Switch Mode

Chapter 357

Chapter: 357

As Bardronel’s hostility spread, the expressions of those following him also turned grim, but the folks around me just looked bored, not particularly shocked.

[It’s not like this is the first time. You should be used to it by now.]

‘…I’m not doing this on purpose, you know.’

[Who said anything? I’m just stating facts.]

While I was bickering with the old man, Benedict bowed to Bardronel.

“I’m sorry. My daughter is quite eccentric.”

“…So the rumors are true.”

Bardronel, who had been sending me direct hostility, couldn’t quite muster the same bravado in front of the mighty knight Benedict. He cleared his throat and composed himself.

“Getting back to the point, may I ask what brings you to this city? Could it be that Sir Benedict intends to participate in the arena himself?”

“Haha. I would love to, but I’m afraid I’m too old to indulge my passions like that.”

“That is unfortunate.”

“Instead, my daughter will be participating in the arena.”

“The Young Lady, you say?”

Bardronel glanced at me, then shrugged slightly, a smug tone creeping into his voice.

“How unfortunate. I had so wanted to see the achievements of the famed Alrn Young Lady, but it seems the participants for this arena are already full.”

“Oh dear. Is there really no way?”

“I would love to accommodate Baron Alrn’s request, but you know how significant the arena is in the Empire.”

Even though I had anticipated hearing that it would be difficult to join, I was unfazed. I expected this situation.

With so many powerful individuals vying to enter, it would be absurd for seats to be available.

Even in the game, getting into the arena through normal means was nearly impossible.

“However, I can offer you seating in the audience.”

Bardronel, who hadn’t turned to face me once while conversing, looked at me when he mentioned the audience seats.

The implication was clear: a brat like me belonged in the stands.

Hahaha. His blatant animosity was almost entertaining.

Even I, lacking in subtlety, could easily pick up on such obvious contempt. Benedict certainly couldn’t have missed it.

Nonetheless, Benedict forced a smile and shook his head.

“Thank you for your consideration, but I must decline. I’ll come back another time if the opportunity arises.”

“I apologize for not being able to properly entertain such a distinguished guest.”

Seeing Benedict struggle to suppress his anger was infuriating.

His flawed thoughts were more focused on someone touching his family rather than his own mistakes.

This feeling reminded me of when I heard the insult toward Lucy’s mother.

Could it be that something changed within me when I let those emotions consume me back then?

As I pondered my own feelings, I set one goal in motion.

So Bardronel’s son is participating in the arena, right?

How convenient.

I may not be strong enough to smash his head just yet, but I can definitely crush his son.

I’ll make his son wet himself in front of the audience!

– Ding!

[King of the Arena]

[Defeat all participants in the arena and prove your strength.]

What’s this? For a pathetic god, why have they handed me a proper quest?

Did they finally sprout some awareness?

Did my shouts of indignation finally reach their ears?

Hmm, but the requirements are a bit rough.

While smashing Bardronel’s child is no big deal, winning the arena is an entirely different story.

Even if I say I’m strong, I’m still just a mere brat who hasn’t graduated from the Academy.

I’m unsure if I can defeat several other strong contenders in the arena. I’ll try my best, but success is…

[Reward: 1-time Status Window access]


Am I seeing this wrong?

Something seems off, but I rubbed my eyes, and upon reopening them, the text hadn’t changed one bit.

Status Window, huh!

I can finally see my stats?

And I can see all the various skills I’ve learned and their proficiency!?

This isn’t just “it’d be nice to succeed”; this is a must-have!

I need to find any way to ensure I succeed.

While I was brainstorming all sorts of plans, I suddenly became curious about the penalty.

I mean, generous rewards mean hefty risks for failures, right?

What’s it gonna be this time? Some grotesque punishment that brings me humiliation?

[On failure: Pray in full makeup.]

Pffft. Oh, come on. Your frankness regarding your desires is refreshing, I must say.

Full makeup—that thing, right?

The one I wore during speeches?

If that’s what it is, then it’s nothing.

Ah, it’s fine. Even if I succeed, I might as well enjoy the punishment.

If you go through the trouble of allowing me to see my Status Window, that much is to be expected.

As a pathetic god, prepare to bleed like a clueless fox.

“Oh dear. This is quite troublesome.”

Hearing Benedict’s voice brought me back to my senses, and I caught his awkward smile out of the corner of my eye.

“I didn’t realize the arena was already fully booked. What should we do?”

‘Don’t worry about me…’

“Don’t worry, foolish father. While you’re hopeless in everything except fighting, I, the capable one, have a plan.”

“Is that really the case?”


“I can’t believe you, foolish father, would doubt me. It’s a little sad. I might even shed some tears.”

“No, it’s not that I doubted our Lucy. It’s just…um, anyway! What’s this plan of yours?”

As he trailed off, realizing he was digging his own grave, Benedict urgently changed the subject.

I felt like teasing him a bit longer, but I had things to do.

‘I’ll be taking it by force.’

“I plan to snatch a spot from some other loser.”

The Empire’s arena allows for the transfer of participation rights.

The reason is simple: transfers allow nobles to participate.

Since the nobles set the rules, they logically conclude those rules will benefit them.

“…I don’t know much about it, but that can’t be easy?”

Benedict mentioned that it wouldn’t be straightforward.

Just as I had explained previously, participating in the arena is a huge honor in the Empire. So participants seldom give up their rights.

However, that doesn’t mean there are no ways around it. If someone non-noble grabs the rights, several nobles would find themselves in a predicament.

The Empire’s nobles foresaw this situation and added another rule.

To allow them to easily snatch others’ rights for themselves.

I plan to utilize that rule, just as I did in the game.

‘Watch closely.’

“Foolish father can just spectate. I’ll handle everything.”

Without a hint of hesitation, I stepped into a dive bar tucked away in the corner of Bardronel’s territory.

As soon as I opened the door, a stench greeted me, making it clear this was no place for a noble Young Lady.

“Lucy. Are you sure this is the right place?”

Benedict’s hesitant question prompted me to step forward, fully aware of the attention of the riffraff as I approached the bulky fellow who occupied two chairs.

‘Hi there.’

“Hey, stinky trash.”

“What’s your problem?”

‘You’ve got a participation right to the arena, right?’

“You got a ticket to the arena, right?”


The bulk didn’t answer but scowled at the folks behind me.

The shift in his expression was telling.

He certainly had a participation right.


I was worried it’d be different from the game.

“Specially granting me the chance to take your arena ticket♡ Isn’t it better for someone cute and pretty as me to participate than you, who would get demolished in the very first fight?♡”

With every word I spoke, his expression soured even further, yet he didn’t rise from his seat.

“…Shut it, crazy girl.”

Wow, he managed to suppress his obnoxious remarks!

With that appearance, he surprisingly possesses quite the culture, huh?

But I had no intention of stopping here.

I need to fight him to get that arena participation right.

“Scared?♡ You getting intimidated by a small girl?♡ Pffft♡ You look like a damn perv, but deep down, you’re all soft and cuddly?♡ You’re so cute it’s making me sick!♡”

Pretending to gag made the towering man fail to keep his anger at bay. He picked up a bottle and threw it at me.

Naturally, the bottle didn’t come close to hitting me; a holy barrier sprung up in front of me first.

“Did it hurt?♡ Are you mad that your dirty secrets came out?♡ I’m sorry~♡ Didn’t mean to be insensitive♡ But what can I say? I might puke if I don’t spill it!♡”

“…You brat!”

The bulk sprang from his seat, swinging his fist at my face.

Guess it’s a fantasy world where even the townsfolk can throw fists quickly and fiercely.

Put simply, there’s nothing to commend there other than that.

His moves were clumsy, his clenched fist loosely held, and even when he missed his punch, he clearly hadn’t thought about the consequences.

Dodging his punch with a simple head movement, I then slammed my fist into his chin, causing his brain to rattle before I kicked him into a table.

Clearly, he was knocked out cold.

Boring. I had hoped he’d last long enough to at least calm my prior irritation.

Just as I was about to approach the bulky fellow, Benedict gripped my shoulder.

“Uh, Lucy?”

‘What’s wrong?’

“What is it, foolish father?”

“…Can I ask what you’re doing?”

‘I’m just acquiring the participation right, that’s all.’

“Seizing it from this loser…?”

The moment Benedict heard my explanation, he let out a long sigh and quickly grabbed my arm.

He stared at me with unusual seriousness and raised his voice forcefully.

“No matter how much you want to join the arena, you shouldn’t intimidate others to get their rights. That’s dishonorable.”

Only then did I realize what misunderstanding Benedict was having.

He thought I was trying to snatch the rights by brute force!?

That’s not it! This is the rule regarding participation rights!

If both parties agreed or if the owner of the rights attacked someone else first, the winner takes the rights!

I was just following the rules!

This is a commonplace occurrence when arenas are in season!

“Lucy. Things are different now. You have strength.”

Benedict didn’t buy a word of my explanation.

How unfair! I really didn’t do anything wrong this time!

Honestly, it may have been a little low, but it wasn’t outright wrong!

What’s more irritating is that I could sympathize with Benedict’s feelings of not trusting me.

Those past deeds I racked up would have piled up!

But that was the old Lucy! The current me isn’t stirring up trouble…

Uh, um.

I’m still causing slightly less trouble than before! I’m not indiscriminately bullying the innocent either!

If it were truly a bad act, would I have brought you here? I acted independently!

“Excuse me for a moment, Lord Alrn.”

The voice that cut off Benedict’s nagging came from a man in the bar.

Looking exceptionally tense, he received my and Benedict’s gazes as he wiped sweat from his brow and continued to speak.

“Lady Alrn is right. She hasn’t done anything wrong.”


“Anyone you ask living in Bardronel territory would tell you the same. The one who can’t restrain themselves and swung their fist first is clearly in the wrong.”

Benedict blinked slowly, surveying the other patrons in the bar.

They all nodded in agreement with the man’s comments.

“This guy is right. Lord Alrn! If he couldn’t win, he should have held back until the end.”

“He was overstepping his bounds, to begin with.”

“Lady Alrn has a valid point. That idiot will only end up sobbing and losing should he enter the arena, right?”

“If Lady Alrn has any guilt, it’s knowing too well how things go in the Empire.”

“Hey, get up. How long are you going to lie there?”

“…Uh, uh? What happened?”

“Can’t remember? You swung first and got wrecked.”

“No way. Seriously!? Ah, damn. I thought this was my chance to enter the arena for sure!”

Seeing the bulky guy wake up and bemoan his own stupidity was enough to prove my innocence.

Benedict finally let go of my arm and forced a smile.

“Uh, Lucy? You know I’m clueless about this side of things, right?”


“So, uh, the thing is, you didn’t explain everything properly. Just like you often mention, Papa is a foolish Papa who doesn’t know unless told.”


“So this one time, I beg for your forgiveness?”

As I locked eyes with Benedict’s desperately pleading gaze, I beamed with the brightest smile ever.

“I love Papa♡”

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not work with dark mode