal connected to the Second Queen.

It was shortly after the discovery of the followers of the Evil God in the streets that they found it unreasonable for the Academy to let the internal checks slack. The Second Queen’s objections about personnel checks were entirely legitimate, leaving the Chancellor speechless.

Of course, he could’ve said something—about the chaos caused by the royal power struggles making it impossible to conduct proper checks, or that they summoned people from the church to investigate but found nothing.

“I will send someone over to check the barrier again.”

“Yes. Understood, Second Queen.”

However, the Chancellor knew that offering excuses would only incite further rage, so he lowered his head obediently.

After that, he faced numerous complaints from various noble families and other academies, each time thankful the matters were resolved before things escalated.

If he had only discovered these problems after they arose, his head would have surely rolled!

Thus, while dealing with a barrage of complaints, the Chancellor finally caught a moment to breathe when a young girl stepped into his office.

This was someone who had faced disdain from everyone in the kingdom just a year ago but had now become a talent that everyone wanted to attract.

A young lady of stunning beauty, praised as a manifestation of the goddess by the followers from the Art Guild.

A genius who might one day change the fate of the continent.

Lucy Alrn had come to visit the Chancellor.

Wearing her school uniform, she entered the room without even greeting him and took a seat on the sofa.

Crossing her legs and nodding at the Chancellor with a look that screamed arrogance, it fit her perfectly, yet he couldn’t muster a complaint.

After all, this young lady was the one who’d helped solve various problems for the Chancellor, preventing his head from rolling.

Once again in her debt, he forced a smile and sat across from Lucy Alrn.

“What brings you here at this late hour, Young Lady?”

“I have news that will shorten your poor life, Chancellor.”

“…News that will shorten my life?”

“Curious? If you ask politely, I might consider sharing it with you.”

“What… what is it?”

“Puhahaha! Your voice is trembling; you must be really scared. It’s troublesome that someone this fearful is getting this news!”

What should I do? Lucy murmured while tapping her chin, causing the Chancellor to lower his head cautiously.

“Please have mercy and tell me the news, Lady Alrn.”

“Hmm. You look so when I see your pitiable state, I’ll be kind and help you.”

Laughing cheerfully, Lucy pulled a letter from her bag. Upon receiving it, the Chancellor recognized the seal on the paper and became frozen in place.

If his eyes weren’t deceiving him, the seal on the letter belonged to the Church of the Lord.

“What are you doing? Open it and read! You’ll definitely enjoy it!”

Unable to withstand the encouragement, the Chancellor tore open the letter and immediately collapsed to the floor.

The letter contained a statement from the Church denouncing the Academy for this incident.

In other words, the continent’s most influential religious group was directly accusing him of wrongdoing.

“Wow, are you so happy it feels like your legs are about to give out? Seeing you this pleased makes me happy too.”

“Is… is this real?”

“Have you lost your memory from staying up too late? How could a friend of mine lie?”

Remembering who was next to Lucy Alrn made the Chancellor’s eyes tremble as he hurriedly lifted his head.

There must be a reason she brought this to me. Otherwise, she would just be watching my downfall!

“What… what do you want, Young Lady?”

“Me? It might be amusing to see the incompetent Chancellor floundering and meeting an end full of misery.”

“Please, I beg you. I will do anything. I’ll do anything, so please help me.”

He could potentially endure the complaints of other nobles. The Chancellor was also a noble of the Soladin Kingdom, and as a powerful figure, he could probably manage to avoid being banished to the backwaters.

But it was the Church of the Lord he was worried about. If they denounced him, his acquaintances, family, and even his nation would all abandon him.

“Will you really do anything?”

Bowing his head to the ground repeatedly, just as the Chancellor began to withdraw his gaze, he finally spoke in response to Lucy Alrn’s voice.

“Yes, of course. Young Lady.”

“Then lick it.”


“Was I speaking in a foreign language?”

As he stared at Lucy’s bobbing shoes before him, the Chancellor hesitated, his lips moving awkwardly. But Lucy wouldn’t allow that and instead shoved his forehead, sending him tumbling to the ground.

“Puhuh! I was joking, but I didn’t expect you to take it seriously. Looks like even your old age has made you desperate to cling to life!”


“You better swear you’ll serve me. Then I’ll stop the Church’s denunciation. Even a senile Chancellor should get this basic understanding, right?”

“…Yes. Understood. Young Lady.”

“Oh, and there’s one more request. It’s something the Chancellor can accommodate.”

“Whatever it is, please say. I will gladly follow.”

“I’m going to bring one of my maids with me.”


‘I didn’t expect things to work out this easily.’

After finishing the oath with the Chancellor, I was taken aback by how smoothly everything was progressing.

I thought it would go well since it was my grandfather’s plan, but not this smoothly.

[What can we say? With their blunders so obvious, it was only natural for him to be frightened.]

‘…Still, isn’t it a bit odd that they didn’t even guess this incident had occurred at all?’

In the first place, the fact that followers of the Evil God infiltrated the Academy had remained completely hush-hush. Unlike the ruckus in the streets, this incident was handled quietly.

The priests from the church who took away the followers were likely just thinking that Phoebe had dealt with it without suspecting for a second that there had been an issue at the Academy.

So, who were all those complaints directed at the Chancellor?

Aside from the Second Queen at the very start, most of the pressure came from the Newman Family and Karia’s underlings who had conspired to create fake issues. That’s why the Chancellor had crumbled under fabricated complaints.

This was grandfather’s plan.

First, they would intimidate him through the connected Second Queen.

Then, they’d mix in genuine complaints from my network alongside the fakes to press him further, and finally, deliver a decisive blow using the church’s letter.

Throwing circumstances that would force the Chancellor to react was part of the game plan. This way, he wouldn’t have time to notice anything strange and would end up swearing an oath.

[What’s wrong? Thanks to that fool, everything is going smoothly. Just need to keep a good hold of the leash.]

‘That’s true.’

Before long, the Chancellor would realize he’d been thoroughly deceived, but by then it would be too late.

Since he had sworn an oath to me, he would have to follow my words, barring major factors.

For someone like him, who was both a scholar and a noble, enduring the disgrace of breaching his oath would be unbearable. Thus, I’d secured a reliable informant to arrange for actions without the unpredictability you’d have with someone like Luca.

Oh, how nice it is to deal with someone with a normal thought process. Unlike lunatics like Luca or Lasha, I can work with him without worry.

[But, Lucy. Why are you trying to drag your maid along? ]

‘No grand reasons. I just need Erin to do a perfect makeover for me.’

[…And you added this to the contract for just that reason? ]

‘It’s not just a minor thing. It’s actually pretty important!’

Grandfather, your God expects me to look fabulous while I pray!

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