Switch Mode

Chapter 39

“…So, the Young Master Kyle discarded the emblem he earned from the second evaluation… That’s… strange behavior from someone like him.”

“I’ve left some advice regarding this matter.”

“Regardless, handle any issues that may arise during the Grand Betrothal Contest per your judgment. After the unveiling ceremony, I have some urgent business to attend to in the capital.”

“Yes, My Lord.”

With that, Gelwood concluded his report and exited the Grand Duke’s office.

He refrained from mentioning the Academy’s displeasure, fearing the Duke’s reaction.

Understanding that the Academy only answered to the King, he realized the Dean couldn’t help but be offended by the situation.

After all, the Academy’s principles had been compromised in the eyes of the Royal Academy.

Moreover, the Dean of the Royal Academy was one of the five Grand Dukes of the Elpherion Kingdom himself.

Thus, it was impossible to conduct an investigation without his approval.

That’s why the Grand Duke had instructed Gelwood to conduct a cautious probe first.

However, the Academy’s seemingly hushed attitude during the process raised suspicions.

As nature dictates, secrecy breeds corruption.

Closed environments prioritize concealment over revealing the truth and prefer stagnation over change.

Perhaps that was why Gelwood felt a sense of foreboding.

The psychological instability that Lumia Winterfell was displaying seemed connected to this ‘hushed matter.’

He had known Lumia since she was born.

While he hadn’t cared for her as his own child, he wasn’t oblivious to the drastic shifts in her personality.

His tolerance had stemmed from unwavering trust in those he served.

He genuinely believed that Lumia Winterfell would lead the Grand Ducal Betrothal wisely.

If that trust wavered, as the Grand Duke had advised, he needed to take preventive measures.

Especially alarming was the sight of Lumia tearing Elden’s letter to shreds in a fit of rage last night.

Initially, he thought Elden’s withdrawal was a brilliant maneuver to win Lumia’s favor.

After all, her keen interest in Elden justified his support for them.

The ultimate goal of the Grand Betrothal was to discover ‘love,’ to find someone who could ‘move’ the heart.

Everything up to that point was merely part of the process, and as long as it didn’t undermine the integrity of the Grand Betrothal, there should have been no issues.

Even her siblings had successfully completed the process.


During the second evaluation, Lumia had committed a faux pas that none of her siblings had made, tarnishing the honor of the Grand Ducal Betrothal.

And worse, she had displayed behavior that was unacceptable later that night.

The image of her ripping apart Elden’s polite rejection letter clearly showed that she was no longer the woman yearning for love.

And with that, Gelwood’s confidence was shattered.

He now understood that his trust had been misplaced.

The Royal Academy’s tepid attitude.

Lumia’s tactics to constrain a withdrawal.

All solidified his suspicion that this Grand Ducal Betrothal was about more than merely finding a spouse.

Rather than escalate the situation by reporting his unconfirmed theories to the Grand Duke, Gelwood opted for a more discreet approach to resolve matters quietly.

After all, the Grand Duke had granted him authority to manage the event using his judgment.

The very first action necessary was,

“I must remove the spies.”

Something he should have done sooner.

Although a competent spy usually performed well, the risks of exposure increased in crowded and confined spaces, as the longer the tail, the more likely it would be stepped on. His better judgment had been stifled by the stubbornness of the Grand Duchess.

If it came to light that they had replaced an official panel with undercover observers, the backlash would surely be immense.

It was time to put an end to unnecessary risks stemming from Lumia’s unpredictable behavior.

Besides, there had been no significant reports from the Spy, just trivial daily occurrences of Elden’s life.

With those thoughts, Gelwood remained in his office late into the night.

Midnight was his usual reporting time.

However, the fact that the spy failed to show up as scheduled made Gelwood sigh deeply.


He had never once encountered a delay from the Spy.

A professional hired at great expense always delivered.

He intended to inform the spy that this would be his final report but was puzzled by the silence.

Why now with this news blackout?

What could it mean?

“…Could it be that…”

Thus, he found himself haunted by a dreadful silence, unable to shake off his unease throughout the night.

“The morning of the unveiling ceremony has finally arrived, My Lady.”

The day of the Grand Ducal Betrothal’s unveiling, known as the peak moment of the event, had dawned.

It was a sunny, warm day, with a cloudless blue sky, cheerful birds chirping, a mild temperature, and not even a breeze strong enough to ruffle her hair or dress — a flawless morning indeed.

Lumia sat patiently in front of her vanity, preparing herself.

Marien, inspecting her Lady’s complexion in the mirror, sighed in relief internally.

Fortunately, it seemed Lumia had eaten and rested well the previous day, allowing her previously pale face to regain its glow.

“Indeed, the ceremony is truly beginning.”

While her appearance was not as vibrant as before, it was adequate for her public debut.

Besides, where nature fell short, makeup would perfect it.

Until now, every detail of Lumia’s attire had been managed by Marien, who was determined to transform her Lady into a vision of beauty.

With heated tools, Marien curled Lumia’s hair while applying crushed safflowers to her lips.

“Oh, My Lady… Your beauty continues to astound me.”

Marien poured on compliments as she worked, eager to lift her Lady’s spirits.

Lumia, recognizing her maid’s intentions, forced a smile.

Today, she swore she would escape from the burdens of vengeance and bitterness.

After disgracing herself during the second evaluation and behaving disgracefully before Gelwood last night, Lumia was resolved not to repeat past mistakes.

Today was solely about stepping forward into the world for the very first time, no matter how daunting that may be.

“Aren’t you nervous?”

Marien questioned, running her fingers through the carefully styled snowy white locks.

“I am…”

“Tehehe~ Don’t be too worried, My Lady. I’m certain everyone will cheer the moment they see you.”


The heart’s fickle nature grew ever apparent.

Just as Lumia determined to shed her resentments, the moment Marien mentioned “everyone,” her thoughts immediately conjured Elden’s image.

What would his expression be?

Would her theory that he recognized her identity gain validity if he displayed a blank stare?

Or perhaps he’d be utterly astonished?

Her curiosity lingered.

Indeed, she was eager to witness how he would react.


Please, let him remember me.

But Lumia was fully aware that such an outcome was unlikely.

Despite her vague hints during the first and second evaluations,

Those events had occurred years prior.

It was only natural that the perpetrator’s memories would blur over time, unlike those of their victims.

Moreover, her hair was now a sparkling white rather than the vibrant red it had once been.

In truth, Lumia wished to dye her hair, but since this unveiling ceremony also marked her grand debut, it seemed an impossible wish.


She earnestly hoped he would recognize her.

And upon doing so, grasp the significance of the first and second evaluations.

Because from here on out,

The true ‘contest’ was set to commence.

Everything leading up to now had merely been a prelude.


With a flourish, Marien declared she had completed the makeup, prompting Lumia to admire her reflection in the mirror.

Today she would don a symbolic fox mask as she finally revealed herself to the world.

Today, she would greet all with a bright smile.

And as Lumia resolved herself, she put on her mask and stood tall.

The flower of the Grand Ducal Betrothal,

Was now in full bloom.

It was time to unveil Lumia Winterfell to the world.


“What?! What do you mean the spy has disappeared?”

The shocking news of the spy’s vanishing was like cold water dousing a fire.

A new headache emerged even before the day began.

Things were already going sideways from the get-go.

Wow… Just how many people are here?

The Grand Duchy’s main plaza teemed with a massive crowd gathered around the elevated stage.

There must have been at least a thousand people, and I found myself standing among them, squeezed between them and the stage.

Of course, I was still with that Regretful Trio.

Given their outfits, at least it seemed they hadn’t fully given up hope yet.

There was one key reason I stood there in the front row.

I wanted to help stir some excitement among the people.

The Grand Ducal Betrothal was a festive occasion for the citizens.

That’s why this generous and tolerant withdrawer wasn’t going to let the hopeful crowd down on this momentous day.


I finally get to meet you.

Logan Winterfell, the Grand Duke, was also seated to the left of the stage.

It must have been a joyous moment for him, as today was the day his daughter would step into the limelight.

Only a fool would decline to attend today’s event.

Regardless of how good the cards one holds are, if they aren’t played correctly, they’re worthless.

So, I found myself standing in the plaza alongside the Regretful Trio.


A young lady with a bun sat amidst the crowd, eagerly waiting to meet her favorite protagonist.

As I glanced over, Ariel stood out, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Ironically, through…

…You just met her a few days ago, Ariel.

She had scarcely recognized ‘Erenscia,’ who had white hair now.

She even claimed this new color suited her much better.

And here was Ariel, who had been lamenting about wanting to meet the Duchess…

Wouldn’t that wish finally come true today?


After smiling at Ariel, I looked back at the stage.


“Introducing the Third Northern Duchess… Lumia Winterfell-!!”

The Unveiling Ceremony for the Grand Ducal Betrothal began as the star of the event appeared before us.

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not work with dark mode