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Chapter 403

Chapter: 403

In the game Soul Academy, there are several ways to obtain great items.

One method is to conquer trials like I did with my grandfather for a shield.

Another is to complete various quests.

You can also improve your blacksmithing skills to create items yourself.

Finally, you can find a blacksmith capable of crafting specific items and commission them to do the work.

The blacksmith who bears the seal on my armor is definitely one of those NPCs from the last category.

Once a servant of the god of the forge, he has passed his role to the next generation and ventured out into the world.

Now, he’s an eccentric who hammers away at will, having set down the weight on his shoulders.

Among the blacksmith NPCs in the game, his skills are top-notch.

“Who left behind a loser like you, huh?”

“His name is Anuki,” he replied.

Anuki is one of the aliases he’s known by.

I was right in my guess; this blacksmith can create hidden items.

To run into a forge that produces hidden items—generating excitement even for veterans who rely on luck to find this smithy each time they start a game—made me feel quite fortunate.

Just as I was about to shake off the bad mood from those self-proclaimed blacksmiths from earlier, I realized one problem.

To commission Anuki, I would have to receive a quest directly from him. But could I pull that off right now?

No matter how I tried to express it, it would likely sound like Mesugaki-speak, and would an overbearing weirdo blacksmith take all that nonsense?

Having long given up on most of the quests I was supposed to complete in the original game because of Lucy’s reputation, I felt defeated in the face of reality.

…However, it’s not like I absolutely need the hidden item Anuki can create.

It’s definitely a material for ultimate equipment, but I could clear the game just fine without it.

That said, wanting it is still a very valid feeling! In this world, which is not just a game, having over-spec gear is not just a fun element, it’s essential!

While pondering all this, I decided to at least ask the blacksmith when his master would return.

“…I’m sorry, but I don’t know exactly. He might have left a note saying he had to fetch some urgent materials and disappeared all of a sudden.”

The blacksmith, who seemed genuinely unsure, didn’t appear to be lying.

Is there anything Anuki would typically go fetch at this point?

It’s hard to say; that guy operates entirely on his whims. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for him to be somewhere, doing who-knows-what.

“If your master returns, I will deliver the message that the Young Lady of the Alrn Family came looking for him.”

Nodding at the blacksmith’s words, I handed over the token and requested some armor along with the sword of the bald-headed loser.

I added that I’d pay an extra fee if it wasn’t enough. Thankfully, the token given to me by the lord had considerable value, and the blacksmith said it would suffice.

“Just a moment, please. I need to tailor it to fit the Young Lady.”

Anuki’s apprentice had impressive skills. Without measuring my body, he was able to craft armor that fit perfectly just by glancing at me.

From what I could see through my aesthetic sense, there was no part of the armor that needed adjustment. I began to seriously consider bringing this blacksmith to Alrn Territory.

If I happened to meet Anuki later and things went well, there would be no harm in bringing both of them along.

Considering the translation of the Mesugaki skill, though, it might be tricky to unfold things smoothly. I need a way to present an offer that he absolutely can’t refuse.


Having returned to Alrn Territory, I took a night off before heading to claim my indoor training ground.

No one dared to complain. Who would have the nerve to object to me—Benedict’s cherished daughter—using the facilities?

In fact, there was no reason for anyone to object. The indoor training ground in Alrn Territory is mostly empty about three hundred days of the year.

On rainy days, people prefer to train outside, saying it’s nice to train even when it rains, and on snowy days… well, you get the idea.

Thanks to that, the only ones occupying the fairly large indoor training ground were Erin and me.

I would’ve loved to kick Erin out, but whenever I suggest she go do something else, she gets all teary-eyed, stubbornly responding that she’d be useless otherwise.

According to what I heard from the butler, she managed to keep the seniors in check well enough when I wasn’t around, so why does she act all weak when I’m there?

What exactly is her problem?

Shaking my head at Erin’s smile, which looked amusing even though I was glaring, I steadied my posture while gazing into the full-length mirror in front of me.

The justification for monopolizing the indoor training ground was that I wanted to adapt to my new armor, but the real reason was quite different.

I intended to use the mirror to see the movements I made and correct them using my aesthetic sense!

After a day of experiencing my skill, I realized this aesthetic sense isn’t limited to just external appearances.

It seeks a deeper beauty beyond appearances, much like I admired an oddly shaped sword and found beauty in a shabby forge that looked like it might collapse at any moment.

This meant that if I corrected the strange parts according to my aesthetic sense, I could move more efficiently than ever.

Having reached this conclusion, I decided to sharpen my skills in the indoor training ground to raise my stagnant proficiency after my level-up had halted.

Hmm. Let’s start by swinging the mace.

I began with movements I had repeated thousands of times in front of the mirror. However, I soon realized there were more areas to adjust than I had anticipated through my aesthetic sense.

I expected to find a few things that needed changing, but I hadn’t expected this many.

It made sense, though, since the way I swung the mace was what my grandfather had directly taught me.

What could be the issue? Given that the aesthetic sense points to weaknesses correctly, it seems there are issues indeed.

As I swung the mace back and forth, trying to change my stance, I couldn’t quite find the answer.

Ugh! This is annoyingly frustrating!

If there’s something strange, why not just tell me what’s wrong with it too?

If all they do is call me a loser without elaboration, how am I supposed to improve?

Anyway, this skill from the creepy crow is fundamentally missing the key pieces!

It’s my own fault for expecting too much from that crow.

While I sulked in front of the mirror, I found myself seeking the counsel of Grandfather Emong.

“Grandfather, this might sound odd, but I feel weird about some parts when I swing the mace.”

[Weird parts, you say? ]

“Yes, um…”

As I shared the concerns pointed out by my aesthetic sense, I could hear Grandfather humming thoughtfully.

[Hmm. You find that part awkward, do you? ]

“Yes. Why is that? ”

[Just wait a moment; I’ll think it through. ]

After what felt like a long deliberation, Grandfather finally let out a laugh, admitting he had been mistaken.

[Ru- Lucy, as you know, your body type is unlike other knights. ]

“That… is true.”

Understanding what he meant by “unlike” wasn’t hard.

Simply put, I’m really small.

I’m so small that even Frey, another girl of similar age, needs to try hard to look taller.

[So, if I teach you the way I was trained, there’s bound to be a problem. My method doesn’t fit your body type at all.]

Grandfather’s lessons had always been based on the elite knights’ standards.

No matter how much I adjusted what was taught to fit me, there would naturally be some clumsiness since the foundation was built for more ordinary knights.

[Although I thought you would manage just fine since you followed along so well until now, if you are feeling awkward, that means I’ll need to create a martial art just for you.]

“Is that really possible?”

[I can’t do it alone. The help of that hero was huge in forming my own style.]

“Well then, what do we do? Should I look for someone to help? ”

[There’s no need to go that far. Someone who can help is already right here.]

“Right here? Erin… is out of the question, and the clumsy fox doesn’t seem to know anything about the mace. Who could it be that I’m unaware of?”

[It’s you, Lucy. You’ll need to help me.]


[As I try these various methods, just tell me about the awkward parts you feel. Eventually, there will come a day when those awkward feelings vanish, and that point will be when I can create a martial art fit just for you.]

I understood Grandfather’s proposal and, as usual, smiled before I regained my focus.

“Well, I guess there’s no helping it. Since you’ve helped me until now, I’ll endure even if it’s lacking.”

[…Haha! Yes! You’ll endure! In return, I’ll think feverishly until I create something perfect!]

Grandfather’s boisterous laughter echoed as he suggested trying out different movements with the mace, and I imitated him, sending the awkward feelings I noticed through my aesthetic sense back to him.

Finding the motions best suited for me was no smooth sailing, but I didn’t feel the slightest tinge of boredom in the process.

After all, this grind had been something I had faced multiple times while setting records in a game like Soul Academy, and most importantly, it was quite fun to see improvements in my skills while chatting with Grandfather.

Thus, I spent my time negotiating with him in the indoor training ground until I headed out toward the streets of Soul Academy.


About a week before the academy reopened, I returned early to settle in and find my room.

Even though several months had passed since I left, the academy’s quarters were spotless, not a speck of dust anywhere.

That must be thanks to the people who work here keeping it clean regularly.

Taking the chance to tidy up the room, since the clumsy fox had gone off to meet its main body, my moment of peace was interrupted by a knock at the door.

“Lucy, are you in there?”

Wow, Frey arrived early. In the game, she usually only shows up right before the academy opens.

Wondering what she wanted, I stepped outside, only to see Frey beam a bright smile at me the moment she spotted my face.

“Long time no see! I missed you!”

“So what’s up, you silly swordswoman?”

“Let’s duel! This time I’ll win!”

…Right, that’s the kind of person she is.

I worried over nothing.

With a deep sigh, I considered shooing Frey away but changed my mind after remembering Grandfather’s words.

[This girl seems like the right opponent to test out what we’ve been working on.]

“That’s true. Frey’s talent is indeed real,” I admitted.

Having settled my thoughts, I faced Frey’s pitiful yet hopeful gaze and couldn’t help but smile as I lifted the corners of my mouth.

“You think you’ll win? You? Against me?”

“Yeah! I will!”

“Pfft! Go ahead and try. Even if you struggle, your flaws will only stand out more!”

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