Switch Mode

Chapter 344

Chapter: 344

The word “crazy” has a flexible meaning depending on the context.

Praise. Wonder. Dissatisfaction. Anger. Insult.

No matter how it’s used, the term “crazy” fits in seamlessly, but its original meaning is that something has gone wrong mentally.

And the person who embodies this original meaning of “crazy” most aptly is none other than First Queen Kabadi Soladin.

Her integrity is such that she would gladly sacrifice her life for the sake of her country.

She holds an unwavering belief that her actions are absolutely right, not doubting them for a second.

Moreover, she possesses the ability to execute what she thinks.

All these attributes combined made her a true believer who wouldn’t give up her convictions even until her last breath.

In the moment of her passing, her regret wasn’t about her wrongdoings, but rather about not finding a better way—her regret over her own failures.

And at the same time, she smiles, thinking that someone better than herself will lead the nation.

To die with such thoughts; I’d rather understand a Mesugaki or a Masochistic Pervert. Their craziness is at least relatable on a human level.

But this medieval Trump’s mindset is so fundamentally different that I can’t possibly empathize.

Some in the community might call her a villain with a strong belief, but not me.

How could I like someone who barely seems human?

Despite the mixed feelings, everyone agrees that Kabadi Soladin is the kind of person who would do anything to make Soladin great. That’s how she earned her nickname: “Medieval Trump: Make Soladin Great Again Queen.”

Since Arthur is my friend, and I’m a noble of Soladin, I knew I would have to meet this crazy woman someday. But it’s way too early for that!

I don’t have the strength to deal with that insane woman yet!


What kind of loud mouth skills would this medieval Trump show when we meet?

Looking back at his record so far, I can tell “crazy” is definitely going to be part of the conversation.

If I throw some insults at the First Queen…

…Wait a minute.

Wouldn’t it be okay if she is completely out of her mind?

She might not care about her honor or power and only think about Soladin. Would she even take offense at an insult?

Of course, if I’m someone who doesn’t even deserve the insult, she might smash me to bits. But what if I turn out to be someone who could be of great help to Soladin?

Yeah. She’s a crazy woman I really don’t want to deal with, but I’d prefer her being completely nuts to just a little bit crazy.

Like the Second Queen—she might either help or not, but our enemy surely wouldn’t let me off the hook with a casual remark like “No way, not me…”

‘Siner Soladin.’


Why is this Siner’s name written right below the First Queen’s name?

Did I just see a mirage because I was thinking about her just now?

Then if I wash my face and look again…

‘Siner Soladin.’


What the heck?!

Why is this person even here?!

“…Karia. If I’m not mistaken, I see the names of both queens at the top.”

“Yup. Both expressed their intent to participate.”


Yeah! Benedict was right!

Why is a person who shows zero affection for her son coming to the end-of-term party?!

I never saw this woman set foot in the academy during the entire time I played Soul Academy!

“The First Queen is attending, don’t forget.”

Karia remained unfazed even with our shocked expressions.

“I don’t know the full details, but it’s definitely because of that. The First Queen might pretend not to care about meeting the Second Queen, but trust me, she’s super anxious about it.”

Listening to Karia’s unchanged story made me feel nostalgic about how she was once a shadow in the kingdom.

Karia was leading the Information Department when both queens just became queens, so she definitely knows her stuff about them.

She might even know more about the palace figures than I do.

I practically know nothing about those who were of minor significance in the game.

“Anyway, with these two attending, this end-of-term party has veered far from its original purpose. Nobles from both factions are lining up to show off their strength, and now they’re all participating.”

As I listened to Karia and read the participant list, I felt my mind spinning.

I knew Duke Partran and Duke Kurten would be there since they had their children here.

But why are the heads of other ducal families coming too?!

Aside from Duke Burrow, who’s recovering, it looks like everyone is attending!

And why are there so many big names on the list?!

Nobles who had significant roles in the Soul Academy storyline are overflowing!

I felt thrilled to see so many familiar names from the game, but at the same time, I was disheartened by the realization that I’d have to give a speech and party with these people.

…If it’s like the Partran Festival, it might be bearable.

At that time, except for some eccentric folks or my friends, nobody paid me any attention.

But now it’s different! The Second Queen, who was trying to draw me in, definitely won’t miss an opportunity to talk to me, right?!

Then naturally, nobles from the Second Queen’s side will come forward.

And then the First Queen’s people will follow suit.

Before I know it, my surroundings will become a hotspot, a graveyard of reputation!

And next to me will be Benedict, whose disguise will be in tatters.

I’m sure Benedict feels the same. His smile from just moments ago is slowly turning serious as he flips the pages.

“…Karia, could you perhaps knock me out? That way, Lucy and I could slip away unnoticed.”

“What kind of nonsense are you saying? There’s no poison that works on you. If it’s a thing, it would be better to use it on our employer.”

“That’s out of the question! I can’t do such a thing to our Lucy!”

“Then what do you suggest?”

“Damn it! If it’s come to this, we’ll have to destroy the building where the party is happening!”

“Hey, just calm down for a sec.”

“If I only destroy about half of it!…”

“Employer! Can you make this idiot shut up? It seems he can’t hear me!”

“Papa?♡ Can you keep your mouth closed?♡ Every time you talk, there’s this weird smell♡ Honestly, it’s kinda gross♡”

“Smell? Did I… I’m sorry…”

Even with his shoulders drooping, Karia turned her gaze toward him, clearly unimpressed.

“Back to the point. For our employer, just attending that party would be a disaster. So sneak away to a room until the opening speech is over, and then leave with Benedict. No one in the kingdom could say anything to that big guy anyway. If you say you wanted to spend quality time with your daughter, it’ll all be fine.”

It’s a risky choice with both queens and their factions attending, but since it’s Karia’s suggestion, it should be okay.

So that means all I need to think about is how to smoothly make it through the speech.

Knock, knock. At the sound of someone knocking on the door, I turned to find Alsetin’s voice.

“Young Lady. The Apostle of the Art Guild has arrived.”

Later than I expected. I thought that pervert would swing by early, filling my face with crazy stories.

“You can go ahead. I have something to discuss with this big guy, so I’ll send him your way later.”

Before I could ask my question, Karia answered it for me.

Hmm. This feeling of having my thoughts read is still something I can’t get used to.

Sometimes it creeps me out when she just pops in out of nowhere.

Shrugging, I stood up but felt bad about leaving that dejected Benedict behind.


I initially wanted to tap his shoulder, but I couldn’t reach it, so I poked his back instead.

Benedict’s head turned.

Oh dear. Look at that, he’s keeping his mouth shut tightly.

Is he bothered by what I said about the smell?

“Pfft♡ Are you sulking?♡ What made you so gloomy?♡”


“Ew♡ You’re acting all sensitive over a little joke♡ I can’t deal with a timid papa!♡”

“…Was it a joke? Really?!”

Seeing the color return to Benedict’s face from just a simple comment, I smirked, exited the door, and peeked my head back in.


After delivering my final line, I closed the door.

Hopefully, that perverted Apostle would unleash his full perversion.

That way, it would smooth over the speech ahead.


“…Our daughter is too cute. The best.”

While glancing at the trembling Benedict with his hands over his mouth, Karia showed no sign of hiding her exasperation.

How did this terrifying man, once a lord on the battlefield, end up this way?

With how he looks now, it wouldn’t be out of place if he were next to a mummy.

This stoic guy used to be the opposite of Mira, who showed her emotions openly.

I guess Mira really put in a lot of effort while I wasn’t around.

…but Mira, didn’t you go a bit overboard with your efforts?

To turn someone called the kingdom’s fang into this?

If you were still alive, I’d want to ask for your methods.

Thinking of Benedict’s wife, who died while she was caught up by the Evil God, Karia sighed and closed her eyes, then opened them again.


Her cold voice broke through, no hint of the playful tone she used when talking to Lucy or her disciples, but a voice that once inspired terror as the shadow of the kingdom.

Faced with it, Benedict pulled himself together, shaking off the earlier fuss.


“Do NOT let the crazy lady meet your daughter.”

Karia, once a shadow within the kingdom and leader of the Information Department, knew all too well about the First Queen.

After all, she was the one who gathered all that info when they were selecting the Queen, and she worked under the First Queen until she seemingly vanished from the palace. There was no way she’d be unaware.

“Considering her tendencies, she’s likely to take a liking to the promising Lucy.”

“That’s not bad, is it?”

“That’s correct for the moment. However, if she sees Lucy’s abilities as a threat in the future, things could change. That crazy lady will be willing to eliminate obstacles.”

“Any proof?”

“I almost ended up eliminated myself.”


“Did I not mention it? The reason I vanished from the Information Department was…”


“Let me explain. At that time, I had no options. If I did, I would have been buried without a trace.”

With Karia’s calm yet ominous revelation, Benedict’s gaze darkened further.

“That woman is way too dangerous to be close to.”


Inside the headmaster’s office of Soul Academy.

Recently praised for the academy’s dungeons, the headmaster walked around with a smile, but now sweat and an awkward forced grin marked his face.

“…So, you want to experience the dungeon?”

“That’s right, Headmaster. Don’t worry about a commotion. As you see, I’ve come in disguise with my son, just in case.”

Even the Headmaster, the most powerful figure in Soul Academy, had no choice but to bow before the smiling First Queen of the kingdom.

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not work with dark mode