Switch Mode

Chapter 374

Chapter: 374

“Considering that what’s written there is an ancient language used by the Church of the Lord, they definitely wouldn’t take the name of the God lightly. It really means there’s something left by the God at that end!”

The old man raised his voice, completely hyped up, but I only half-listened.

What was my reason for coming to this archipelago?

Sure, it all started from wanting to mess with Lasha, but even without that, I would have come here. With that pathetic God giving me a quest to resolve the Second Queen’s regrets, I had no choice.

The influence of that pathetic God was also present in the process of how the Second Queen proposed a deal to me. He wanted me to stand on the stage and spout nonsense. While the various events that followed were mostly my fault, it’s true he had his hand in it too.

That pathetic God wanted me to look at that map. He wanted me to find what he left behind.

Just looking at the quest notification popping up confirms it. That pathetic God clearly wants me to have that treasure.

What in the world is waiting inside that he led me here for?

That pathetic God loves to mess with me, but still, he’s the God who acts somewhat appropriately during important times. If he’s going through all this trouble, then there must be something significant awaiting me.

What could be waiting there? I felt a grin forming on my lips as I waited for Karia and Heyshan’s conversation to finish.

The two, who had been having a heated discussion, began to compile their opinions just as some adventurers causing a ruckus in the store were sprawled out drunk.

As the waiter muttered under his breath about wanting to die, Karia, who had been busy organizing various details in her notebook, turned to me.

“Employer, you heard everything we discussed, right?”

‘No, I didn’t.’

“Why should I listen to the gossip of old ladies? Of course, I didn’t.”

Even Karia, who had grown accustomed to the Mesugaki skills lately, seemed a bit irked this time.

But I was unbothered in the face of her frustration. If only they had explained things in a way that even a newbie could understand. They kept mumbling in words that only they could grasp, making me think about random stuff.

“So what were you doing then?”

This time, I couldn’t play it cool. It would be hard to admit I was grinning thinking about the stuff left by that pathetic God.

It’s something every guy imagines—taking down a robber storming into the bank—but nobody wants others to find out about it, right? It’s that kind of feeling.

Still, I couldn’t just stay silent, especially with Karia’s irritation escalating, so I pointed to some twisted characters at the corner of the map.

‘I interpreted this.’

“You interpreted this weird, incomprehensible script?”

“…You really interpreted it? How?”

Even Karia didn’t understand that language despite being a little more educated, clearly showing that it was a language still emerging in the old man’s time.

So, I brought up that pathetic God’s name for the first time in a while, claiming the God had revealed the meaning of those words to me.

Ignoring the context, the word “revelation” was a cheat excuse that could make anyone believe me, and Karia nodded along.

“The God has truly left behind a miracle. It seems something amazing is waiting for us.”

By doing this, I dodged the dumb fantasy and gained a valid reason for not just slacking off.


“Can you let me know the conclusions you girls reached while gossiping? It must be pathetic, but still useful, right?”

“Uhm, let me start explaining from the beginning. According to this map…”

As Karia started explaining fluently again in words only she understood, I gave up on grasping the process.

Yeah, what good does it do to understand the process? As long as I hit the right answer, I could pass the test, right?

“So, I think we should start searching this island first.”

Is it that island? I roughly know the terrain over there. To complete Heyshan’s quest in the game, I had to scour through the island thoroughly.

However, I couldn’t think of any areas related to that pathetic God among the places I knew. I can’t deny the reality has changed compared to the game, but then the possibilities would get immense.

Let’s trust the knowledge from the game for now. If I fail on the first island, I can rethink from the next one.

Hmm, so I guess we better start from the “no-entry” areas that were impossible to access before.


“Nod. A middle-aged lady. You’ve got the detailed map of this lousy island, right? Hand it over.”

Taking the map from Karia, I tried to dredge up the hazy memories from the game as I surveyed the island.

I can’t remember the exact path, but I vaguely recall the mini-map. If I remember correctly, there should have been something around here and there.

Yeah, right. I remember folks going wild, mentioning DLC bait. This must be the place!

Leaving a mark on the map with a pen, I immediately stood up. Wasting time won’t help. If there’s something to do, I’d prefer to handle it quickly. I’d be busy exploring dungeons with the kids during the day, so I’d better take care of everything at night.

It’s a shame I’ll have to see Arthur, who’ll be rolling with embarrassment later, but I can deal with that in the morning.

“Are we going right away? Employer?”

‘That’s the plan. Is that okay?’

“Why, ah lady? Are you tired since you’re old? I hear if you don’t sleep, you’ll get more wrinkles.”

“Do you have an idea of something? Alright. Let’s go right away.”

When looking at the map, my memories were vague, but upon seeing the area in person, things started to come back to me. We definitely used to move this way.

“Miss Alrn, have you ever been to the archipelago?”

Despite the dim moonlight, Heyshan was surprised at how naturally I found the path. Even seasoned adventurers around here wouldn’t be able to do this.

I didn’t feel the need to explain anything there. I couldn’t say I memorized the roads I had traveled countless times in the game.

Instead, to make up for that, my sword, Karl, stuck closely to me, happily sharing stories about my abilities as if they were his.

“The lady has always had a remarkable ability to find paths. Both outside and in dungeons.”

“Wow, really?”

“Yes, it was during the times I was with her.”

Being a friend of the foul-tempered Second Queen, Heyshan didn’t dismiss Karl’s praise.

As I walked, hearing distorted tales of my heroism through that pathetic dog’s eyes, we soon reached our destination.

The entrance to a cave on the edge of the island. From the outside, anyone could think of going inside, but in the game, this was an area that couldn’t be entered.

“Ah, is this it?”

Heyshan frowned slightly, seeming to recognize the place. Karia urged her to explain.

“What do you know about this?”

“I know. After coming to this archipelago, I searched all the suspicious places.”

“What’s up with this cave? It looks pretty normal, doesn’t it?”

“It does seem that way.”

Instead of explaining, Heyshan showed what was happening with her own body as she tried to enter the cave. Just like in the game, something invisible blocked her.

Seeing that, Karia followed Heyshan but faced the same outcome. The barrier at the cave entrance blocked everyone.

“What the? This is a format I haven’t seen before?”

“I tried investigating various things while staying here, but I couldn’t figure it out.”

While the two, experienced in such matters, were deep in thought, Karl pulled out his sword.

“Let’s try to break through with pure strength.”

“…Huh? No. Hey! Hold on a minute!”


Despite Karia’s protest, Karl raised his sword and unleashed a blade of energy colored like his own.


Although it was a strike with more force than what had shattered my defense previously, the barrier stood firm.

Caught off guard by this unexpected result, Karl bit his lip hard in frustration.

“Hmph. It’s tough. I don’t think I can do it.”

“If you can’t, then I can’t either. Wow, at this rate, isn’t it time for the head of the house to come?”

“Hey, you two dunces from Alrn. Before you start talking about your head of the house, shut up and step back.”

Under Karia’s fierce glare, the two knights obediently stepped back. Those who think strength can solve everything find themselves powerless against true power.

“I think it’s related to something sacred. Should we bring someone from that side?”

[Hey, young lady.]

As Karia muttered to herself, lost in thought, the old man spoke up.

‘What’s up?’

[You might be able to enter.]

‘Do you know this style, grandpa?’

[Not exactly, but… Hmm, yeah. It’s a hero’s instinct.]

His tone suggested he was hiding something, but I wasn’t about to pry. It was clear pressing for answers would only make me more frustrated.

Instead, I approached the barrier at the cave entrance and placed my hand against what seemed like the barrier. My hand passed through the air and into the cave.

Other parts of my body did the same. The barrier that repelled Karl’s full-force strike accepted my physical form as if it were expected.

As I kept walking back and forth in wonder, Karia stared at me blankly, finally speaking.

“Employer, what just happened?”

‘Well, who knows?’

“Who knows? Unlike you ugly guys, I’m cute, so isn’t it alright?”

“I don’t know. Wait a sec. Let’s conduct a few experiments.”

After that, under Karia’s lead, we tried various tests, but all of them confirmed the fact that only I could enter the cave.

Of course, that wasn’t a problem for me at all. Since it was a place that pathetic God had arranged for me, there’s no way a challenge that was insurmountable existed within.

“It won’t do! Miss! We don’t know what’s inside, so how can we let you go in alone!”

“Why are you barking when you can’t even cross the barrier?♡ Just make sure to guard the entrance if you can’t do anything else, you pathetic mutt♡”

“But! But!”

As Karl’s face crumbled in a fact-hitting attempt to reason, Karia came closer, pulling various items from her spatial pouch for me. Potions, protective necklaces, and scrolls with magical engravings.

“Employer, I know you can manage, but just in case— if it feels dangerous, pull back, got it?”

‘Don’t worry.’

“Puhahaha, you’re quite the busybody. Aren’t you a middle-aged lady worried about how to abduct a marriage partner?”

Even without Karia’s warning, I wasn’t planning on taking reckless risks. This world isn’t a game, and my life is the only one I have. It’s true I am starving for new content, but I’m not crazy enough to stake my life as the wager.

Waving my hand to reassure everyone except Karl, I summoned holy magic to create light and headed deeper into the cave.

I’m not sure how long I wandered through an empty cave. Upon reaching the end of the path, I discovered the entrance to a dungeon that awaited me.

Unlike the dungeons made by the Evil God, there was not even a hint of dread in sight. I couldn’t help but raise the corners of my mouth.

This had to be a style I hadn’t even seen in the sewers. Could it really be that this dungeon was made by that pathetic God?

Sounds fun. I wonder what awaits me. Just as I opened the dungeon door feeling excited about the new content.


I burst into laughter unexpectedly.

[…Hey, young lady. What’s got you laughing? Is something happening there?]

I couldn’t even respond to the old man’s worried voice. I was too overwhelmed by the sight unfolding before me to find the words.

Phew. Puhahaha.


Damn it.

I’ve cleared this dungeon before.

Not in the main game, but while messing about in the Soul Academy with various mod dungeons.


Pathetic God.

Were you the damn owner of those bastard modes?

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not work with dark mode