Switch Mode

Chapter 352

Chapter: 352

“Of course it’s possible! How could I possibly refuse when our Lucy wants to bring a friend to the mansion!”

Benedict’s voice boomed just as I finished speaking.

Uh… I didn’t expect him to agree so easily.

Is it really okay for someone else to join the training of the knight order?

Won’t there be issues if training knowledge leaks outside?

And shouldn’t I at least check with the knight order about this first?

“Haha! What are you worried about? That guy Possell would welcome Lucy’s friends with open arms!”

That’s still not a solution, though.
Benedict, as the head of the family, shouldn’t be so irresponsible.

“And Lucy, do you really think those from another family can keep up with our training? If they could, they’d already be in our knight order instead of hanging around somewhere else.”

His pride in the knight order showed, and I tilted my head.

Is training in the Alrn knight order that extreme?

I mean, sure, it’s tough, but isn’t that something anyone can handle if they’re a knight?

According to others, I’m already about the level of a decent knight, yet I’ve managed to keep up with what the knights do.

[…Young lady, that’s a bit unique to you.]


[Yes. I might not know how knights train these days, but based on the wartime standards, the Alrn family’s training was rigorous.]

I realized I was gravely mistaken after hearing that many knights might faint in the middle of training.

No way, I was just planning to let my friends experience some light hell training during the vacation—not actually send them to hell.

“Ugh! My only daughter, who’s always alone, finally has a friend!”

But I couldn’t take back what I just said.

How could I make a joke in front of this daughter-fool who’s emotional over bringing a friend?

Hmm. I guess Possell will handle things fine, right?

He’s been training others for a while now; surely he can adapt to his friends’ levels?

[If I may give you one piece of advice, it would be good to prepare a gift of apology for your friends in advance.]

‘…I’ll think about it.’


“Wait, we can train in the Alrn knight order? For real?!”

Arthur shot up from his seat, eyes sparkling as he stretched his lips into a grin.

It’s impossible to hide how excited he was as he bounced around the room, making me realize that even a normally mature Arthur was just a teenage boy after all.

‘Yeah, I got permission.’

“I mean, I’d love to see you having that downtrodden look! But unfortunately, it’s true. I got the okay.”

“Thank you so much! Lucy Alrn! Oh my! Training in the Alrn knight order!”

He couldn’t stand still, pacing around the room, and Joy tilted her head.

“Is training in the Alrn knight order really that impressive?”

That’s what I wanted to ask too.

I mean, the training in the Alrn knight order is just rolling around like crazy—why is he so thrilled about it?

I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

“Of course, you wouldn’t understand, Mage Joy! Those who train know nothing of what the Alrn knight order truly represents!”

Arthur slammed his hands down on the desk as he began passionately recounting various tales.

Starting from the story of the founder of the Alrn knight order who single-handedly conquered a dungeon rated as A-class danger level and was given a title.

All the way to how during a war decades ago, the Alrn knight order managed to turn the tide of battle by maintaining the frontline all by themselves.

Without a moment’s pause, Arthur suddenly turned towards me and raised his voice.

“Do you know, Lucy Alrn! The knight order you’ll one day lead has such a deep history! You must take pride in your name and carve out new history!”

He looked almost like someone I’ve seen before, and oh right.

An otaku.

Those kids who love idols, anime, or whatever always have that vibe.

So, Arthur is a knight otaku after all.

…Sure, he had the setting of idolizing knights, but who knew he’d reach the level of being a bit of a geek about it.

It’s a bit exhausting.

“What’s with that face! It’s only natural for a man to admire knights!”

Nah, I mean it’s true on the outside, but I’m still a guy, you know?

I think knights in armor are cool and all, but your level of admiration is severe.

Normal folks don’t get that passionate about it.

“Listen up! The reason I admire knights is—”

“Prince, that’s enough! The longer you talk, the more of a geek you sound!”

Joy pointed at me, and Arthur cleared his throat, sealing his lips.

“More importantly, Lady Alrn, just what kind of training do you guys undergo in the knight order?”

‘You wanna know?’

“What? You’re interested? Want to hear about it?”

“I want to participate in the training alongside you as much as possible. I want to know what we’ll be doing in advance.”

Hearing Joy, I began recalling the training we did in the Alrn family.

Hmm, the training content varied each time, so it’s tough to give exact details.

If I had to find a common point though…

‘I guess you should give up on sleep.’

“The first thing is giving up on sleep. Possell may smell like a grumpy uncle, but during training, he’s ruthless, you know?”

“…Give up on sleep?”

‘Yeah. Isn’t it obvious?’

“Yep. Knight training is like that, isn’t it?”

The look of disdain Arthur had just given me now turned towards Joy.

Wait, isn’t that how everyone trains?

From the time I gained some stamina, I’ve trained like that too!

As I looked around, Joy tapped her forehead.

“Ahh. Now I understand why Lady Alrn’s suggested training differs from common sense. The entire Alrn family is like this.”

Then she looked at me with icy eyes and continued explaining.

“Lady, normal knight orders do not teach you to overcome sleep but rather how to sleep efficiently. Humans can’t overcome sleep, after all.”



You guys sleep during training?!

It’s not a week-long nonstop training session?

“Our church-affiliated knight order follows the same principle, Lady. Giving up sleep has more negative impacts.”

“Same here, we sleep!”

“…Even the capital knight order trains like that. Since the time that Tabol made a great scene, it became an established norm that one cannot overcome sleep.”

So it’s not just the Partran family—when three others attest to it, you know which side seems more sensible.

In a typical knight order training session, they require sleep.

[Isn’t that obvious?]

‘How should I have known that?!’

I thought all knights in this fantasy world were doing it differently!

It’s what made me think knights were really impressive!

“Lady Alrn? I know you’re surprised, but could you explain the other aspects?”

I was scared of what else might be revealed as ‘common sense’ wasn’t, but I couldn’t ignore the four pairs of eyes staring at me, so I had to talk through what I had done in the Alrn family’s trainings.

“You march at the same speed as speaking? Throughout the entire movement?!”

“Are you insane? That’s not something a person should do.”

“That sounds boring.”

“…I’m sorry, Lady. I think that’s a little weird too.”

You don’t do this stuff?!

Knights must say that mobility is life, right? Didn’t Possell always say that?!

“When you collapse from exhaustion, they force-feed you potions to keep you moving!”

“Isn’t that just torture?!”

“That’s basically in the realm of torture!”

“I’m sorry, Lady!”

Wait, are all these things I thought were normal training actually abnormal?!

I thought knights naturally handled this kind of thing!

“Everyone draws their swords with the intention to mutually kill one another. That might be a bit fun.”

“Not fun! How could that ever be fun?!”

“I’m starting to feel Alrn’s knight order is scary.”

“…I’m sorry.”

Every word I spoke made my friends’ faces pale, revealing just how abnormal the place I grew up in was.

…Come to think of it, my grandpa seemed disgusted by the training in the Alrn knight order.

[More than just disgusted. He was doubtful it was even human.]

‘So why didn’t you tell me it was weird beforehand?!’

[I thought maybe all knights these days trained like that. I spent a long time in a dungeon.]

As I revised my own sense of reality, the four sitting at the table shared subtle glances.

“I understood why Lucy Alrn is so strong. It’s because everyone in the Alrn family is extraordinary.”

“They’ve repeated such trainings, so they’ve become a knight order that can respond in any situation.”

“I’ve heard rumors from a holy knight before, but the reality exceeds the tales.”

What they were saying was different, but the underlying meaning was similar.

“…Prince, are you really going to do this?”

“Why are you asking me first?”

“Because you seemed the most excited about the training!”

“Back then, I had no idea the Alrn knight order consisted of crazy people!”

Nah, calling them crazy was going too far.

They are a bit eccentric, but they’re all kind and fun people.

If they weren’t, they wouldn’t train with someone as weird as me.

“Then you! You said you would gladly participate if you could train with Lucy Alrn!”

“I didn’t know it’d be like this! No matter how I look at it, this doesn’t seem to be a necessary training for a mage!”

But it is necessary for mages too, you know?

Do mages not get tired? Don’t they find themselves in dangerous situations? Don’t they have to struggle to survive in extreme circumstances?

The training of the knight order is essential for everyone.

As they bickered back and forth, it was Frey, who had been indifferent with her chin resting on her hand, who finally interjected.

“It may not be fun, but I feel like I can grow stronger. I’ll do it.”

“Wait, really?”

“Prince, don’t bother. I’ll break you and call you pathetic after you grow stronger.”

Imagining the victory, Frey smirked, and Arthur bit his lip.

“Damn it! Just do it then! You can’t die, no matter how tough the training gets!”

Oh, that’s alright. It is pretty hard, but you won’t die. I’ll guarantee that, since I’ve participated in training a bunch of times.

“I, uh, decided to receive separate magic training from my father.”

“Are you thinking of running away? Joy! You will participate as the Third Prince commands!”

“I’m not going! I’m a mage, not a knight!”

“Ugh~ I thought I had a fool as a friend, but it looks like the fool isn’t really a fool! You’re going to abandon me this easily? I’m so disappointed! I have to treat you like a stranger again!”

“I’ll participate! I really want to!”

Hah, Joy. Where do you think you’re running from?

I already have separate training planned for you.

Once I’ve got you under my grasp, you won’t be escaping.

“Ahh. I guess I’m walking right into hell.”

“If you can survive hell, you can grow stronger. It sounds like a myth.”

“Why are we assuming we might die?”

“If what Lucy Alrn said is true, it won’t be strange to die at any moment.”

“…I hate that I can’t deny that.”

“I just hope if I die, it’s a fun death.”

As the three who decided to visit the Alrn knight order were grumbling, I turned my gaze to the one person left.

Phoebe. The one who wants to follow me anywhere I go looked at me and lowered her head, fidgeting with her hands under the desk.

“I’m sorry, Lady. I don’t think I can participate.”

“Phoebe! Are you trying to run away by yourself?!”

“Saint! How could you do this to me?!”

Normally, Phoebe would’ve smiled and returned the playful remarks of those two.

But today was different.

Instead of brushing it off, Phoebe stood up abruptly and responded angrily.

“Do you think I want to leave Lady’s side?! If it weren’t for church duties!… Ah.”

She hurriedly covered her mouth with both hands, though it was already too late; the words had slipped out.

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