Switch Mode

Chapter 340

Chapter: 340

As the sun pointed straight up in the sky…

Lucy, who had left the training grounds saying she had something to do, returned shortly after, her face twisted in a sulk.

Even Frey couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at Lucy’s deteriorating expression, making the other three wonder if something bad had happened. But what tumbled out of her mouth had nothing to do with any incidents.

“The perverted apostle said he wants to see you guys, so come along.”

Perverted apostle? The moment Joy heard those words, she raised an eyebrow in confusion but didn’t say a thing.

Usually, it was Arthur who criticized Lucy when she got too out of line.

But not today. Arthur merely frowned slightly while glancing cautiously at Lucy.

After the last incident where he got burned badly, he must have learned to keep his mouth shut.

Ugh, guess I have to ask now…

“Uh, Lady Alrn. I’m sorry, but who’s the perverted apostle?”

“There’s this disgusting pedo pervert that I don’t even want to talk about.”

…So, I’m still left in the dark about who this person is?!

While Joy screamed internally, an unexpected person provided the answer she was dying to hear.

“Are you talking about the apostle of the Art Guild?”

“Yeah, that perverted brat.”

The apostle of the Art Guild is a pervert?

While observing Lucy’s look of disgust, Joy couldn’t help but tilt her head in confusion.

The apostle she knew, Prete, was not that kind of person.


He had wandered the continent, building his reputation long before Joy was born.

He was a priest who dealt with many issues caused by followers of the Evil God while raising the name of the Art Guild and was regarded as a great artist that set the trends across the continent, earning everyone’s respect.

If Prete really was a weird person, how could he attend the Partran Festival?

Having run into someone named Prete multiple times at the festival where noble ladies sang his praises until their tongues fell off, Joy couldn’t comprehend why he would be called a pervert.



“I can see you’re thinking about something, but trust me, you’ll understand once we get there.”

If both Lady Alrn and Phoebe were saying this, then there must be something I don’t know.

“Are you done asking questions?”

“No, I still have something to say.”

“What is it? Hurry up. Don’t waste my precious time.”

“I can’t go to meet the apostle looking like this.”

My hair is a total mess from all that training; I’m drenched in sweat, and my face is covered in dirt. I can’t meet Sir Prete like this!

“Huh? You’ve got weird tastes. What’s so great about that pervert?”

“What are you talking about?!”

It’s true that Sir Prete is still a handsome man, but I’m not insane enough to have feelings for someone who’s over 20 years older than me!

“Then what? Even if you put on makeup, you won’t stop being a klutz.”

“You know! The influence the apostle of the Art Guild has on high society!”

Every word he speaks could describe the noble he is, and Prete is renowned for that.

If he casually mentioned that Lady Alrn looked sloppy somewhere, the underhanded gossip could spread wildly!

Joy pictured the malicious rumors swirling behind her and raised her voice despite Lucy’s cold stare.

“Anyway, I’m going to wash up!”

“Lady, I’m going to clean up too.”

“Then I will also go. I can’t meet the apostle of the guild looking like this.”

After the three girls left, Lucy stared at Frey, who seemed awkward, and pressed her forehead.

“Idiot swordsman.”


“You should go wash up too.”

“Do I have to?”

“If you don’t, I’ll make sure to beat you up all day in our spar.”

“Alright, I’ll go.”


“Prince Arthur, do I look disheveled in any way?”

Joy asked while inspecting her attire at the doorway where the apostle of the Art Guild awaited.

“Sigh. Joy, that question is the fourth time I’ve heard it already.”


“And my answer is the same as the last three. Please stop making a fuss. The apostle of the Art Guild isn’t an idiot who would speak ill of the noble of the Partran family.”

With Arthur’s reasonable words, Joy ultimately fell silent. Even she realized this was just over-the-top nervousness.

After the commotion died down, Arthur sighed and opened the door to enter.

“Welcome. I’ve been waiting.”

As soon as the group entered, Prete rose from his seat and greeted them politely, as usual.

He complimented Arthur, then showed familiarity by mentioning the Partran Festival to Joy.

As for Phoebe, he showered her with pure admiration, acknowledging how wonderful she had become.

Of course, Prete also offered praise to Frey, but Frey’s expression was utterly blank, devoid of a single reaction.

Did he feel that the compliments were meaningless? Rather than say anything, Prete shrugged his shoulders and focused back on Joy and Phoebe.

“Lady Partran and the saint of the Lord, I’ve prepared outfits for you both. Is there anything you’d like me to consider?”



“Huh? Didn’t you hear? Since Lady Alrn requested this, I thought we’d agreed on it.”

Joy turned her head toward Lucy, who was standing behind them.

Lady?! What’s this about?!

Sure, I did ask for a dress, but this is…

“Why? Don’t like it? I can understand if it’s a damn outfit made by this disgusting pervert.”

“No! I wouldn’t hate it! It’s just… I was surprised it was more than I expected.”

Even if I wear just the accessories he created, I’d be the center of attention at every social gathering, and now he’s making me a dress directly!

It’s too much!

It’s overwhelming!

I never asked for something this extravagant!

“Hahaha. Silly Lady. What are you even talking about? Who cares about something great made by a pervert?”

“…Are you serious?”

His accessories are only given to the ones he acknowledges, and it’s a huge honor for him to personally craft a dress for someone!

Come on, this must be some kind of joke, right?!

“Joy, are you really that oblivious after watching him for so long? Lucy Alrn completely fails to comprehend the value he holds.”

“No way.”

“Hahaha. Lady Partran, please calm down. Lady Alrn isn’t entirely wrong in her words.”

At Prete’s interjection, Joy begrudgingly fell silent.

“So, is there anything you’d like to request?”

At this point, refusing would be impolite.

Joy forced herself to maintain a calm demeanor and shook her head.

“I’ll leave it to the apostle.”

“So will I. Please do whatever you think best.”

“Understood. I’ll have to think about it then.”

Ugh. No matter how Lady Alrn thinks about it, this is an enormous debt.

This isn’t something that can simply be washed away with a gift between friends!

What on earth would I have to do to repay this?!

While Joy grumbled in her head, Prete stood up and approached Lucy.

“Please wait here. I’m going to style the Lady now, and I’d like your evaluations afterward.”

“I can’t trust the eyes of this pervert. No matter how lousy his taste is, it’s still better than yours, you know.”

“Haha. As you can see, the lady doesn’t trust me at all. Please wait a moment. It won’t take long.”

As soon as the two left, Arthur chuckled in disbelief.

“Lucy Alrn, what in the world is your connection with Prete?”

“I know, right?”

How could Prete, who refused even the king’s request right in front of him, agree to make dresses for our lady?

What kind of relationship could they possibly have?

Oh, speaking of which…

“Phoebe, you know something, don’t you?”

When our lady called Prete a perverted apostle, Phoebe appeared to understand what she meant.

Which means Phoebe must have some knowledge about their connection.

As Arthur and Joy gazed at her, Phoebe offered an awkward smile.

“…I do know a bit, but um… it’s something I wouldn’t say out loud.”

Seeing Phoebe’s reaction, Joy’s eyes widened.

Typically, she would respond without a single change in her expression, but here she was, showing clear signs of discomfort!

What could possibly be the connection between them?

…Could it be?!

“Has Lady Alrn grown close with Sir Prete?!”

“Joy! Do you think that makes sense?!”

Before Joy’s voice could reach its peak, Phoebe raised her own.

“Such a statement is disrespectful to both of them! Please be careful!”

“Uh, I—I’m sorry, Phoebe.”

What’s going on here?

What’s with the connection that made it awkward for Phoebe to speak about it?

Heck, Joy couldn’t formulate even a guess anymore. How long had these thoughts been bubbling and collapsing in her head?

When she heard the door open, she lifted her head and felt her mind clear, as if all thoughts had evaporated.

The first word to engrave itself in her mind like a blank canvas was “noble.”

Those crimson eyes looking down indifferently upon the world.
Her gently closed lips. Silky hair cascading down, brushing against her collarbone.
The pure white dress made as if crafted from divine snowfall, coupled with skin as flawless and vibrant as that.

All of it felt so noble and divine that Joy envisioned angelic wings sprouting from behind the woman.

W-What is happening?
Am I dreaming?
For sure this has to be a dream or something.
It wouldn’t make sense for an angel to appear right in front of me!

…Oh my god?!

Why is the angel coming toward me?

Did I do something wrong? Did I make another mistake?!

“…Can you hear me?”


“Sigh. Seriously, this is why I call you an idiot. You clumsy fool.”

“…Lady Alrn?”

“Idiot! It’s impossible for there to be two such pretty and cute people in this world, you know.”

…True, no one else would speak like that but Lady Alrn.

Oh, that dress looks oddly familiar.
Did I pick this out for her?
No… but when she wore it last time, I don’t think it looked quite like this.

Yet, I’m sure I chose this design.


Is it really the Lady?!

When Lady Alrn dresses up like this, it ends up looking like this!?

“You’re saying some ridiculous things; stop it. How does it look to your clumsy eyes?”

“It’s truly so noble…”

“Hahaha. A noble lady shouldn’t have such a limited vocabulary, you know?”

Lucy chuckled for a while, clearly satisfied, then turned toward the still-stunned others.

Wow, how to even describe this?
Every time I look, the words vanish, leaving only the word “noble.”

From noticing the reactions of everyone else, it seems I’m not the only one feeling this way.

Prince Arthur’s face was beet red, and he couldn’t string two words together.

Phoebe couldn’t even meet her eyes, glancing at the lady here and there.

Lady Kent was staring, seemingly speechless, as her gaze was fixated on Lady Alrn!

Seeing the already beautiful lady enhanced and refurbished by Prete led to this outcome.

Should I perhaps ask for him to style me too?
Even if I get rejected, it’s worth trying at least once.

“Lady Alrn.”

“Huh? What is it, klutz?”

“Where is Sir Prete?”

“Why do you want to know about that pervert?”

“I just wanted to ask him something.”

“He’s in the next room, but you won’t be able to talk to him. Just like a disgusting pedo, he’s given up on being human.”

…What does it mean to give up being human?!

In what way must he appear that Lady Alrn’s voice drips with such deep disgust?

Joy’s curiosity peaked, prompting her to rise from her seat and quietly approach the next room.

And at that moment, upon seeing Prete collapsed in the corner, Joy finally understood Lucy’s feeling of repulsion.

Blood streaming from his nose.

His face filled with joy as if all was well.

An unsettling grin painted across his lips.

“Aaaah, oh goddess. I believe I have met another goddess here. You’ve even blessed me with the courtesy of trampling this face. If it were up to me, I would wish never to wash it again…”

And then that sneering voice, coupled with words that could send chills down anyone’s spine.

The priest of the Art Guild was nowhere to be found in that room.

Instead, there was just some disgusting pervert who should immediately be thrown into prison.

Joy felt she couldn’t handle the scene physically; she quietly shut the door and returned to the room, embracing Lucy.

“Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?”

“I truly appreciate your hard work, Lady.”


“Really, thank you for everything, Lady.”

“Uh, yes, sure.”

…Now I can finally understand Phoebe’s feelings.

How could I possibly explain that the apostle of the Art Guild is such a crazy pervert? If I were her, I wouldn’t dare to speak up either.

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not work with dark mode