Switch Mode

Chapter 35

Chapter: 35

36. Above the guy who runs, there is the guy who flies (2)

The value of a knight lies in its ability to provoke.

Just a quick scroll through the internet reveals that much.

In the end, sensationalism is what truly matters.

No matter how good the content is, if it doesn’t attract attention, people won’t watch it, right?

This is especially true if you’re trying to incite others as a terrorist group. In such situations, what use is conscience or journalism?

Therefore, let’s throw in all the provocative elements we can.

“Children make for a good target.”

After all, crimes involving young victims tend to be seen as particularly heinous.

Torture, rape, murder— I contemplated which direction to take for a moment… but the answer was always clear.

“Just do them all.”

I quickly explained the illusion magic scenario to Siel.

This would serve as evidence footage.

A loud proclamation would emerge here.

Alongside that, we would leave the video here using magic.

Siel, after listening to my scenario, recited the spell with a blank expression. Before long, a video resembling a snuff film was created right before my eyes.


Nausea washed over me.

There’s a limit to the grotesque.

For a modern person like me, it was simply unbearable.

However… this was, in its own way, a success.

“After all, the video was meant to be repulsive.”

If it were pleasant to watch, that’d be more of a problem.

It was crucial material intended to send the empire’s reputation plummeting.

“But what if someone eventually realizes this is all fake?”

While watching the video, I smacked the back of Lien’s head to bring her back to her senses, and she asked that.

Certainly, it wasn’t an unreasonable question.

Siel’s skills were impressive. The illusion magic had been crafted with remarkable finesse.

But still, illusion magic is just that: an illusion.

Eventually, a discerning eye would reveal that this video was manipulated.

“That’s okay. As long as it spreads among all the citizens of the empire, that’s all that matters.”

There’s no internet in this era.

There are spells for transmitting videos, but not many can use such magic.

Naturally, rumors and information mostly spread through primitive means.

Word of mouth.

Thus, it’s enough to inform people that the empire has done some insane, crazed things!

The empire might try to claim this information is false.

And some might say this video has been manipulated.

But it’s definitely provocative.

People instinctively gravitate towards sensational content.

Just look at conspiracy theories to see what I mean.

Even in such a developed era, where logical proof is just a few keystrokes away, conspiracy theories still thrive.

Because they’re sensational.

A story about an imperial knight who raped, abused, tortured, and dismembered a noble child.

If such a sensational story didn’t spread quickly, that would be more bizarre.

Before we even debate whether it’s real or fake, it’s almost certain that all citizens of the empire will hear this news.

“After all, no one believes what the empire says anymore.”

This adds the dilemma of the boy who cried wolf.

Even if the empire claims this is false information or an illusion crafted by magic, it doesn’t matter.

All kinds of provocative articles.

Who would believe the words of an empire that has always lied?

People are smarter than you think.

There’s nobody who doesn’t know that the imperial newspapers are full of nonsense.

They just keep quiet because speaking out would mean death.

This accumulated karma will now work in my favor. No matter how much the empire tries to clarify, no one will believe them.

“Besides… with this degree of completion, it could easily be mistaken for the real thing.”

The nobility, the ones who can influence people.

Guests who escaped from the black market are probably lurking nearby.

It hasn’t been that long yet.

And if they view our video from a distance, they won’t be able to discern its authenticity.

In other words, this video will be accepted as an absolute truth within noble society.

Well, even if there are no nobles nearby to witness the video, it doesn’t matter.

I know how to use the magic for transmitting videos.

I can pretend to be a witness, film from afar, and send it anonymously to the nobles.

After that, they’ll be the ones to spread it among themselves.

“That’s how it is!”

Lien nodded dramatically.

From what I’ve seen, that expression definitely didn’t indicate she understood the situation.

But asking, “You didn’t get it, did you?” would feel a bit off, so I just played along.

“This might work better than I thought.”

A smile naturally crept onto my lips.

The empire, already unpopular among the commoners, will become even more despised.

Among the nobles, the realization that they too are merely expendable will likely circulate.

This means that more nobles will be inclined to cooperate with the Black Fangs.

People looking out for their own interests will start joining forces with the Black Fangs.

And such support will be a tremendous boon to the Black Fangs.

“I should probably demand payment from the leader of the Black Fangs for this.”

Considering the impact of just a few impersonations, this is quite the efficient deal. From the perspective of the Black Fangs, this is a profit like no other.

It’s almost to the level where I might deserve some gratitude.

Maybe I’m more suited for revolution than I initially thought.

Should I join forces with the Black Fangs and start a revolution if we manage to prevent the world’s destruction?

With such frivolous thoughts, I casually exited the black market.


“What did you say?”

The man, the second prince of the empire, furrowed his brows.

The reason was quite simple.

A new report had surfaced.

Somewhere in the black market, a spell that would activate over time had been uncovered.

The man’s face, lost in thought, soon turned pale.

This was somewhat expected.

He was, after all, quite competent.

Understanding what was about to happen was easy for him.

“Black Fangs…”

The man nervously bit his lip.

He could taste the bitter blood.

How much more must they interfere to be satisfied? Once again, they had played him.

It was as if they were saying, “You’re merely playing in my palm,” using his own plans against him to launch a counterattack.

They would probably reveal the truth of the incident, striking first to control public opinion.

“…It must be stopped.”

At any cost, it had to be halted.

If public opinion worsens, there’s a risk.

The risk that rebels will gather around the Black Fangs.

That is something that must be avoided at all costs.

But how?

There’s no holy grail in his possession.

The spell will manifest soon.

He had ordered the spell to be neutralized, but there were no signs of it being undone.

Instead, the only reports were that someone who had meddled with the spell had gone insane and committed suicide by stabbing themselves in the head.

As if to flaunt something, the corpse bore the unmistakable mark of the Black Fangs, just like before.

In this situation.

There was only one action the man could take.

His face twisted more viciously than ever before.

“I’ll make a contract.”

It was inevitable.

In his worldview, where everything exists solely for him and all else are merely tools, the thought of offering his soul to a demon was more nauseating than anything else.

However, there was no other option.

Even sacrificing someone else’s soul wouldn’t suffice to impose the curse he intended.

The children imbued with divine power had purposes beyond mere holy relics.

Holy water made from grinding them up— a substance capable of elevating the quality of one’s soul.

Having consumed this multiple times, his soul was likely the most valuable thing in this world.

To cast the curse, he needed to offer such a sacrifice.

Soon, an ominous demon appeared before the man.

“This contract will cost you dearly.”

“I know that already, so shut it.”

Despite his sharp retort, the demon just smiled, amused to watch his fate unfold.

Twenty percent of his soul.

Certainly a significant portion.

But it wasn’t an unbearable risk.

He was different.

Not like the common criminals scattered around him.

He wasn’t one of those fools who depended on contracts with demons and ended up entirely at their mercy.

With that assurance, the man went through the final verification steps.

“Are you certain the curse can be cast?”

“Of course.”

As soon as those words were spoken, the man clasped hands with the demon.

The contract was sealed.

The demon smiled ominously, as if anticipating something.


“A curse is placed upon you.”

“Curse details: Information spread by the leader of the Black Fangs or their group will never be recognized in the world.”

“…The spiritual rank of the Archdemon Asmodeus, who cast the curse, is far inferior to yours.”

“The curse dissipates.”

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not work with dark mode