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Chapter 367

Chapter: 367

It had been almost a year since Phoebe returned to the Holy Land, but there was no time for nostalgia.

Even while she was away, the Holy Land had been ticking along, and the matters Phoebe was meant to resolve were piling up bit by bit.

On top of that, the Pope taking a short leave of absence was another source of chaos for Phoebe.

When the most symbolic figure of the Holy Land, the Pope, is away, Phoebe has to step in and take care of his duties.

Thus, after a week of catching up on backlogged work along with the Pope’s tasks, Phoebe had become used to life in the Holy Land again.

After working late into the night, she woke up before dawn and, gazing blankly out the window, found herself smiling.

Since it was her first time being away for a long period, she expected to feel a little awkward getting back into the groove, but ten years of ingrained habits don’t just fade away easily.

Shaking off her fatigue with a surge of divine energy, she got out of bed, cleaned herself up, and prayed to the Great One.

Even though she had learned that the Great One isn’t the all-knowing, all-powerful figure described in the scriptures while conversing with Him at the orphanage, her faith hadn’t waned.

Phoebe’s faith had shed its previous blind devotion, but it still remained within her.

Though the Great One isn’t perfect, He is a good existence, striving to be good, and Phoebe believed that alone gave her faith value.

As her thirty-minute prayer came to an end, a knock came from outside.

“Saintess, it’s time to prepare for the morning worship.”

“Yeah, I’ll be out soon.”

As Phoebe stepped outside, she saw an attendant who had been by her side since she was very young bowing her head.

Phoebe exchanged her usual greetings, but internally, her mind was a tangle of thoughts.

Having recently received divine blessings directly from the Great One, she had gained the ability to discern between true believers and those faking their faith.

It wasn’t just a matter of the amount of divinity one possessed.

No matter how much divinity one carries, some can only harbor coldness within it, while others, like Phoebe herself and Lucy, the Apostle of the Great One, can embody warmth.

The former consists of those who take divinity without faith, while the latter consists of those who strive to polish their divinity through faith.

And the woman standing before Phoebe, despite spending a long time in the Holy Land, exuded nothing but coldness.

It was hardly strange—since Phoebe is a false saint created by human hands, those remaining around her must also be false.

If she were an ordinary person, she might have trembled in betrayal, but Phoebe simply managed her slightly painful emotions and said nothing further to the woman.

Instead, she pondered how to lead this individual back to the right path.

What would Young Lady Alrn do in a situation like this?

Phoebe summoned the face of Young Lady Alrn, who had more faith than anyone, perhaps even more than that of the Great One Himself, but she realized that wasn’t a good thought.

‘Is the pathetic saint relying on me because she can’t solve this herself? Puff, puff. Shouldn’t she be called pathetic for life? Does she secretly enjoy being called pathetic? Not just a pathetic saint, but a…’

“No way!”

Phoebe yelled in surprise halfway down the hallway, catching the bewildered gaze of the attendant. Her face flushed red.

“Ah, um… let’s forget that, okay?”

“What do you mean? I haven’t heard anything.”

“Thank you so much…”

Despite the minor commotion, the morning worship that Phoebe was overseeing proceeded smoothly.

This was a task she had performed daily since she obtained the title of saintess as a small child. A few months without it wouldn’t cause her voice to falter before the crowd.

Even if more than half of those attending the morning worship bore coldness within them, Phoebe knew how to speak softly, just like before.

When she returned to the church, Phoebe grasped why Lucy had warned about the church’s corruption.

Among the clergymen residing in the Holy Land, more than half had lost their warmth.

If this place were an ordinary church, that could be expected since warmth isn’t something easily acquired.

However, this was not just any church. It was the Holy Land. A place where the most noble clergymen of the Great One’s church, which spread throughout the continent, gathered together.

The fact that those standing on the front lines of conveying the Great One’s warmth couldn’t even harbor a hint of warmth was not something one could easily laugh off.

How could those unable to foster warmth in their hearts convey the Great One’s warmth to others?

After returning to the Holy Land and affirming the degeneration of the Great One’s Church over several days, Phoebe wrestled with how to restore it, but no answers came easily.

“Today’s message was splendid, Saintess.”

“You couldn’t even feel the absence of His Holiness, huh?”

“I hope you’ll return to the church soon.”

Wearing a smile for those uttering empty praises while harboring coldness, Phoebe secretly wished that she could have gone to the Alrn Knight Order instead of the Holy Land.

Sure, it must also have its hardships, but there are friends there.

There was the somewhat clumsy but kind Joy. The ever-pressing Arthur, who carries pain in his heart but never stops moving forward. The overly pure Frey, who, despite his innocence, often acts outlandishly.

And Lucy. The one who had saved Phoebe countless times. The one most precious to her.

While Phoebe deepened her smile by recalling her friends’ faces, a heavy voice came from behind the clergymen.

“Everyone. Are you not worried that the Saintess is troubled? Step back.”

The clergymen with a certain status frowned and turned their heads, only to see the old man standing there and hurriedly bowed their heads before leaving the area.

Lazarus, the Cardinal of the Great One’s Church and a warm-hearted clergyman, clicked his tongue upon seeing their retreating figures.

However, when he turned to Phoebe, his expression changed. A kind smile graced his previously stern face.

“As I’ve said before, it’s okay if you don’t accept everyone, Saintess.”

Though many within the church contained coldness, not everyone was like that.

The bishop of the Academy Street Church was one, and Bishop Johan, who had helped her improve, was another. The Cardinal before her was yet another example of kindness that remained stable even amidst chaos.

“Sometimes, those in high positions need to be decisive and draw clear lines.”

“If it were truly troubling, I would have acted accordingly, Cardinal Lazarus.”

“Is that so? Then I suppose I’ll need to bother you just to confirm.”

“Please don’t make it too difficult for me.”

“Ha ha, that depends on your responses, Saintess.”

Cardinal Lazarus, who was known for being uncompromising in any situation, was just a playful old man in front of Phoebe.

“If your busy matters are settling down, do come by for tea later. It seems we have much to discuss.”

“I’ll try to find the time.”


At that moment, one of the church’s clerics hurriedly approached Phoebe.

Cardinal Lazarus shot a stern glance at the insolence of the cleric, but the cleric appeared oblivious to it, continuing hastily.

“Do you have a moment? It’s urgent.”

“Father Mapple. No matter how urgent, maintain some decorum. What is this?”

“Ah! Cardinal Lazarus, this is news you should also be aware of!”


“There’s been a murder of one of our clergy at the Bardronel Territory!”


The next morning, after facing her own foolishness.

As I woke up to Erin humming while tidying my hair, memories of the recent events came flooding back.

Having grown accustomed to living alone in the Academy and getting ready all by myself, I told Erin she didn’t need to come looking for me so early. I mean, I could use a little more sleep.

This was clearly an act of kindness on my part, but instead of being happy, Erin was teary-eyed.

“It seems I’m no longer needed by you.”

Suddenly facing the threat of becoming trash, I hurriedly explained it was just a joke to soothe Erin’s feelings.

“Really? You won’t throw me away?”

“Do you think anyone would use a pathetic person like you anywhere else? It’d be quite bothersome if you ended up on the streets and kicked the bucket, so I’m keeping you around. Got it?”

“Yeah! Thank you! Really, thank you!”

Looking back now, I still don’t understand her reaction. Isn’t it normal for someone to be happy if they’re allowed to sleep in a bit longer?

At least, if someone told me I could arrive at work a little later, I’d be crying tears of joy shouting thank you!

“Lady, is there anything uncomfortable?”

“I’m fine.”

“If there was anything uncomfortable, would I just sit still? Pathetic Erin. How about sharpening your senses a bit?”

“Well, then, I’ll keep going.”

Seeing Erin, so proud of her work, reflected in the mirror, I suddenly reminded myself of that perverted apostle who used to tidy my hair.

Though his touch was gross, he undoubtedly had some real skills. Maybe I should invite him over during this break to teach Erin a thing or two.

Typically, artists are stingy about sharing their techniques, but I bet a perverted apostle would be grateful if I pressed him a few times.

“It’s all done, Miss.”

After arranging my hair far more neatly than I could manage, instead of saying anything, I just smiled at Erin and stood up.

First, I should eat and head to the Newman family’s stronghold. There’s quite a bit I need to find out there.

Thinking that as I headed down to the first floor, I noticed something that made me question whether I was still half-asleep.

Benedict naturally was in the dining hall. He had been coming down earlier than me throughout this trip, waiting for me.

Karia being there alongside him wasn’t too shocking either. If there was urgent news, she could come to me directly.

However, standing in a cramped space between the two was the head of the Newman family, Kurz Newman, whose nervousness was way off my scale.

Why is that guy floundering there? As I stared blankly at his face, Karia and I made eye contact.

“Boss. You’re awake. Come here. I have something to tell you.”


“Old maid. Why is that pathetic lord freaking out next to you? I can literally see his hair receding in real-time. Poor guy.”

“Not like he’s done anything. Right, Benedict?”

“True. Lucy, House Newman has had trouble with Karia from the start.”

“Hey, Kurz. You better clear things up quick. If you keep your mouth shut, I’ll end up looking like the bad guy.”

“Y-yes, indeed. Alrn Young Lady. Karia hasn’t done anything to me.”

He looks utterly like a hostage at this point.

Ah, come to think of it, Karia was the shadow of the kingdom back then. That means she must know about the shady dealings of the Newman family and likely has dirt on their numerous weaknesses!

Having pieced things together, I stepped down the stairs and took a seat in the empty space.


“So, what is it, old maid?”

“It’s something important, which is why I brought the subject of the matter, Kurz, here.”

Important? What great importance could there possibly be at this point? Events during the vacation are usually no big deal anyway?

While pondering that, Karia shrugged her shoulders and continued.

“The second queen of Soladin wishes to meet with you, Boss. House Newman has taken on the role of mediation in this matter.”



– Ding!

[Quest Issued!]

[The Regret of Serene Soladin]

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