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Chapter 378

Chapter: 378

Even though it was a late-night rude request, the inn’s chef treated us to a fantastic meal.

Of course, he wasn’t initially overflowing with enthusiasm. If someone barges in and demands food while you’re sleeping, it’s only normal for your brow to furrow in annoyance.

But plenty of money had the power to turn displeasure into happiness.

“Just wait a moment!” shouted the chef as he hurried into the kitchen, making a ruckus before finally bringing out some decent food.

Truly, the words of the ancient sages have never been wrong. When someone looks upset, it’s wise to consider if you could be lacking in cash!

[Don’t you think you should take my words to heart too? ]

‘Why should I?’

[I’m someone who could totally be called an ancient sage.]

I let my grandpa’s nagging slide in one ear and out the other. There were far more wonderful things in life than listening to his every single complaint.

While I gripped my spoon and took a bite of pasta, my thoughts were interrupted when Joy slammed her hands down on the table.

“This is unacceptable!”

What’s up with her all of a sudden? Is it okay for a young lady from a duke’s family to cause such a ruckus at the dinner table?

I was ready to shoot back a retort, but my mouth was stuffed with pasta, so I just glared at Joy instead.

“What’s unacceptable is that the current Young Lady is too cute!”

Hey, you airhead. If you’re going to talk, at least say it clearly so people can understand! I can’t make heads or tails of what you’re babbling about!

“Listen up, Lady Alrn! Up until yesterday, the Young Lady always had a vicious and arrogant expression! That made it so hard for others to approach!”

Well, that was because the Mesugaki skill was forcing that behavior on me. I couldn’t act outside of what that skill wanted.

“But now it’s different! Your expression is incredibly colorful!”

Joy was right. The constraints of the Mesugaki skill still pushed me toward a snarky attitude, but they didn’t hold me down anymore. Now I could smile, cry, get angry, be annoyed, and feel sad as I pleased.

“Airhead, what’s wrong with that? Are you jealous that I’m getting cuter? Jealousy in women is such an ugly sight.”

“I’m not jealous! Do I look like some depraved person to you?!”

No, Joy. You can genuinely praise others’ happiness. I know that better than anyone.

When I smiled at her without a word, Joy groaned, burying her face in her hands. Not a trace of noble dignity to be found.

“Putting all the petty talk aside, the current Lady’s appearance is way too destructive!”

“…Airhead, it seems the brain muscles of Alrn have caused you quite a struggle, huh? Poor thing. But you weren’t this dumb before.”

Why is she so bad at controlling her emotions today? Did a curse land on her without my knowledge? Just to check, I tried a divine spell, but Joy deflected it with her own magic.

Fascinating. When we first sparred in the Alrn Knights, she couldn’t cast this fast. Has she grown so much while I was away?

No. No. Outside the realm of game logic, she seems to have rapidly adapted to the norms of a player.

The training in the Alrn Knights merely taught her how to utilize her own strength.

Seeing her growth made me smile happily, but Joy, blushing on both cheeks, started waving her hands like crazy and shouted.

“First, please just listen to what I’m trying to say! It’s important!”

“Who’s telling you not to speak? I’m not the one stuffing your mouth full, so why are you so angry? Seriously, airhead, you lack refinement. So sad.”


Having trouble containing her exasperation, she thumped her foot on the ground. Then, she pursed her lips and smoothed her face.

Just like that, the recent anger melted away, leaving peace instead. Now she looks somewhat noble.

“I think it’s better to show than to tell a hundred times. Young Lady, look over there.”

Joy pointed to where Karl lay sprawled out, looking triumphantly happy like a perverted apostle.

“Why is that pathetic mutt acting like that?”

It’s not the first day he’s been like this. It’s a bit disturbing how I’m growing to sympathize with the perverted apostle’s ramblings, but Karl is a good guy, so I can tolerate it to a certain extent.

“…I understand now; you might not grasp it.”

Joy, who seems to have some understanding of Karl, glared at him with cold eyes before shaking her head.

“Thank you for waiting! Here’s the next dish!”

At that moment, the chef appeared beside us with his masterpiece in hand. He seemed delighted to earn a gold coin, showing no signs of fatigue on his face.

“Perfect timing, chef! Wait a moment.”


“Lady? Can you give him a smile?”

It was a strange request, but since it was Joy’s ask, I gladly complied.

It’s not a difficult task. Just make eye contact and smile. There’s no reason I shouldn’t gift a smile to the one who served such excellent food.

“…I-I still have things to do!”

Facing my smile, the chef’s face reddened as he hurriedly dashed back into the kitchen. Did he have something urgent going on in there?

“Don’t you understand that after seeing that?”

“What do you mean?”

“…Just understood it. It seems the Young Lady has no self-awareness whatsoever.”

Watching Joy bury her face in her hands as I munched away, Grandpa’s voice echoed in my head.

[You really should listen to what your friend says.]


[I don’t want to explain because you wouldn’t understand. But has there ever been a time you regretted following my advice? ]

That’s… true.

[It’s wisdom from the ages. Just follow it.]

Even though Grandpa’s tone was a bit puffed up, I accepted his advice and asked Joy what she wanted to impart. With the most serious expression I’d ever seen on her, she responded.

“I’ll teach you how to wear a mask. It’s absolutely necessary for you.”

The moment I heard the word “mask,” memories of Lucy flashed into my mind. The Lucy I saw in childhood didn’t have to be forced into actions. Her expressions always contained the pure innocence of a child.

But that innocence and good nature turned sour due to the coercion of the Mesugaki skill. Those afflicted with that malice returned their intent back to Lucy.

In the end, the young Lucy opted to wear a mask. Aware that her innocence and kindness might be rejected, she chose to build a wall instead.

With the exception of Benedict and Mira, she always behaved in a manner befitting her tone. If she was going to be hated anyway, she didn’t want to hold on to any hope.


In response to Joy’s call, I returned to reality and couldn’t help but chuckle as I inspected the crumbling mask on her face.

“You can’t even manage your own expression, yet here you are trying to teach someone? Talk about out of touch.”

“Teaching and doing are two completely different things! You know…!”

A mask, huh? Sure, I could use one. I don’t quite like the Mesugaki skill, but it is indeed very handy.

“Well, watching how airheaded you are is certainly entertaining. I guess I’ll watch your attempt to teach.”

“…Huh? You’re actually going to learn?”

“But, remember this. I’m far too nice to accept only what you give me. I’ll also teach you something really fun.”

“Huh? Something fun?”

“How to smash those pathetic dungeons. Even the dumb, unfortunate Prince manages to keep up, so I’m sure you can too. It’ll be ridiculously hard, but hey, that’s not my problem.”

Listening to my words, Joy trembled, glancing at me apprehensively.

“Umm. Is there a chance to decline?”

“Want to plead while crying? After seeing your pathetic self, you might just change your mind.”

“Just say if it’s there or not…”


The method Joy showed for wearing a mask was rather primitive. She suggested feeling every muscle in my face to control it remotely.

‘Our duke family controls it through power, but as an ordinary lady, you can do it with your senses.’

Joy said it wasn’t a big deal, but it was far from easy! How can one adjust so many muscles that form an expression? Does this even make sense!?

I couldn’t manage it, so I sought advice from Joy, who just tilted her head and said, “But it worked for me.”

While she expressed doubt that I couldn’t do this much, Karia, who had been sneakily watching us, offered some advice.

“Don’t raise the corners of your lips. Don’t look cheerful. Don’t hum a tune. Just act like you normally do. Stay expressionless.”

As I followed Karia’s instructions, wondering why I had to do all this, I couldn’t escape Joy’s whining as she insisted I listen to her.

Perhaps my efforts stayed up all night brought about results, for when I met Arthur in the morning, he seemed clueless about my changes.

Actually, he probably didn’t even get the chance to notice.

The instant he saw me wearing that rabbit headband, he just burst out laughing, treating me like usual.

Arthur was too preoccupied with the embarrassment to even think about my changes.

“Lucy. Lucy.”


“Something’s different about you.”

But Frey was different. Even though I thought I donned the mask quite well, Frey instantly noticed my change.


I replied by relaxing my expression into a smile. Frey, upon meeting my grin, sparkled her eyes and returned a bright smile before suddenly furrowing her brows.

“What’s with her all of a sudden?” I wondered, but the moment Frey forced a smile with her hands, I understood her intentions. She wanted to see more of my various expressions.

“I’m gonna stop here for weaker and pathetic people like you.”

“…Tch. We’ll see.”

Diverting my gaze from the grumbling Frey, I spotted Arthur, who was smiling broadly while wearing that bunny headband, and Joy’s exhausted face.

“Well, look who it is. Joy. You too have stepped into this hell, huh?”

“The phrase ‘stepped into’ is inaccurate. Please use the terms ‘dropped off a cliff’ instead.”

“Haha. Either way, how’s it feel? Does your head feel like it’s going to explode?”

“I’d rather take three more magic classes….”

“…What kind of nonsense is that?”

Arthur’s flabbergasted expression made me chuckle, but then I caught Joy’s piercing gaze and quickly composed my expression.

Hmm. It’ll take some getting used to.

“What’s with that? Lucy Alrn, suddenly acting serious.”

“Could you kindly withdraw your attention? The gaze of the unfortunate prince is a bit dirty, and it bothers me.”

“What’s wrong with my gaze?”

“And if you have time to worry about that, why not read some more books? You’re not gonna win against me by becoming a couple of idiots.”

“Are we gonna bet again today?”

“Of course! Why ask? Do you really think the unfortunate prince has the intelligence of a goldfish? Or a chicken?”

“…What about the punishment?”

Hearing Arthur’s cautious question, I didn’t answer but just smiled.

Not the bright smile I had shown Frey, but that irritating smirk unique to a Mesugaki.

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not work with dark mode