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Chapter 41

Chapter: 41

As Joo Seoyeon stepped into the shoes of Hong Jeong-hee, her emotions took center stage.

It wasn’t that she avoided method acting out of distaste.

The simple truth? She was short on information.

In the end, Seoyeon‘s performance was akin to that of a veteran actor, relying on experiences she had either lived through or witnessed.

Put simply, for situations she hadn’t experienced or for characters that stepped outside the “normal,” it took her time to grasp those emotions.

To all intents and purposes, emotions were academic for Seoyeon.

While in this rebirth, that flaw had faded, the essence remained—feelings she hadn’t consciously delved into or lived couldn’t be understood easily.

In a way, the character Hong Jeong-hee was merely a script to Seoyeon.

There were parts of her dialogue and actions that felt utterly nonsensical.

Hence, Seoyeon interpreted and expressed the emotions within the script in her own way, crafting her version of Hong Jeong-hee.

‘Naturally, I can’t defeat Pyo Ji-woo, who understands the character perfectly.’

The answer was right in front of her.

So, she studied Ji-woo’s performance.

The play illustrated the psyche of characters through movement.

Those aggressive actions provided insight into Hong Jeong-hee’s character.

‘Alright, let’s give it a shot.’

Seoyeon took a breath, opened her eyes, and focused on the judges.

Song Min-seo.”

Hong Jeong-hee called out Song Min-seo’s name.

This was a curious action upon a moment’s consideration.

After all, Song Min-seo was hard of hearing. Speaks or not, she wouldn’t hear a thing.

But Hong Jeong-hee only spoke to Song Min-seo, sans any sign language.

Maybe it was for the sake of the theater, to make Hong Jeong-hee’s words accessible to the audience.

However, other characters in the play often mixed simple gestures into their exchanges with Song Min-seo.

In other words, Hong Jeong-hee’s words were but a soliloquy.

Whether Song Min-seo heard it or not, it didn’t matter.

“You’re just a deaf loser,” she quipped.

This wasn’t mere sarcasm.

Astonishingly, jealousy oozed from that line.

That was Hong Jeong-hee.

As she observed Seoyeon’s performance, Jo Do-yul reflected,

‘This is different from her previous performance. Yet, not entirely alien.’

Initially, he wondered if she was mimicking Ji-woo.

But it felt deeper than that.

Like seeing Ji-woo and genuinely grasping the character, the emotional line in her acting deepened significantly.

And Jo Do-yul wasn’t the only one sensing it.

The other judges were scribbling notes, completely captivated by Seoyeon’s portrayal.

“Hmm? Think about it. Do you really think Oppa had feelings for you?”

Fueled by her inferiority complex, Hong Jeong-hee criticized Song Min-seo even more.

She lashed out, making sure her words were beyond the reach of Song Min-seo’s comprehension.

“You were merely indulged in your pathetic deceit.”

That feeling of superiority from such a cruel mindset was channeled by Seoyeon into her lines.

“Using your disabilities to manipulate others’ goodwill—what a vile girl.”

Ultimately, Hong Jeong-hee’s dialogue was all about belittling Song Min-seo.

And at the same time…


That was also a phrase directed at herself.


Hong Jeong-hee knew of her own shortcomings.

But she didn’t care.

If she could evade Song Min-seo and somehow displace Bae Seong-hak, perhaps she had a shot at taking that spot.

Concealing those twisted thoughts, she lashed out, but Song Min-seo responded with grace.

Seeing that, Hong Jeong-hee’s actions escalated.

Her voice rose, and violence ensued.

Seoyeon flowed with Ji-woo’s blocking, even correcting some of her actions on the fly.

‘This is Ji-woo’s version, but for Hong Jeong-hee… it might differ slightly.’

Of course, this was solely Seoyeon’s interpretation.

However, unlike before, it emerged from a place of understanding.

The end result was similar, but Seoyeon infused Ji-woo’s colors with her own.

The painting sculpted by the ocean’s currents.

Beautifully adorned within an aquarium.

The emotions Seoyeon newly comprehended.

Through that understanding sprang forth a fresh portrayal of Hong Jeong-hee.

It was now fully realized.

“It’s done.”

Seoyeon responded calmly.

She swept her disheveled hair back.

As she adjusted her rumpled attire and faced the judges, they were all deep in thought with mouths agape.

‘This is…’


Sometimes, auditions can put you in a spot where you hesitate on whom to choose.

‘Both fit the role of Hong Jeong-hee perfectly.’

‘On looks, Pyo Ji-woo takes it, right?’

Joo Seoyeon has a touch too much glam; however, that could be covered with makeup.’

Each performance bore its own distinct flair.

No matter who was chosen for Hong Jeong-hee, it would just hit the mark.

‘Monsters, indeed.’

Jo Do-yul couldn’t help but internally marvel.

Clearly, Seoyeon had less immersion in the role of Hong Jeong-hee during her initial performance compared to Ji-woo.

Her acting was commendable, and her presence captivating, yet the essence of Hong Jeong-hee leaned more toward Ji-woo.

‘The movements were nearly identical. The actions mirrored each other at first.’

Had she memorized Ji-woo’s movements on the spot?

But the true revelation came later, as Seoyeon painted her own strokes onto the canvas of Hong Jeong-hee.

‘After all, her reasoning for wanting to go last…’

The judges recalled Seoyeon’s earlier words.

‘She asked to perform last thinking she should wait since she went first the previous time.’

At first, they thought she merely wanted to alleviate pressure, but perhaps that was not the case.

‘Is this just disheartening for actors?’

The two actors among the judges, including Min Seo-ho, chuckled softly.

Being an actor amplified that realization.

Seoyeon had just watched Ji-woo’s performance and interpreted the character spontaneously.

A child acting genius.

That was the nickname that clung to Joo Seoyeon a decade ago.

Min Seo-ho instantly understood why that moniker had stuck.

“Oh, it’s time. We’ll notify you of the results later via text or email.”

Jo Do-yul remarked after checking the time.

Time was wasted, and there were still actors left to perform.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

With that, Seoyeon’s debut audition after her return concluded.



As soon as Seoyeon stepped outside the building, she exhaled deeply.

Cold sweat adorned her forehead.

‘Diving too deeply into Hong Jeong-hee isn’t great for my mental state.’

She still felt that tingling sensation in her chest.


That ghastly, murky feeling lingered.

Understanding, replicating, and expressing those emotions was far too stimulating for Seoyeon.

“You, you!!”

Just then, Ji-woo, following closely, shouted with a trembling voice.

“How could you… how could you do that?!”

Ji-woo felt aggrieved.

This role was one she’d trained for a whole year, waiting patiently.

But, but!

‘I lost.’

She felt the sting.

Ji-woo bit her lower lip and wiped away the tears that welled in her eyes.

Admittedly, their performances had similarities.

No, in some areas, Ji-woo still shone.

Hong Jeong-hee fit Ji-woo’s portrayal best, she was confident of that.


‘The vocal delivery.’

Then, the proficiency and growth in acting.

The impact of the name Joo Seoyeon.

Conversely, it meant that her “better fit” was the only argument for Ji-woo.

In every other aspect, Seoyeon took the win.

That was natural.

A year divided them.

While ten years could feel like a long time to Ji-woo, it was a fraction for Seoyeon, who had honed her skills far longer.

The technical differences were undeniably striking.

Ji-woo was overwhelmed by the character interpretation.

Yet suddenly, Seoyeon caught up.

“Ugh, ughh!!”

Ji-woo charged toward Seoyeon, unable to control her anger, and Seoyeon narrowed her eyes at her.

She scanned Ji-woo from head to toe.

‘…There’s no weapon, right?’

Especially not a knife.

Seoyeon eyed Ji-woo’s slender legs.

What would happen if she kicked her hard once?


While Seoyeon mulled over such treacherous thoughts, Ji-woo approached and reached out a hand toward her.

Seoyeon easily swiped it away.


There was no intention to attack, just an attempt to grasp the rogue who seemed to be slipping away.

‘What’s up with this strength?’

Ji-woo squeaked, trying to withdraw her arm, but it wouldn’t budge, sending a shiver of fear through her.

What kind of girl possesses this kind of strength?

It seemed so unjust.

Not only was she about to be displaced from her role, but now this?

She had merely intended for a slight talk.

Just a “we’re not on friendly terms” warning…

Or perhaps only a gentle nudge of intimidation?

Eh, just a little!

Ji-woo’s eyes began to pool with tears.



Needless to say, Seoyeon definitely panicked at Ji-woo’s tears.

In so many ways.


So just like that.

After a moment of silence.

“…If you do something suspicious, I’ll report you.”

With those words, Ji-woo became even more distressed.

She hadn’t done a thing yet, but Seoyeon treated her like a criminal.

Of course, it wasn’t Seoyeon’s intent.

The vivid memories from her past life were just too intense.

‘She was someone who could’ve ended a life…’

Seoyeon recalled encountering the play “Eyes Closed” via news.

It spoke of a tragic stabbing incident.

The perpetrator? It was none other than Ji-woo.

The victim? Min Seo-ho.

In a way, this misfortune was part of Min Seo-ho’s karma.

However, when Ji-woo had charged into the club wielding a knife, it had become quite the buzz online, especially among her peers.

Min Seo-ho’s survival was commendable, truth be told.’

After all, Ji-woo pierced him right in front of the bouncers and the rest of his friends.

For some time, she was colloquially known as “Swordmaster Ji” on the internet.

Had Ji-woo brought a knife today… Seoyeon wouldn’t have been so confident in facing her.


Seoyeon looked at Ji-woo, who was now sobbing uncontrollably.

At least for now, she was not the Ji-woo Seoyeon had seen on the news.

Moreover, having watched her acting, she couldn’t bring herself to wish for such a destructive future.

Ji-woo. Older sister.”


The term “older sister” felt a bit awkward still.

Contemplating on this, Seoyeon continued,

“If you’re free, would you like to go somewhere with me in three days?”

If all went well, such events like before would remain in the past, without a shred of a repeat.

That was, of course, if Ji-woo remained free from Min Seo-ho’s embrace.

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not work with dark mode