Switch Mode

Chapter 366

Chapter: 366

I had expected my intelligence stat to be lower compared to other figures. After all, I had dedicated all my efforts to filling out the stats needed for the front lines, and I’d never bothered to raise my intelligence separately.

[Intelligence: 58]

But this is a bit much, don’t you think?! What level am I even at right now to have just 58?!

I was so shocked by the number that was much lower than I anticipated that I accidentally snapped the pen in my hand, forcing me to rummage through my desk for a new one.

Calm down. Let’s think rationally here—there’s no way my intelligence, which is like the stinky waters of a swamp, is actually this low.

Yeah, this is just the status window in a game. Those stats belong to Lucy Alrn, not me, right?!

Yes! That’s definitely it! As I rationalized like this, I made an effort to look away from the intelligence stat and began writing down from the top of the status window.

[Strength: 105]

[What are you writing this time?]

‘My current physical abilities.’

[Strength refers to physical power, right? So what’s 105, roughly speaking?]

‘Hmm, a regular adventurer has around 50, and an average knight is about 80. So… pretty high, I’d say!’

Even based on game characters, that number is quite solid.

Getting over 100 before the end of the second semester break is not something just anyone can do, though it doesn’t mean I’m a “stinky waters” level!

What happens if someone is at that level? If you skip everything else and invest fully into one stat, you can hit 207, and realistically, you might reach around 130. But in a world that isn’t just pixels on a screen, that’s a useless tale.

In real life, you can’t demand game characters to do crazy things.

[Dexterity: 91]

[This is lower compared to your strength.]

‘Well, that’s because I haven’t focused on training my agility.’

Physical abilities are all interconnected, so if you train one, the others tend to follow. However, that growth lags behind the stat you made a priority.

‘But isn’t this enough? I don’t need to be fast!’

Still, I hadn’t trained in agility because I didn’t need to. As someone holding a shield in the front lines, just having a decent level of agility was all I needed.

[Well, as long as you’re not drastically behind, it should be fine.]

It seemed like Grandpa shared the same thought and didn’t find the low dexterity to be a problem.

[Stamina: 121]

[You mentioned that a knight’s difference from an adventurer is about 30, correct?]

‘On average, yes.’

[Then how should I interpret this stat that is 40 higher than typical knights?]

‘Grandpa, we should consider the standards of the Alrn Knight Order, not just any knight, right?’

[…That does sound convincing.]

I boldly made my argument, while inwardly calming my surprised heart. I had expected stamina to be high, but not this much. My hard training in the Alrn family really paid off.

During training, I thought I might die from overworking at the hands of my knights instead of from the Evil God—but looking at the numbers made me want to laugh.

I should probably step up the intensity of my training from now on. Next is intelligence… No, let’s skip that for now.

[Magic Power: 75]

[Is this because you’re a Holy Knight?]

‘Yeah, that would be it.’

Since I handle holy matters, it’s only natural that my magic power isn’t that high. In the first place, I’ve never trained concerning my magical abilities.

But wait, my untouched magic power is higher than my intelligence? What even is the problem here?!

No, let’s not dwell on it. Just an error. Yeah, an error. Totally unrelated to me.

[Divinity: 192]

[…192? Are you sure you didn’t mix up the 9 and 0?]

‘Grandpa, despite how I look, I’m an Apostle of the Great One, you know.’

It wasn’t terrifyingly surprising that my divinity stat is abnormally high compared to the others. After all, being the Apostle of the Great One would give me such high divinity stats capable of manifesting changes in my physical body.

But looking at this high number made me feel a bit regretful. Normally, if one’s divinity reached that level, they’d either be off performing quests at the sacred lands or under the church’s management.

If I weren’t currently avoiding contacts with the church of the Great One, I would have dashed over to the holy land without a second thought, leaving everything else behind!

[Luck: ???]

[Now, this is real trickery, isn’t it? Right?]

‘…I think so too.’

[Why are you talking about it like it’s someone else’s business?]

Because this lackluster status window gifted to me by that pathetic god says so!

What even is ???! I’ve never encountered such a stat in a game before!

Seriously, what is it? Is my luck so high it can’t even be quantified?!

I don’t know for sure, but considering I performed well on tests, it probably suggests it’s high. Hopefully.

As I paused, thinking that, Grandpa broke the silence with a puzzled tone.

[Hmm? Aren’t there any stats for intelligence or wisdom? Based on the format, it wouldn’t be strange if there were.]

But I ignored his voice. I can already imagine how he’d react the moment I write down that intelligence score of 58.

[Hey, girl?]

‘…There’s nothing like that.’

[Oh? Really? There’s nothing? How curious.]

Ignoring Grandpa’s unsettling laugh as though he sensed something, I lowered my head and checked the various skills I possessed.

The iron wall that had protected my life since I first stepped into this world.

It became my motivation to endure hellish training, and even with my name changed now, it remains my most cherished skill: Hero’s Grit.

The ability that had helped me overcome various crises, giving me the power to not get schooled: Fear Overcoming Skill.

Along with many others, these skills filled the passive skill slot.

[You possess so many blessings?]

I found myself writing each one on paper while Grandpa expressed disbelief in a shrill voice.

‘That’s why, Grandpa. I’m the Apostle of the Great One!’

[Even if you’re someone loved by the Great One, this…]

‘Weren’t you similar? You were part of a hero party, weren’t you?’

Unlike now, where both the forces of Good and Evil intervened actively in the realm, Grandpa was leading the charge in the war against the Evil God. It’s only natural that the number of skills they possessed was significant.

So, I figured there’s no way Grandpa would find this unbelievable given the circumstances.

[Still, why is it possible to have this many skills now? Or rather…]

‘What do you mean by that?’

[Forget it. Don’t worry about it.]

No, Grandpa! I’ve told you before that I hate when you brush things off like that! Even while openly expressing my annoyance, Grandpa kept his mouth shut.

If he continues avoiding the topic, there’s no chance I’ll get an answer.

Fine. If it were something really important, he would’ve talked about it.

Grumbling, I continued moving my fingers. I squinted at the levels of proficiency of various skills.

Most of the skills I use regularly had reached their limits.

Ah. Dammit. When did this happen? How much proficiency loss have I suffered?

This is exactly why you should consistently work on leveling up! Ever since I crushed Naklad, I’ve been far too complacent with reality.

As soon as I get back to the mansion, I need to jump right into leveling up. I can’t let any more losses pile up.

Chewing on my lips, I was busy filling in my notebook when I came across one skill that made me stop in my tracks. The restrictions of that skill compelled me.


Looking at the name of the skill that had thrown me into this world was anything but pleasant.

How could I look at this skill that had caused me so much trouble with anything but disdain?

Yet, contemplating the fact that the Mesugaki skill had enabled me to get through danger and protect my precious ones made it hard to despise it completely.

Could this be what they call love-hate? With a complex mix of emotions, I looked at the Mesugaki skill and laughed awkwardly when I glanced over its proficiency next to the title.

[Proficiency: A- (Current Limit)]

Yeah, it makes sense that this is a skill and naturally builds proficiency, but I can’t tell if I should be happy about this or not. It doesn’t seem like it would have anything but a negative influence.

Staring at it wasn’t going to yield any answers, so I finally tore my gaze away from the Mesugaki skill.

That’s when my hand regained its freedom.

Even after that, I spent a while moving my pen before covering my notebook, and while thinking about what lay ahead, I realized how much of the story I knew from the game had become irrelevant.

There are just too many variables.

Who knows how the church would react when it learned that Phoebe had received recognition from the Great One?

It’s hard to imagine how the Evil God, who lost to the virtues and darkness, will come to play with us just a year later.

Then there are figures like Karia and that perverted Apostle who didn’t exist in the game, and it’s hard to say how they’ll influence things.

Like the first prince, who seems different from what I knew, and the second prince, who now appears to be very much changed.

And the changes in dynamics caused by the existence of people like me in the Alrn family will surely have an impact on the world.

If I had a keen political sense, I would have guided these variables in a direction I desired.

It’s true for me, but the influence of those around me is not to be taken lightly. They could definitely change the course of events.

But hey, I have an intelligence score of 58—it would just result in me stumbling over my own feet by trying to pull some stunts.

While I chuckled bitterly at my self-deprecating humor, I cleared my mind of all kinds of nonsensical plans and looked back at the status window.

I should stick to what I’m good at. If something urgent comes up, the Great One will lead me through a quest, and I’ll just need to strengthen myself for that moment.

And the most urgent thing I need to do now is decide which stats I’ll boost with my elixirs.

Thinking it through rationally, it’s sensible to drink elixirs related to agility and reach 100.

Unless I find out exactly how much that ??? luck stat is, boosting my agility sounds like the safer choice.

I know that… but I can’t help thinking about my intelligence.

No! What’s up with this 58?! 58!

If you properly develop a wizard character, you hit that score by the time your midterms start in the first semester! Why is my intelligence at 58 now, as I’m stepping into the second year?!

I can’t accept this! There’s no way I’m that dumb!

How can a dum-dum like me be the “stinky waters” of the Soul Academy?!

That’s right! I definitely need to use my elixir to boost my intelligence.

The luck stat labeled ??? must be above 100. Even if it isn’t, I can reach 100 agility through sheer effort, so it should be fine.

What’s the harm in being smarter? Being good at fighting is ultimately about intelligence!

As I was crafting all sorts of reasons to drink the intelligence potion, I opened my inventory, only to realize I only had potions for strength and stamina left, and I slammed my head against the desk.

Is this why my intelligence is at 58?

…Tomorrow morning, I’ll need to meet with the Newman family again. I need to ask them about elixirs and find out where to get some armor fitted around here.

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not work with dark mode