Switch Mode

Chapter 337

Chapter: 337

I already knew what Joy was trying to make me do.

She had told me herself, and this was part of an event involving Joy in the game.

Going out on the street and picking out clothes for each other to try on—it seemed simple enough, but for Joy, it was a heartfelt wish.

Joy may be a bit silly, but she’s not foolish.

She understands well that she’s a duke’s daughter and how her position is perceived by others. She’s also aware of how her words might reflect on other young ladies.

Despite her villainess appearance, she wasn’t the type to disturb others just to fulfill her desire.

From the moment she read about it in a book, it had been her dream, and it remained a wish even after almost ten years had passed.

That was until she met me, the player in the game.

Knowing this background, I decided to gladly grant Joy’s wish.

What wouldn’t I do to bring a smile to a girl who had to feel lonely even when surrounded by people?

“Alright! Young Lady! Today, you have to call me by my name!”

This determination of mine solidified further upon seeing her playful smile when she came to meet me that early morning.

Watching Joy cover her rising smile with a fan reminded me all over again why I had chosen her as my favorite character.

‘Is calling you by your name enough? Joy?’
“Hmm? Just calling you by your name is enough? Really, Joy?”

“Of course! What more could I want?”


“Strange? Just a little while ago, didn’t you show plenty of desires?”

“Back then, I wasn’t fully awake.”

‘Joy, sister.’

“Joy, sister.”

“…Could you say that one more time?”

‘No, I don’t wanna.’

“Weren’t you saying you didn’t need to before? Why the sudden change? Hmm? I’m really curious.”

“Well… it’s—”

After teasing Joy, who was holding the fan with both hands and blushing, I continued.

‘Phoebe. Just now…’
“Pathetic saint. Just now, when I called you ‘Sister Joy,’ you got all shy. Aren’t you too pure for someone who looks like you?”

“Because Lady is so adorable, perhaps it made me think, ‘I wish I had a sister like this.’”

‘Do you…’

“Joy. The pathetic saint thinks like this, but what about you? Didn’t you want a cute little sister like me? Isn’t that so?”

“Please stop.”

After meeting with Phoebe and narrating earlier events again, I headed to the teleportation device to go to the capital street.

“Oh right, Young Lady. Could you bring Professor Karl with you? I need someone to carry the clothes.”

I couldn’t understand Joy’s request.

Our physical abilities far exceeded that of regular people, so why would we need someone to carry clothes?

Even if she bought an excessive amount, couldn’t it just be stored in space pockets?

When I voiced my doubts, Joy and Phoebe exchanged glances before looking down at me with smiles in their eyes.

“You’ll understand when you get there, Young Lady.”

Upon arriving in the capital, the first shop we visited was a large clothing store that Joy frequented.

“Oh my! Lady Partran! Welcome!”

The owner of the shop must have been telling the truth about being a regular; she rushed over with a bright expression upon seeing Joy.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, Saint! And… Lady Alrn?”

As soon as her gaze landed on me, her cheerful face turned pale.

Just what kind of mess had the past Lucy created for people to be so openly disliked?

Used to such contempt, I shrugged it off, but the other two didn’t.

“Madam, is it so that my friend makes you uncomfortable?”

Joy’s expression turned icy.

It wasn’t her usual villainess facade; she was genuinely intent on pressing the shop owner.

Under her gaze, the owner started sweating and quickly shook her head.

“No! That can’t be! It’s just… uh, long ago, Lady Alrn….”


The shop owner’s attempt to explain Lucy’s past misdeeds was cut off by Phoebe’s firm voice, which was as soft as usual but had an unthinkable level of resolve behind it.

“I may not know who the previous Young Lady was, but the current Young Lady is not like that. I can vouch for her.”

“I think the same,” added Joy.

With the Duke’s daughter and the goddess’s saint aligning their opinions, there was no one left to dissent, and the shop owner nodded weakly.

“Now back to the main point. Madam, I would like to gift Lady Alrn some clothes. Is there anything suitable for her?”

“Of course! Lady Partran! There’s no outfit that wouldn’t suit such a cute and beautiful person!”

Exclaiming like she was screaming for her life, the shop owner grabbed Karl, who had been standing near us, and hurried deeper into the store.

“That’s not right. To judge the Young Lady by her past….”

“It’s unfortunate. Regardless of past sins, people can change.”



It was nice to have them on my side, but…

In the current situation, didn’t the shop owner have to be the victim while I was the perpetrator?

No matter how much I thought about it, it felt more wrong to them than to me.

Though I didn’t say anything for fear of the fierce looks directed at the departing shop owner, I thought this was tyranny via power.

Should strange rumors start circulating, I wouldn’t know!

Would a scandal about the saint’s arrogance erupt? That wouldn’t be my fault!

Before long, when the shop owner returned with Karl, I couldn’t help but gasp.

The pile of clothing in Karl’s arms was so tall it almost reached above his head.

Wow. So that’s why they needed someone to carry clothes.

Definitely no matter how strong the attendant is, multiple outfits could be an issue.

“Madam, is this all?”

“No! Impossible! What do you think our shop is?”


This isn’t all?

There’s more than this?!

Though it was enough for three people, it seemed like they would still have more left in store?!

Even a duke’s daughter must have a scale of magnitude that doesn’t compare.

“Hooray! Then please send us a servant to help. I’ll have her try on these things first.”

“Understood, Lady Partran.”

…Wait a second?

Did I just hear something weird?

Trying to dress me in all of that?

Not dividing it between three people?

‘Hey, Joy?…’

“Joy, are you seriously saying you want to dress me in that mountain of clothes? Did you screw up a bit?”

“What kind of joke is that, Young Lady? Didn’t you have plenty of outfits back in the day? A-are you asking if we aren’t going to try them on? Don’t worry. That’ll be later.”

No! That’s not the point!

Don’t misunderstand on your own! Joy!

Are you really going to fit all those clothes on me?!

It would take at least a day just to try on all those outfits!

“Joy, wait a minute.”

Yes! Phoebe!

Give that extravagant noble a piece of your mind!

“You’re not just going store to store looking at these outfits, right?”

“Why would you ask that? It’s common sense to go around and check designs!”

Watching the two laugh and chat, I realized that something was profoundly off.

What?! Weren’t we just trying on a few outfits and buying one?

Did these kinds of characters exist among those few lines?!

Oh, and when morning’s event just started, it was nearly night by the time it ended.

I thought it was merely describing that we played all day, but had we genuinely been out shopping for clothes after all?

So this was the nobles’ common sense, huh?

Led by Joy and Phoebe, I walked into a room filled with dozens of female attendants, staring blankly up at a chandelier on the ceiling.

…This is hell.

“How can every outfit look so great? Truly, Young Lady!”

“I knew you were beautiful, but I didn’t expect it to be to this degree. I might feel jealous.”

As an hour passed, I said,

“Joy, what are we going to do? Everything looks good on the Young Lady; I can’t pick just one!”

“Don’t worry, Phoebe. When that happens, just buy them all!”

Three hours later.

“This place isn’t that great. Should we buy this and that?”

“Joy, I saw a place as we were passing by…”

“Oh, that place? Yeah, then let’s go there next…”

Five hours later.

“Phew, what a fulfilling day.”

“I’ll never forget today.”

Only when the sky turned crimson did I escape from the role of a dressing-up doll.

How many outfits had I worn today?

I don’t think even a fashion model would go through this much in a slave contract!

Thinking I’d definitely collapse by the time I returned to the dorms, I was munching on sweets when a troublesome thought suddenly popped into my head.

‘Joy. One thing…’

“Joy, the silly one—didn’t you forget something?”

“Me? What could that be… Oh! I should have asked you to help me pick out my clothes!”

In her joy of dressing me up, Joy had forgotten in her excitement, and she frowned in thought before lifting her head excitedly.

What now? What now? Are you saying you want to go back to the clothing store again?

I’m really exhausted!

If we go back out, I’m going to collapse!

“Lady Alrn. No matter what I ask you today, you must agree, okay?”



“Promise! You’ve got to help me and Phoebe pick out our dresses! If you break your promise, you’ll have to accompany me to look at clothes again!”

…You wicked noble.

Using a blank contract like this to pull crafty tricks.

You little brat! Are you not afraid of the revolution my mace can incite?!

I could spark a revolution in just a day!

“It’s an order! Nod your head quickly!”

– Ding!


Sure, I can promise!

What do you think, you noble henchwoman?!

Still, you claim to be a goddess?!

Just wait! Once the revolution starts!

…Ah. Then my head will be the first to go.

I’m a total troublemaker noble, after all.

Under the threat of penalties, I reluctantly nodded my head, scowling at the satisfactory grin on Joy’s face.

Sigh. Damn. Who knew not having rights would feel this sorrowful?

‘Joy. Where and…’

“Joy, pathetic saint. Tell me where you’ll wear the clothes I pick for you.”

Well, I guess I have to keep my promise.

Having been out of the character customization game for ages, I wasn’t sure how good I’d be at it.

The outfit that would suit Joy best would definitely be eastern-style…

“Of course, I’ll wear it to the academy graduation party. I’ll brag that it’s the outfit chosen by the Young Lady!”

Ah, that? That’s easy. Just head toward the most eye-catching area.

“Oh! Right! You have to promise to wear the outfit I choose too, Young Lady!”

Sure, that’s more than reasonable.

I mean all outfits looked great despite the trouble of trying them on.

…But Joy, what have you bought that’s overflowing? What am I supposed to wear?

Was there something I’d picked? I stopped paying attention halfway and couldn’t remember.

“Did you forget?! How could you! I put so much thought into it! You’re the top student in the first year, so I considered that when picking!”



A stage?

What are you talking about, Joy?!

Wasn’t Arthur always the one giving the speeches in the first year?

Ah. Right! I won against him!

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not work with dark mode