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Chapter 364

Chapter: 364

After the match between Lucy Alrn and Lasha concluded, a brief intermission was declared for repairing the damaged arena. In the audience, a church informant chewed his lip, recalling the various miracles exhibited by Lucy earlier.

When His Holiness assigned me to observe Lucy Alrn in the arena, I interpreted his command as a warning.

It’s no secret that Lucy Alrn holds a grudge against the church.

From the countless misdeeds perpetrated by the church in the Alrn Territory to her shameless remarks belittling the Great God in public settings—despite some degree of reformation thanks to the Saintess’s grace—she remains obstinate.

The infinitely merciful Great God grants even such a nonbeliever the gift of divine magic and even the legendary mace of Holy Knight Ruel, yet Lucy shows nothing but irreverence in return. Among church members, she’s deemed a lost cause.

Radicals among them raise their voices, claiming that it’s an outrage for her to wield Ruel’s mace, insisting it’s far too good for a brat like her.

The real issue, however, is her unyielding, powerful talent.

She possesses skills so overwhelming that they turn the public opinion of her as the shame of Alrn upside down.

Lucy Alrn, who replicates the feats of Benedict Alrn, could even potentially bring greater glory in due time. She is someone who will significantly impact continental affairs.

Thus, the church informant tasked himself with keeping a keen eye on Lucy’s accomplishments, considering whether to placate her or cut her off before she could grow any bolder.

However, after witnessing the recent battle between Lasha and Lucy, he realized he’d been sorely mistaken.

The divinity Lucy displayed while thwarting Lasha’s attacks felt nothing like what any believer possessed.

That sense of warmth and gentleness resembled the divinity of the heroes of old.

In hindsight, it’s not so strange. Would the Great and Wise God lend the weapons of heroes to a nonbeliever just to display pure mercy?

Lucy Alrn is not simply a heretic; she’s a being who cloaks her true self beneath a facade of irreverence.

Perhaps the reason the Saintess lingered by Lucy’s side was because she sensed this underlying truth.

Anyway, it’s no longer my concern. It’s the prerogative of the various cardinals residing at the holy site and the Holy Father to make that judgment.

As the commotion among the audience continued over the astonishing spectacle just witnessed, the church informant quietly slipped out of the arena. He had information to relay to the followers of the Great God.

“Hey, stop right there.”

The moment he stepped into the alley, a voice—a growl reminiscent of a beast—echoed from behind him.

The church informant had heard a similar voice not long ago, and he broke out in a cold sweat, cautiously turning his head.

“…Hunt the strong.”

Lasha—the Huntress of the Strong. A madwoman who would do anything to engage in battle with the powerful.

Why is she talking to me?

It’s not like she hasn’t attacked a church knight or cleric to satisfy her curiosity before. But compared to those who’ve faced Lasha, I’m pathetically weak. There’s no reason for her interest in me.

Why? Why is Lasha approaching me?

“You, the church’s little lackey? What’s your rank?”

“I-I apologize, but I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“Don’t try to deceive me, idiot. If you keep this up, I’ll just have to force you to spill the beans. Annoying.”

As Lasha threatened him, the informant gulped hard. If she were serious, I’d be dead before I even knew it.

Typically, I might have welcomed eternal silence, but now I couldn’t afford to. I had crucial information to convey to the church. So, it was best to appease Lasha and back off for the moment.

“Your guess is correct. I’m here on the Holy Father’s orders…”

But the informant’s voice was cut short. Before he could finish, Lasha’s hand had already wrapped around his throat and twisted it with ease.

Fate had ended for him before he could even recognize his own death, and after he crumpled to the ground, Lasha stretched with a satisfied grin and ambled out of the alley.

Ah, what a fulfilling day it’s been.

To think I’d meet a brat who could create more delightful fights than Benedict at the peak of all her powers. And her unripe abilities had exceeded my expectations. Moreover, I’d once again traded blows with Benedict, one of the few opponents who’d beaten me before.

Every experience was a thrill, except for those pesky little pests lurking about.

Lasha had noticed their presence as she entered the arena to fight Lucy, observing the onlookers sizing her up like potential challenges.

They were a varied bunch. Five bore the grace of the Great God, two were tied to dark magic, and there were several others with their own shady motives.

Before fighting Lucy, Lasha had sensed the gazes upon her but chose not to mention them.

Considering the value of Benedict’s daughter, it was natural for many to take an interest. At that moment, she deemed it unnecessary to focus on Lucy.

Yet, as the fight progressed and Lucy’s worth climbed in Lasha’s eyes, she decided to take on what Benedict couldn’t due to his constraints.

Ordinary nobodies didn’t concern her; they’d steer clear of Benedict’s daughter out of fear of him.

However, the trash from the Church of the Great God and those idiots dabbling in dark magic were different stories.

The decayed Church of the Great God wasn’t here to sing praises of the apostle but to judge, demean, and incinerate. And those practicing dark magic were the stomach-churning type willing to sacrifice Benedict’s daughter for their achievements.

Fearful that the delicate flower she had her eyes on might be crushed by the other trash, Lasha exited the arena and slaughtered both the church informant and the dark magic users without a second thought.

She had no concerns about consequences. If people were sent to kill her, Lasha would greet them with a smile.

As she entertained thoughts of having a drink after a long time, she caught the voice echoing in her head and frowned.

“Hey, keep the nonsense to a minimum. Who’s breaking branches before fruits even ripen?”

“Hah. Keep yapping, and I’ll use your name to wipe the floor with that trash, get it?”

“Got a problem? If you’ve regained power, feel free to come at me anytime. Otherwise, just be quiet and accept your role.”

After loudly talking to the air, not long after, Lasha nodded in satisfaction and headed out of town.

“I heard there are interesting folks toward the army; maybe I’ll check it out.”


After my fight with Lasha, I was granted sufficient time to rest.

Due to the extensive damage caused by the clash between Benedict and Lasha, fixing the arena took forever, giving me an opportunity to recover and replenish my drained divinity.

Of course, I was only partially healed and far from in peak condition, but there wasn’t too much of a problem.

Most of the genuinely dangerous participants had already been shattered by Lasha. Plus, the insights gained from battling her made handling the remaining foes smoother.

The opponents still left were those I had faced so often while they stirred chaos trying to set speed records in the arena.

Their strategies were so firmly etched in my mind that I could execute them with my eyes closed, and in front of me—who had fought them hundreds, thousands of times—all they felt was sheer helplessness.

Thus, with minimal effort, I successfully grasped victory.

‘…I said I’d never step onto that podium again!’

I never thought the hellish process of giving a winner’s speech would still await me.

[The winner will give a victory speech. Isn’t that common sense? ]

‘Well, that’s true, but…’

Do you know how painful it is to have to climb up there again after that horror show I went through not long ago!?

I’m totally on edge right now!

This is scarier than matching blades with the opponent in the finals!

[Relax. Didn’t you say this place respects the strong? You, the champion, can call them trash, weaklings, or whatever and it shouldn’t be an issue.]

‘Well, I guess so?’

[And if things go south, your father will deal with it.]

…Didn’t he once berate me for acting like I had no backing? Now he’s encouraging me to act reckless? Is it okay for a legendary Holy Knight to have such a fickle attitude?

[What do you want? I told you what you wanted to hear, and now you’re complaining? ]

‘Ugh. This must be why Grandpa wasn’t very popular.’

[I keep saying! I wasn’t unpopular! I just… ]

Listening to the geezer hit the panic button lifted my spirits a bit.

Phew. It’s alright. There’s no issue. If things blow up, I can always make a quick exit.

Assuring myself, as I stepped up to the podium, Count Bardron placed a crown made of leaves upon my head and handed me a bronze plate from his pocket.

“Your armor took quite a beating. Use this to visit the northern armory in your territory.”

This reward wasn’t in the game. Did Count Bardron go out of his way to prepare this?

Well, I saw no reason to refuse it, and as I placed the plate into my inventory, Count Bardron offered me a brief congratulatory remark.

“Now, as the winner, share your thoughts on participating in the tournament.”

Receiving the magically amplified crystal, I took a deep breath and cautiously opened my mouth.

“Hello. I am Lucy, the eldest daughter of the Alrn family.”

“Hi there, you pathetic losers who got thrashed by little Lucy.”

At the speed of light, the audience turned icy at my greeting. I hurriedly continued to wrap up my speech.

“I’m delighted to have won. That’s all.”

“I’m thrilled to make it clear to the trash that they should know their place. That’s the end of what I have to say. I don’t want to waste more words on a bunch of masochistic pigs who can’t even retort when a girl scolds them.”

Well, it’s happening again.

Having recently experienced something similar, I opted to escape while everyone was still dazed instead of stumbling through my words.

[Quest Complete!]

[Rewards have been distributed!]

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