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Chapter 339

Chapter 339: Autumn Harvest and the Emergence of Hybrid Rice

After a few more days, the Northern Expedition Army returned victorious, marking the end of the divided situation of regional kings and the reunification of Great Wu as a whole.

The Empress was pleased, and the civil and military officials were overjoyed. A grand celebration of three days was held.

Mo Rushuang and Guo Shaoshuai also returned from Northern Hebei. On the second day after the capture of Prince Northern Hebei, they hurriedly returned to visit their sect. Their reasons were threefold: to see their sect after a long absence, to expose the crimes of Prince of Northern Hebei to their sect and the martial world of Northern Hebei, and to protect their sect from the government’s crackdown.

With Lin Beifan’s assurance, Iron Sword Sect emerged unscathed from this round of investigations.

However, when they returned, their faces were still filled with sorrow.

“Young Master, the people in our hometown are suffering terribly! Along the way, we found many households empty. The population has greatly diminished, and many fertile fields are left abandoned! It’s only been a year, and it’s turned into this!” Mo Rushuang’s voice was tinged with sadness.

Guo Shaoshuai clenched his teeth and said, “It’s all that damned Prince of Northern Hebei’s fault. For the sake of his ambition, he disregarded the people’s lives, causing my homeland to fall into such a state. I really want to storm into the prison and kill him!”

Clutching Lin Beifan’s arm, Mo Rushuang asked with hope, “Young Master, do you have a way to save my hometown?”

“Young Master, now only you can help!” Guo Shaoshuai urged.

Lin Beifan smiled and said, “Rest assured, I’m prepared. Tomorrow morning, I will submit a memorial to the court, granting amnesty throughout the nation and revitalizing Great Wu. I won’t forget Northern Hebei.”

The two were overjoyed, “Thank you, Young Master!”

The next day, at the imperial court assembly:

Empress Long Yan sat high on the dragon throne. She spoke with authority, “Now that Southern Jiang, Wuxi, and Northern Hebei have been reclaimed, the court has been restored, and our might extends to all directions. However, these three regions have been devastated by the three rebel kings, leaving their economies in ruins, their people impoverished, and their infrastructure in shambles. Gentlemen, do you have any good strategies?”

As the Prime Minister, Lin Beifan was the first to speak, “Your Majesty, after great disorder, comes great order, only then can peace be restored to the realm. This is a policy I’ve drafted for governance and the welfare of the people. Please allow me to present it to Your Majesty.”

The Empress urged, “Present it.”

She opened the scroll and read its densely packed contents.

The main policies included:

1. Lightening the tax burden.

For the first year, tax exemptions for cultivating wasteland in Southern Jiang, Wuxi, and Northern Hebei. For the second year, taxes are halved. In the third year, only 3/4 of the regular taxes will be collected, reducing the burden on the common people.

2. Labor returns to farming.

Many young laborers were conscripted by the three rebel kings for their coup. Now that the civil war has ended, those who choose to return to their hometowns to farm will be allowed to do so. Simultaneously, those who have migrated elsewhere will also be encouraged to return and engage in farming.

3. Encouraging childbirth.

Having more children would lead to reduced labor duties.

Actually, this is a method of recuperation and rejuvenation. Lin Beifan combined the experiences of various dynasties from his past life, adapted them to the situation in Great Wu, and created a comprehensive plan.

After reading it, the Empress was highly satisfied. “This approach, my minister, is excellent, well-rounded, and specific. Fellow officials, take a look. If there are no objections, we shall implement this plan!”

After the officials had reviewed the plan, the Minister of Revenue, Qian Yuanshen, stepped forward and said, “Prime Minister, this plan is indeed very comprehensive. I have no objections. However, I do find the notion of restoring Great Wu within three years slightly optimistic.”

“The foundation of Southern Jiang still exists, and with the encouragement of agriculture, as long as the weather is favorable, there will likely be a good harvest next year. Within three years, it should be possible to restore around eighty to ninety percent.”

“However, it will be very difficult for Wuxi and Northern Hebei.”

“First of all, these two regions suffer from different challenges—Wuxi experiences droughts with little rain, while Northern Hebei faces cold temperatures and freezing. Farming is inherently difficult. Moreover, these two regions have been plagued by the two rebel kings for years, leading to severe population loss, fallow fields, and poor grain harvests.”

“In such circumstances, wanting to restore these two regions to their former state within three years is nearly impossible. Even if given ten years, success is far from guaranteed.”

Lin Beifan smiled and said, “Minister Qian’s concerns are valid. However, this plan I’ve proposed has undergone thorough research and argumentation.”

Qian Yuanshen humbly inquired, “Prime Minister, I seek your guidance. Please enlighten me.”

“First, Minister Qian, all your judgments are based on past experiences and speculations. However, times have changed. Our Great Wu is not the same as it was before.”

Lin Beifan said confidently, “Firstly, we have the miraculous tool called ‘cement,’ which can rapidly construct water facilities, protect fields, and enhance crop yields. This will promote food production.”

Qian Yuanshen nodded, “Prime Minister, your words make sense. This tool alone could shorten the time by two years.”

Lin Beifan continued, “With the reunification of Great Wu, our river system is completely connected, providing easy transportation everywhere. We also have the waterborne tool, the air cushion boat, which can facilitate commerce, population movements, and resource flows.”

Qian Yuanshen nodded again, “This tool could further shorten the time by two years.”

Lin Beifan went on, “Since the beginning of this year, our capital has had favorable weather, leading to a bountiful grain harvest. Additionally, the resources obtained from Dayue and Great Xia have provided the court with ample provisions and resources.”

“With our court’s provisions, we can temporarily support the impoverished farmers in these three regions, enabling them to fully engage in farming. This way, the population damage will be reduced, more people will be engaged in farming, and grain production will inevitably increase.”

Qian Yuanshen nodded once more, “This action could shorten the time by another year, leaving us with five more years.”

“Lastly, and most importantly…”

Lin Beifan smiled and said, “Your Majesty, the autumn harvest has arrived. The hybrid rice that I have cultivated has also yielded a bountiful harvest. This hybrid rice is drought and cold-resistant, capable of adapting to complex environments. By using this rice for planting, the national grain production will increase by about 40 to 50 percent. The grain issues in Wuxi and Northern Hebei will also be resolved.”

“Hybrid rice!!!”

The Empress and the officials were no longer calm. Since last year, Lin Beifan had been talking about cultivating hybrid rice.

And he promised that as long as hybrid rice is promoted nationwide, grain production will inevitably increase by 40 to 50 percent, solving the food problem for tens of millions!

Originally, nobody paid much attention to this. After all, this kind of thing was too miraculous, almost unimaginable!

Unexpectedly, in less than two years, he actually managed to do it!

The Empress’s breath quickened, “Minister, have you truly developed this high-yield hybrid rice?”

Lin Beifan cupped his hands and said, “How could I dare to deceive Your Majesty in such matters?”

The Empress became even more anxious, “Where is this hybrid rice? Show it to Us!”

“Your Majesty and officials, please accompany Us to the fields!”

Half an hour later, Lin Beifan led the Empress and the officials out of the city and arrived at his own fields. This was the fertile land bestowed upon him by the Empress. Now it covered thousands of acres, all interconnected, and quite extensive. Lin Beifan had essentially become a landowner.

Since it was autumn, the crops were ripe, and everyone was busy harvesting. However, Lin Beifan’s crops remained untouched.

“Your Majesty, please observe. This entire area is planted with hybrid rice!” Lin Beifan proudly pointed to his fields.

The Empress and the officials were shocked, “This…”

The Minister of Revenue, Qian Yuanshen, furrowed his brows, “Prime Minister, please pardon my ignorance. Is this truly hybrid rice? It does seem more lush, but it doesn’t appear significantly different from other rice.”

The Empress also frowned, “Is this really hybrid rice? The yield doesn’t seem much different…”

Others nodded in agreement.

Lin Beifan smiled, “Your Majesty, you may not know, but this is indeed hybrid rice. This is the mother plant of the hybrid variety, and it doesn’t appear different from other rice. However, once its grains are sown, it will undoubtedly increase the yield next year.”

“If you don’t believe me, let me take you to another location to see. By then, you’ll understand!”

Lin Beifan led everyone to another spot.

There, rice was also cultivated, occupying only a couple of acres, but the rice grown there was much taller than the surrounding rice, almost the height of an adult. Moreover, the rice ears that grew were larger, fuller, and more robust, resembling small brooms.

The Empress and the officials were astonished, “This rice…”

Lin Beifan was extremely excited, “This is the true hybrid rice! Last year, I already planted a batch of hybrid rice in the Imperial Academy, and it looks just like what you saw before! I saved some of the seeds from last year’s autumn harvest, planted them here this spring, and now they’ve finally matured. The harvest is imminent! Your Majesty, please look, are these grains large or not?”

The Empress excitedly exclaimed, “They’re large!”

Lin Beifan asked, “Are these stalks tall?”

The Empress was still excited, “They’re tall!”

Lin Beifan asked again, “Are these rice ears beautiful?”

The Empress remained excited, “They’re beautiful!”

Lin Beifan continued, “With the nationwide promotion of this hybrid rice, can it solve the grain problem?”

The Empress nodded affirmatively, “Yes! It definitely can!”

Lin Beifan smiled, “Gentlemen, what are your thoughts?”

The officials were all excited.

“Good rice! This is truly good rice!”

“In my life, I’ve never seen such good rice. It grows so tall, so strong, so beautiful!”

“Once promoted nationwide, it will undoubtedly solve the food problem for tens of millions of people!”

“The problems in Wuxi and Northern Hebei will be easily solved!”

“With this miraculous rice, our Great Wu will undoubtedly remain stable and prosperous! Bless Great Wu!”

“Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty!”

“Hahaha…” The Empress burst into laughter.

With these tall, strong, and beautiful crops, how could her Great Wu not be stable and prosperous?

A production increase of 40 to 50 percent, and the ability to grow in arid and cold regions, would solve the food issue for tens of millions of people nationwide. This was an invaluable resource, more precious than gold, and it had to be guarded well!

The Empress immediately issued an order, “Immediately dispatch a strong force to guard this area of hybrid rice. No one is allowed to damage it or reveal its existence. Violators will be executed! Also, the name ‘hybrid rice’ is not very pleasing. Let’s call it ‘Taiping Rice,’ symbolizing peace throughout the realm.”

“Your Majesty’s wisdom!” The officials chorused.


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I Am A Corrupt Official, Yet They Say I Am A Loyal Minister!

I Am A Corrupt Official, Yet They Say I Am A Loyal Minister!

Score 7.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
In the dangerous world of high martial arts, Lin Beifan traversed and found himself bound to a corrupt official system. It seemed that the only way to become stronger was through corruption – a ridiculous notion, but one that he had to follow nonetheless. He found himself embezzling, accepting bribes, and using his power for personal gain, becoming a despised and hated corrupt official. Yet, secretly, he distributed his ill-gotten gains to the people, leaving nothing for himself. He carried the weight of his bad reputation while still trying to make the world a better place. The empress, who knew the truth, shed tears and said, “My dear, I’m sorry for the injustice done to you. Come to my palace tonight.” The intelligent and beautiful women who knew the truth declared, “No matter how the world sees you, we are willing to stand by your side, through thick and thin!” The martial women of the Jianghu who knew the truth vowed, “If they want to take down Lin, they’ll have to get through us first!” Others were left in shock, “He’s clearly a corrupt official, why are you all protecting him?”


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