Switch Mode

Chapter 41

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I can hardly believe how many years have passed since we graduated from the Royal Academy. I was genuinely glad to hear that you’ve been making good use of the valedictorian title you snatched from me.”

Those were the words directed at Deron.

Immediately afterward, his face drained of color.

It was the face she had so desperately longed to see.

It felt gratifying.

“I was worried you might not recognize me since I changed my hair color. Lucky for me, you still remember? What an honor, I must say.”

This greeting was for Blund.

Soon after, a wave of sheer despair washed over his face.

It was a face she had yearned to see for so long.

It was refreshing.

“I’m so happy we could meet again like this. You know, people say the white hair suits you even better—what do you think, Lord Kyle? Does it suit me as well?”

This greeting was aimed at Kyle.

Right after, his face transformed into one that mirrored the hell he had faced that day long ago.

A deep, endless abyss that swallowed any light.

Kyle fainted as his eyes rolled back.

It felt satisfying.


Finally, she stood before Elden.

From the instant she locked eyes with him, all her vows to let go of her grudges crumbled into nothing.

As Lord Gelwood had said, it was as if Elden had become like the frozen northern territories in May; the resolve that had once solidified in her heart melted away upon seeing him.

That must be why.

“Will you really turn down my confession?”

What a clumsy, foolish question that ultimately tarnished a moment she had eagerly anticipated.

Her plan to rise above him with calm and composure fell apart, and instead, she flung a spoiled child’s tantrum at him in the form of a question.

It was embarrassing, unbecoming of a mature woman to throw such a fit, but all of it was the doing of Elden Raphelion.

Why was it that every time she stood in front of him, nothing went as planned?

Why did she always feel the need to gauge his reactions?

Why did every interaction with him seem to spiral out of control?

As she thought back, another reason for him to reject her confession had emerged.

The moment she understood she was Erenscia, she took pride in having turned down a Duchess’ quiet confession.

Had her feeble confidence morphed into arrogance?

If that were the case, it would truly be a laughable situation.

The victim, who had every right to confront the perpetrator with dignity, found herself reproaching her own arrogance instead.

‘This isn’t how it should be.’

His innocent face should have been twisted with shock and horror, yet she felt as though her insides were decaying, a feeling that, no matter how many times she mulled it over, was simply ludicrous.




The composure she had built while facing those three evaporated entirely, and the satisfaction and refreshment she felt through them was rendered meaningless by the long wait.

The instant she faced Elden, anxiety and worry nested within her gut, while his brazen crimson eyes seemed to poke at her weaknesses, irritating her thoroughly.


Just grant me one chance.

Just once, let me have the chance for revenge.

She wished for it.

It was absurd and repulsive that the victim had to plead, but she saw no other option.

His obstinate demeanor was so resolute, it felt as if she would need to pray to every god in existence to help her.

It was as though he might slip away from her grasp at any moment.

She was so close…

Deron, Blund, and Kyle had already been pushed down the slope…

Elden had to roll with them too.

Together, they would tumble down that slope towards the path of repentance.

But soon after,

When he flashed a slight smile, Lumia felt her heart plummet.

He was the only person capable of making such a polite smile seem terrifying.

“I appreciate the sentiment, but seeing you today has only solidified my resolve.”


What resolve?

“What do you mean by that?”

“I’m saying I’m a man unworthy of even breathing the same air as you, my Duchess.”

Stop babbling nonsense.

How many times are you going to say that?

“Are you seriously saying this because you don’t recognize who I am?”

“Honestly, it’s hard to believe…but now that I know, I’m even more certain that I can’t accept your feelings. I’m truly sorry.”

You can say that right to my face?

If you realized I was Erenscia, then why aren’t you reacting like the others?


At the very least, you should have shown some signs of distress.

Isn’t that the bare minimum of decency to show a victim?

Now you say you’ll change?

Then why are you so brazenly holding your head high?

“Why? Why can’t you accept it?”

Ah, I see now.

You can’t accept it because you know I’m Erenscia.

But I want you to take back your withdrawal and do your utmost to win the Contest!

“Like I said, I realized I’m unworthy of love. I wish to return to my rightful place and humbly reflect on myself. I sincerely apologize for my past actions.”


So you refuse to even try for me, knowing I’m Erenscia, and yet you want to repudiate your past?

Elden Raphelion…what on earth are you?

Why are you so audacious?

Why are you so shameless?

How can you be so composed?

How do you easily offer such apologies?

Do you think I’m doing all of this just to hear a simple ‘I’m sorry’?

If it was going to be like this, then you shouldn’t have tormented me in the first place!

Tears began to gather in her eyes.

Tears clouded with conflicting feelings.

A wave of sorrow lodged in her throat.

A sorrow prompted by his flimsy apology.

It almost choked her.

But Lumia didn’t want to reveal anything.

Not her vulnerabilities, nor her breakdown.

“W-What if I forgive you? What if I grant you worth beyond measure? Would you still reject me? Why are you refusing me when you claim you’re genuinely sorry?”


If you truly wish to apologize, then face me directly instead of cowering away.

If you’re not lying, don’t dodge me with words—show me through your actions instead.

Prove it to me.

Whether your apology is genuine or not…!


Instead of answering her, Elden shot back a pointed question that pierced through Lumia’s tangled emotions.

“Duchess, were you even sincere in your confession?”


In an instant, the tears that had been glistening in her eyes dried up.

Then, Lumia realized she had been fixated solely on Elden for a while now.

Only then did she register her surroundings as the entire plaza came back into focus.

Her ears, once closed, now opened.

She understood that these ears had been listening exclusively to Elden’s voice for quite some time.

Only then did the bustling sounds of the square break through the silence filled solely by Elden’s voice.

Her tightly focused senses expanded.

Confronted by such an unfamiliar and strange sensation, Lumia looked at Elden with trembling eyes.

She had to respond to him.



If she answered that question…all her plans would be laid bare.


She simply couldn’t answer that.


She would rather die than speak it.

Because it wasn’t the ‘truth’.

It was merely one of her schemes to manipulate Elden.


Thus, Lumia found herself ensnared in a self-made dilemma, left only with silence.

Ultimately, she couldn’t muster a response, turning her gaze away.

She couldn’t afford to linger with him.


Just like in her Academy Days,

As both Erenscia and Lumia,

She had no choice but to flee from him.

“Then, let us wrap up this Unveiling Ceremony with this~!”

With that, Lumia exited the venue alongside her father, Logan Winterfell.

This event had merely served as a prelude to the main ceremony.

A special celebration for the Grand Duke’s youngest daughter’s reveal.

That was a close shave.

In an effort to restrain Lumia’s antics, I was compelled to ask something rather inconsiderate.

It wasn’t the moment to hold back my cards, as her actions could derail all my meticulously laid plans.

Otherwise, I might have had the misfortune of feeling Lumia’s trembling hands slap my face.

Of course, even if such an unwelcome outcome occurred, certain things wouldn’t change, but for the sake of my Culinary Journey, I had to sidestep any additional complications.

According to my emotionally challenged butler, the Grand Duke would make his way towards the Capital shortly after this event.

Post-departure, a second audience would take place in the afternoon.

It was then that the finalists and Lumia would gather for another ceremony.

In the original novel, the true competition probably commenced right after this ceremony.

Well, that was the impression I got from skimming through the comments on the paid chapters.

If the original Elden were here, he would certainly plunge into this mess, participating in this Tragic Romance Fantasy.

I felt a twinge of sympathy for Lumia.

While I didn’t harbor any malice toward her, to her, I must look like a slippery eel or something.

That was likely why she kept having those outbursts.

But just because I feel sorry for her doesn’t mean I’ll dive into that chaotic competition.

I can only hope she starts focusing on the others, as the ‘real’ contest is set to begin.

With such thoughts, I arrived at the Grand Hall.

It still wasn’t the time to show my cards.

No matter how advantageous the hand is, if it’s not played at the right moment, it becomes worthless.

Patience is the key to success.

After passing through security checks by the guards, I entered the Hall.

With ten minutes before the ceremony commenced, everyone should have already arrived.

The Regretful Trio typically showed up early for events like this.



Kyle was nowhere to be found.

Only Deron and Blund remained seated, their faces pale as if they were perched before a cup of poison.

And Kyle’s seat was conspicuously empty.


“The Third Northern Duchess is entering.”

So the star of today’s ceremony decided to show up only after her ‘guest of honor’ arrived?



Well then,

Kyle Beallon.

Are you,

By any chance, an escape artist or something?

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not work with dark mode