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Chapter 364

Chapter 364: Hereditary Loyal and Valiant Duke, Supreme Commander of the National Military!

When he arrived, Lin Beifan wasn’t in a hurry. When he went back, he remained indifferent.

In this manner, aboard a luxurious ship, while appreciating the scenery along both sides of the river, he leisurely made his way to the capital city.

For the great generals, it was also an exceedingly rare leisure vacation. They spent over a month enjoying sightseeing, without much fighting, yet they managed to achieve great success and gain credit, making many colleagues envious.

With an involuntary gaze towards Lin Beifan, a decision formed within someone’s heart.

Next time such an opportunity arises, they must join in, stubbornly persist, and no one will be able to stop them.

In the court, the Empress looked at Lin Beifan and the others returning with great satisfaction.

“This time, all of you esteemed ministers have accomplished a distant expedition. In less than a month, you have incorporated Darro into our territory, increasing our population by over ten thousand. This is an achievement of expanding our borders. You all shall be richly rewarded! General Sunzuo, where are you?”

A general stepped forward confidently, answering loudly, “Here!”

“Your deeds in this expedition merit a promotion by one rank, elevating you to the fourth rank of the court officials.”

The Empress named each one, bestowing titles and rewards. Even the lowest rewards included half-rank promotions, as well as gifts of fertile lands, gold, silver, and jewels, each one significant. Everyone who received rewards was delighted, expressing gratitude for the Empress’s generosity.

Finally, it was Lin Beifan’s turn. The most significant contributor to this operation was now Lin Beifan, who had already become the Prime Minister of the court and also the Loyal and Valiant Duke. His official rank had nearly reached its peak, and everyone was curious about what rewards the Empress would bestow.

“Esteemed minister, once again you’ve brought surprises to Us!” The Empress spoke with a contented tone, “In just a year and a half, when you had just ascended the court, you initiated the ambitious Swallowing Python Plan, creating favorable conditions for our Great Wu to subdue Darro. Now, you’ve led the troops to subjugate Darro, nearly without any cost, greatly expanding our borders. We are extremely gratified and joyful! Therefore—”

The Empress raised her voice, saying, “We still confer upon you the title of Loyal and Valiant Duke! However, we shall add the words ‘Hereditary’ in front of it!”

The expressions of the officials in the court changed one after another! For it was known that there was a significant distinction between being a Loyal and Valiant Duke and a Hereditary Loyal and Valiant Duke.

The Loyal and Valiant Duke is primarily an honorary title, indicating that this individual has achieved significant military accomplishments for the court and thus earned the court’s favor. However, if this person were to resist or refuse the title, it would not be bestowed upon them.

On the other hand, hereditary Loyal and Valiant Duke is not only an honor but also a privilege. The term “hereditary” indicates that the title can be passed down through generations, from father to son, and so on. Holding this title allows one to continuously receive the court’s stipends while enjoying substantial power. It also changes the starting point for officials entering the court.

As long as the country remains intact and one avoids committing major offenses, future generations can live comfortably.

Since the founding of Great Wu, there haven’t been more than five Hereditary Dukes. And now, Lin Beifan is the only one. Yet, considering the vast accomplishments he achieved in expanding the borders, granting him a hereditary title seems quite reasonable.

Lin Beifan exclaimed, “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

“Don’t rush to thank me, there’s more!” the Empress said with a smile.

Lin Beifan was bewildered; what more could there be? Everything had already been achieved!

The Empress spoke loudly, “Since the beginning of the year, Prime Minister Lin has led troops into battle five times, always emerging victorious and achieving remarkable military feats! His strategic and combat abilities are unmatched, and he has contributed greatly. Therefore, starting today, I appoint Prime Minister Lin as the Supreme Commander of the National Military, overseeing all military affairs and only reporting to the Emperor!”

With this proclamation, the officials were left stunned and astonished! Lin Beifan was already the Prime Minister, and now he was also the Supreme Commander. He held both political and military power. Who else in the world could balance and control him?

How could the Empress make such a reckless decision?

What if…?

The officials were anxious, and one of them said, “Your Majesty, this is really not advisable!”

The Empress asked, “Why not?”

“Your Majesty, Lord Lin is already the esteemed Prime Minister, overseeing the nation’s political affairs. Now, he’s also become the Supreme Commander, overseeing the military. Doesn’t this seem a bit uncomfortable?”

The Empress countered, “Why wouldn’t it be suitable? Prime Minister Lin is proficient in both politics and warfare, and he has the capability to manage both roles effectively. It’s a case of ‘the capable take on more.’ Why shouldn’t I entrust him with the role of Supreme Commander?”

“Your Majesty, while Lord Lin is undoubtedly capable, taking on the roles of Prime Minister and Supreme Commander simultaneously, something unheard of in our history since the founding of Great Wu, and uncommon even in other countries. This seems to deviate from established norms.”

The Empress countered, “Rules are meant to be broken! The reason such a situation hasn’t arisen before is that there hasn’t been someone like Prime Minister Lin who excels in both civil and military matters. Now that we have such a person, it’s only fitting to grant them the rightful honor and authority.”

An elderly courtier clenched his teeth and, despite the risk of offending Lin Beifan, said, “Your Majesty, allowing one person to hold both the positions of Prime Minister and Supreme Commander entails immense power and poses a significant danger to Your Majesty! What if he decides… what should we do?”

The faces of the courtiers in the hall changed; the words had become quite weighty!

They all lowered their heads, refraining from speaking. Surprisingly, it was the Empress who remained very composed.

In her heart, she chuckled, thinking that this person wanted to rebel, but why go through so much trouble when he could simply display his strength? For a grandmaster, changing the ruling dynasty was an easy task.

Apart from peers of his level, no one could stop him. However, finding such peers might not even yield five individuals in the world. Who would willingly offend such skilled individuals? It’s a thankless endeavor! Moreover, if he had aspirations for power, revealing his abilities would guarantee an instant rise. There was no need to climb step by step while being hindered by this group of corrupt officials.

“Prime Minister Lin is a loyal subject; I believe he would never engage in any treasonous act against the nation!” the Empress declared.

“Your Majesty…”

The Empress waved her hand gracefully, saying, “You need not say more; my decision is final!”

“Your Majesty, this really isn’t advisable!”

The Empress grew angry, saying, “Someone else objects too. Does that mean my words carry no weight? Stand forth!”

Someone stepped forward. Upon closer inspection, it was Lin Beifan. Amazed, someone exclaimed, “Prime Minister, why do you oppose?”

“Begging Your Majesty’s pardon…” Lin Beifan bowed, saying, “Your Majesty, this humble subject has merely won a few minor victories by chance. In terms of qualifications and capabilities, I’m fundamentally unfit to oversee the entire national military. I beseech Your Majesty to choose another capable minister!”

The Empress smiled and shook her head, “Prime Minister, you’re being modest. Everyone has witnessed your leadership and battlefield prowess. Throughout Great Wu and even beyond, who else could possibly compare? To call you a military deity wouldn’t be an exaggeration! If you don’t become the Supreme Commander, who else is qualified? If you decline, there’s no one else worthy.”

With a mournful expression, Lin Beifan said, “Your Majesty, as the Prime Minister of Great Wu, my responsibilities lie heavily in political affairs. I often find myself preoccupied and unable to attend to military matters. I truly cannot simultaneously hold the position of Supreme Commander. I implore Your Majesty to select another worthy minister!”

Once again, the Empress shook her head, saying, “Prime Minister, you’re being humble again. I’ve witnessed your administrative abilities, and it’s certainly within your capabilities. Your presence makes everything much easier! Given this, why not take on the role of Supreme Commander as well?”

Lin Beifan clenched his teeth and continued, “However, Your Majesty, you’re bestowing too much upon me! To hold both the titles of Prime Minister and Supreme Commander, wielding both political and military power, aren’t you concerned that I might develop rebellious intentions?”

The Empress burst into laughter, “Prime Minister, the fact that you can voice such concerns proves you don’t have any rebellious intentions! You’re not considering rebellion now, and you’ll never consider it in the future!”

Lin Beifan was perplexed, “Why are you so certain, Your Majesty?”

With Lin Beifan’s gaze fixed on her, the Empress smiled slightly, “Based on my intuition!”

Lin Beifan: “…”

Isn’t this reason a bit childish?

Your Majesty, can you be more rational and not act so infatuated? Don’t burden me so much!

Receiving too much, it’s not fulfilling! Lin Beifan struggled, “Your Majesty…”

“Prime Minister, you need not say more!” The Empress waved her hand gracefully, “Whether you want to be the Supreme Commander or not, you must be it. Royal orders cannot be defied. Do you wish to rebel against orders?”

Lin Beifan was so infuriated he felt faint, his face turning pale. So now, in addition to political affairs, he also had to handle military matters. Was the Empress trying to exhaust him to death?

Thinking of the endless work ahead, the fatigue and toil, he felt like dying! Why is it so difficult to just be a corrupt official who slacks off?

The Empress seemed to see through Lin Beifan’s thoughts and said with concern, “Prime Minister, I have no one else to rely on; I can only inconvenience you.”

Lin Beifan’s eyes welled up with tears, “Thank you for understanding, Your Majesty!” The officials of the court felt a sense of unease from him, a discomfort throughout his body.

What kind of inconvenience is this?

Clearly, it’s an opportunity they couldn’t hope for even in eighteen lifetimes! If this is considered an inconvenience, let me bear it!

The decision was already made, and the civil and military officials could only accept it. “Congratulations to Prime Minister for another promotion! No, we should now address you as Supreme Commander!”

“The Supreme Commander, the top figure in both military and political matters, marking the beginning of a new chapter in Great Wu’s history!”

“We’ll rely on Prime Minister for guidance in the future!”

Lin Beifan waved his hand in despair, saying, “No need for congratulations. I feel sad and distressed. I was actually thinking of finding a place to drown my sorrows in wine. Do any of you have a recommendation?”

The officials were riled up, their faces turning green in an instant! A stampede of a myriad of thoughts rushed through their minds!

Seated on the dragon throne, the Empress almost burst into laughter, exclaiming loudly, “Prime Minister, if you wish to drink, I’ll accompany you!”

“No need, Your Majesty. I can handle it myself.” The Empress raised an eyebrow, “Prime Minister, are you looking down on me? Are you refusing to give me face?”

With a pained expression, Lin Beifan said, “Your Majesty, as they say, people have different intentions. I drink to drown my sorrows, while Your Majesty drinks to celebrate. It’s probably best if we don’t drink together. Otherwise, I might become sentimental and feel more sorrowful as I drink.”

The Empress finally couldn’t hold back and burst into laughter, saying, “Alright, alright! I won’t make things difficult for you!”

Just then, an elderly eunuch shouted, “Your Majesty, the envoy from the Great Yan Empire has come to pay respects!”

Lin Beifan was slightly taken aback. An envoy from Great Yan? Were they trying to establish diplomatic efforts to make up for their lack of strength?


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I Am A Corrupt Official, Yet They Say I Am A Loyal Minister!

I Am A Corrupt Official, Yet They Say I Am A Loyal Minister!

Score 7.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
In the dangerous world of high martial arts, Lin Beifan traversed and found himself bound to a corrupt official system. It seemed that the only way to become stronger was through corruption – a ridiculous notion, but one that he had to follow nonetheless. He found himself embezzling, accepting bribes, and using his power for personal gain, becoming a despised and hated corrupt official. Yet, secretly, he distributed his ill-gotten gains to the people, leaving nothing for himself. He carried the weight of his bad reputation while still trying to make the world a better place. The empress, who knew the truth, shed tears and said, “My dear, I’m sorry for the injustice done to you. Come to my palace tonight.” The intelligent and beautiful women who knew the truth declared, “No matter how the world sees you, we are willing to stand by your side, through thick and thin!” The martial women of the Jianghu who knew the truth vowed, “If they want to take down Lin, they’ll have to get through us first!” Others were left in shock, “He’s clearly a corrupt official, why are you all protecting him?”


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