Switch Mode

Chapter 40


Of all times, why now?

Today, of all days, when the veil that should have taken decades to lift is finally being removed.

Could it be that the Spy has gone missing just as the important moment before the long-awaited Unveiling Ceremony arrives?

Could it be…

That he has been caught by Elden Raphelion?


That can’t be.

It mustn’t be.

It has to be that way.

Even Gelwood said so.

When it comes to abilities, he ranks among the best in the industry.

There’s no way someone of that caliber could have been discovered by a human like Elden.

Or… was he discovered by that female escort Knight instead?

…Surely not.

I did hear that the Purple Knight was remarkable enough to earn such a name, but that doesn’t necessarily reflect her detection abilities.

After all, the opponent is the industry’s top expert in stealth.


It can’t be true.

It’s just a minor hitch, surely.

More likely it’s just an absence rather than a disappearance.

He must have briefly stepped away for some urgent matter.

Perhaps there was something so pressing that he couldn’t report back.

That has to be the case.

“…My Lady?”

It must be.

It simply has to be.

I can’t give Elden even the slightest edge; he would take full advantage.

“My Lady!”


Lumia snapped back to reality at Marien’s call, realizing she was already standing behind the podium.

She had been so lost in thought that she didn’t even remember how she got to this point.

She had to live out most of her life hidden away because of a curse.

It was the same curse that forced her to endure hardships at the Academy.

Now, having finally escaped that curse, she was on the cusp of stepping into the world as Lumia Winterfell. The moment she had long dreamed of was right before her, yet her mind was still clouded with thoughts of Elden Raphelion.


“You need to get a grip! This is the moment you have dreamed of your whole life!”

“Ah… right.”

It should be a moment of joy.

Today she would finally throw off this suffocating mask and stand proudly before the world.

And she would also boldly confront those four who brought her hell, declaring that the time for their repentance has arrived.

But then, why does she feel more anxious than joyful?

Why does irritation bubble beneath her excitement?

Why does freedom feel suffocating?


Lumia let out a sigh.

Anxiety, irritation, suffocation.

It’s hard to just shake off those feelings in a single breath, but she cleared her mind as best as she could and gazed up at the podium.

The platform was so high that she had to tilt her head back just to see the top.

At the end of it, freedom awaited.

“Introducing the protagonist of today, the Third Northern Duchess, Lumia Winterfell-!”

A booming voice rang out from beyond the podium.

Lifting the hem of her white dress, she took the first step onto the stairs.

Step by step.

Cautiously making her way up to the podium, Lumia struggled a bit because she preferred flat shoes over heels, but she had practiced for this moment.

She wouldn’t fall.

She would stand tall before the Quartet, beaming a bright smile.

With that determination, she climbed the steps and stood on the podium.

And then she saw it.

The thousands of people looking up at her.

She saw it.

The Quartet staring up at her from far below.

“Kyaa-! It’s the Duchess!”

“Oh wow-! Even with a mask, her beauty can’t be hidden?!”

“I bet she’s incredibly pretty~!!”

“Duchess! Look over here, please-!!”

The central plaza erupted with cheers loud enough to shake the very air.

People shouted, whistled, and waved their hands in jubilation.

Her father gazed at her with teary eyes.

Lumia took it all in.

It was a perfect moment.

A happy moment.

The moment she had always envisioned, her heart swelling with a burst of emotion.

Yet the problem was…


That overwhelming joy felt all too fleeting, and as her eyes caught Elden’s face, it was as if the world had narrowed down to just the two of them.

His eyes, once fierce and predatory, had transformed into those of a naive puppy.

Those innocent eyes were locked onto her.

But then…


Why was there fear creeping in?

Why did those innocent eyes appear to be teasing something sinister?

Had her secret surveillance—really been exposed?

Could he possibly be planning to use that against her?

Anxiety washed over her.

How did she make it this far? What kind of emotions had she endured to reach this point?

What had happened to her will? Her plans for today and tomorrow?

She felt certain that the moment she stepped down from this podium, he would push her towards catastrophe.

Of course, she had no intention of submitting so easily, but the sensation of being drawn into his web was enough to amplify her worries.

It felt unjust.

It was so deeply unfair that the victim was the one burdened with fear towards the perpetrator.

She had longed to see that wicked man kneeling in tears, begging for forgiveness.

Lumia simply wanted to rid herself of this anxiety and bitterness.

If only she had heeded Gelwood’s advice about stopping the surveillance on Elden…

If only she hadn’t wallowed in pride over meaningless reports…

“Now-! The Third Northern Duchess, Lumia Winterfell, shall remove her mask and reveal her noble name to the world-!”

Despite her turmoil, the events continued to roll out.

But through it all, her eyes were glued solely to Elden.

As she stared at him, her hands found their way to the mask.

She could guess how the other three would react, but Elden’s response was unpredictable.

Deron, Blund, and Kyle should have sensed something off during the first and second assessments.

The tests had gone entirely too far.

Thus, the moment they saw her face, without a doubt, they would be reminded of the past, irrespective of her hair color.

But what would Elden do?

As she carefully removed her mask, Lumia monitored his expression.

“Wow—! It’s finally happening—!”

“Please, show us that unparalleled beauty!”

As the mask comes off, her smooth forehead is revealed, and joy erupts in the plaza. When her blue eyes shine through, ecstasy blossoms; when her cute nose appears, thrill sparks; and when her plump red lips are unveiled, a thunderous cheer rolls out.



Yet, nothing reaches Lumia’s ears.

1 second.

His face remains calm.

2 seconds.

His eyebrows rise.

3 seconds.

His eyes widen.

4 seconds.

His mouth drops open.

5 seconds.

His face freezes in shock.



Lumia, who was supposed to be escaping after realizing her identity, was failing even to verify that hypothesis.

Of course.

What was painted on Elden’s face contained a different form of shock.

“Whoa…! What the hell is that? Isn’t she ridiculously pretty?”

It’s insane.

Totally bonkers.

Is that even human?

Did a goddess just step down?


“The illustration on the cover looked like some average AI-generated junk, though?”

And yet, even with this weird angle that would make anyone look unfortunate, she flaunts a goddess-like beauty?

Despite the distance, how can her features be this distinct?

She looks far prettier than Erenscia from Elden’s memories, doesn’t she?

Could it be the dazzling white hair that Ariel said matched her perfectly?

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that not even a sculptor could create such beauty; a goddess herself must have crafted it.

Receiving a beauty so extreme that even top-notch AI couldn’t replicate its sheer brilliance, it’s no surprise my mouth hangs open.

And this wasn’t just me—every person gathered shared the same astonished look.

The ‘ugly’ rumors swirling around were completely disproven; Lumia’s looks were blindingly breathtaking.

I swear I saw a halo glowing around her head…

She was that pretty.

Our heroine wasn’t just photogenic…

Sure, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, but I’m confident that there would be no dissent regarding Lumia’s looks.

Had the original story not been a female-oriented romance fantasy intended solely for female readers, I’m sure many of the male leads would have fallen head over heels at first sight.

And then,



Clap, clap, clap, clap!

The loud cheers and applause, reverberating from both young and old alike, indicated that no further explanation was needed regarding her beauty.

I turned to look back.

Among the jubilant crowd, only Ariel showed a different reaction.


Her face was all question marks,

She had met the white-haired Erenscia just a few days earlier.

Her expression was so amusing that I almost burst out laughing, but I had to hold it back to avoid misunderstanding with Lumia.

Then, I shifted my gaze to the Regretful Trio.

Just as I expected,




Their faces were pale, looking at one another as if they had seen a ghost.

They must have been baffled since the first and second evaluations were anything but usual.

From their expressions, it looked like the heroine’s hinting plan was all too successful.

A moment later,




Lumia began to step down from the platform.

As she neared the ground, their astonishment only deepened.

For the Regretful Trio, it must have felt like death creeping closer.

“Ahh! I wish I could see the Duchess up close—!”

“Duchess~! Please come here too—!!”

Thus, Lumia stepped onto the ground.

From left to right stood Deron, Blund, Kyle, and me.

Deron was the first to receive her greeting.

When Lumia extended her hand, Deron kissed it.

She said something to him, but her words got swallowed by the lively crowd.

As Deron’s face went ghostly pale, it seemed her greeting was anything but ordinary.

Next, she reached Blund and then stood before Kyle.

It looked like she was preparing to do the same, but the moment she took her mask off, Kyle’s body wobbled, and as she approached him, he fell straight to the ground.

And this was how the crazy chaos began.

“Kyaa—! The Duchess’ beauty was so overwhelming that Kyle fainted!”

“Indeed! Such overwhelming beauty even made a noble faint—!!”

While to the crowd it seemed as if Kyle simply couldn’t handle her divine beauty…

Blund rushed to help Kyle, while Lumia walked closer to me.

“Wow… Up close it’s even more insane! She’s genuinely beautiful.”

Curses rolled through my mind; standing in front of such divine presence felt unreal.

In Elden’s memories, Erenscia was always an ordinary-looking woman, shabby by noble standards even, but the current Lumia was an entirely different being.

When she extended her hand, I quickly kissed her alabaster-skinned backhand and looked into her eyes.


“Will you truly reject me now?”

Her voice came with a confidence potent enough to captivate kingdoms with just her appearance.





I almost replied ‘No’…

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not work with dark mode