Switch Mode

Chapter 349

Chapter: 349

Oh shit, I’m totally screwed.

Look at that smiling face turning more and more distorted!

Haaah. This is exactly why I didn’t want to meet the Second Queen.

Why is she here when she should be mingling with her own crew at the party?

It’s just baffling.

‘Grandpa, what do I do now?’

Whatever I say now will only make things worse, just like during that speech.

How the heck am I supposed to navigate this situation?

I’d really like to hear the insights of the knight and nobleman, Lord Ruel.

[You can just go ahead and do whatever you want.]

‘…Are you seriously saying that as if it doesn’t concern you right now?’

[Didn’t I tell you last time? They need you, but you don’t really need them, so it’s okay to be reckless.]

Sure, my grandpa’s right—titles like Queen or Duke aren’t that important in this moment. Politically speaking, he’s got a point. The Second Prince probably needs me to keep the game going, so they can’t really come at me hard.

But come on, people don’t always act rationally, do they?

History is full of folks making unreasonable decisions and ending up in disaster.

What guarantee do I have that the Second Queen won’t join that chaotic mix?

And above all, I’ve got my Mesugaki skills.

In the face of this mind-boggling provocation, can she really hold onto her rationality?

“You really do have a point, Duke Partran. You’re just so arrogant.”

Wow, she’s not a queen for nothing, huh? How does she manage to twist her words like that?

As I admired the Second Queen’s emotional control, she casually brushed back her messy hair and continued.

“Well, I’ll let your arrogance slide this once since you’ve got the talent to back it up.”

Excuse me, but I don’t think this rudeness is going to end with just one instance.

Once you’re branded a ‘Noble Queen,’ you’ll be stuck with it unless a miracle happens.

“Why are you suddenly silent? Is there nothing worth answering?”

No! No! This is my best courtesy right now!

I’m biting my lip just to avoid unleashing another disaster!

“The only term you’ve got for me is ‘that filthy old queen,’ huh?”


That’s not it?! It’s a misunderstanding!

Please use your keen insight, like Karia, to interpret my expression! Understand my sincerity! [Young Lady.]

‘What now?!’

[You’ve been continually provoking the queen with those smirks.]


As I subtly adjusted my face, I could feel one side of my mouth subtly lifting.

It’s true.

Yeah, it really is.

Ah, shit! Damn it, this absurd Mesugaki skill!!


The moment I heard her snarky laugh filled with rage, I seriously considered a swift escape from the clock tower.

If I’m going to keep facing her here, running away seems like the better option, doesn’t it?

Of course, that’d be rude too, but hey, it’s less rude than what we’re doing right now.

Yeah, that makes sense. Besides, a fall from this height won’t hurt me anyway.

I’ll be just fine!

“Both mother and daughter are equally rude. How long will the light of Benedict Alrn…?”

Once I heard the word “mother,” all my scattered thoughts suddenly aligned in a cold focus. I felt a piercing clarity born not of reason but of simmering anger.

I don’t even know why that gets to me so much.

I’ve done things, so the Second Queen can complain about me all she wants.

It’s even debatable whether it counts as an insult. If Lucy’s mother did something awful in the past, her annoyance is totally justified.

But I don’t really know what kind of person Lucy’s mother was.

All I truly know is that she loved her daughter deeply.

Why would I be angry over an insult from someone whose name I don’t even know?

Logically, I should have no reason to be mad at the Second Queen, nor any grounds to hold onto that anger.

But my heart, my emotions, and my overheated mind ignored all that reason.

What they’re all yelling is one thing:

Let’s get back at her.


As that bitch in front of me forced back tears of rage, if it had been Phoebe standing here instead, I would have stayed rational and followed reason.

But not now.

Ugh, damn it. I’ll figure something out.

Grandpa just said to be reckless, right?

Someone experienced in both the crafty noble society and the church said it’s fine, so what could possibly go wrong?


I let out a laugh that I had been holding back, squinting my eyes.

Meanwhile, the Second Queen, who had been rambling, narrowed her brows while waiting for my response.

As if daring me to say something.

The Second Queen, Senar, was clearly exhibiting confidence, believing that whatever I said would be meaningless.

“Why are you so mad? ♡ Is menopause kicking in? ♡ Considering the prince’s age, it must have been quite a late pregnancy~ ♡ You must have had a rough time! ♡”

Just one comment was all it took to shatter that composure.

“…Lady Alrn, what in the world are you rambling about?”

Seeing the Second Queen unable to even force a laugh made my grin widen.

Better not start getting serious just yet. I’ve just begun here.

“How am I rambling? ♡ What’s wrong? ♡ I’ve only been speaking the truth! ♡”

As I tilted my head innocently, I could hear her teeth grinding.

Senar wouldn’t know.

She wouldn’t realize how many of her weaknesses were being exposed now as her rage consumed her.

She wouldn’t know how many different angles of attack had been laid out in front of her.

She probably thinks she’s composed like a proper Queen.

But, well. She sure doesn’t seem to consider that.

“It’s true ♡ I’m the worst liar around. Noble Queen? ♡”

“…There’s a limit to how much rudeness I can tolerate.”

“Why do you hate this shabby Academy so much? ♡”

Right now, I can see it.

The discomfort glinting in Senar’s eyes when she gazes at the Academy building.

For whatever reason, she didn’t like the Soul Academy.

“What on earth did you do during your student days ♡ But I guess, being the mother of that dimwit prince, I’d expected nothing less ♡”

“That’s enough.”

Oh, has she thrown etiquette out the window now?

But we’re just getting warmed up.

My excitement hasn’t cooled down yet.

“Is that why you’re treating the foolish prince coldly? ♡ Is it because he’s a chip off the old block and you’re experiencing some sort of kin hate? ♡”

“Hah. And what about you? Aren’t you overly honest for someone born beneath your hypocritical mother? Don’t you want to follow in her footsteps?”

I could see my fist clenching as I watched her pout.

Alright. Fine. Let’s see this through to the end.

“Wow, calling kindness hypocrisy really shows your character, Noble Queen ♡ No wonder you couldn’t make it to the top! ♡”

“Hahaha. True, true. It’s no surprise that you, with your appearance, haven’t received a single marriage proposal either.”

“Oh, my! Is that what you think? ♡ Heheh♡ I think I know what your school life must have been like! ♡”

“How lovely to be bursting with false hope. You should wish for a day when you can live alone at your age while still maintaining such a positive outlook.”

As I tried my best to knock her down, my mind was racing faster than usual.

Thanks to my Mesugaki skills—or maybe it’s just me, who knows—but right now isn’t a moment to ponder those things.

What really matters is shutting that insufferable mouth of hers.

I recalled the moment the Second Queen had stepped into the clock tower.

The urgent clicking of high heels echoing upwards.

Covered in dust.

The disappointed expression on her face when she saw me.

And the words of a female adventurer I met before I even became a resident of this world when she shared how this clock tower came to be.

“I used to sneak out of the dormitory with my friend to do some nighttime sightseeing. But because of our different social standings, we couldn’t stay together long.”

As I pictured that scene in my mind, a strange conviction arose within me.

That this would be the key to shutting her up.

“Don’t worry♡ I’m not the type to throw away friends for success like others do! ♡ I’ll never be alone! ♡”

And that conviction was proved by Senar’s shocked expression.

“…How do you know that?”

“Noble Queen ♡ You need to be a bit more autonomous! ♡ How can you climb that high without thinking? ♡”

“Answer me! How do you know?!”

“Curious? ♡ Do you really want to know? ♡ But your neck seems rather stiff for someone so curious~ ♡”

“It’s the command of Second Queen Senar Soladin! Answer me!”

“Eager to know, are we? Clinging to power out of desperation is just so ugly, huh? ♡ What can I say? ♡ I’m just a fragile noble shouldering my misfortunes, so I guess I’ll have to answer! ♡”

Seeing the furious veins pulse in her forehead, I had a few ideas jump into my head, and I picked the one I thought would irk Senar the most.

“What makes you think I know how to open doors? ♡ Do you think I know about the past of a worthless Noble Queen? ♡”

“…Did you meet her? That adventurer?”

“Ding ding! You’re right! ♡ I coincidentally met that shabby adventurer and even got a message to pass along to my friend later! ♡ What do you think? ♡ Curious? ♡”


“Remember what I said earlier? If you want to hear my story, what should you do~ ♡”

As I sauntered up close to her, I teased her directly, and she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood.

“…Tell me.”

“Pardon? ♡ Your voice is so low I can hardly hear you! ♡”

“…Tell me! I’ll forgive all rudeness for that! I’ll give you anything you want! Please!”

“Hmm ♡ You seem quite desperate! ♡ But what to do? ♡ It’s been so long that I can’t quite remember the details anymore~ ♡ My bad for you! ♡ Puhuhuh♡”

While I chuckled at Senar’s dumbfounded expression, magical energy coalesced in her hands.

The grayish aura resembling ash gathered above her hands and ultimately morphed into a weapon based on her intent.

An axe.

Holding a weapon more befitting of a barbarian than a noble lady, Senar seemed to find her icy calm amid the rage, just like I did moments ago.

“Don’t worry. I won’t kill you. I need to hear something first.”

“Oh, so you think pulling out a weapon is the way to go? ♡ So savage! ♡ A fitting match for the filthy Noble Queen! ♡”

As I pulled out my shield and mace from my inventory, I let out my taunt, all the while slick with sweat.

Damn, she’s tough.

Not quite up to Benedict or Count Kent’s level, but she’s plenty strong enough to mess me up right now.

I wonder how long I can hold out before I go down.

Let’s just hope the folks at the party catch wind of this oddity in the clock tower before it’s too late.

[…Yah, girl. Can’t you just do what you want without causing all this hassle?]

‘No way.’

[The situation is completely different from before! We’re in a life-threatening situation now, you hear me!]

‘Still, no. I feel like if I back down now, I’ll lose.’

Unless she makes the first move, there’s no way I’m bowing to someone who insulted my mother.

[Lucy! Just listen to me!]

“Are you gonna stay up there posing? ♡”

Ignoring my grandpa’s panicked shout, I chuckled again, and Senar mirrored my laughter.

“Let’s see how long that smile lasts.”

Under the moonlight, the sharpened blade of her axe zeroed in on my neck as it came flying at me.

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not work with dark mode