Switch Mode

Chapter 361

Chapter: 361

The arena doors swung open, and a small girl appeared.

When Lucy Alrn first stepped into the arena, doubt flickered across the spectators’ faces. After all, how strong could such a tiny kid possibly be?

But Lucy Alrn shattered that skepticism by proving her strength. With countless victories, she showcased that she was worthy of respect.

Therefore, now, as the audience looked at her, their gazes were filled with reverence for her power. There was a belief she wouldn’t disgrace herself against even a formidable opponent.

“Come on, Angel! Show that beast who’s boss!”
“Not even the creatures can break your shield!”
“Angel! I’m all in on you! Just give us a taste!”
“Go for it! You can do it!”

In the swell of excitement and anticipation for a thrilling match, the expression of Benedict was anything but cheerful.

It was bizarre to see the father, known for his overwhelming love for his daughter, not cheering for Lucy but instead scowling at her. What gives?

“Alrn Duke. Aren’t you supporting her this time?”

Count Bardronel’s question broke the tension, and only then did Benedict force a stiff smile.

“Of course not. How could I not support my cute little daughter?”

“I understand, but your expression certainly doesn’t reflect that.”

“…I can’t help but worry.”

Benedict was not questioning Lucy’s talent. She was clearly a genius, especially considering she had transformed from a child who struggled with even the stairs to one recognized as the most talented in the kingdom within just a year.

At the same time, he has faith in her abilities.

At her current level, even without her title of Lucy Alrn, she could surely pass the admission test for the Alrn Knight Order.

Benedict’s usual overreactions stemmed from a place of love for his daughter, not from any doubts about Lucy Alrn’s prowess.

But this time, her opponent wasn’t just anyone.


A lunatic who traveled the continent challenging well-known strong opponents and lived to tell the tale.

Among the many strong figures Benedict recalled, Lasha left a lasting impression.

Even after all this time, she hadn’t diminished; instead, she had only grown stronger. Lucy stood no chance against her.

“Haha. Don’t worry. As you saw, Lasha knows her limits. She won’t inflict irreversible harm on the Young Lady.”

Count Bardronel chuckled lightly at this, but Benedict couldn’t nod in agreement.

He knew well what sort of temper Lasha possessed; he’d faced her fists before.

Lasha certainly loved to fight, but she wasn’t one to relish bloodshed. That said, she had no qualms about spilling blood if it meant she could enjoy the thrill of battle.

Understanding this made letting go of his worry impossible.

Lasha could very well drag Lucy into the fight, putting her in harm’s way.

If that lunatic acted recklessly, could he react in time?

Would he be able to stop Lasha before Lucy got hurt?

All these thoughts deepened his concern when suddenly the arena’s doors opened, revealing Lucy’s opponent.


There were countless descriptors for her.

“Weakness Creator!”

A title given for her tendency to obliterate strong foes, turning them into relative underdogs.

“Festival Crusher!”

She’d charge heedlessly at powerful opponents, causing chaos without care for the surroundings, earning yet another moniker.

“Humility Infuser!”
“Fight Maniac!”
“Crazy Broad!”
“Hey! Calling someone a crazy broad is just an insult!”

As laughter erupted in the spectators, Lasha raised her voice, and the crowd erupted, bringing the atmosphere to a peak.

Then, one bravely shouted out a singular name that crystallized the mood.

“Champion Slayer!”

A title revealing the essence of Lasha’s principles and the way she led her life.

“Champion Slayer!”
“Champion Slayer!”
“Champion Slayer!”

Walking to the center of the arena amidst the audience’s cheers, Lasha met Lucy’s eyes, showing a hint of annoyance before lifting her leg high.


The moment her foot hit the ground, it trembled from the impact.

“Shut up, weaklings!”

Her thunderous shout overshadowed all the voices in the audience, causing everyone to fall silent one by one.

After a moment of complete stillness, Lasha grinned and turned her gaze to Benedict.

“Hey! Benedict! I have a proposition!”

“You don’t need to shout so loudly. I can hear you just fine. Speak normally.”

“I was thinking about something yesterday!”

With Lasha paying no mind to Benedict’s furrowed brows, she continued unabashedly.

“It’s pretty obvious who would win if I fought your daughter! That wouldn’t be fun!”

“What’s your point?”

“Give her one minute! If she can last against me for one minute, I’ll call it a win! But if she loses, you have to fight me!”

Such bold claims stemmed from her overwhelming confidence in her power.

Despite his daughter being disrespected, Benedict felt a twinge of relief at this proposal.

Lucy had negligible chances of winning, but if it meant Lasha wouldn’t harm her just to lure him out, that was appealing.

On the surface, there was no reason to reject such a proposal.

“Are you sure you won’t hurt Lucy?”

“Of course not. Why would I? I’m not in the habit of crushing sprouts.”

“Then I’m fine with it.”

In the end, it was up to Lucy whether to accept this challenge. She was the one involved.

Seeing Benedict fall silent, Lasha beamed, turning toward Lucy.

“Hey, Benedict’s daughter! What do you say? Better than having no options, right? Huh?”

Confident Lasha assumed Lucy wouldn’t refuse this offer.

Despite her fierce exterior, Lucy Alrn was, at heart, a very calculating individual.

Hunters observe their prey; they don’t act recklessly like a troublemaker would.

Even now, she was silently weighing her options.

“Are you really too chicken to last a minute? I thought you’d be tough, but you sound insecure.”

Impatience flickered in Lasha’s eyes as she tossed out another taunt, igniting the fierceness in Lucy’s gaze.

“…I’ll accept your foolish wager, Muscle Pig♡”

There you go! Young blood should have this much fire in them.

“Just don’t start whining after you lose, okay? I’d hate for you to look pathetic♡”

“Ha ha! You’re filled with confidence. Do you really think you can beat me?”

“Why even ask? Of course, I can!♡ I’m no fool to get bitten by a brainless beast!♡ I know your muscles are massive, but maybe try using that brain once in a while too, Muscle Pig♡”

Lasha couldn’t keep her voice from trembling as she fought to suppress her mounting passion.

Hoo boy, it’s said she has a dirty mouth, but this is beyond filthy.

With every word she spoke, the anger etched deeper into her voice, bordering on a blessing.

Did she possess something that toyed with people’s emotions?

Interesting. Very interesting.

“Let’s see if your skills match your arrogance.”

I wonder how this brat, the Apostle of the Evil God, who keeps screaming for my demise, stands in terms of threat and potential.


[…Doesn’t that girl’s bravado seem a tad risky? I’m starting to worry.]

The old man’s chuckle faded as he noticed the predatory glint in Lasha’s eyes.

‘It’s indeed risky.’

If she lost her marbles and genuinely tried to kill me, I’d be in quite a pickle.

‘But if she wants to win, some risk must be taken, right?’

Still, the reason I dared to provoke Lasha was that I trusted her.

She claimed I’d grow to be someone great. She wouldn’t think about stifling my growth until I blossomed.

She even promised Benedict she wouldn’t harm me.

If anyone could reel back their attacks mid-fight, it would be Lasha, that lunatic who treats evil gods like mere tools.

That tiny hesitation would surely fill part of the minute I needed to endure.

Of course, that wasn’t the sole reason, but that’s something the old man wouldn’t understand.

[Well, it seems you really want to win. Though I wouldn’t have expected this. Is it really that critical? ]

‘Nah, not particularly.’

It’s true there’s a quest at stake, but there’s no pressing need to fulfill it.

Even if I fail, a single prayer to the Pathetic God will suffice. It’s a bummer I wouldn’t see my status window, but it’s not a necessity either.

[Then why? ]

‘It’s the best option available.’

To maximize the chance of victory, I need to poke at her emotions. That’s the decision I made to provoke her.

After soaking in my explanation for a moment, the old man sighed, shaking his head.

[At least you’re not in a position to call others crazy. ]

‘Huh? What do you mean by that all of a sudden?’

Isn’t it better to struggle with everything I’ve got instead of just rolling over? I’m doing my best, so why am I getting labeled as insane?

[Forget it. But if that girl’s truly lost her mind, what then? ]

‘Then my father will sort it out. No problem.’

Benedict was watching with wide open eyes in the stands. Why would he let me die? With that faith in mind, I shrugged, making the old man sigh in defeat.

[No plan, huh? You really have no plan. ]

‘I’ve got a plan!’

[Does that count as a plan? Pfft. You can do whatever you want then, I guess… ]

Ignoring the old man’s grumbles, I started casting various buffs. No matter how he puts it, I had a feeling anything he said would only amplify his discontent.

After some time, with my preparations complete, Lasha stretched her arms.

“Ready to go, kiddo?”

“You can see I’m ready♡ Don’t tell me your optic nerves are piled up with muscle too?♡”

“Ha ha. I’ll have to shut that mouth of yours first.”

Watching Lasha swing her arms around, I raised my shield.

Feelings were running high.

I’ve never faced her before. Even if she was holding back, I had to expect her first move would be a powerful one.

Basing my deductions on these facts, I was certain her initial attack was something I deeply understood.

“Here I come! Let’s see if you can take it!”

Just as I predicted.

Knowing my instincts were spot on brought a smile to my face as I shifted my shield in anticipation.

I can only hope the Lasha from beyond the monitor retains that momentum.

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not work with dark mode