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Chapter 395

Chapter: 395

“Are you thinking of heading to the Art Guild?”

Maybe it was because I had my eyebrows furrowed so openly, but Alsetin’s words dripped with caution.

“Of course. I can’t just sit and watch these pervy bastards making fools of themselves.”

“Making fools… of themselves?”

“Yeah, making fools.”

As I declared this, tossing the paper I held onto the desk, Alsetin’s expression became a bit awkward.

“Can I ask why?”

“Is there any other way to describe willingly walking into a death trap but ‘making fools of yourself’?”

The place the Art Guild was heading to was obviously a trap. It’s where various followers of the evil gods have come together to create something hellish.

It’s not some dungeon that can be overcome with a bit of struggle. It’s a hell filled with a malicious desire to kill anyone who falls into its traps.

Wouldn’t it be foolish to just walk right into that?

“This is a trap?”

Alsetin’s eyes widened as if he couldn’t believe what I was saying.

“This is based on leaks from Naklad, and the information has been cross-checked against other followers of the evil gods.”

“Haah. With that low of an intelligence, how about you just roll around with Jakal near Karia? That seems more fitting for your level.”

At that moment, I realized that people living in this world have no real understanding of what the followers of the evil gods are like.

If they knew how these loonies think, they would understand that they wouldn’t betray their own forces.

“Listen well. I don’t want to waste any more time on you, who’s nothing short of pathetic.”

The evil god’s followers in Soul Academy are more tightly knit than expected.

Unlike various churches that fight amongst themselves in the light to expand their power, followers of the evil gods band together to survive the oppression.

Even if they worship different gods, that commonality of needing to hide their identities binds them together.

Therefore, the followers of the evil gods would not betray another faction.

Those dreaming of the resurrection of the evil god consider each other collaborators.

They value the dream they hold more than the pain they suffer in this world.

Fanatics who became followers of the evil gods for their own reasons willingly give their lives for a dream that will surely come true, even if it means their death.

Naklad is no different. Since the death of his wife, nothing matters to him in this world without her.

What he longs for is only to meet his wife after death.

Do you think that kind of person would betray the evil god’s faction to save himself? Do you think he would leak information knowing he could never meet his wife again?

No way. He would rather die than give up a chance to meet her.

After finishing my explanation, Alsetin blinked and asked,

“I understand what mindset the followers of the evil gods have. But why is it that Naklad and the other followers’ words align?”

“Are you a goldfish? I already told you. Idiots who follow idiots love to lick each other’s boots.”

They’ve even agreed on what fake info to spill if they get captured, so of course, the same information is going to come out.

“…Ah! I see!”

Finally realizing something was off, Alsetin pulled out a notebook and after checking it, he gasped.

He noticed something was wrong.

How strange. In the game, Alsetin had figured out things were odd because of the bizarre similarity in information. Why can’t the real Alsetin see this? Is it because of Karia’s return?

“I understand. I’ll relay this news to the Art Guild immediately.”

“Don’t go trying to be a hero.”

The reason I stopped Alsetin from acting on his own was simple. His credibility wasn’t strong enough.

How seriously do you think the Art Guild would take the words of an intel agent like him saying the plan is wrong?

But me? If I, favored by the Crow Goddess, tell the Art Guild, they’ll immediately revise their plans.

“Don’t get cocky; just follow me around. Got it?”

“If so, I’ll just prepare to move to the Art Guild.”


After parting ways with Alsetin, I informed my friends it was time to disperse.

We would each head home to rest and meet again at the academy.

The friends had various reactions, but one thing they all agreed on was their relief at getting a break. We had been pushing ourselves for nearly a month straight; this kind of normality is expected.

The people of Leez territory welcomed our dispersal with similar joy.

They were close to tears at the news of our departure, having had to endure our relentless dungeon runs day and night.

Seeing that made me realize I might have been a bit inconsiderate. Thanks to my Mesugaki skills, I couldn’t apologize or show gratitude, though.

Anyway, instead of heading straight to the Art Guild, I made my way to the Alrn family first.

I didn’t need rest. Compared to the various training sessions I had been through, the previous grind was nothing. I had also taken things a bit easy to accommodate my friends.

The reason I sought out the Alrn family was that I needed someone to hold down the fort against the perverts of the Art Guild.

I still remember the day I contacted the perverted apostle through Kerta’s Crystal.

All those weirdos fighting over who got to meet me behind the back of the perverted apostle.

Heading to the Art Guild meant stepping right into the den of those pervs, and I wasn’t confident handling it alone!

At the very least, I needed someone to keep those perverts at bay! My ideal choice was Possell.

Though he might not compare to Benedict, with his considerable renown and strength, he could easily manage the perverts of the Art Guild.

“I’m sorry, Young Lady. I would love to accompany you, but with the Lord missing, I cannot leave the territory myself.”

But alas, my hopes crashed against the wall of reality.

Damn! I thought if Possell were there, I could fend off those creepy guys!

In the end, the ones going with me to the Art Guild’s base ended up being much the same as before.

My knight escort Karl, the bald knight who tags along like a combo meal, Erin to handle various little tasks, and the Clumsy Fox, who’s regaining strength as spring approaches.

“Don’t worry! Lucy! I’ll take care of the other perverts so they can’t get close! These arrogant brats around you? I’m more than enough to handle them all!”

Listening to the Clumsy Fox ramble nonsense made me want to say a lot, but I kept my mouth shut. I had to be content that he recognized himself as a perv. If I didn’t, I’d just end up tired.

With a group assembled, I headed to where Alsetin would be waiting.

“Lady Alrn. We have a problem. The Art Guild won’t accept teleportation from outsiders.”

I heard the explanation, that it’s not strange since they tend to be quite closed off, and I replied without much thought.

“Intel Trader. Just tell those pervy bastards my name.”


“Just do it. My head is better than the old, crappy one you have.”

With a clueless expression, Alsetin tilted his head but followed my orders.

“…Uh. Permission has been granted.”

I sent the knights and Alsetin first through the teleportation circle, and then I headed towards the Art Guild’s main base.

As I felt the green light surrounding me, I shut my eyes. Suddenly, the dizziness of teleportation hit me.

In the past, I couldn’t handle it and ended up collapsing, but not now. It still twists my stomach and gives me a headache, but it was nothing to knock me out.

After catching my breath and regaining my calm, I carefully opened my eyelids. Beyond the barriers constructed by Karl and the bald knight, I saw the clutter of the Art Guild and quickly closed my eyes again.

…Something felt off. Did I see something wrong?

Had I unknowingly built up that much fatigue?

So did I end up fainting and having some weird dream?

“Eeeeeek! So pretty!”

“Lady Alrn! Just wave your hand, please!”

“Did you really monopolize such a work of art!? What a waste!”

“Gah! I could die happy today…”

“Is this a manifestation of the goddess?”

“Ahhhh! You are so beautiful!”

Listening to the voices invading my ears made me start regretting coming here.

If I had known it would be like this, well, I knew it would be something like this, but if I had expected it to be to this extent, I would’ve just left it all to Alsetin and not even thought about coming!

Should I turn back now? Just ditch it all on Alsetin?

As I mulled over those thoughts, I steadied myself and raised my eyelids.

As I sensed the countless gazes directed at me filled with lustful desires, I felt a slight lift in my mood.

Thinking about it, did I really have any reason to dislike those perverts? There are none easier to toy with than them.

They’re not like the Clumsy Fox or the perverted apostle, and if it gets truly grotesque, I could just shove them away.

Once I shifted my mindset, those disgusting perverts began to look like toys.

Heh. Up until now, I’ve only been bullied by other perverts.

Should I repay that grudge on these pathetic trash?

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not work with dark mode